PC Staff Report Autumn Ridge 07-17-2012PC DATE: July 17, 2012 CC DATE: August 13, 2012 REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 2012 -04 -5 BY: AM PROPOSED MOTION: The Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Planned Unit Development — Residential to incorporate the development standards for Autumn Ridge and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is requesting an amendment to the Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) zoning on the property to incorporate the unique development standards for the project as well as referencing the Mixed Density Residential District (R -8) in the zoning ordinance. The City references an underlying standard zoning district to address issues that are not covered within the specific PUD -R zoning of the property. LOCATION: Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2 nd Addition, Autumn Ridge 3` Addition and Common Interest Community Number 25 APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1100 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development — Residential, PUD -R Highway 5 AUTUMN RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PUD C eo�i Co oke , �V jam 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Medium Density (net density 4 -8 units per acre) ACREAGE: 85 acres DENSITY: gross: 1.6; net: 5.6 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUDs and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy - making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Except as modified by the specific Planned Unit Development — Residential ordinance, the property shall comply with the requirements of the City of Chanhassen City Code. Planning Commission Autumn Ridge PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND The City approved a development contract as the regulating document for this development. The final development includes 14 twinhomes [28 units], two 3 -unit townhouses [6 units], seven 4 -unit townhouses [28 units], one 6 -unit townhouse [6 units] and nine 8 -unit townhouses [72 units]. Autumn Ridge — PUD 93 -05 On August 14, 1995, the City Council approved the final plat for Autumn Ridge creating 47 lots for 46 dwelling units south of Coulter Boulevard. The PUD agreement references Mixed Low Density Residential District (R -4). On October 23, 1995, the City Council approved a site plan for a residential medium density development containing one 2 -unit, two 3 -unit two 4 -unit, one 6 -unit and nine 8 -unit townhouses with the preliminary plat for Autumn Ridge 2 Addition subject to final development approval for the PUD. One February 26, 1996, the City Council approved the rezoning of 12.34 acres from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD #93 -5). The final plat was approved for Autumn Ridge 2nd Addition creating 25 lots. The PUD agreement references Mixed Density Residential District (R -8) in addition to the PUD. On September 8, 1997, the City Council approved Autumn Ridge 3` Addition creating 21 lots. Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition replats Autumn Ridge 2 Addition. REZONING The City is requesting to rezone approximately 85 acres to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R) to incorporate the unique development standards and referencing the Mixed Density Residential District (R8). The project consists of 140 units. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20 -501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD in this instance is to allow single family detached housing. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line. Planning Commission Autumn Ridge PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 3 of 4 The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide a full range of housing opportunities. The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types. • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following housing goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • A balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. • A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life - cycle. • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. Staff is proposing the following development standards regulating the development of the property: Autumn Ridge Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for townhomes and twinhomes. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Autumn Ridge PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Mixed Density Residential District (R -8). b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be 14 twinhomes [28 units], 2 three -unit townhouses [6 units], 7 four -unit townhouses [28 units], 1 six -unit townhouse [6 units], and 9 eight -unit townhouses [72 units] and their accessory uses. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks Minimum Lot Size: 2,520 square feet Minimum Lot Width: 30 feet Minimum Lot Depth: 84 feet Planning Commission Autumn Ridge PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 4 of 4 The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setbacks Standards Front Lot Line 0 feet Side Lot Line 0 feet Rear Lot Line 0 feet Project Perimeter 50 feet Hard Surface Coverage 30% * *The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage. A minimum 20 -foot driveway is required. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Autumn Ridge Planned Unit Development ordinance and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Autumn Ridge PUD Ordinance. 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 3. Reduced Copy Plats: Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2 nd Addition, Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition and Common Interest Community Number 25. gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 5 - july 17, 2012 public hearing \autumn ridge\staffreport autumn ridge.docx AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1 . Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property within Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2 nd Addition, Autumn Ridge PAddition, and Common Interest Community Number 25 to Planned Unit Development - Residential. Section 2 . The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: Autumn Ridge Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for townhomes and twinhomes. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Autumn Ridge PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Mixed Density Residential District (R -8). b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be 14 twinhomes [28 units], 2 three -unit townhouses [6 units], 7 four -unit townhouses [28 units], 1 six -unit townhouse [6 units], and 9 eight -unit townhouses [72 units] and their accessory uses. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks Minimum Lot Size: 2,520 square feet Minimum Lot Width: 30 feet Minimum Lot Depth: 84 feet The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setbacks Standards Front Lot Line 0 feet Side Lot Line 0 feet Rear Lot Line 0 feet Project Perimeter 50 feet Hard Surface Coverage 30% * *The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage. A minimum 20 -foot driveway is required. Section 3 . The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2012 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on g: \ \plan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 5 July 17, 2012 public hearing \autumn ridge \pud ord autumn ridge.doc 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of City of Chanhassen to amend the Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2 " Addition, Autumn Ridge 3` Addition and Common Interest Community Number 25 Planned Unit Development — Residential zoning of the property to incorporate minimum standards and reference to the Chanhassen City Code. On July 17, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of City of Chanhassen for rezoning property to Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R). The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development - Residential. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Medium Density use. The legal description of the property is: Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2 "d Addition, Autumn Ridge 3` Addition and Common Interest Community Number 25. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The planning report #2012 -04 -5 dated July 17, 2012, prepared by Ashley Mellgren is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 17` day of July, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION ffiffi Its Chairman 2 Jt 1 IWAL FLAT AUTUMN RIDGE PLATFLENCL. 812&81S N' / .. Sa , 7 N89'32W" W - - _- _ North lim, If the NE 1/4 a the ME 1/4 _1903. GRAPHIC SCALE I SIc11- I., T., ( 116. R9. 23 538.22 3 13 -aea-Or. 1— c.,. I Smith t I h 100 11 STATE TRUN HIGHWAY 5 No. a thSt,' -1 Alt— 842 2 : 27 ., 1 5 935.79 '22 27 Right l E L A s So r —w ET — % \N E L 13 LOT OLjT OUTLOT I A s " 19 i5 4? 1 "!;0`08W7V8 56-C R r 0^28q 7 R =46 356B1 17' SO os fl, 8 442.50 7_ �'C.98 O�LTER BOU ARD 2 DS P. O.00 9 40 T zr 4f LINE OF THE NORTHEAST OMARTER OF SECTON 16. E XCEPTION f �l SO 23 oc� 9 o 1 THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE 22 % 42 ( TRA CT .116. F.23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHICH HAS AN ASSUMED ACT ONE) BEARING OF HOO . ry U 19 4 44 c A, 45 NOTES 1/1 INCH By 18 INCk IRON PIPE —ED T E BY R.L.S. NON 9805, OTJTLO 5 It 46 S ino -R, N11 NO MONUMENT SYMBOL S10- AT ANY STATUTE PEOUIREO LOCATION 4 L N' 12 I.TZ". NOICATES A PLAT MONUMENT 'AT VALL BE SET YiNIN ONE YEA INCH R OF THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT, SAID VONI.ENT "LL BE 1/2 - -0— Z A - I " �/"' bIR So_7 �S�'S�2 N89 "G8 BY 18 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9E08, hM — I - 2-275J4 DRAINAGE AND UTLITY EASEMENT OVER Al OF LOT 47, BLOCK I L —'o DENOTES RIGHT OF ACCESS DEDICATED TO THE STATE 01 MINNESOTA MATCH (S.. Sh.0 3) SlWh I— If the ME 1/4 If the ME 1/4 It S-tiM 16 of hI N 1/2 01 the NW 1 0l Sec. 15 E. G. RUD & SONS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS AV Sheet 2 of 4 Sheet I � I � I y� s I A UT UMN - - - -- -MATCH LINE -- i E - (See Sheet 2) - - -SIWIi Ilse of the HE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Seclicn 16 s -Z _ 1 / 599.9] o^ o N89'28'S9'w vt \e \\ C m "k' --- ' --- �.. ,l (,UTLOT �I I,P S,p -A /� I l \ \9 \O0 * f y I Ea9em < ^t - I Ut �1itY O nd 'WET A N D RIDGE I 6 6 � _ L a]a.08 �I � 89 28'599 W �I' g Cp 10 E . 7 � i 3 I c e 66 - -' At 3 a fie SE corner of the NE 1/a ann ar the NE corns i the SE 1//4 o d or the E 1/4 orner 1 Section 16, Two. H6, R9e 23 County monument (C.I.M.) South line of lAe $E I/a If the NE I/a - - -� � I 589 ]02.0] 0� 1107.74 S89'25'31 "E SW comer of the SE 1/4 of the NE t/4 Fnd. t /2` I.P. Nd- ",, S O em9 YZ ov NW `aw YIAaPt Seo AZ o l �e l �e ZW INr1 ` a ct s <� KY•< / Ina Una o aa ss�s A 9 Aypvp. ,Cn (I �� GRAPHIC SCALE ` I �� SW corner ` ol lhe ` N1 /] It Iha NW 1/4 � f Sac. 15 �.• I I THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 16. T.ItCARVER b. R.23, CAR COUNTY, MINNESOTA MICH HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF 400'28'06'w. vry I 311331 I ` • By 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH SET IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. P.4 N0. 9808. NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE REQUIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT, SAID MONUMENT WILL BE 1/2 INCH b BY IB INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY P.L.S. NO 9808. { I DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER ALL OF LOT 47, BLOCK I I��fr 1 r . i 1 33 I33 1 .._ _ "fi r''.�/ JJ /,• JJ } I f. IL92 9T 60 1 0.42 / ICY • 0,83 Eoal -Wass ONOrter line of 4 wesi ee �!O I Section 15 f f SO JJ A.. JJo I p6 2 i 2 � `�06 ? DETAIL N0. 1 'IBj a No 5 ole )9.88 SO.Ia ,L J ` oro` pp t' / oe co E. G. RUD & SONS, INC. I \bp eo � LAND SURVEYORS Sleet 3 of 4 Sheets A UT UMN, ~Poo F RIDGE 8om \ (DETAIL N0.2 ) b h 15 6.9 8 Nzp.1, 3 m ya No I O � °N n ` Jl 5 22` e JO f o \ o Nro 1 C N �Cy `/�.� � 39 � 3p lg o N!>• 0� > �_ �1• / \ �N� 40- 6? 4 fi h JI 62.660'E ; TSi - SOV2B'O6'C- o Q eh ,m � JJ > g3' Z b N /•� �i" J016 = b 42A';y "� 4 h o o b JJ J1JJ . ° 41 \ Drainage an0 UtAily Eosemenl R V m N221J 98 31. JJ �i ro mry �$� Pa 3 ,a BLOCK / i 1 1 50296'0 7 'E 0 o ^r•, 1\ z ` ry ro h �4Bn s S2s1j1.S NO]']'A 2.66 1h N12: 31.J �44i i 45 eA ry9 'g8, ^ ^^ 6 66 1 3733 3\.33 I ^ °0 Sy. u80r J J i W 33 31.33 1 1 JI.3 62661 f:� aina9e N!)°182gt16 JJ Jr, 3.1 A 31. z 9 - -- // 1 JI JJ A N22y1 ntl 0•E 31. 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I.M 47 t, g- ° n 84.37 aI- 4 n PJ NO2°3 42 / O b ? . 11 ' 0 ZnS > N F °tl` } S B J Fs 4• ^ O 0 yh ry ` 1 rY. a Z P� 'P 1">0 0 •\a > M � 0 01 090 6 3 J J IY ^I� J } 14 J� tiryM1 ' g:mF'AO 260A3 �w , ' ' > iA > = 3;'J 4 P A }} w "Z >bBa OUTLOT ro$ 40 N }�116 S B 1 �� �p AO / 8 4 . 4 `S Ilk m U, ti 3 �Y C O 4 \ 1 • \\ / N \ 1 AO N002B'OB'M 664.15 N 84,M A I NDO°0E- ' e, z .. PLAT RLE NO. 812 & 81 CR DOC. NO. 199517 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 �o� re m' fL SJjb20J6 P O LWw 'W'`y • DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH SET IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808. NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE REWIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET W1]HIN ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDINO OF THIS PLAT, SAID MONUMENT YALL BE 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9608. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER ALL OF LOT 47, BLOCK I E. G. RUD & SONS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS ICI The east III, °I th, NE 1/4 01 S-i- 16, T,. 116. Rqe. 23 _ Sheet 4 of 4 Sheet 232.00 i J• J' k / 2 n P / IYa yA �� / rN� SJjb20J6 P O LWw 'W'`y • DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH SET IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808. NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE REWIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET W1]HIN ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDINO OF THIS PLAT, SAID MONUMENT YALL BE 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9608. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER ALL OF LOT 47, BLOCK I E. G. RUD & SONS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS ICI The east III, °I th, NE 1/4 01 S-i- 16, T,. 116. Rqe. 23 _ Sheet 4 of 4 Sheet AUTUMN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION L — — N. N e";gupr \y /aP yv ` /y a 8 �1 / \ J m� a g THE ORIENTATION OF MIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT A. AUTUMN RIDGE. CARVER COUNTY. MN. WHICH HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF S20A58'30N. GRAPHIC SCALE . IN. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: BEING 25 FEET IN WON AND ADJOINING LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOW ON ME PLAT. I � I I • DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH FOUND IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808, NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE MOUIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF NE RECORDING OF NIS PLAT. SAID MONUMENT WILL BE 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808. E. G. R UD & SONS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS -Wkh AW ;ghl or ncae. DENOTES RIGHT OF ACCESS DEDICATED TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. F L 1� /� L �.. F re •w n OF du �',' � `� iEa�m1 - � _ _ r .r \ \ �8 •F � L _• 1 y Uttl11 � s �NTMI a rc5 � \'/ \ r4 ?' s�so� °m 8 °600.00 L �l.::i �/ \..�\i \ \ \ \• ,_ � \ _ \ e";gupr \y /aP yv ` /y a 8 �1 / \ J m� a g THE ORIENTATION OF MIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT A. AUTUMN RIDGE. CARVER COUNTY. MN. WHICH HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF S20A58'30N. GRAPHIC SCALE . IN. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: BEING 25 FEET IN WON AND ADJOINING LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOW ON ME PLAT. I � I I • DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH FOUND IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808, NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE MOUIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF NE RECORDING OF NIS PLAT. SAID MONUMENT WILL BE 1/2 INCH BY 18 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 9808. E. G. R UD & SONS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS -Wkh AW ;ghl or ncae. DENOTES RIGHT OF ACCESS DEDICATED TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 'JI-HUTAL PLAT AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION ----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -, ------------------------------------------------- .,haat 9 nf 9 !�',h PPfC T A Tf TL)I In III 1 /ll IIAI A \/ — __________ R A N84'22'2]'µ 9]5.]9 � mz9 n , g B� as �________________ 21 ck a ` C -� 4 \ ` - x -- -- - - - 20 1 1 °' 11 1Q � 9 8 i C - -- - - -" p I I 13 12 A > \'--------- - -r� 1 _ IT 1 R I .. j u v �--- H s \ - - -, WL_ .` r: �`\ i —� GRAPHIC SCALE a' • r -- --- Q Aez ' zpza 32.95 18 a - �. A __ = a< _______ o p ___________"1 /`- ,m.`^P 33Za6 p r__14 n ° tzr•�. A `\ 4 -- -_ � � 1/ I �d aan )Im 192.44 � l � I ______- I I I' rte__ L I I I r I I 1 /O ' °" p �'- ~ d �r �_ -�•— l � � � • Denotes 1/2 loco b to Incn +aloe o-m Dlpe. -- - - - - -� No mmu snb at any statute r gOlred Indkatamml Ol -- plot --t that w1A be ut Ysr , — A I e . m+ _ - � C� wn m yapr of tha reding ia plot Sold =mt III ns 1 aa /2 N br ch by 16 of th ln,h pipe ' 1 1 marked by R.L.S. 0 S. No. 81. 3 1 �ryN Bg I HR A —� L ll�l ins north IN. of AUGUMN RIDGE 2ND ADDIpON le Rsaumed to bear N 842227 W. w10 jp — A / DRAINAGE MD UpLltt EASEMENTS SHDKN THUS: T o . - - - --h R> 76 ° SJ9 I � ` —` l ' - -/ —`— - 1 - -_� /D0� >A• � �'� ^ I Being 25 feet N wldth and adjoining let Ilnee nleaa othcrwlea aM1Own m the plat. TT, `y Q = 162 " °%'— 7 -- I� I I 1 28 1 25 L___________________ ___J �. J - _ — 25 E__ ,I 25 ' A' ITi BRANDT ENGINEERING & SUI .,haat 9 nf 9 !�',h PPfC OFFICIAL PLAT CIC NUMBER 25 PLAT FILE N0. C.R. DOG. N0.2256 c condominium T r AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION I \ VI Vi f II / \I 'IA/ A \/ ' - - -__ -1 I A DITIPN L EAL; �STAT 3Gf pSNfE / 32.95 rn j East t 1 92.44 j 580'.5 '28 "E `� / ` C ? \ \ - - -- - - -- - C_J � ^h �� / h�•�� `C `Z n ya ' h'? ('/� GRAPHIC SCALE i lv �� c _ o°o V) ------------ J < .k 1 �� KaJ - J._1_ /`� l ✓ ti _ �� /r� the north I- of AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD AOOIRON ie oa —d J 00 \ / V to Oear N 8482']]" W. - - - - -- IVg6.4$'46 E / %���\ \ 'J • D�otee von monument fu,na ' I > R 0 \ 4 1 / ` All D— ge ona Utility E9eemente shown were aeaicetea in : 14 286 /26•� .fy \ `� / the plat of AUTUMN RIDGE 3R0 AODIDON. 16 '22'12" \�\ X0 ?6. ��' BENCHMARK: R 50o \nl 11 T� _)L I �' -I \ / Avenue 231 5�feet l eorlherly of t ine canleNlne e ol Ceuta, \� .I \ 3--d. El- - 969.46 feel (NGW 1929) ry 61. .66 Jo.w < % r\ IV SITE PLAN BRANDT ENGINEERING & SUR\ 1600 West 143rd Street, Suitt 'Z .-+ ') r,f A CI-, -- +, OFFICIAL PLAT Sheet 2 nf 4 ShpPts C I C NUMBER 25 FILE NO. 692 C.R. DOC. NO. 2 C.R. a condominium ATr 1 IA AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION �IVrlvv, -, , Ne4 o•57 ""' iV�. `I 1ST SUPPLEMENTAL I� - '---- *6 — --- - - - - -- - z --__ -- u7 ;Bld Bid ul g I - - - -_ , A DITIPN L EAL; FSTAT s \ \ I� \ Bld a Harvest W 32.95 East ` \ `��`L / / r ode <> —r S809244 36'28'f ------------ l `r \� ) __ N }0 }O. / O S q, ae• / gf0 >ll ,lr i GRAPHIC SCALE �-A NJ g ] 0 II J C % 10 Do north lint of AUTUMN RIDa 3RD ADDITDN is oa —d \ �p J� , y y to hear N 84 W. — _ - - -_ -- N48454fi•ff / ? i \ � J ro • Devotee — monument f— = 142,86 R 0, � Y00 Op All D,,N,ge 9ntl Utility Eoeemen is shown were tledi -tetl in the plot of AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION. ' / `� BENGHMAM _ 500. / n ` 1 l._ 1 v `' Top ,ul / hYdront on lM1e ea (erly sitle of Aulumn Rid, ` SHEETS ) Ammo. 231.5 feet nc - ly of the <mtedme of Conker V SHEET 3 8au1 —. El- - 969.46 lest (N— 1929) IV SITE P BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING A N 1600 West 143rd Street, Suite 206 Burnsville, MN 55306 (612) 435 -1966 Sheet 2 nf 4 ShpPts OFFICIAL PLAT Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets CIC NUMBER 25 PLAT FILE N0 94 C.R. DOG. NO. a22985s 9 T A �� a condominium - r r- AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION vv I n I/ 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL I I £ 1 1 -_4, 7 i i j A DITIPN L EAL; �STAT ) \ ; 2 I I zj / I 32.95 C / East I 1 92.49 - 580'66'28 "E ___ ^______ /'I :r / ! ' ` / 0 A�, 4. /� • b / �. ' c ` n; r L ----------------- - 80� m AODITIONA AL ES TAY$ r J C J 7y •��\\` /-/\ i _ <> \\ �� /��� /h7 � j> % GRAPHIC SCALE C ro I / ro/ v R. 9 s y J a r\ / / �h'� �r1 The north line of AUTUMN RIDGE RD ADDITION is oaaumed w hp to Dear N 6482'27" W. Z `� J/ �'/ ___ _ - - - - -- / {y r' • omotm ron monument Iwna All Drainage and Utility E9aemente anown were detl ted in — I a "� the plot of AUTUMN RIDGE RD ADDITION. �\ 6 " 2 p 1 '12" `�\ �.'` .w A ^CC> / \ BENCHMARK 60p, 1 -t ! �- : AA­.. 2 f h 5 lest n thi, of the ild. ina a( Co Rid )�J } r / Top not of 1— m the ea th, olds of Autumn Ritl9e / U B.1l d. De - 969.46 feel (NCV 1929) SITE PLAN v BRANDT ENGINEERING d SURVEYING 1600 West 143rd Street, Suite 206 Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets ShPPt 2 of 4 ShPPts W*- ,rJWFA. PLAT CIC NUMBER 25 PLAT FILE N0. 9216913 C.R. DOC. N0. 111899 �T -r r' �� a condominium - �- II /,I IIA/ " � AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION - ------- - ---- - t� , ,' nl�� _ N84 '22'27 "y/ I V U �A 3RD SUPPLEMENTAL --- r --- - - -- - �_" i A DITION L EAL ESTAT s �` \ -- 'Opov I East `�,��— 88058 "E Y j I `f � 6 S l 1 /��� 5 p 635 S9S I ( L------ !`'--- " - -- -J .elm - J 7 J �// a �\ I �� �/ V/ �h (J GRAPHIC SCALE �e.rv c\ / me norm nns of AUTUMN RIDGE NO ADOMW I. \ eee�mea I re \� � / J — % / 11 to hear N 94'22'27' W. Z n'J _ — - __ —____ i / / C • Denole. bon monument found 9e6 t Ri U e aE--, DroNage onE Utility Ee shown —I—Id In � p > — 21 R' 5 00.00 U w � v me plat of AUTUMN RIDGE NO ADDMON. \`\ \�� �7 / BENCHMARIt: Ar_N 1 \ iop nul of h ton me eaeterl 1B Awn y°`0" r ems of A-- l th, o1 Coulter `46 rl f eet = E__ d Elev 969 (NGVDe1929)e I / S T PLAN BRAND T SURVEYIN 76011 W ShPPt 2 of 4 ShPPts vrri T A T r T I I \VI VI c R 'ooct N0. 3 1/ 6 137 CIC NUMBER 25 fe a condominium AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION 4TH SUPPLEMENTAL C. C, G - - - - -- r � , t ` r i � ) n A T I 29 $p 'East /d`: 6 / ..00900 Ja e�, Nc 3 \ooPoPO• \` / �`� 1 ` o;vn �J SJ 7 I I , 1 dMS SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE I Nob . 60 tt The north line of AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION ie ­.­4 to bear N 8612'27 W, • D—tea on —­t I— AR Drelne9e end —111 Eeaem — shown were dadiceled M tM dKit of AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION, BENCHMARK: Top nut of hydrenl on the eeeterly aide I —1— Rid,. Avenue 231.3 feat n Iherly of Ue nlerllne of Coulter Boulevortl, E- . 969.a6 leel (NCVD 1929) Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets OFFICIAL PLAT 1600 West 143rd Street, Suite 20 Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets CIC NUMBER 25 CR. DOCL N0: ' 2 51901 1 � - c c condominium `- L) I\ II,, AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION T ------ - - - - - 87.16 5TH SUPPLEMENTAL t � r -- ------ NG I I V V I I � i � - 1 42 37 38 v ;A I ? 4 1 aa�aa� I E 74. t S80 'S6'Z8 " 6 , J J 7 ------- - --- --J 7 r---- - f �� m GRAPHIC SCALE m oo / Tha o oat .f h line AUNNN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION le 1aa — to bear N 84'12'27' W. ____- - - - - -- / / ( ( / Z 4 a 762.86 '2 ` \`\ / ` th. plot of AM- RIDGE 3RD ADDITION. \\ I ] B L \ I \ \ J r Avenue 1 feat northerly .I the cent lne of Cwlter Soul—d. Elev _ 969.46 feel (NGV) 1929) SITE PLAN \ ` J l^ �/ BRANDY ENGINEERING & SURVEYII Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets DIAL FLAT •-. T A T r _ - - _ N84'22'27 -W 437.80 I L ° 51 49 3 � ia • 9, I I:i I O AI�LTI A An I - )In /�f� y'nV I CJi V-ILV _i \IV \7l_ pp::����• j S80 55' I J / I - - - -- o � rl I I I ' —> C� I G C� I + ae ----------------- I - � o N n I ry I zQJ SITE PLAN �' 11 /ll IIA/ A \/ rl lvrlvv, - I vU CIC NUMBER 25 t "L. tks N0. 253196 a condominium AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION SUPPLEMENTAL i I - -- __ __ — _____ �I' vVIVIL- � Imo) h' \ I \ 52 423 / / G V 82.93 \ / J J / Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets r � - - - -- �,- - - - - -- o � GRAPHIC SCALE C V I �� ^ V� _IVIL.I _1_ R1 i t. -r IVIL- north Ilne of AUN- RIDGE 3RD ADDITION le enex — to M1eor N 81'22'27' W. • Denolq Iron --t found 742 88 Q ' IB / 1 All DraNe qa and - RI GE MID 014. were —1-4 d In lM1e plot of AM- RI JRO ADDITION. R 500.0012' ` RENC NNARK: nut of 5fllt on the y aR l th, Bide of Au tvmn IW e't of Ceultar \ 8 BoulewN Elev 989.A8 (NGVD t929)e 7 0 1 Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets vrriLAAL � A T - I I L - G� L — r r_ -,) v \ r71vf 1 \ V n V ( / A \ \ I r nln I \4 U CIC NUMBER 25 �:R: oo� NO 2SS804 c condominium AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION 7TH SUPPLEMENTAL — — a se 01 844 -� 28 E /q I I �,J LJ --- - - ;-- --_—_�� — -�- -- - -r--i I I — � 1 I v \ } r r_ -,) v \ r71vf 1 \ V n V ( / A \ \ I r nln I \4 U CIC NUMBER 25 �:R: oo� NO 2SS804 c condominium AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION 7TH SUPPLEMENTAL — — a / // 70 72 74 V 4 SHEE i 89 1 73',75 / L___ _ f- A�\�1•T -------- LJ --- - - ;-- --_—_�� — -�- -- - -r--i 1 I v \ } / L < 14 286 16 2 2 . 12" `��� C uHlrstmRUe Z � \ l R = 5 00.00 `l'I / �1JT vllll .�L_IVIL_I / / / // 70 72 74 V 4 SHEE i 89 1 73',75 / L___ _ f- A�\�1•T GRAPHIC SCALE (w l81R 1 t bwn - eo n The n- line of AM- RIDGE 3RD AD-0. I. e--d to bear N 84'22'27' W. • Dahl$ — moh°meht bond All DreNe0 a and Ullity Eo.. —shown were eedi, -d In the plat I AM- RIDGE 3RD ADDITON. BENCHMARK: inp hit of n o° the eemed eme of Autumn Ridpe Avenue 231.5 lest northerly of lne centerline It coulter Boulevord. Elev 969.46 feel (NM 1929) SITE PLAN Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets P / L < 14 286 16 2 2 . 12" `��� C uHlrstmRUe Z � \ l R = 5 00.00 `l'I / �1JT vllll .�L_IVIL_I / / GRAPHIC SCALE (w l81R 1 t bwn - eo n The n- line of AM- RIDGE 3RD AD-0. I. e--d to bear N 84'22'27' W. • Dahl$ — moh°meht bond All DreNe0 a and Ullity Eo.. —shown were eedi, -d In the plat I AM- RIDGE 3RD ADDITON. BENCHMARK: inp hit of n o° the eemed eme of Autumn Ridpe Avenue 231.5 lest northerly of lne centerline It coulter Boulevord. Elev 969.46 feel (NM 1929) SITE PLAN Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets OFFICIAL FLAB' CIC NUMBER 25 j 580369 _ ) I 1 — ' Cj 1 - I -- --- - -r .) I I I a condominium A ,- r_- - N84. 4005.12 ly I\ r r i AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION 5.12 r i 78180 8 iEp V V / - 1 I N I /-\ r- 8TH SUPPLEMENTAL _D \9O ----- -- ` J Sufi -� J _ I I I 1 -- - - - - -- - - - - - 2 -< -- I _� '1 j 580369 _ ) I 1 — ' Cj 1 - I -- --- - -r .) I I I I / JR J i 78180 8 iEp 4 s „n) A 77 j 79 _D r, �J G � L l / L____ ___ ____ _ _ __ �^ / / L ^ ^, ! I / i 78180 8 iEp 4 s „n) A 77 j 79 \� c IT GRAPHIC SCALE the north line of AMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITDN le a--d to boar N 6422'27' X • Denotes iron mmument found NI DI°Inoge and Utility Eaeemente aNarm rere aedicoled N the plat of AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDIIIDN. BENCHMARK: Top not I hydrant on the • terly 'Id. of Autumn Rldge Aw ' 231.5 feel no "'y't the cant1r11ne of Cwltar fiou—ld. V,e - 969.16 feet (NM 1929) SITE PLAN -1' Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets OFFICIAL PL;A CIC NUMBER 25 CR DOC NO. 2604;7 � rl, I 3 ^ 871 as R8 II rr s2 6 Sire s� : - -r �/ I - - — I i -j t 181 r j S80 '56'28 "E `C C4 SITE PLAN \ GRAPHIC SCALE (p)sT7 The north Imo of AUTUMN RIDGE MD ADDITION ie ...omed I. E..r N 8012'27' W, • Denot.. Iron monument fund All Dr.ln.9e and Utility E.—t. h— war. d.dlo.ted In M. plat of AMMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION. BENCHMARK: Top nu[ of hydront on the ...Wy W. of Autumn RW, A-- 231.5 loot narthedy of the unt—, of Coulter 8--ld. El., . 969.x6 feet (NGWI 1929) Sheet 2 of 6 Sheets c condominium A rr :_ I II �lJn�r N8 405 12 ,W \ I ni \I I n \� r \ 71' I V ^ V / —\ f\ AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION l / ( I /1 9TH SUPPLEMENTAL - y __— ___ - -_ SEE _ Zoe SlEBpI I> . ^ OETad, IBSB 1 34 / 8'r N:o EET I a / r - - - - f �I_ > DE 6 EfiS $3 ( E'snE di 881 34 1 8 � rl, I 3 ^ 871 as R8 II rr s2 6 Sire s� : - -r �/ I - - — I i -j t 181 r j S80 '56'28 "E `C C4 SITE PLAN \ GRAPHIC SCALE (p)sT7 The north Imo of AUTUMN RIDGE MD ADDITION ie ...omed I. E..r N 8012'27' W, • Denot.. Iron monument fund All Dr.ln.9e and Utility E.—t. h— war. d.dlo.ted In M. plat of AMMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION. BENCHMARK: Top nu[ of hydront on the ...Wy W. of Autumn RW, A-- 231.5 loot narthedy of the unt—, of Coulter 8--ld. El., . 969.x6 feet (NGWI 1929) Sheet 2 of 6 Sheets