PC Staff Report Springfield & Summerfield 07-17-2012PC DATE: July 17, 2012 CC DATE: August 13, 2012 REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 2012 -04 -5 BY: REG I � 'I PROPOSED MOTION: The Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Planned Unit Development — Residential to incorporate the development standards for Springfield and Summerfield and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is requesting an amendment to the Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) zoning on the property to incorporate the unique development standards for the project as well as referencing the Single - Family Residential District (RSF) in the zoning ordinance. The City references an underlying standard zoning district to address issues that are not covered within the specific PUD -R zoning of the property. LOCATION: Southeast corner of Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1100 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: 85 acres DENSITY: gross: 1.43 units per acre. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUDs and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Except as modified by the specific Planned Unit Development — Residential ordinance, the property shall comply with the requirements of the City of Chanhassen City Code. Planning Commission Springfield and Summerfield PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND The City approved a development contract as the regulating document for this development. The final development includes 122 single - family detached homes. SPRINGFIELD AND SUMMERFIELD, #93 -6 PUD and #2000 -3 PUD On December 13, 1993, the City Council approved the preliminary plat for the Rogers/Dolej si property ( #93 -6 PUD) for 135 lots on 80.8 acres located south of Lyman Boulevard and east of Highway 101. May 12, 1997, Create 26 lots and six outlots and associated right -of -way for Springfield 1St Addition and the second reading of the rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development Residential, PUD -R. March 23, 1998, create 23 Lots and 10 Outlots for Springfield Second Addition. March 23, 1998, Springfield 3 rd Addition create 19 lots, one outlot. August 24, 1998, Springfield 4 Addition creates 10 lots. January 25, 1999, Springfield 5th Addition creates 38 lots, four outlots. March 22, 1999, Springfield 6th Addition creates 3 lots. August 23, 1999, Springfield 7 Addition creates 16 lots. October 23, 2000, Summerfield 2 nd Addition, Subdivision #2000 -3 PUD, creates ten lots. REZONING The City is requesting to rezone approximately 85 acres to PUD -R, Planned Unit Development - Residential incorporate the unique development standards and referencing the Single- Family Residential District, RSF. The project consists of 122 single - family units. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20 -501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD in this instance is to allow single - family homes on smaller lots. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development. Planning Commission Springfield and Summerfield PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 3 of 4 The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line. • The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide a full range of housing opportunities. • The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types. • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following housing goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • A balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. • A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life - cycle. • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while , striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. Staff is proposing the following development standards regulating the development of the property: Springfield and Summerfield Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for single - family detached residential units. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Springfield and Summerfield PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single Family Residential District (RSF). b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single - family detached units and their accessory uses. Lots 3 and 6, Block 1 and Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Summerfield 2 nd Addition are limited to a two -car garage. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks: Planning Commission Springfield and Summerfield PUD Amendment and Rezoning July 17, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Springfield Additions Standards Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 11,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width at Building Setback Line 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet Setbacks: PUD perimeter 30 feet Front lot line 30 feet Side lot line 10 feet Rear lot line 30 feet Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 50 feet Hard Surface Coverage: 25% within Shoreland District 30% all others Summerfield Addition Standards Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 11,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width at Building Setback Line 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet Setbacks: Front lot line 30 feet Lyman Boulevard 50 feet Side lot line 10 feet Rear lot line 30 feet Hard Surface Coverage: 25% Maximum Building Height: 3 stories and 40 feet RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Springfield and Summerfield Planned Unit Development ordinance and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Springfield and Summerfield PUD Ordinance. 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 3. Reduced Copy Plat: Springfield 1 St Addition, Springfield 2 nd Addition, Springfield 3 rd Addition, Springfield 4 Addition, Springfield 5 Addition, Springfield 6 Addition, Springfield 7 Addition, and Summerfield 2 nd Addition. gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 5 - july 17, 2012 public hearing \springfield\staff report springfield and summerfield.doc AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1 . Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property within Springfield 1 St Addition, Springfield 2 " Addition, Springfield 3` Addition, Springfield 4`" Addition, Springfield 5 Addition, Springfield 6 Addition, Springfield 7 Addition, and Summerfield 2 " Addition to Planned Unit Development - Residential. Section 2 . The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: Springfield and Summerfield Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for single - family detached residential units. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Springfield and Summerfield PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single Family Residential District (RSF). b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single- family detached units and their accessory uses. Lots 3 and 6, Block 1 and Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Summerfield 2 "d Addition are limited to a two -car garage. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Springfield Additions Standards Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 11,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width at Building Setback Line 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet Setbacks: PUD perimeter 30 feet Front lot line 30 feet Side lot line 10 feet Springfield Additions Standards Rear lot line 30 feet Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 50 feet Hard Surface Coverage: 25% within Shoreland District 30% all others Summerfield Addition Standards Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 11,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width at Building Setback Line 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet Setbacks: Front lot line 30 feet Lyman Boulevard 50 feet Side lot line 10 feet Rear lot line 30 feet Hard Surface Coverage: 25% Maximum Building Height: 3 stories and 40 feet Section 3 . The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2012 by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 5 — july 17, 2012 public hearing \springfield \pud ordinance springfield.doc N CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of City of Chanhassen to rezone the Springfield 1 St Addition, Springfield 2nd Addition, Springfield 3 d Addition, Springfield 4th Addition, Springfield 5 th Addition, Springfield 6 Addition, Springfield 7 th Addition, and Summerfield 2 nd Addition Planned Unit Development — Residential zoning of the property to incorporate minimum standards and reference to the Chanhassen City Code. On July 17, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of City of Chanhassen for rezoning property to Planned Unit Development - Residential. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development - Residential. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Springfield 1 St Addition, Springfield 2 n Addition, Springfield 3rd Addition, Springfield 4 Addition, Springfield 5 th Addition, Springfield 6th Addition, Springfield 7 th Addition, and Summerfield 2 nd Addition. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The planning report #2012 -04 -5 dated July 17, 2012, prepared by Robert Generous is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 17 day of July, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION I." Its Chairman 2 SPRINGFIELD 1ST ADDITION 1327.33 714,51 ; fl ' N89 E l/. -- N — 24. T. I _ Cj$. " 23, NO ,277t 5'54-E , . DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORM LINE OF GOVER NMENT LOT 3 —CI-I IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF WEST. DETAI I A NO SCALE 7 84. 7=w (�o M UNE W 1/2 W S� I^ bF sac But n, I 2 x GRAPHIC SCALE U DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 67( NaoW EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: E X C E 1327.33 714,51 ; fl ' N89 E l/. -- N — 24. T. I _ Cj$. " 23, NO ,277t 5'54-E , . DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORM LINE OF GOVER NMENT LOT 3 —CI-I IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF WEST. DETAI I A NO SCALE 7 84. 7=w GRAPHIC SCALE U DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: $ t —4 714.51 l W34!Q�* I SECTION 24, MP. 116, RGE. 23 ,.mg 5 fW I, idth. — dITM,Ig Mid, th.t 111 . 111, eel a nd U0QtTIMMAP IbI Ith—Is, ..d b f '242�21�n I M. T." 1.. N 120 1 G I'll' 9 It,- N*' in ' one I I... — '..' lot '_ ! ± !lli 0111 b, 1/2 (612) S 661 -161{ -1914 FAX-.Wl—"W I.di-Fd pl.t. iI,, . 14 i-h r,,I --t, —�,d by 11--b,, 19828. (612) 7&3-1660 FA%:783--I663 '1 J 3 >.,__� y,, —_awe z', -- -- 1 g / i% < 9 n SUER MMF 1 ELD N "�'� 1 DV ^`. C� C� w , ae \ N �,, , ,a �� " n DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: xo 1 S q g I _ 7 5 i � is iii i° � di la; ��n �sE°E �`,..,, ,,,,'� \° .� � \�'.�,, N e,'>b e•E e 0 0 SI Z I Echo 5 f.et In eldth, and adjoining aide I 1 I I 0 ee4Po�h 'b.`��.vq g \ "t la Imav onleaa emef.l,e Indmeted. ona 1 L_ seesi & 1� �\ IG f.et In width and d.W,q.Ir.et a „ OUTLOT C 2 oma on ue at.a anl.ve otns.iu -" 3J5.01 I i/ / � r � y . � nq,d• °ro k ph n'� . YF OUTLOT E 10 L ` v ro erSre 1 DBAmTMCE m uro tDlala o^aaMired — locallan, indicotee xa I wil De el Dnd ASEMENT ;.._ ( 11 / / -\ \ , a1 hkD anal . in DIO9. m o< t.ewe t 199 SaInch id D m v Inch x to o mmta coal Da 1/2 � \ \ / r irm mle arked m b lic— nxme« 19828. m s d a -- 12 1 x , a . DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OT WEST. Ir 1 ` rxo�E O GRAPHIC SCALE p�eE l N (IN eDaT )1» W «••R' (61 e -1 94 AX. FlONYN 1 (61 2) WI-1914 FA%:011 -9a1B Y� ** K 0 uo xra+t. urn rwvn 6 3aN N lIM SS.J� • • (612) 767 -188D FAx m -1813 SHEET 3 OF 3 Ut i r— IAL. 1 / SPRINGFIELD I ST ADDITION R DETAIL B R.T. Doc. No. — — — _ _ _ . ... 2 .. .. R ,. — — — __ SPRINGFIELD 2ND ADDITION mE aw 1/4 (CKxEI1 T COUx a tY R c m DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Plot m eel chat b < . 0 l °, below y f o : fie OUTLOT A ^'�'• v�v I %; mo ron x 14 inch ino mm is marked I— y lice— number 19826. OF mE N 1/x or ME SW 1/. OF SEC, 3e.• II -- _-- 1_ -_ -1 L____L____- 482.05 .a N89'20'S8'W KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Thal Lundgren Bros. Ceemuclion, Inc., o Mlnneeola cmDOwtlon, 4 5823818w,N A � fee owner of the Willing described I cDwly eituoted In the County of Cc— Stole of Mlnnseto, to It OUTLO7 SOOR5'o0•E _'. 7119.07 y .x5xa' 0 p1 /fin h Outlet G and allot E, SP HNGFICID 1ST ADDITION coil to m. recorded plat th.r..n Cc,,s, County, Mhnese N ,0 11 4ks # eerd0 Nn aww d U• • la a yea an0 Dlall•d bs SPRINGFIELD . VD Abb". ed dw• hereby dmak wd deiwle to fi a aT.3 5 P R ml• Is, me plmlk fm Walk un Mew In• dMw and court or. d.tliwln III. •o•wnew oe Men an l fm troln and u1nRy Nwwn INY•ayy Si I w \ \ I `: O \ \ m w eoy d el A ,QALf6__� Ia )y NMnola e—t. nw wu<ea new pewnb to oe xq..ad DY ne n m I `'\ \�» ,, OUTLOT J s ere. can. k,. w. �'�T,:LdG� •< i' \ =° � —� 3 Br: Ik ✓'<L A'nA<4 wf '. i 5 � \ ` \ '�x 4 lE a 4NNESOTA iouxtt OF �nAAanlu The IwegeNq h•Wm Al ww a e d Define m. u;. '" day of �JO�ut YNnw. by K• '� ., n: y PL y. of Lundgren Bro.. ca,etrvcuon. nc.. a w cmpmmkn, en b.npr f mpmoue. I \, f:1'b ark \ \ 5 N y \ \ Y, (/ D — 1 3 vnm E h sEM ex f if I 1 l 01M0 It NpdIM1 ' 0 •DawnL;lDd.een $$ I c 'r7YS \ \ ,n {', ,YY� - ` • `� �•�r..� r Gm,m"i•elm, wen d IM •'? \— I ET SEE SHI NS I .—y I mat Ink .n wrny end aalted —111 d— m, the pill ae SPRINGFIEIA 2ND P lot b e ami rro e r«.nta;kn rn; of an aietcncn are canwBY n.wn d m. plot h 1 t d rodiM of o loot; 1 0 m t waI Da care lIY Plocea h tM1. rwnd oe k u al anlgnete: t me 1 - 8�a ° _ ". _ • ' _?� _ -c ✓- �!df`• N "- wtelda the. n am. m et and aeN Mao N MhnI Y e a Stnle lOn 50 m pu01k high D. E.•I9 - till otnm I N89'55'04 . 57700 IM z - ' za 0L171.O7 rm.a WAOT • I I mm1 w own. m R f „ n ssb� E 7 9 - w V I.R hnee <�'.. we. -2. I I od a OUTLOT F Y . -< '.... I E STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF NETINEPIN me Igegehq Mewment ww ap,noneaged before me mk Z' M day of MwrYM fll• KWNDt slt Ln•r• K (4et.1 1 . •YeNVirn Publlc o Coun.� ty, umy uy �wY; /. j l. Labb WANHASSEN, MINNESOTA mk plat of SPRINGFIELD WD ADOIFGN woe approve ana eDted by the C:Ir Cwncs of Ine Clly of Chehaee•,. 11 —eeta at a FeBuler mntinq hpe thle do, of MA"Ail 19 qB . ana e F cempllonce — the —re— of M —ii SbWts.. Setkn 505.03. Sub„. z. A men meets wit be wt .s ePecinea by me CITY Col,rd ed w stated a this plet acmdo, to —le SlMI, 505.03. 5 60.1. CITY GOIINOL OF TIDE GITY OF — ASSEN, MINNESOTA BY: .scg-�, CIwY Oo— w--. — G.xntr. Mhne.ete Pkr.uonl m wk Goopter 395. rm Uses w s .f 1971. plot hce bwon ire u L� ally of 1\ 9�c _ Sel,n E F.eem . cerw cwnt wrn Gacutt AUDITOR, — —fl uhn..oto f Ill y ell. 194P d e..mw.d .here . F.1 voo.le, s ab. Dot lint. }p-- de, .f �`, � io BY: M n �� Cwnt�y cawTY muwRER, r4rw coam Mhne..t. her eby c«Nfy tot the to ls,ebl. Ill the edon mill 1 as $PRINGIIEID 2ND ADOIDON hell been pub M1l. =;..? D F 18 � . D F GLd la., 6 rrlD D. DohIM., nt�u y Trwrww COUNTY "IDOO" ER. Cm,er O.I.Y. Mhn•wle � atlfy In mk 11 *1 1 SPRNI EID 3ND AODIDCN finis ,]dH Ooy al ,>�rr� No Cm1 J'., lull Y Rec REGISTRAR a nnGS. cmx.. cdnt Mn..wm } tlly mot mis plot .r SPRINCFIFTD 2ND ADDIBON .w Ne . 7nN ally or , La�, t9 el _gam w Deemer N / 5h Br: (fin wii�1 ..6 f Con y. R .1 m I Tit e. /j&"d, n ' F i E 1. v C BEST 335.01 bg 7 OUTLOT D 241.25 = F q; N8935'04'E >a 8 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 loch m �I $ -- -�� --- =I SECTION 24, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 LOCAION�MAP F cpI 1 (—R —11 1.1 e) ` DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Plot m eel chat b < . 0 l °, below y f o : fie OUTLOT A I mo ron x 14 inch ino mm is marked I— y lice— number 19826. rxs° II -- _-- 1_ -_ -1 L____L____- uyy io• 7 s ^Q B being 5 1<e1 in widlh, and odjoininq side lot Illes indicted, A � 1591 OUTLO7 SOOR5'o0•E _'. 7119.07 old reai lot Imes unless olhmwiae ,ndate .n a pill. /fin h 34037 (612) sat-1914 FAX 601 -9488 4ks # eerd0 ,r wv.me. ,.,ere.mwen - -'V""15.00 - 16.00 .- a aT.3 2 o N89 707.03 N LDg 20 0 No moll eel .ymbol s n al .n statute - Is—ced - an indic—S oc'Ill DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Plot m eel chat b < . 0 l °, below y EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: m<� o hn lce t9s1 Slid —r-1 le 1h.11 be 1/2 1 y J II I mo ron x 14 inch ino mm is marked I— y lice— number 19826. II -- _-- 1_ -_ -1 L____L____- . DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. being 5 1<e1 in widlh, and odjoininq side lot Illes indicted, unless 01h_ise Pnd IO I'll in width and adpininq slr<cl old reai lot Imes unless olhmwiae ,ndate .n a pill. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NEST LINE OF OUTLOT E. SPRINGFIELD 1ST ADDITION MIGH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF S00'IS'37'E. * PIOWY (612) sat-1914 FAX 601 -9488 4ks # eerd0 ,r wv.me. ,.,ere.mwen a on N uw SSy� (612) 763 -1660 FAX783-1663 SPRINGFIELD 2ND ADDITION INSET R. . Doc. No.' x.2'.6YC SnSY, o'C ---- - - - - -- — '> �. i wi i 5 OUTLOT J 7n ( qo , D �Da•D., :• ` \ a �> "a°. y it or% ��8 �'�• N., '17 --- ' x �8 , '`� soM.,<�Ia n.. <JJ . r / CP'P4 , fi �--- _ - DRAINAGE AND UTILITY / �< ____�•___�,' sb'.�y (a 8 EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS. SECTION 24. Trip. 116. RGE. 23 I I �/ °^� IL p .ye9£` 3 0 -: 88 , / so.<o•:N ° Loc wnorMAV .— ON 2 mil x no ,02. a, i 7 i / °i OUTLOT D 8 --- -1 - - -- - -L - - -- o i fining DRIVE .,�, •sae ,`� i 8 \� ,:wig,. i z io Ndn i ti I<s oinn:i.< \•i�`� � °•- - - - - ' I ,4 „>;� ~// - o — � W —_�;� °�.,'� a �� 4 - , Jodi o d o Wol. ns� , e2p \ '4%' e^ R ' GREE \E j � "�d'”` - -- - m--- � `�bo ie �s•i_� -- -- r B k• .a -" - 5p0ryEO �•�, r ^ -'gi:e s / I o. h� � � •+r. R � °•j — ° w ' ii g J '? x,. - .so r S - -,'Ooo I I ° •p / \ VE ? °, - -- oe', fe• l ioae� ^I F-a 1£cs I / 6 .m/ a �- ° RI I •° I I ^ " 1 N -2. - / / ?/ / `. ;\ ' .1 _ NK I' 1 a• �p W - I . fie 7 / / ,;, ' � � `'� I I x I I: 1 1 :, U' '° 9 �\�' ' Y 3 Wi I '2 I Is � 1 >€ / iy �\o•2B1,sx, . - = ^io, 2 4 �\ � n gl I I'Iae -� /,!- �,,a - (1� •� ' . 4 ,`-ns - NI�YI,J w „ - i db - - • - - .2C S . H.ia %o> I I/ ' / i.� `' / BY ♦ xBBY.'i J'f ie,.ne . >. sea +.Urc yT xnr � NB � m .e 1 , • ' �$ s, 1 V 4 pz- o/N 5 uvmviASCuc -r ^ -' r a x s /-2 -111 R ad OUTLOT H 3 OUTLOT C ' � i _a 8 51. ,2 xn.s,Y °x I L___________ J i / f OUTLOT B OUTLOT G i — �.asswE - - - 1 —D ; *�'`, N�93.27$ s 8 ' I sey: i9 Y •TS'20'W A- v ° c lsrorzo' OUTLOT F fi Z Yti, '- p"I.,' ir��a° 22osi j ` 3 i'o� _..� � -�p �4,q ?e`9'Jy i ?• m � ip g7�ii, $o - ° �o�� v OUTLOT E (— x6aiso E -- -T..e, SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS W9s. 'w (, ``` ,ur: e,uM.wi N69'S.S'04'Eo 707.03 ------ z `�� ` W N59'3442'E 241.25 �oi ro g N89'S504'E 6� v N n ° n .n w. I, s GRAPHIC SCALE 01 o I ° rcaun<a - swoon. mdi<ot« 0e� 1 z Fill<�m ,o ea uo . alot moo °m<n1 u.1 win ma wnicn eM1011 De .n Rl.ce on or Delor< k DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. 2 enaeia ' iie '1' °•' IN of n\..ca” 1993. Said mono 1 ­11 be 1/2 7 Inch 80 ri BEARINGS ARE ON 111E WEST * !•IOIW09 (612 661 -19 F AY.681 -9168 . incM1 v 14 into iron monuments m.r4ed by license number 19828. BASED LINE OF OUiLOT E. SPRINGFIELD k„ 1ST ADDIOON —CH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING Of S00'13 '37'E, (612) 7112-18110 FAX SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS SPRINGFIELD 3RD ADDITION KNOW AIL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Tot Lundgren Bme. ConatmcUl Inc., a Minnesota aapor M. , fee owner of the following deecrlbed Deoeerty alt,,t,d In the County of Carver. State of Minnesoto, to wit: Du1bl A, seeeNESIpD 9ND ADpnON acadh9 Io the rwaded vbt lnwwl. Gmw county. Mianol. dNko4 W .an• 1= be eunwnd o d 0.11.4 n SPMl6YIO JBD ADDInM, ad e.n natlY eon =b a4 to U• UuMk ra wbb un resew Ih. dH.w, Dauhwd =.W _ oe pw OWlc.ln In weem. 1. _. .noa a mY pm ra d.=YO9. ad upilr pNen.. onl awa a rwc� wndo..n to � m <>oaolx, n=. <.,..d n�... w..e•Y 1, w .I e :l. Ma wna.a Ire.. ca.wala, b� STATE OF YWN SO A _NTY D P 46G /A/ The - 1 l edoenn�D•la. me ( yEGOI_4( 4N 98 . DY 766 el Lund9ran Bwe. CaeWClia, Inc., a new Daalia. a DAVD A MIHxEAB � w*n I r.•we.eE.aA ur o c�anm:wn rue.. y a cinl- oY�inn.wlo be tnY . 55,oI ad b.M.d � 1Y de.crbn a I1. 0=1 .. No I m 1 t0 lrvnb W of �.. mot °f m wea: w t cmecUmYUq�=pu9e �'b tn• geunG =a �Mmta aw�io� S. ` r m s de� wain pion r'/te D•)a.:hmie in=n =. Nom. t SMn G Lawn, No w survew MYne. =1= lkan No. 1999e STATE OE . MOD. couxTY OF HENN EPn m. -1 Ye—1 ._. aw.o.1". D.ra, m. - {a do, of M.—h LES _vf_'i'=o CHAxN , Thib Plat of SPRWCiYt9 JRD ADDITION wn ee=roued one .d y G=un<9 =I u. City el alm.en. 4hn.w1. =l = rgsa mnlh9 nod S el 9 qA a b Y c=m red y be to C o—ii al 4hnnotd S the pIo, 6W.03. 2 n maum le w4 w woes% w.pnw e u. ply G=ace ad n .hies a mY pet .wadk9 I. 41a.wm smb1., a soxoz ptt c a THE aTY a wANNASSw. 4wxESOu Bn �, Maya BM P WemG�' n =. pun caUNtt SURKYM, Cww cwmri Hnw=l. a 1 to pieta of I9T. uY p=1 nn Deen =paewd M4 f� doY of E�. caw County Sumer .—TY AM.—. Gaw Cwnl Mbn•.ei. Inl a.tll mot Uw are w "Inw.nt la . 1 L'LZEL �p9p a..aY.d . R 2, Maur. akr.a po1M U4e + ^e doy� llp•,9 ° BW �Y( ��^� Q46.A.3 GG �•'• dC'/+FlQ, COUNTY TREASURw. CmnIr County, M-1, I n.w wu r mm m. mrn ..>ael• ra u....- �� la n90 ri ° � ro` NWN m iRD ADpnox non sea wk u1. ydf' BY: D�Ih1EL.bI� ly ly ir.enr.r REGSTRAR OF Tw. caw Gamey. 4Hnnele u `. � • dot m mEwbool ADp,NOx w�, a avA dor or �pw.'P Br: AeJ Yd r/dww ..,Lld_.,(/.wr.L 0, SECTION 24, TWP. 115. RGE. 23 LOCATION i MAP DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: ­9 5 feet in width, and adjoining side lot lines unless otherwise indicated. an d 10 feel in width and od.Ai.9 s eat ad mar lot II unless ot,wiee , ndicolm on he GRAPHIC SCALE lo o 1 Inch . 80 (t. rJ . (c. cpixix c1.M.) t dye 326 i ' 63.34 v 'r .. S69'34'42"W ,. _< S" 3 E jSt - Y.d, • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. Nom h f marl ymbol s s o a ny statute u -local o n, indicates mot m mom mot wn be s<t end which I be Place or before me 2� r M' I'l t stroll be 1/2 Inch r nm In. iro m n enls marked ro 4eA . e DY licens ber 19828. gDTE9T A BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF OUT-01' A / wHICH IS ASSUMED 447% TO HAYS A BEARING OF 589 - w. * k '(612) « P10MB1 661 -1914 FAX:8 -9486 * * �pul t•e'Nep �.. n.nme aew.w .... e9 �. =� %.E. (612) 783 -1860 FAX763-1883 v 'r .. S69'34'42"W ,. SPRINGFIELD 4TH ADDITION I ot .R D o. . 23 4034 R.T. Doc. No. 103 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY INESE PRESENTS: Tbet Lundgren Broe. Conar. N.. Inc., o Mi., ... I, corporOUi II. owner of Vl. Idl°wing d—ibed proppty .1!.01.0 N Ue Cwnly el Co­ Stole of MMnesolo, to wA: - ��'�g;t1 wW � J axe! o. mRNIGDO.D Is ADandx «ewaKw a u. r «waa pOt u«.er. q;� y ''G 86 '� ANN— NU: bt W WROt B one Wml C. BPRIxCieElD zxD AoaTla «e«an to m. r«wa.e wet 5 y1 588'24'13'W S 212.21 _ - -e z� \ d w e Ha• em,.e n. «m. to be w'IV and gatlwl e. $PR P. I I NM . OM III. me aw. nwwbY dwwt. one t. a walo r pwak e,. w..xr u. al« me P. e.eM. u. «,.n•nn e. uewn m uN �• py - I 118 \ 1 \ P. me .uurpwo«. oa �{7 I I,R 1 \''. Esz xxOeEOF ayn &ew Canetrvetan. Inu. a unmwto ewpuotbn nw ew..e P— —11 le ee Np ea br II• 3 1 lo, 4 \ I \ I 1A« 1 R 1 1 J \\ �_ I.P • '. 58.52 ,' I, i / v 11� ' I_ , p.o�is,7, ` - '6 \ I I a J t' u 'N MI IIIIE[S5 1 STATE OF N OTA hU nuroin- +'LCOna 61 gs 113 ', °R 3.•, L `I l: a: _o - _ __- / .i %? ° WN]Y OF N6LIJCYr.I hhM 3$ 9 a " 3,3rw�w _ _ _ • :?a _ / 's P - _ ____ N7452.2 �:s.s- Tne e9 oin9 b two ea a before 2r" eo f Aue✓ r 9 fto by niluiAU, a: y u ..Iw- vir,nv..r r ` or wnaa.+ Br «. con•wc�wn, In w, e -_ -- .�w'.,..iot ]•a:ox'0ex = �- eemwotwn�� SUNNYVALE i •' 'rj V 9 J.T7 uvleRlww 1 gr� 10 '� ° �rnrrw o n.mo uv cwnmxnm E�.pv., Ta..uew, .. N 20•w r _ � 1 E. t d` 1 z \ - '�. - 1 f i . I \ \ °j 1 n r pn ov: 'e / t i, m. .nr e..�Iwa m u. qa o. GFRwcHELD ax i ?may - ( �• '�BSBl�J' rY�O�ry ^ys r - - v B: .1 d\ to mum.. e.. P-01 .nu.m wa let 1. c a m�lm D —1 el al c e ec 11— b lh. xy `lnMn. w .w a• is w «t m m p st U l 1 RPy +V ,n\ \ 1 \ E YTetM a wet t e p Uo a e. u. e « Um N 3 ° ' 1tl 5 I . N 4 . t 9993 osor, mn a. aemm. Lena sN M n. t Lken.. xo. Iwze I I w I I + NwS < C'�: oglyo P � COUNTY O F N HE.T A >9. !oLW°I^e n,bumml ne erFnawlN9ee b.lwe m. UIe �B}ys eor of �y' �t -- — — — - < - + n N89'34'42 259.60 er,.o,l�.: «,.� y mlow� E.w•, N89'55'04'E 180.001 h gw (� " " " •. :. " D " •' dAxNASZCx. ulxxESO]A .• ""'•""" w ' .., U lot el M RN4N GHELD 4 ADDITION w„ opprevee one «cepUa by tn• Gly Council ne City of 1P y ry of a —1.1 meet ae Ux 2J!�eey of AMtw�r L& md a 6leWl, E.atRe SOS.OJ, Suba. R. n b 2 cp I c nw by " City Cm «' and oa t— m tho NPL «cwmn9 Ie nn.eoto SUtu1., 5(N- I_. 2 (D N r I I CITY IL OF THE CITY OP ...A— MNNEEOTA. r I I I I W g BT: eym BY G«E w .w NL -- - - o 4 pest no, been epprewa UM yj acr f 1-111" cmnty-_ wm OUI DR SITE 'HE ac WTI era 49.60 COUNTY AuwTOR, cons cwn hw. Det.e tnl. P pco n�r u•r. an e a nt lo.y p al I .ma p" i )ape e.wa.a m u I tmn.f« rIm yr � . ..{r3- £m dr�lL D I.---- ---- II.. uwY. Wna9 OPH,19 wanes SECTION 24, TW'P, 116, RGE. 23 I `^ ' C.— TREASURER. Cerwr COmt LOCATION < MAP \ r+,e•ota m < .r n u el u o... mww. I u. r a er I 98— fer en tg .l , e, 1 \ DENOTES FOUND IRON NONUMENi. H l 9.Oby a y Uay Ule l er sP1EW6RD.lx MUnpv • ��ei Llr,ia aoy of d( vv p«.m•nt x`. V DRAINAGE AND UTILITY —L- sy.nnol s on EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: R " ",,, ° „'��--- y="• -= PO dic enl !hot eW OtiO1 set old O pt lo -, e n b whcM1 not! b in plot. on er b"_ e s Inelplil an ol__.�.,1��� y 199,E Snin ,nnnuinfnis snnll be I/3 I i s ue. L-s o 0 LEL"RECORDER, Le......t' Mmnee0le ' N 1 SPRINGFILD 4M aay ACpInON a �u ofpy. nergpy ter ll�InlalzLl. E 1i�QJ� 19 yr al oc os Document Nw nUi r to Inch iron monuments morRed or Deenee n.mner 19676. � _____1_ I L_____ BY: � z a1 u)/, AV, con w. a ,m, a., wn7y d «we: GRAPHIC SCALE .;n s lea ;n widen. and odpml, side I indicated, I bC r t � �PION�W �p E I na uH ssUO (612) -1814 iAI6881 -eA88 1. 0 30 of e s ana O x0 d pining street feel in n widlF and a�o�y0 we.lp .IO01` C �^�n••'^'•w'^'• " +" 95 xi x.c ' HEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH UNE OF WTLOT B. SPRINGFIELD 2ND ADDITION WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF N89- 58'GO'E. nos Ono rear Iot Imes unless otherwise Indi,PI.d on the plat. M* V612) FAX-,783--1883 1 Inch - 60 It. SPRINGFIELD 5TH ADDITION 61 25122 60 Ei SEC OA ip lib. V. OF ewx c.N.l I ./: T,-,`c E I/. n eaexwe a zs -- - - - - -- - - _ _ _ - o (w.TB <Wxn c.1uj l "NOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Lune ren III- C «etrueti «, In<. 0 Mm eaot0 cor o.0 n, III 0r wE aw 12 w s[1., ..... Y L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' fe$.4?; tae owner o the Wo-9 eeeei,bee properly eltu0tee in the County 01 c.-,. Stole oi to t wit: V^ ti- ___--- 29.4 5VRINa1EL01ND ADOITOx ottaeMq to N. rewreae pat Unrol. f $ I S89'20'58'E f R�84000 N88'3S'43'E 1M8�8xe. e. 1.M •»M ^u'ea°'I sv ,x .oDl,rox. ens a1.. 482.0 a 957.19 A»02'00 , 1 100.84 ae�:�e uq as 'mr pab xISELD s ...,.1. -1. . �- , 'nom _ wnl „el"• w eta 1.w a.ae. o . «.Nn.n1. ,. u,,.n .n N. c'- -- ---�'1 ,-�\ OT1 4�4- sae_•,3�6 ; Unu,r au w, ww.lun<."uia"r°o°rn rye.._c.,I.rn, x b 1 1 19 \� 20 / i /' Nxn,yps Ef 15 1 I 17 I 18 1 1 11 imr, ' n v n STA NTY a lNK u m r «e /� \\ 14 ' Tn.r gb.t t +lel9ee bao.e m. mle Bey eor el �- 2 >� 0 !. . g OUTLOT D 1 9 iiAe�' «Nno y.n —_ �' q 1.r a �.nl ✓d.. ¢�rmlr - m L,,,,a 6.0.. eenaNeaia,, ' Mu c ' 3 m \ \ 13 7 I _ I _ _ -1 1 \ \ \) °o �✓ crl.r x.. My Danmlwbn EvDDe. / sn �m rD \ ' 1 l• I 1 1 a \\ /'� r /' \F ' / call) w n w,r.wrea «4 plellM the propatr e..ab th. pet « SPRIxFFIEtp !1H l I - \ I �\ �' ux».ele awwtn t W n.: •pudIN a. «mc.. are eq^a ro e nw , �DDIU: Wat t a l i met n «t rm t inxi p . cMatw en n: war ra 6 n «Tauam 1. In >s e. n.a9•w.e .. 1 �NSET SEE S 2_OF 2 SF�EETS 15 a' h ° \ �� � .\ c\ y- � � 13 \\\ �•c.�)\- '��.,''be•, .. �r �ry1 Nw°,i �'i�l�a `) m no.:otaO u1.. ipeaa a l l NN UNN” .. 5 \ \' ', � �\ l� i j \ \ \\ \)"'� /- ''�`�L °` l `�, 4 ry q I.pwn x.w�I -..d b.lae m. IN. Zpo -apr of —I 10 /) l 12 ` rte W 10 I \\ r ' 1 .•'a <`i a �. -- mm+n coNx"°r " y " I N � ` eh - E;ov.. 1.n ny�n.. h ° \ ' % 1 y`� / 11• \\ \\ / �c� 3 \t �: ; • p ^' N3e '� a,°,Iat .. ) `\ `\ Z // mm-t. t stx W'. .Ag n°. sL eon ai s ...=T. man u e ' r R x ;N dlMnoeeen, mm- t. eIpr'mml 4 Y Ind Cltr cou «Y of I1.. GIY of OUTLOT A \ :\ -� r ^ \ / pl «...�u scowl.., sosw, w :. Aa ' \ `> r \ sx s.be.i.' by ux air < « «e «e « .cots en Inb pet ett«auq m n«ew stows.'sos.o I F '"� \ � ``� • _ _ \ �\\ / \\ /-. � J � 11 H an caws a THE my a alArwASSEN, unAasorA. 2 err; •:e M f _ \ •� �: I � \\ \ ,r- / 1 / ys 1.r: AAG/ H - aaN 7 i i 6 \ \ � j � 4 'JeBD cWNTr suRNT:TaR. ca». cwmr, ubn..ole h vent to Cb t.r J9a, uMn N, WTI a roil. ub pm nw bwn epgo»tl bl. _ZCJA or el AUMTap co-.« cwmy, Mwlwota Sun. I Ui y <alley Nn a. no aAlnplmt texas al Sea. I9gA .crbro . pet ana bm.lw a iw.e. D ,etl lnb a1. I S yam, io _ Wft4 tamlrgM, l `, }v9w etw. CWxtt TREASURER, D (—tY, u—te met w. I. pe l In. g n u . 1 I �PoNaIEtD ty 5Th • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT, µ l ,a RECORDER. C Cty, 1.r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY WNtt Cwy.r ounlY. Mbnenolo h by c.rl1W met NI. pot of SPRINGF1ElD 3TH ADanW was nee cols (/ eoy el V EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: DocU l BEARINGS ARE BASED ON T-IE KEST LINE OF OUROT J. SPRINGnELD L_ '-- --�- - - IF, I _ ""A s^- 2ND ADDITION —CH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF S00'13'37 -E. County R m3 II SECTION 24, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 p-+, LOCATION MAP N . - I I 1 - - -- L - - - -L— D E - - -- - - -- nm symnol s nt any smle - poi on. ;newm.a sing 5 le h. d— -U ojmg side o � 1 lnol - o. �� on cnl set °n1. l - h " se is e I tee. a me `zne °aae`1 pwce bem.e GRAPHIC SCALE 10 1- in n ..IN ona bdjai -, street n 7s••. SpiE m enta moll be D 0O I. and ona ma lot lines unless olnerwive h 14 t '/2 • • z.3T Fet a1» cotce on ih. DIOL In< x Iro m n n s morpee # • .n x:iphi., uv 3540 by ti—. I number n 19828.me Y pEpAl�q (612) -1914 FMDNI -9488 1 Mch 100 TE a.1. n..ru w.mx w..m • wn0 # Y 1. 11. X1 uN SNDi e • (512) 76;-1880 FA1C783-1863 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS 482-0 N821Vle SPRINGFIELD 5TH ADDITION --- INSET — — ------- S8920 957.19 ------- SHEET 2 OF 2 S ? y 15 p 2 LLI!�ERF IfL 0 OUTLOT D A, 7 I SECTION 24, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 j 5 1 A e1 LOC�T?�.MAJP Ad 6 X. c� Y 8 16 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 12 r 1! EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 2 IV, 13 ---- JTL---- X\ t'i., 5 N.I iI, -W — � to I.., h 11 ld�jlil; 9 ltl­ P�d . . _s 10 ra s i-P.t1d Tthl IIPI 12 t fly • .7 V 3 3 OUTLOT A 2 6 DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. 9 1 4 , v p 4 dq.l,d - I ... UP.. PI t —1—t met ill be ,d r b . s tore 1,821MV gy of 2 lid ­11 1/2 m nta ma. e0 ty license nu P, ­28 8'. 7 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE HEST UNE 0 OUTLOT J. SPRINGFIELD � 11D ADD - -11" 11 ASSUMED TO "AVE A BEARING 01 500'13'3]'E. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ D—AIX -D s r, _ DMO; ; U,,, AND � 6 0x GRAPHIC SCALE 20 2dL.. S8915'04'W 875.33 ma, - SO ft. 2422�6, ­ D­ plcpj� (612) 691 -1 FA -;el-9488 5. E FAX:783 III83 SHEET 2 OF 2 S SPRINGFIELD 6TH ADDITION 1 WEST – NpaN UNE or ou— 0335.01 _. ...- ., v -.., n _ ---------= , -------- B L Q 1C - - - - -� a 3 c 1110 2 i 0 3 w g t -.: ,T_ v �" �gl 1$ " 2tom vvl „v,v I g a•e° _J 6 4' I &- 11 R- 380.27 R.348. 188.4 a 75.77 ARIw 0.w GRAPHIC SCALE 1 IneM1 50 fL DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II e II it being 5 lest in width, and .,pining sida s . otherwise icaled an 10 feel in width and adjoining sire.' 'nab and re r tat line unless otherwise oted oe th plot Nom um slit symbol snow. of any stotle air.d - location. Ind—el a ' � m � ¢nl VNI wII be eel and 'HI, ae a be A°.`e` P n ar beta.. 0 Z .Said m slits shall be 1/2 m b e, l9aze. mono s mork<tl by iiae.ee . l �U nc er nm lits SECTION 24, TW'P. 116. RGE. 23 LOCAoON is DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT D. SPRINGGIELD 2ND ADDITION WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF WEST. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Lundgren Bros, Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, fee owner of the following described properly situated In the County of Car—, Slate of Minnesota, to wit: Oullot D. SPRINGFIELD 2ND ADDITION according to the recorded plot thereof. Has dou.ad the same to be surveyed and plotted as SPRINGFIELD 6TH ADDITION. and does hereby donate and dedicatee the easements as shown on this plat for drainoge and utility purposes only. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Id Lundgren Construction, Ins., L. Mln....to corparallon has caused thee. presents to be signed by its proper officer this ,$-_ day of 19 f, SIGNED} dyqr Bros. nslructim, Inc. BY: �1 /lL,v /�/. Ile ✓r'cc f'r si./rwh STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF dW r✓ The /oregoing Inslrum [ w . o knowledged before me IIn �_ day of /GFIL /L 19 �� by �f /GdllGf ._y�4fpy__, ✓iglu m9rtaa/r of Lundgren Bros. Conalrucllon, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf f the corporation, eps�srw�s Nota Pub J County, Minnesota ♦e�erMww.� My Commlellon Expire. 11 sdAG I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property r described on the plot as SPRINGFIELD 6TH m ADDITION: that this plat Is a correct representation of sa rosy, that oil distance. ...... By shaven a n the plot in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all numents will be correctly placed In the ground as s signaled: that the outside boundary line* are caaeatly designated on the plat and that in are n o wet lands os Wired In Minnesota Statutes, Section 505 public high i, or pub highwa to ba designated other than as def shown. C hn C. Lon. Land Su .innee Larson. License No. 19628 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The /oregoing Instrument was acknowledged before To this WO day of &pIN1 19 use by J lid Surve 4w.Ntax „L�3 Not S�trnnen ICIL.ndd' Public, County. Minn solo My Commission Expires - jr- CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA the This plot of Minnesota ol requiem m Nrg ticid In;. antl cedo,D 'Wily Council of 19 and I, In compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Suction 505.03, SuDd. 2. All m slits will be set os specified by the City Council and os staled on this plat, according to Minnesota Statute. 505.02, Subd.l. CITY COUNCIL A / OF THE CITY OFF CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA. BY: � P J Ll4µ4 , v / K. s'k16.LLGla...V� Moyor 8, %i*/A / .0 1 Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395. Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this Z day of BY L7— T -- ohn E. Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County, Minnesota I Hereby certify that there are no dellnauent taxes for all years � yr u. . to 1 q . for 1po d described on this plot and transfer ert—d. Dated this 10 da of V 19 9.1 BY: M •xn Mo I.u.. " was en, d , co t 6� y hi'r ll . U rk or _ COUNTY TREASURER, C.— County, Minnesota SPRINGFIELDl��6d1�T `H'hA(DDD,I,TLO,N, (I h... ben paid Loons this rri� coy— / lantlg des <ribeE on 1 t9is 4 p� t os BY. Yl rl..)WI k T Ac . A D. F. Dahlke, Co y Treasurer COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this plat of SPRINGFIELD 6T1 ADDITION was filed this /e - day of TM.r! 19 �� al V— o'clock $ - .M. as Document No. 1s iAC a BY: t I - '/ i Carl W. Hanson, Jr., County Recorder PIDNpW al.i a uH t (612) 661 -1914 FAK861 -9486 Y smegir —mg u,e...m.........=.em s oil r<# • (Bbtw: " uue 7 . 82 . 1880 F' 783 -IM OFFICIAL SPRINGFIELD 7TH ADDITION " 261 A261tl6 oc No KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Lundgren Bros. Cmatmatim. Inc.. MI cwpwollon, __ (cr cwxn ) fee owner of the fdlowlnq described property Mluotad fn the County of Carver, Stale of Minnesota, to wit: Outlet D, SPRINGFIELD 5TH ADDITION according to the reawded plat thereof. _- _- -_ -_ _ e t SPRINGFIELD DDI a he dedicoles and else the saaemenle t es ta . own w this plot 7 for dral ape ord utility W po ee ony, and s '- ^ 29.10 \ V L. I M n I v L: V V L. L_ v n -M.00_ Y IN WITNESS this Lundgren Bros, Cmalrvclim, Inc.. Minnewto ewporallon has called these presents to be signed b to y i proper o01s: this � day of CJs/66 er 19 12— A 02 ° \�� 1006 58920'SB'E 282.18 II \i w SIGNEq, yI e9rm Bros. atrvum, In . c a Izs.IS , BY: {�lr'r( ,(G, / . its ✓'M• Pir7/[4nh 1 Q J rzhlx , .1 esze ' �• ° a oaaxAEE xx - sea —n-E n n . STATE OF MI N OTA COUNTY OF r /1 , t• ` - ^= L . ururr EASE.— `° ` a The forego Mq Inetgyl t wladgetl before day o/ 4� .e � ypTAS _ -- L' 19 /9 b lAiA/ 4. Minneaoto c wa o corporati I Lundgren Bros. Cmetruclim, Inc., a ption, Oehol f the on. elaI�rT Ja Fj 1 "'I SI a / ��s TERRI L.TMNMu Mi Notary Public, Coun(Y• nneaoto �cena4Aw^ \s y I \\Y 7 el ^/ I /EW 'qj \\ Cammisslm ea My E.pir W, -I \\ I tli / l� / + J T I / / )` / Ri l0 8 / r I h ereby certif that I have surve d and platted the pr Y property described lne plat os SPRINGFIELD 7TH e5 °LSii J' IP Clso_so _� z" I / =o m - rynu 8 Stu ADDITION; that this plat la c e l re of said survey, that oil dletance. ar correctly shown on the plat m feet and hundredth. of fool; that all monuments ell be correctly IN aced In the ground as `' \�`• yi)� ?�, .assn s d ess - sO > / / C ' If fe designated; that the wl.ide boundary noes are <w deslgnaled on lha plat and that there wen wet land. defined in Minneaoto Slalutea, Section e3• n \ i 3 \ ��• - p .ee la _ e +e• � \\re >n U oa 50 Su 1, or Dublic highways designated other loon a. mown. + o, IELD• DRIVE '� :8 �IkL� v` yN oap ° '3 \ r C. Larson. Land Surveyor ., 4 •B f �- 9 _� \`� e :� / o°t y Minneaoto LI<enae No. 19828 \v�s'o� �,� saes f` a gs \)•' - ' b Z 1 1 I I � ' ss •�> ° M1 W 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN A„ A I I f -` L ' 'i %' IR,^.,I j /�'� � W The JLS oin g inM—ent was oak n day of SW oMoagad before me this- � � 4 i+ = i 3 by Jan on urveyor. . G. Lars. Lana S s d ` o, IL'.5s_ q \\ ^ [ fACWN My Co—i..1- E.pirea L j M "J // // 'a9rJ / CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA This plat of SPRINGFIELD 7TH ADDITION was opprowd d Ptea b y the CI{ w of the Cil I C ncil N / / p/ H ��� Q Chonhaaae ie a ulo of a}+Les r t a ragr mealinq M1eIO leis lr9 daY 19 q9 and L j ov % o vl y Z 1 -J' \ / / /` OI lianc '. 'n camp w' th the pr,N,Ims of Mlnneoot° Statutes, Sectim 505.03. Subd. 2. All monum nla will be set as specified by the City Council and as slated m this plat. acewding to Minneaoto Statute. 505.02. mm O o si yr g lA $ �- He° \yv •>1• ZN �n /� 1 7 ry9 Subd.t, m N CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA. BY: Ma BY: Clark � 9 J• \ \ - COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota aPprd this :24L day of 1' uan e l lo 399 Minnesoto laws of 1971, this plot has bem ova 4 .. 'V68y � 09.W _ hn E. Freamysr, Can er County Surveyor / • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT. COUNTY AUDITOR, Carves C ... ly, M.....to BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT D. SPRINGFIELD 5TH ADDITION I hereby certify that there are no delinquent toes for dl year prior to 1999 for land deawibed oa this plat Ond -refer entered. Dated this ?19 day of �LCFA16fl 19 9_9 MICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF SO '25'00'E. J BY: M- r� -• - Bu Ii y i Ot��� r I NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY Mark L ddgr n. County wUar[w STATUTE - REQUIRED - LOCATION. INDICATES A F MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET AND COUNTY TREASURER, Carver ComtY, Minneaoto 19 ' I I CH SHALL BE IN PLACE MTHIM ONE YEAR I h _ /d1'I ereby certify that the to... payable for the year of 19 fa l d � aribed m the plat os SPRINGFIELD 7)H AODIO been pea this day of OF THE FILING OF THE PLAT. SAID MONUMENTS SHALL BE 112 INCH X IC INCH IRON MONUMENTS BV: ' MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 19828. U. Dahlke, C, 0y DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 1 SITE I I EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County, MI .... oto I thereby certify that this plot of SPRINGFIELD 77M AIDITON woe ed L day of Ae� —i — this N'I I I 19 �, of y:A^ o'clock �.M. os Document No 1L GRAPHIC SCALE Il i --'� - Carl W. Hanson, Jr., County Recorder II ' s0 0 3o sa Izo ap --- - - - -- L - - - -L- e:IGN�W SECTION 2e, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 1 NM . 60 f- BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH, AND ADJOINING SIDE LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE M we w..rn. ,.mrw. uo.aew INDICATED, AND LOCATION MAP xo uu[ t0 FEET IN WOTN AND ADJOINING STREET • w w a Y LINES AND REAR LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERMSE INDICATED ON THE PLAT. SUMME RFIELD , ADDITION OL1 A Pt 1 \ r 7 •\ BOULEVARD SOU LINE OF THE NORTH 650 FEET OF THE NE 1/1 OF THE SW 1/1 / OF SEC. 21. T. 116 N. R. 23 W. - - -� N COUNTY AUDITOR, CARVER OWNTY, this 1, e�rtly that NasonY of A /.ho use �laeas /or al to aa?! fo land dssaibed ch this plat and Vensfared wts,W. Dated ` rW mCOUnIy Auditor V $tine h feet COUNTY TNEASURER, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA ''��r, 1 Mrcby certify that tow Paya h ���d dcsobed on this plot as SUMMERFTELD hale bow P- In fug on UM 0 SO 100 150 ddy al 66 D. F. Oahike, Cover my Tna COUNTY RECORDER, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Ababy <eH'y that thin dot of SUMMERVIE==m.. D ed this A day of air bee Laan of 11� Hansen Thorp i'a o o k _f . 111 Pellinen Olson Inc. C_ a c , 3 Fnghexe. Sa --Landecaw M tI CoO W. Hanson, A'., Carver Casty Record. B^ui _= VARG i3 � [d Z� 2A DRAINAGE AND UTIJTY EASEMENTS ARE $NOWN THUS sJ L - ll___L NO SOME � BEING 5 FEET IN WO AND ADJb NO ? NES tESS OTNERWSE ATED. AND 10 MT IN RIGHT -OF—W Y LINES. A BNOY�M ON THE pLAT THE BASIS OF BEMNiGS IS ASSVMFJ) ' O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET e DENOTES IRON ONUMENT FOUND KNOW ALL MEN 6Y TNESE PRESENTS: Thal Meridian DeVviopment, Inc., o Mlnnesolo aapaaVl fee owner of the ldioelna described property eltaoted h the County of Co­. State of MMneeela, to rIt: The North 650 feet of the East 335 feet e1 the NortNeael Naler of the Sauthoset Ouertw of Section 21. Tomshlo 116, Neth of Range 23 West, Co County, Minnesota. Has cawed the saw to Os surveyed and Platted w SIIMME101ELD ^ MDITON and de hes y donate and dcdkote to the pudic for Dublk use torow the dn-!. cote fa bahags and Mtylty Parmose w ve Na on this Plat. �thee Vev/ In xilnsJ vhaeo/ sold Meddl$� 09��b w% Inc.. a Minnesota, eapaallan, has caused them prswnl. to be sIgnsd by Its Draper ofnaer this day of rise _ 2000. SIONEO: Maldkn D11onmon4 By. Pout A. Thep Iessow, STATE OF MNiNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The float; hslmmont woe acbloWedged beta,. me this _ _ 'day of ✓ `^"�� 2000, by Pau, A. ThaP, tine DrestoMl of Ms" DevNapmwt, IMO., a Minnesota capaetlon, on behalf of sold corpoollon. y Puet�la Wlc, Nmnpb Coupttyy 4bnYVto V•. �:•:. . My eammMdon eaplm �iA. �1 /rS I hereby certify that I haw NRYeyed and platted the land dwcrbed In this pat as SuMMERnaA ,0DIn0N; that We pat la a correct r pre.eetatbn of wed wrWy, foot all dietanaw are cm «ny Mow Id Plat h feel and handremhs of o foot; that ml manuments n a the' placed aled 7 wid plot; and that there d aa c no w Uands, l as SeeMed •Section S 505.02, 50542 Sa o D blic to be dei on Ne Pb t .Na than shown. �� Deenb R. — .load, Land Sumya Mhnemta Iycenw No. 16.25 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN �, �A� Dion i < wrrae a ceu6eat. sow aamowleesed Deice m. this �_ day of by Dennis a. r f _ yor, M Lkanee No. 1 125. ZS�fv1)1 �f.� .. .. PuNk, Hw,men Coun Yhpppp! �l My aanmission e'hw CNANHASSEN. MINNESOTA • TIIL Obt p/ SUMMERi1ELp ^MDIII �appaved end a�cppt�ed by lha Clly Caunoll al Chanhassen, Minnesota al a regular mwtbq thereof held this L_S M day o/ tom_ - .Ego /L d Is Inc pllanIs xIth the p.A.I ns of MI.. Slotutes. Section 505.03, Subd. 2. NI monuments wIN M eel as sosolMd by Ns CIIY CaunW as staled on this plat, acoadhq to Minnesota Stalule, 505.02, Subd. 1. CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA By Maya By t Abnhlsbaton COUNTY SVRVEYOR, CARVER COUNTY. MINNESOTA my toapta ]95, Mhnmto L an of 1971, W. plat has bwn approved Nis yt/ n E: Frasmya, Co­ CwnlY Surwya ✓��i `yi_