2 Amend Code LightingCITYOF
690 City Center Ddve, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.93Z 1900
General Fax 612. 93Z5739
Engineering Fax 612937.9152
Public Safe~ F,~v 612.934.2524
.Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us
Planning Commission
Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I
Amendment to Section 20-913. Lighting
This item was reviewed by the Planning Conunission on November 18, 1998,
where it was recommended that staff prepare an amendment to the ordinance.
This amendment specifies the maximum height of non-recreational facility light,
the type of fixture permitted, and that photometrics incorporate existing features
into the lighting plan. The ordinance also states that if more than 50 percent of
the existing fixtures are rePlaced on a given site, they must comply with the
ordinance. The ordinance also defines the terms glare, light trespass, and shielded
light fixture.
This ordinance amendment seeks to minimize unnecessary glare and light trespass
by restricting fixture 'height and type and requiring lighting plans to locate and
incorporate existing fixtures.
The following is the ordinance amendment. All new information is in bold type.
Section 20-913. Lighting.
Glare, whether direct or reflected, as differentiated from general
illumination shall not be visible beyond the limits of the site from which it
No light which is flashing, revolving, or otherwise resembles a traffic-
control signal shall be allowed in any area where it could create a hazard.
for passing vehicular traffic.
Lighting fixtures should be of a design consistent with fixtures used in
surrounding developments and municipal street lighting. Shielded high
pressure sodium fixtures are required.
(1) Fixture height shall not exceed thirty (30) feet.
Lighting Ordinance Amendment
January 6, 1999
Page 2
LiohtTresoass: The-s~hini~ngof~ght~rodu~dh3 _
boundaries ofth~P ~oper~nYwhich ]tisl~eat-~d. _
.Shielded LiohtF~-ture:-
(2) AIl fixmresmust be shieldedand havea:total cu~o
· equalto or lessthan 9Odegrees~ ' - -
' (3) · Photometries shall Incorporate existing!ighifixtures,_Pub
private, that~mayimpact'the Site.
(4) All outdoor!ight fixtures ef~sfln~ g an~tegally~nst_. 1left
(ordinance ~dopflon date)are exempt -from;the r~qmr eme~
this-article, un!ess workis'proposed in-any one(
so as to replacefifty (50) p~rc~ntor m°re0f'theexisttng
. outdoor light fixtUres,, or ~to increase_to.theex~e~!t~of
percent or-moreth~numberofoutdo
theaemal ordinanee.
numberof fixtures_
fixtures required. If theheightisincreased
overall fixtures will be reduced.
Lighting Ordinance Amendment
Planning Commission
January 6, 1999
Page 3
Cut-off Fixtures
The cut-off fixture requirement aims to reduce glare, night glow and light
trespass. If a fixture does not have the opportunity to shine into the sky, the
majority of the light will be directed at the ground, where it is supposed to be
Incorporate Existing Fixtures into Lighting Plan
This requirement should prevent duplication in lighting which results in glare and
light trespass. In addition, it should reduce the number of total fixtures for a site.
For instance, two sites with shared parking can incorporate on another's lights in
their lighting plan.
This requirement should eventually bring existing non-conforming lights into
compliance in terms of fixture type.
The Planning Commission had concerns that fixture intensity (strength of the
lamp) is not addressed in this requirement. Meaning that this exemption will not
prohibit the replacement of older, existing fixtures with stronger fixtures emitting
a greater illumination. The intensity is already regulated by the ordinance.
Section 20-1123 states that lights levels shall not exceed one-half footcandle
measured at the property line. The proposed amendment will not change that
In conjunction with the ordinance amendment, staff recommends that the
following definitions be added to the zoning ordinance: glare, light trespass and
shielded light fixture.
The term glare is already referred to in the ordinance but is not defined. Glare
occurs when the intensity of a lamp affects the ability to see. For instance, the sun
setting or rising has the same effect (probably to a much greater extent) as a
number of unshielded light fixtures. The brightness creates annoyance,
discomfort, or ability to see. Glare relates to the field of view.
Light Trespass is different in that it occurs when a neighboring property's light
fixture emits light on an adjacent property. For instance, parking lot light fixtures
from an adjacent industrial park. shining on residential property. Light trespass
Lighting Ordinance Amendment
Planning Commission
January 6, 1999
Page 4
refers to light penetrating onto a neighboring property. It can be considered a
nuisance. Light trespass is regulated by requiring a maximum foot candle
measurement at the property line and requiring a shielded fixture. Light trespass
occurs when the light levels exceed one-half footcandles at the property line.
The Planning Commission expressed concern that our park lights produce glare
and are offensive. According to the park director, the light intensity and fixture
height are both determined by a consultant. The specific lighting intensity and
height is determined by the use. The tallest park lights, 65 feet, are in Lake Ann
Park. The ordinance requires that all light fixtures be shielded.
Staff surveyed lighting ordinances from throughout the nation and found the
majority of them regulate recreational facility lights by requiring the fixtures to be
shielded and the illumination to be confined to the recreational area. Other
communities prohibit fixtures over 80 feet in height. Staff found one community
that specifies the number of footcandles based on the use. These ordinances are in
attachment 2.
Since an interest has been expressed in park lighting, staff would recommend that
all lighting plans for the new parks be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior
to installation. This usually will occur after the site plan review. This would not
be part of an amendment to the ordinance, but a policy statement. However, if the
Planning Commission desires, staff shall draft an ordinance amendment regulating
recreational facility fixtures.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the
amendment to Section 20-913. Lighting to regulate the height, spacing and type of
fixtures and the amendment to Section 20-1 to include definitions of glare, light
trespass and shielded light fixture as follows:
Section 20-913. Lighting.
Glare, whether direct or reflected, as differentiated from general
illumination shall not be visible beyond the limits of the site from which it
Lighting Ordinance Amendment
Planning Commission
January 6, 1999
Page 5
No light which is flashing, revolving or otherwise resembles a traffic-
control signal shall be allowed in any area where it could create a hazard
for passing vehicular traffic.
Lighting fixtures should be of a design consistent with fixtures used in
surrounding developments and municipal street lighting. Shielded high
pressure sodium fixtures are required.
(1) Fixture height shall not exceed thirty (30) feet.
All fixtures must be shielded and have a total cutoff angle equal to
or less than 90 degrees.
Photometrics shall incorporate existing light fixtures, public or
private, that may impact the site.
All outdoor light fixtures existing and legally installed prior to
(ordinance adoption date) are exempt from the requirements of this
article, unless work is proposed in any one (1) year period so as to
replace fifty (50) percent or more of the existing outdoor light
fixtures, or to increase to the extent of fifty (50) percent or more
the number of outdoor light fixtures on the premises.
Section 20-1. Definitions
Glare: Light emitting from a luminaire with an intensity great enough to reduce
viewers' ability to see and, in extreme cases, causing momentary blindness.
Light Trespass: The shining of light produced by a luminaire beyond the
boundaries of the property on which it is located.
Shielded Light Fixture: A light fixture with cutoff optics that allows no direct
light emissions above a vertical cutoff angle of 90 degrees."
1. Various Recreational Facility Lighting Standards
g:\plan\ck\plan comm\lighting ordinance amendment 99.doc
Tf'wn of Blacksburg, VA: Zoning Ordinaa~,Draft,:'&tle3te' V- i';.%iision.r', ~;3nh..;,'/www.blaoksburg.va.us/pande/zonebrd/ar5dv0,
e. This section shall not ........ *,~" .~ ' :..~ ,,- ..... , .... ' '~ ,'~ i - -~',,~
a~la~y,_ ..... ~ ~[¢e. ~g~., ~a ,,,,..m~..n,t~bc~l,,1 ~,,t ~r~.~k. in the public right of way or to
public street lights. ~~~k4~ T ],,~
Sec. 5601
Exterior Lighting Standards
Exterior lighting shall be designed at or below the following average maintained footcandles for the
various uses. Uniformity shall not exceed a ratio of 6:1, which is a measure of the maximum 'lighting
acheived within the area to the minimum lighting within the area.
~ Application Average ii Average
~ Fc i} Application ~ Application i Average Fc
iAirports- Residential
iHanger Apron 10 ilSecurity and :i 0.5
Service Apron !iYard Lighting
iBuilding 20
}Exteriors ( Courts Residential .[
f ilBaseball, Sot~ball,
1.0,[ iiPools, Tennis Courts,
0.5 ~.ilHorseshoe Pitching /i
%uffieboard ~
Loading Docks
30 iOther Uses
!As determined by the
iAdministrator based on
}like use, and
icompatibility with
isurrounding area.
// !I o~u,rn,a,ment ) i 20 ~arks&'~Garde~s-'""%i! 0.2 [ilRa.nge Finng
~'~iaia'"~ ..................... ~ ............. ;';'"'"~ ......... i";' ............. :×~';' ........................................ ~i ................................... ;; .....................................
iiP°ster Boards i ..~ ii ~ ~Miniature ~ ii Dealerships
' ~iStorage Areas 5
2 of 3
tion 407.08: Outdoor Lighting Standards
http://www, ci.blue-springs.mo..us/UDC/UDC00125.htm
/ (foot candles) Height (feet)
When a luminaire has total cutoff angle of 90 degrees or more, the
following standards shall apply:
; Underlying Zoning D~str, ct ~Max~mum Illumination iMax~mum Lum~na~re
(foot candles) Height (feet)
...~..~..~.~.7~.~........i~..~7..~..~.:.~?~7~.~.:.iW~..~i..~..~..........~..... ........... ..=.~..~.~i.~.~.=...=.,...... ......... ,.,.~.~,.ii......~. ................
ii ME-20 !i
............................................... ~i'i~'5:%' ................................................. i" ........................................ 5':'~'~ ............................................. " ........................................ ~'~'
l .......................................................... i"' .............................................................. ir ........................................................................................................ ~i
i,....,..,.=.....=...,,,..........=...=.J...,......, .............. ....=.,,....,........,..,,,,,.......,~..........~......,. ............ .., , ...,,.: .. =... j... .?...0. .... =,,, ......... ==:.:u,. .............
3. Luminairos with Total Cutoff Angle of Less than 90 Dogroos
When a luminaire has total cutoff angle of less than 90 degrees and is
located so that the bare light bulb, lamp, or light source is completely
shielded from the direct view of an observer five feet above the ground at
the point where the cutoff angle intersects the ground, the following
standards shall apply:
~ Underlying Zoning D~stnct iMax~mum Illum~nabon Maximum Lum~na~re i
i (footcandles) ii Height (feet)
I ......................................... H.E:.~.~ I ......
'l ............................................... ~'§';'"§'5 ................................................. ~ ................................... :'""~'"5i5 ....................................................................................... 55 ..........
,,7'i'ii ..................................... .................................................. ,i .......................................... ............................................ ,[ .........................................
Because of their unique requirements for nighttime visibility and their
limited hours of operation, ball diamonds, playing fields, and tennis courts
shall be exempt from the Maximum Illumination and Luminaire Height
standards of this section, provided that lights used for such activities shall
not exceed a maximum post height of 80 feet. Ball diamonds, playing
q/12/98 6:23 PM
' jori 407:'08: Outdoor Lighting Stan~lards http://ww~v.ci.blue-springs.mo.us/UDCFLIDC00125.htm
fields, and tennis'courts may exceed a total cutoff angle of 90 degrees,
provided that the luminaire is shielded to prevent light and glare spill over
to adjacent property zoned SF-7 or less intensive. The maximum
permitted illumination at the lot line of SF-7 or less intensive property shall
not exceed two foot candles.
G. Measurements
1. Metering Equipment
Lighting levels shall be measured in foot candles with a direct-reading,
portable light meter. The meter shall have a color and cosine-corrected
sensor with multiple scales and shall read within an accuracy of plus or
minus five percent.
2. Method of,Measurement
The meter sensor shall be mounted not more than six inches above
ground level in a horizontal position. Readings shall be taken only after the
cell has been exposed long enough to provide a constant reading.
Measurements shall be made after dark when the light source in question
is turned on, then when it is turned off. The difference between the two
readings shall be compared to the maximum permitted illumination and
property line at ground level. This procedure eliminates the effects of
moonlight and other ambient light.
3. Exterior Lighting Plan
At the time any exterior lighting is installed or substantially modified, and
whenever a building permit is sought, an exterior lighting plan shall be
submitted to the Director of Community Development in order to
determine whether the requirements of this section have been met.
c. No freestanding or buildinggmounted area Lighting
Fixture shall be located higher than 16 feet above
finish grade level,
d. Unshielded area Lighting Fixtures located within
15 feet of the property line shall be provided
with a House Shield baffle to reduce the degree of
light flowing onto Adjacent.'Areas.
Sports fields and tennis/racquet ball courts may be
lighted provided that Lighting Fixtures are provided,with
· baffles and/or shields which limit the Lighting Fixture's
· direct light distribution to the, playing area and which
-block all view to the Lighting Fixture's lamp from Adjacent
.C. Lighting of signs and Storefronts.
1. Exterior signs may be lighted, provided the sign
conforms to the requirements of § 30.63, and a Sign Lighting
Permit is obtained. The lighting of exterior signs shall ,.
conform to the following:
a. ' Signs may be externally illuminated using
Incandescent or fluorescent sources. Metal halide
sources not exceeding 150 Watts may be used for
exterior sign illumination under a Conditional Use
b o
Self-illuminated exterior signs shall not be
The luminance of lighted exterior ~igns shall not
exceed 100 fL, measured at a distance of 25 feet
along the normal from the sign. to a standing
2. Interior .~igns which are so placed as to be visible
from the·exterior may be lighted, provided the sign ~onforms
to the requiremehts of § 30.63, and a Sign Lighting Permit
is obtained. The lighting of.interior signs·shall conform
to the roi.lowing:
a. Interior signs may be.externally ill'uminated using
Incandescent or fluorescent sources..
Self-illuminated interior signs shall be permitted
if located at least five (5) feet from any point
Min. Vlsi
Driv ng
Pede tria
Gene al I
Parking Lots
Entrances (frequent use)
Entrances (infrequent use)
Vital Locations or Structures
Building Surroundings
n Ways
andscaped areas
Illumination (Footcandles)
Maximum Minimum
- .5
1 .5
1 .5
2 1
2 1
4 2
1 .5
4 2
2 1
Because o
and I ~mi ted
area$~ such
their unique requ~ rements for nlghtt ime visibi I i ty
hours of operation, the I ight ing of act ~ve recreat Ion
as for bal I f ields and tennis courts are not
However, the following conditions should be
L~ght lng for outdoor recreat ~onal uses should not
exceed a max mum f ixture height of 80 feet.
ting for outdoor recreational uses may exceed
I cutoff angle of 90 degrees, providing the I ~ght
ce is sh elded to prevent I ight and glare
I over to adjacent property. The maximum
m-~nat ion at the inter lor buffer I ne should not
ed two footcandles at grade.
1 , No f I i cker ing or f lashing I i ghts sh;l
2. Light sources should not be located w
areas except on pedest r ian walkways .
be perm~ t ted.
thin any buffer
1. Meter ~ng equipment. Lighting levels are be mea~
in footcandles with a d~ rect-read~ng, por table I
meter. The meter typical ly has a color and
Lighting Ordinance of Cloudcroff, New Mexico Page 3 of 4
(d) The outdoor operation of searchlights, lasers or other high-
intensity beams is prohibited.
7-7-5 Other Requirements.
Flashing Lights. The use of flashing, rotating or pulsating
lights in/on any outdoor sign or other lighting device is
prohibited after one (1) year from the effective date of this
ordinance. This provision shall not apply to flashing, rotating
or pulsating lights intended to warn of hazards and danger.
Light Trespass and Residential spill-over. In addition to
the general provisions of this Ordinance, offstreet lighting shall
be shielded and/or directed in such a manner that it illuminates
only the user's premises and does not spill over into neighboring
residential areas so as to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of
residential or public properties.
No lighting fixture or device may be operated in such manner
as to constitute a hazard or danger to persons, or to safe
vehicular operation.
Signs and BillBoards. Illuminating fixtures for advertising
or other signs shall be such that the illumination is confined to
the area of the sign or billboard; no significant direct spill-over
is permitted. Under no conditions may signs or billboards be
illuminated from below. Any such illuminating fixture shall be
placed above its respective sign or billboard such that the
secondary (specular) reflected light from the surface of the sign
or billboard is directed down toward the ground.
(e) Motion Detector Security Lights. Motion detector security
lights, which are normally "off" and which are activitated "on" for
less than 4 minutes occasionally when motion is detected, are
exempt from strict control of emission angles as defined in Section
7-7-3, but are not exempt from Sections 7-7-5 (b) or (c).
Outdoor Recreational Facilities. Outdoor recreational
facilities designed for specifically scheduled sporting events are
exempt from the specific shielding requirements of Section 7-7-3.
In its place, lighting for outdoor recreational facilities shall be
so designed, installed and operated as to confine at least 90
percent of the illumination to the recreational area. Recreational
facility fixtures shall be on elevated poles or structures so that
illumination is directed downward. No significant illumination may
extend above a horizontal plane from the lighting fixture.
Illumination from recreational facility fixtures shall be shielded
to minimize glare extending toward roadways or other places where
impairment of motorists' vision might cause hazard. All such
recreational facilities shall have either (a) automatic shut-off
timer devices, or (b) a designated official with responsibility for
extinguishing the illumination at close of the recreational
In the case of flags, statues or other top-of-pole mounted
objects which cannot be illuminated with down-lighting, upward
lighting may be used only in the form of one narrow-cone spotlight
which confines the illumination to the object of interest.
Nonconforming Fixtures "Grandfather Provision". Except as
provided in Section 7-7-5, all outdoor lighting fixtures existing
and legally installed and operative before the effective date of
this ordinance are exempt from the requirements of this Ordinance.
Whenever a nonconforming fixture is replaced or moved, the
htto://cfa-www.harvard.edu/c fa/ps/nelpag/offutt 1.html 6/9/98
Th~ .:ah~.,ve ~,~cq, da;,.fl ,plans, descriptions and data shall be
Sec 8.2. Additional
sufficiently complete to enable the plans ex~/~iner 'to xe.,~lBy determine whether compliance with
requirements of this Code will be secured. If such rplar~s~ ~b:~;criptions and data cannot enable this reaoy
determination, by reason of the nature or configuration of~e devices, fixtures, or lamps proposed, the
applicant shall additionally submit as evidenc~ of compl)~ce to enable such determination such
certified reports of tests as will do so provided that these tests shall have been performed and certified
by a recognized testing laboratory.
Sec. 8.3. Subdivision Plat Certification. If any subdivision proposes to have installed ~street or other
common or public area outdoor lighting, the final plat shall contain a statement certifying that the
applicable provisions of the Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code will be adhered to.
Sec 8.4. Lamp or Fixture Substitution. Should any outdoor light fixture or the type of light source
therein be changed after the permit has been issued, a change request must be submitted to the building
official for his approval, together with adequate information to assure compliance with this code, which
must be received prior to substitution.
Section 9. Prohibitions.
Sec 9.1'. Mercury Vapor Lamps Fixtures and Lamps. The installation, sale, offer for sale, lease or
purchase of any mercury vapor fixture or lamp for use as outdoor lighting is prohibited.
Sec 9.2. Certain Other Fixtures and Lamps. The installation, sale, offering for sale, lease or
purchase of any Iow pressure sodium, high pressure sodium, metal halide, fluorescent, quartz or
incandescent outdoor lighting fixture or lamp the use of which is not allowed by Table 5 is prohibited.
Sec 9.3. Laser Source Light, Except as provided in minor Section 9.4, the use of laser source light
or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment, when projected above the
horizontal is prohibited.
Sec 9.4. Searchlights. The operation of searchlights for advertising purposes is prohibited in Area A
and is prohibited in unincorporated Pima County. In the territorial limits of the City of Tucson, the
operation of searchlights for advertising purposes is prohibited in Area A and is prohibited in Area B
between I0:00 p.m. and sunrise the following morning.
Sec. 9.5. (City only.) Outdoor Advertising Off-Site Signs. Electrical illumination of outdoor
advertising off-site signs is prohibited in Area A. Electrical illumination of outdoor advertising off-site
signs between the hours of 1 I:00 p.m. and sunrise is prohibited in Area B.
ix.Section 10. Special Uses.
Sec 10.1. Recreational Faclhttes. Any light source permirted by this Code may be used for lighting
of outdoor recreational facilities (public or private), such as, but not limited to, football fields, soccer
fields, b~eball fields, softball fields, tennis courts, auto race tracks, horse race tracks or show areas,
provided all of the following conditions are met:
a, Lighting for parking lots and other areas, surrounding the playing field, court, or track shall
comply with this Code for lighting in the specific Area as defined in Section 4.4 and 4.5 of this Code.
b. All fixtures used for event lighting shall be fully shielded as defined in Section 5 of this
Code, or 1Se designed or provided with sharp cut-off capability, so as to minimize up-light, spill-light,
and glare. ,
c. All events shall be scheduled so as to complete all activity before or as near to 10:30 p.m. as
practical, but under no circumstances shall any illumination of the playing field, court, or track be
permitted after 11:00 p.m. except to conclude a scheduled event that was in progress before I I:00 p.m.
and circumstances prevented concluding before 11:00 p.m.
Exception: (City only.) Any portion of a recreational facility located within 300 feet of a road
or street designated as a scenic route shall be lighted u: ng only fixtures approved for use under this
Code for the Area, as defined in Section 4.4 and 4.5 ~f this Code, in which said recreational facility is
Exception: (County only.) Recreational facilities located along roads and streets designated as
scenic routes shall be lighted using only fixtures approved for the Area in which they are located.
Sec. 10.2. Outdoor Display Lots. Any light source permitted by this Code may be used for lighting
of outdoor display lots such as, but not limited to, automobile sales or rental, recreational vehicle sales,
or building material sales, provided ali of the following conditions are met:
a. Lighting for parking lots and other areas surrounding the display lot shall comply with this
Code for lighting in the specific area as defined in Section 4.4 and 4.5 of this Code.
b. All fixtures used for display lighting shall be fully shielded as defined in Section 5 of this Code, or be
designed or provided with sharp cut-off capability, so as to minimize up-light, spill-light, or glare.
c. Display lot lighting shall be turned offwithin thirty minutes after closing of the business. Under no
circumstances shall the full illumination of the lot be permitted after 11:00 p.m. Any lighting used
after 11:00 p.m. shall be used as security lighting.
Section 11. Temporary Exemption
Sec I1.I. Request;Renewal:Information Required. Any person may submit a written request, on a
form prepared by the jurisdiction, to the building official for a temporary exemption request. A
temporary exemption shall contain the following information: ,,
1, specific exemption or exemptions requested;
2, type and use of outdoor light fixture involved;
3. duration of time requested exemption;
4. type of lamp and calculated lumens;
5. total wattage of lamp or lamps;
6. proposed location on premises of the outdoor light fixture(s);
7. previous temporary exemptions, if any, and addresses of premises thereunder;
8. physical size of outdoor light fixture(s) and type of shielding provided;
9. such other data and information as may be required by the building official.
Sec. 11.2. Approval; Duration. The building official shall have five business days from the date
of submission of the request for temporary exemption to act, in writing, on the request. If approved,
the exemption shall be valid for not more than thirty days from the date of issuance of the approval.
The approva! shall be renewable at the discretion of the building official upon a consideration of all the
circumstances. Each such renewed exemption sha!! be valid for not more than thirty days.
Sec 11.3. Disapproval; Appeal. If the request for temporary exemption is disapproved, the person
making the request will have the appeal rights provided in Section 13.
Section 12. Other Exemptions.
Sec 12.1. Nonconformance
1. Mercury vapor lamps in use for outdoor lighting on the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter shall not be so used.
2. (City.) Botnom-mounted outdoor advertising sign lighting shall not be used.
2. (County) Bottom-mounted outdoor advertising sign lighting shall not be used, except as
provided in Section 7.
'3. 'All other outdoor light fixtures lawfully installed prior to and operable on the effective date
of the ordinance codified in this chapter are exempt from all requirements of this Code
except those regulated in Section 7 and in minor Sections 9.3 and 9.4 and in Section 10.
There shall be no change in use or lamp type, or any replacement or structural alteration
made, without conforming to all applicable requirements of this Code.
Sec. 12.2. Fossil Fuel Light. All outdoor light fixtures producing light directly by the combustion
of natural gas or other fossil fuels are exempt from all reeuirements of this Code.
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pue 'sa~lpej ~a2uo2 Joop~no 'sJa~eaq~qd~e) suo~uasaJd a6e~s Joop]no Joj sa~]~l]3~J -
'(splaU II~q IOOq2S qb~q pue s~J~d ii~q an6eaI Jou~ Jo Jo~e~)
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/Xelds!p pa~apisuo~ aq o~ se8Je a~eu6isap ileqS ~ue3ildde aq~ 'ssodJnd ~eq~ Joj pasn aq
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