1 Final Arboretum Business Park( CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Cio, Center Drive, PO Bo:; 147 Chanhassen, Mimtesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General ?ax 612.937.5739 £ngineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public SafeO, Fax 612.934.2524 Web wu,u:ri.d~a,hasse,, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: January 13, 1999 SUB J: Preliminary Plat Approval for Arboretum Business Park Third Addition, PUD #92-6 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting preliminary and final plat approval for Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition creating tWo lots and right-of-way for TH 41. from Outlot B, Arboretum Business Park 2nd Addition, PUD #92-6, and the southern 100 feet of the former Wrase property. This project is coming for Planning Commission review because the Wrase parcel was not included as part of the Arboretum Business Park original subdivision. The proposal includes approximately 5.15 acres. This phase of the development includes only support/convenience commercial land. A site plan for a proposed 5,737 square foot convenience store with gas pumps and car wash on Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Park 3rd Addition is being reviewed concurrently by the city. BACKGROUND On May 11, 1998, the City Council approved Arboretum Business Park 2nd Addition consisting of six lots and the right-of-way for Water Tower Place, formerly known as Coulter Boulevard. On July 28, 1997, the City Council approved the second reading of the rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD, and the final plat creating one lot, five outlots, and associated right-of-way for Arboretum Business Park, PUD #92-6 (formerly Gateway Business Park). On May 27, 1997, the City Council approved the following: Approved the first reading for rezoning the property from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD. The CiO, of Cba,hasse,. ,4 grou'i,g rommnniO, wit3 dean/akes, q,a/iO, schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautifid parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Arboretum Business Park 3ra Addition January 13, 1999 Page 2 Approved the preliminary PUD #92-6 for an office/industrial business park and preliminary plat approval for 12 lots, two outlots and associated right-of-way subject to the plans dated April 4, 1997, revised May 23, 1997,with conditions. The City Council approved a Wetland Alteration Permit for Arboretum Business Park subject to the conditions of preliminary PUD #92-6 approval. The City Council approved an Interim Use Permit #97-1 for Gateway West Planned Unit Development site subject to conditions of the preliminary plat. SUBDIVISION REVIEW WETLANDS All wetland impacts and mitigation associated with this site were performed with the initial grading of the Arboretum Business Park 1 st Addition and have been completed. There are no additional wetland impacts with this project SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) SWMP FEES The Arboretum Business Park development was required to construct water quality and water quantity ponds in accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), or pay the city the money to have these ponds constructed. The entire site was evaluated based on total area minus any wetlands. Upon approval of phase one this site would be responsible for a SWMP fee based on 110.84 acres of developable land. This phase adds an additional 1.05 acres to this figure for a total of 111.89 acres. Office/Industrial developments have water quality fees of $4,633 per acre and water quantity rates are $4,360 per acre. Based on these figures the water quality fee for the entire site was $ 518,386 and water quantity fees are $ 487,840. Water quality credits are given for on site treatment ponds meeting NURP standards. The applicant has built the necessary water treatment ponds to waive the water quality fee of $ 518,386. An additional $14,220. credit were given for easements and construction of trunk storm sewer lines. The Steiner Development Company is responsible for a water quantity fee of $473,620 for the entire I 11.89 acres. Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 3 When developing phases one and two, the developer elected to apply the SWMP credit towards the both water quality and water quantity SWMP fees incurred with the development of these phases. The remaining credit for the Arboretum Business Park development is $43,828. This phase (m) of the development will be responsible for a water quality fee of $22,146 and a water quantity fee of $20,841. Additional credit will be given if the applicant installs the trunk storm sewer needed for this project. This will be determined once a plan is submitted. The applicant may decide to use the remaining water quality credit towards this development, but once this credit is gone, future phases will be assessed the remaining SWMP fee owed ($473,620). These fees are determined when the final grading and utility plans are submitted with each phase of the project. The remaining fees are due at the time of final platting. GRADING The entire site is proposed to be graded and leveled off for building pads and parking lot areas. Staff believes the entire site may not be graded until individual site plans are submitted similar to Lot 1, the Kwik Trip site. Therefore, the grading plan may be altered in the future. The city currently owns the parcel directly north of the site (Wrase parcel) and Outlot A where the water tower is currently being constructed. Two to one (2:1) side slopes are proposed along the north property line to match grades with the city's property. Erosion control blanket shall be used on all slopes that are steeper than 3:1. Earthwork quantities are anticipated to balance on site. If material needs to be exported or imported, a detailed haul route will need to be reviewed and approved by staff. UTILITIES Sanitary sewer and water service is indirectly available to the site. The developer or their assignee will need to extend sanitary sewer service from the intersection of Peavey Street and 82nd Street West along the north boulevard to service Lots 1 and 2 and the city's property north of the site. Sanitary sewer and water service will actually be provided from the City of Chaska. The cities of Chanhassen and Chaska have a joint sewer and water agreement to service this area. The public portion of the sewer and water lines will be owned and maintained upon completion by the City of Chaska/Chanhassen. Detailed construction plans for all utility improvements shall be prepared in accordance with the city's current edition of standard specifications and detail plates. Plans and specifications for the utility extension will need to be reviewed and approved by the City's of Chaska and Chanhassen. The City of Chaska does have sewer and water connection charges for connection to there utility service. Connection Charges are payable at time of building permit issuance for each lot. Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 4 Staff will be working with the developer to work out a cost sharing agreement for the extension of sanitary sewer service to the city's property. At time of building permit issuance on the city's property, a connection charge will be collected for connection to the sanitary sewer which will be refunded to the developer. STORM DRAINAGE The site currently drains southerly to 82nd Street west where existing storm sewers in the street convey surface water runoff into Chaska's storm sewer system. In conjunction with Phase I, the developer installed a trunk storm sewer system to convey this runoff as well as this proposed development to a regional stormwater pond for pretreatment. No additional ponding will be required in conjunction with this phase of development. The storm sewer system will need to be designed and constructed to handle runoff from Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and the future development of the city's property. Detailed drainage calculations for pre- and post-development conditions and 10- and 100-year storm events shall be submitted to the city engineer for review and approval. In addition, verification that the existing storm sewer in 82nd Street, if utilized, can accommodate the additional runoff generated from the development of these three sites shall be supplied to the city engineer for review and approval. As-built construction plans of the public utility lines will be required upon acceptance of the utilities by the city. STREETS In accordance with the real estate purchase agreement for the northerly 100 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, the developer and city entered into a cross-access easement agreement establishing a joint use through Lot 1, Block 1 to provide access to the city's parcel. The easement runs along the southerly 26 feet and westerly 26 feet of Lot 1, Block 1. Staff has had conversations with the developer to revise the easement alignment to the easterly 40 feet and northerly 40 feet of Lot 1, Block 1 to accommodate the proposed site plan on Lot 1, Block 1. Staff and the developer will work together in revising this joint access easement agreement. Access to the lots will be via 82nd Street West. There is a potential for a right-in right-out only on to Trunk Highway 41 for a common access to Lot 1, Block 1 as well as the city's parcel. Should access on to Trunk Highway 41 not be granted, staff believes the site will function adequately with access points on to 82nd Street West. The city is proposing to install traffic control signals at the intersection of 82nd Street West and Trunk Highway 41 in 1999. An 8-foot wide bituminous trail/sidewalk will need to be extended along the north side of 82nd Street West by the developer to complete the trail segment from Trunk Highway 41 to Century Boulevard. The plans shall be revised to incorporate the trail accordingly. Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 5 MISCELLANEOUS The final plat will need to dedicate drainage and Utility easements over all existing and proposed utility lines. The minimum width shall be 20 feet depending on the utility depth. PARK & RECREATION As agreed to by Steiner Development and its representatives, and the City of Chanhassen and its representatives, the following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails in the Arboretum Business Park were approved by the City Council: Parks The applicant shall dedicate Outlots A & B (48.38 acres), Arboretum Business Park, comprised of 26.13 acres of wetland and ponds and 22.23 acres of upland, and all required connecting trail easements, to the City of Chanhassen. Compensation for the 22.23 acres of upland shall include a park dedication credit of 11.73 acres and cash payment of $200,000. Said cash payment being derived from tax increment proceeds and paid on a no interest schedule of $40,000 per year for five years. The year of commencement being the year of initial tax increment proceeds. Trails Steiner Development shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the "wetland trail." This trail follows an alignment generally described as the western edge of Outlots A & B. Connection points for this new trail construction shall be the terminus of the Trotter's Ridge trail and Autumn Ridge trail, portions of said construction will occur off-site of the Arboretum plat within land owned by the City of Chanhassen. Trail construction shall be completed in two phases. One north of the proposed Coulter Boulevard and, the first phase, lying south of proposed Coulter Boulevard. Each phase shall be completed contemporaneously with adjoining improvements. In consideration for this trail construction, the city shall compensate Steiner Development full costs of trail construction plus a 10% design and construction management fee. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to Steiner Development upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 6 In lieu of crediting trail fees against said trail construction, full trail fees shall be collected per city ordinance for all lots in the Arboretum Business Park. Said fees shall be deposited into the city's trail dedication account the same account that will fund the cash payment being made to Steiner Development for trail construction. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve PUD #92-6 granting preliminary plat approval for Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition creating two Lots and right-of- way for TH 41 (plans prepared by Schoell & Madsen, Inc.) subject to the following conditions: Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition will be responsible for a water quality fee of $22,146 and a water quantity fee of $20,841. Additional credit will be given if the applicant installs the trunk storm sewer needed for this project. This will be determined once a plan is submitted. The applicant may decide to use the remaining water quality credit towards this development, but once this credit is gone, future phases will be assessed the remaining SWMP fee owed ($473,620). 2. The grading plan shall be revised to incorporate the following items: a) Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition, shall be revised to incorporate proposed grades from the Kwik Trip site plan. b) The location of septic sites or wells on the property. c) Proposed and existing storm sewer. d) Erosion control blankets on all slopes 3 to 1 or steeper. e) A rock construction entrance. o MnDOT's review comments shall be incorporated into the final grading and development plan. The developer shall be responsible for extending sanitary sewer service to the city's parcel which lies directly north of Lot 1, Block 1 as a part of the overall site improvements. The city will determine a connection charge based on the construction cost of extending the sewer service to refund to the developer upon connection of this parcel to the system. Arboretum Business Park3rd Addition January13,1999 Page 7 o o 10. 11. 12. 13. Sanitary sewer discharge from Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition will be limited to 1,500 gallons per acre and water usage will be no more than 2,000 gallons per acre per parcel. All public utilities to be constructed shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications for the developer-installed public utilities constructed by the developer will be required in conjunction with final platting for Chanhassen and Chaska staff review and City Council approval. The developer shall be required to enter into a PuD Agreement/Development Contract with the city and provide a financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee site improvements. The storm water ponds and/or temporary detention ponds shall be constructed in the initial grading phase to minimize erosion off-site. Erosion control blankets will be required on all slopes greater than 3:1. Revegetation of the exposed slopes shall occur immediately after grading is completed. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod after completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 1 O-year and 100-year storm events in accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for the City Engineer to review and approve. Individual storm sewer calculations between each catch basin segment will also be required to determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their conditions of approval. Fire hydrants shall be incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations. The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide depending on the depth of the utility Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 8 14. No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way except landscaping along the frontage road in accordance with the Trunk Highway 5 Corridor Study. 15. The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the 100-year high water level. 16. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer. 17. Final grades adjacent to Trunk Highways 4 l will be subject to review and approval of MnDOT for compatibility with the future widening of Trunk Highway 41. 18. Landscaping along Highway 41 shall comply with Buffer yard standard C (as per city code). Century Boulevard shall comply with Buffer yard standard B. The master landscape plan for the Arboretum Business Park PUD shall be the design guide for all of the specific site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with the site plan review process. 19. A 10' clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, NSP, US West, Cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 20. Submit street names to Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for review and approvak 21. Existing structures on the property which may be demolished require a demolition permit. Proof of septic and well systems that are abandoned are required. All septic sites shall be abandoned in accordance with city code. Demolition permits must be obtained through the Building Department.. 22. The project and individual site users must comply with the development design standards incorporated herein as Exhibit C of the development contract. 23. Full trail fees shall be collected per City ordinance for all lots in the Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition. 24. The developer agrees to waive any and all procedural or substantive objections to the special assessments resulting from Project No. 97-1D improvements including, but not limited to, hearing requirements and that the assessments as outlined in the feasibility study for Phase III improvements of Project No. 97-1 (Coulter Boulevard Phase III) exceeds the benefit to the Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition January 13, 1999 Page 9 property platted as Arboretum Business Park'..The assessment interest rate will be bond sale rate plus 1 ½%, then rounded up to the nearest ½%. The assessment payback is not known yet but will be a minimum of 5 years. 25. The existing cross access easement over Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition, for access to the City's parcel shall be amended to reflect the new alignment proposed on the Kwik Trip site plan. The easement width shall be 40 feet. 26. All driveway access points shall be constructed in accordance with the city's industrial driveway detail plate No. 5207. 27. The existing driveway located through the northerly portion of Lot 1, Block 1 shall remain until the existing homes on the city property have been removed from the site or demolished and the permanent access constructed to the water tower site on Outlot A, Arboretum Business Park 2nd Addition. 28. A storm sewer system shall be designed and constructed to accommodate stormwater runoff from Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and the future development of the city's parcel lying north of Lot 1, Block 1. Detailed drainage calculations for pre- and post development conditions will be required for review and approval by the city engineer. Verification that the existing storm sewer system, if utilized, can accommodate the additional runoff generated from the development of these sites shall be provided to the city engineer for review and approval. 29. Revise plans to show proposed 8-foot wide bituminous trail sidewalk along the north side of 82th Street West. The applicant shall be responsible for construction of the trail after utility improvements are installed." ATTACHMENTS 1. Exhibit C, Development Design Standards 2. Preliminary Plat g:\plan\bgXarboretum business park 3rd prelim.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION ^~ss: ¢~/~¢ ¢',/_~.,~--,~/~'/ TELEPHONE (Daytime) "/---//7~ "~b~ . Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit . Temporary SaFes Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements JnZerim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit __ Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal __ Rezoning .... Zoning Ordinance Amendment __ Sign Permits __ Sign Plan Review __ Notification Sign Site Plan Review* .~/--. Subdivision' X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost'* ($50 CU P/SPRA/AC/VAR/WAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $ /J',¢,~ A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. :Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. ¢i'wenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. '* Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ' NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME ~~//'~/'~~ ~-'" PRESENT ZONING REQUESTED ZONING PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION REASON FOR THIS REQUEST This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should, confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible fo/' complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of matedal and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate pdor to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information 1 have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that after the approval or granting of the permit, such permits shall be invalid unless they are recorded against the title to the property for which the approvaUpermit is granted within 120 days with the Carver County Recorder's Office and the original document returned to City Hall Records. Signature of Fee Owner Date Date Application Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. · The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. REVISIONS 0 // CITY OF CHANHASSt~N DEC 1 8 1998 ~'-~'"~; ~"'~"~'~'~"~J / 8TEINER DEVELOPMENT, INC, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK '~,~~ ' / ;6m HIGHWAY tO; S 3RD ADDITION CHANHASSEN, MN ~ pArE: ocr, ~ PRELIMNARY PLAT 5.M.I. PROJECT NO, 61809-008 SHE~ 1 OF 2 SHE~5 FUTURE REVISIONS ~ ~.~. ~o,,.o~._ ~ STEINER DEVELOPMENT, INC. u~tc~,~, u. ~ 3610 HIGHWAY 101 $ PROdEcT NA~E/SHEET TITLE ARBORETUM BUS. PARK 3RD ADDITION GRADING, DRAINAQE & EROSIONCONTROL PLAN S.M.L PROJECT NO. 61809-008 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS