1 SUB 6609 Horseshoe CurveCITY OF PC DATE: April 21, 1999 CC DATE: May 10, 1999 CASE #: 99-4 SUB STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Preliminary plat approval to subdivide a 1.434 acre parcel into two single family lots of 27,419 sq. t~., and 35,066 sq. fi., and a variance to the right- - of-way width, Alicia Heights 6609 Horseshoe Curve Ray and Alicia Brozovich 6609 Horseshoe Curve' Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)474-7665 Icl PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ACREAGE: 1.434 acres DENSITY: 1.39 Units per Acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - S- E- W- RSF; Residential Single Family and Horseshoe Curve RD; Recreational DeveloPment Lake - LOtus Lake RsF; Residential Single Family RSF; Residential Single Family WATER AND SEWER: Sewer and water are available t° the site. PHYSICAL CHARACTER.: 2000 LAND USE PLAN: The site is a riparian l°t on Lotus Lake. It contains a single family residence 'and a detached 'garage. The site slopes to the southeast.' The site is 'heavily wooded with mature, trees ' of different'species. Residential Low Density Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting approval to subdivide a 1.434 acre parcel into two single family lots. Lot 1 will be available for future construction. The site is bordered by Horseshoe Curve on the north, Lotus Lake to the south and residential single family homes to the east and west. The site will be accessed via Horseshoe Curve. Horseshoe Curve has a 30 foot right-of-way. City ordinance requires a 60 foot right-of-way. In some cases, staff has agreed to reduce the right-of-way width to 50 feet in order to preserve environmental features or in older established neighborhoods when most of the improvements are already in place. Since this is an established neighborhood, staff believes the applicant should dedicate an additional 10 feet, allowing for a total of 40 foot fight-of-way. Staff will bring to the attention of the Planning Commission and City Council a similar subdivision (in the same area) with a similar request and the action taken by the city. On August 12, 1996, the City Council approved the final plat for Rook Place, Subdivision #96-9. The site is located at 6630 Horseshoe Curve (northwest of the subject site and across the street). Staff recommended the applicant. dedicate an additional lO feet of right-of-way, allowing for a total of 40 feet. The Planning Commission felt that there is an established standard in the neighborhood and that the right- of-way might not be used to widen the street in the future since there are steep grades, mature trees, and structures along the existing right-of-way. Planning staff discussed this issue in detail with engineering staff. The Engineering staff requested that the City Council consider the dedication of the lO foot right-of-way. Their reasoning was that the road will have to be improved some time itt the future. Even if the road is not widened, it will be difficult to complete a reconstruction project within a 30foot wide right-of-way. If the acquisition of this right-of-way is needed (in the future), the city will have to purchase it at the city's expense. The City Council supported the Planning Commission's recommendation and approved the subdivision with the condition that "The right-of-way for Horseshoe Curve shall conform with the neighborhood." (The right-of-way remained 30 feet wide.) Staff still believes that the additional 10 foot right-of-way is necessary for the same reasons stated above. The proposed lots meet the minimum requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. The site generally slopes to the southeast. The natural drainage way will be maintained. The Park and Recreation Commission is recommending that park and trail fees be paid in lieu of park land. Staff believes that this plat request is a reasonable one and consistent with guidelines established by the city Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. We are recommending that it be approved with some modifications specifically related to the house setback from the lake and conditions as outlined in the report. Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 3 BACKGROUND On March 22, 1910, the subdivision of Pleasant View was signed and recorded. It consisted of 52 single family lots. The current application is to divide Lot 45 and a part of Lot 44 into two lots. SUBDIVISION The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 1.434 acre site into 2 single family lots. The denSity of the proposed subdivision is 1.39 units per acre. Both lots meet and exceed the minimum 20,000 square foot area required by the zoning ordinance. Lot 1 is proposed to have an area of27,419 sq. ft., and Lot 2 will have a total area of 35,066 sq. ft. The ordinance states than "When a structure 'exists on a lot On either, side, the setback of a proposed structure shall be the greater of the distance set forth in the above table or the setback of the existing structure." The required setback of structures on Recreational Lakes is a minimum of 75 feet. There is an existing structure on either side of the proposed lot. The structure to the west is setback 90 feet from the Ordinary High Water Mark and the structure to the east is setback 160 feet. The average of the two setbacks is 125 feet, which the required setback for the new structure. The plans reflect a 75 foot setback. The house could be shifted to the north, toward Horseshoe Curve to meet the setback. Also, moving the house will reduce the amount of fill needed on the site to prepare a house pad. Staff notes that the proposal is consistent With the comPrehensive PIan and generally consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. PARK AND RECREATION The Park and Recreation Commission recommended full park and trail fees be paid as a condition of approval. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE - RSF DISTRICT Lot Lot Lot Home Area Width Depth Setback Ordinance 20,000 sq. ft. 90' 125' 30' front/125' rear 10' sides Lot 1 27,419 sq. ft. 90' 237' 30' front/75' rear* 10'. sides Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 4 Lot 2 35,066 sq. ft. 141' 323.73 43' front/160' rear 10' sides The house pad must be shifted to the north to maintain a 125' fOot setback from the OHW. WETLANDS There appears to be no wetlands on-site GRADING AND DRAINAGE The site is fairly steep in grade (20% to 29% slope). Elevation at' the street (Horseshoe Curve) is approximately 955.0 and 895.5 at the lake. The plans propose to fill the lot With approximately 1000 cubic yards (100 truckloads) of material to create the house pad and driveway. Staff is somewhat concerned by the amount of fill needed to prepare the house pad. The house design/size on a lot with this topographic feature is what is creating the need for the excess fill material. If the home was reduced in size and possibly redesigned it.would fit up the hill closer to Horseshoe Curve. This would result in less grading/fill material and fit better with the existing terrain/neighborhood. The driveway grade, however, will still remain at 10%. As material is imported or exported from the site the developer will need to provide the city with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff. If material is proposed to be imported from another site in Chanhassen, it should be noted that the other'properties will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the citY. Given the slope .and size of house desired, retaining walls are proposed around the home to minimize grading.· Based on the plan,' the retaining walls will be in the range of 4 to 12 feet in height. Retaining walls in excess of 4 feet in height will have to be engineered by a licensed structural engineer and separate building permits issued. A detailed grading, drainage and erosion control and tree preservation plan will be required at time of building permit application for the city's review and approval. The site sheet drains to the south towards Lotus Lake. Drainage swales are proposed along both sides of the home to manage runoff from the front yard to the back yard. Although the amount of runoff generated in the front yard is fairly Small, the drainage swales will concentrate the sheet flow around the house to the back. Given the Steep slopes on the 'property, the drainage swales may be prone to erosion, especially during construction. To minimize erosion potential along the sides of the house the drainage swale should be as wide as possible.' In addition, roof gutters should be installed on the home to redirect the roof runoff to the rear of the home to minimize drainage coming around the sides of the house. The key to minimizing erosion is to maintain a sheet flow across the site to avoid concentrated flows or point discharge. Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 5 EROSION CONTROL Erosion control fencing is proposed around the perimeter of the grading limits. A secondary row of erosion control fence may be required along the sides of the home in the drainage swales. In addition, erosion control fence will be required down the hill where the sanitary sewer connection will be made. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water is available to the lots. The existing home on Lot 2 is connected to municipal sewer and water. The plans propose on connecting Lot 1 to the sewer and water in Horseshoe Curve. A sanitary sewer service is proposed via forcemain up the hill into another private sewer service on Horseshoe Curve. The city's policy and state plumbing codes prohibit the entire house to be serviced via a forcemain and for more than one home to be served on an individual sewer service. Sanitary sewer service is available to the lot from the south where an existing 8-inch sewer line can be tapped into. This will also eliminate the need for an injector pump and forcemain in the house. A water service is proposed to be extended across Horseshoe Curve from the existing watermain in Horseshoe Curve. The city typically installs the water service to the property line to ensure proper connection and restoration. The cost of the work will be the developer's responsibility. The city will have to be contacted 30 days in advance to request having the water service extended to the property line. The developer shall escrow with the city $2,500 for extension of the water service. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water lateral or hook up charges. According to city ordinance, properties not previously assessed for sewer and water shall pay a connection and hookup charge at time of building permit issuance. The 1999 sewer connection charge rate is $3,926 and the watermain connection charge is $3,926. The trunk sanitary sewer hookup charge is $1,252 and the trunk watermain hookup charge is $1,632. These charges are payable at time of building permit issuance or may also be specially assessed against the property. The cost for extending the water service across Horseshoe Curve will be deducted from the developer's watermain connection charge. STREETS The parcel will access Horseshoe Curve which is a older substandard street section in comparison to today's city's urban street standards. The street right-of-way width for Horseshoe Curve is currently 30 feet wide which is significantly deficient compared to today's 60-foot wide right-of-way requirement. However, staff believes that given the characteristics of the neighborhood and possible street widening in the future, that only' an additional 10 feet of right- of-way and the standard 1 O-foot wide front yard and drainage and utility easement should be required with the final plat. In the future when the streets are upgraded and additional right-of- Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 6 way or easements are needed, they can be acquired and included in the project costs which would be specially assessed against the benefiting properties. The additional easement and right-of-way dedication will not impair or prohibit the building on the lot. LANDSCAPING/TREE PRESERVATION The applicant has submitted tree inventory and removal plans for the proposed one-lot subdivision. According to the applicant, existing tree canopy coverage is 90.7% or 56,695 sq. ft. For low density residential development with a 90% coverage, the required minimum coverage required after construction is 55% or 31,145 sq. fi. The applicant is proposing to remove 10,890 sq. ft. leaving 80% coverage. The applicant will need to show plans for preserving these trees. For access and a view down to the lake, the applicant will only be allowed to clear a 30' swath from the dwelling to the lake as per city ordinance. This tree removal will not affect the tree preservation calculations for the subdivision. Subdivision Findings: 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans, subject to the conditions of the staffreport. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for develOPment subject to the conditions specified in this report. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 7 Finding: The proposed subdivision will be served bY adequate urban infrastructure contingent upon conditions specified in this report. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions if approved. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easementS. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: ao Lack of adequate storm water drainage. Lack of adequate roads. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Alicia Heights Subdivision # 99-4, as shown on the plans dated March 19, 1999, subject to the following conditions: The applicant shall dedicate on the final plat 10 feet of additional right-of-way for Horseshoe Curve. The applicant shall be responsible for Surface Water Management Fees accordingly to local ordinances. Currently, the single-family home rate is $2,780 per acre. Based on the size of 0.63 acres, the new lot will have a SWMP fee of $1,.749.88. These fees are due at the time of final plat recording. '. '. 3. Full park and trail fees be paid in accordance with city ordinances. Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 8 o o o o 10. Tree preservation fencing must be installed at the edge of all grading limits near trees before grading can begin. Building Official conditions: a. A permit from the Building Inspections Division is required for any retaining walls over 4 feet tall. b. A final soils report must be submitted to the city for any filling or soil correction done on the site to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. c. The proposed sewer and water connections details were not reviewed at this time. Contact Randy Debner at 937-1900, ext. 138, for information. Fire Marshal conditions: a° Owner must comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy. Premise Identification" Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992. CopY enclosed. bo Any trees removed from the site must either be chipped or hauled away. Due to close proximity to other homes no burning permit will be iSsued.'' The developer should consider reducing the size and possiblY redesigning the home to fit better with the existing topographic conditions of the site and reduce the amount of fill needed to construct the home. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan will be reqUired at time of building permit application for city staff to review and approve. Drainage swales shall be installed along both sides o~'the proposed home on Lot 1 to manage runoff from the front yard to the back yard. The drainage swales shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide to minimize erosion potential along the sides of the house. Roof gutters shall also be installed on the home to redirect roof runoff to the rear of the home. Additional erosion control measures maY be required along the sides of the home on Lot 1 within the drainage swale. ErOsion control fence will also'be required in conjunction with the sanitary sewer connection by the lake. Alicia Heights Addition April 21, 1999 Page 9 11. A sanitary sewer service shall be from the.existing 8~inch sanitary sewer along the south property line. Water service will be extended by the city at the developer's cost from Horseshoe Curve to the north property line of Lot 1, The applicant will be required to escrow $2,500 to guarantee the cost of the water service extension. Lot 1, Block 1 will be responsible for a sanitary sewer and water hookup and connection charge at time of ' building permit application. The cost of extending the water service across Horseshoe Curve will be deducted from the watermain connection charge. 12. The final plat shall dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way for Horseshoe Curve along with the standard 1 O-foot front, rear and 5-foot side yard drainage and utility easements. In addition, a 20-foot wide utility easement shall be dedicated over the existing sanitary sewer line which runs through the southerly portiOn of Lots 1 and 2. 13. If material is imported or exported from the site the developer will need to provide the city with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff. If material is proposed to be imported from another site in Chanhassen it should be noted that the other properties will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the city. 14. The home shall maintain a 125 foot setback from the OHW of Lotus Lake." ATTACHMENTS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Application Public heating and property owners list. Memo from Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer, dated April 12, 1999. Memo from Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal, dated April 8, 1999. Memo from Steve Torell, Building Official, dated April 9, 1999. Preliminary plat dated received March 18, 1999. g:\planXsa\alicia heights.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION OWNER: ' TELEPHONE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit __ Planned Unit Development* ~ Rezoning Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment __ Sign Permits __ Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review* Subdivision* Notification Sign ,, X. Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ($50 CUPISPR/VACNAPJW AP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $3 ~'<:~ ~' A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. ~Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. Escrow will be required for other applications through the development cOntract NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ' NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRESENT ZONING .//~ ~ REQUESTED ZONING ~ l, PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNA'['ION REASON FOR THIS REQUEST This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable C~ Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should, confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible fo~complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of matedal and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate pdor to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that after the approval or granting of the permit, such permits shall be invalid unless they are recorded against the title to the property for which the approval/permit is granted within 120 days with the Carver County Recorder's Z~~~/~//~ ~~L_,,~ice and 'he °riginal document retumed t° City "alI R'co''. ~ g~//~t / Signature of Fee Owner Application Received on Date Fee Paid 3 .~(~, ~ Receipt No. · The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If not contacted, a copy of the report wlll be rnalled to the applicant's address. PROPOSAL: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2'1, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 690 CITY'CENTER DRIVE Request for a Lot Split APPLICANT:. Ray and Alicia Brozovich LOCATION: 6609 Horseshoe Curve NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicants, Ray and Alicia Brozovich, are requesting subdivision of 1.434 acres into 2 lots with an area of 27,419 sq. ft. and 35,066 sq. ft. on property zoned RSF and located northwest of Lotus Lake, 6609 Horseshoe Curve, Alicia Heights. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ext. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 8, 1999. Lotus Lake w on-~ ~:o~ wO~ · -f LLI 7 -JO~ -~0~ I.l~o U.l r.oT ~,- rro~ wZ I.l.I ~ n"c~ ::::}Lo wZ zO~ OZ: .jWLLI C~ LLI Z ~o~ lee'} wZ O~ ~m"' 'r~O-r 0 zz~ ~:r:r -~ Z ~ujtu ZO >- r'~w -tO 0 T Z .-f O Z O3 Z '-l- O Z i-- LLI Z ~o~ o 1.1.1 rr w 0 "r Z T O W 00~ Z Z ww IJ.J mr..) --i Lij !° T Z LLIZ O~ z n>~ w > CC O mm o Z T Z T zLLIZ o0~ w LLI LU IJ.I OWZ NO~ OT w w <o ZT T z T W~ w w 0 Z w (/) Z -'r' 0 w :::)Lo ~.)~ WZ no~ zwW o~ I~JnZ ZWZ 0~ CITYOF CHANHASSElq 690 City Center Ddve, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937,9152 Public SafeO, Fax 612.934,2524 Web www. ci, chanhassen, mn, us MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer~ DATE: April 12, 1999 SUB J: · Review of Preliminary Plat for Alicia Heights Land Use Review File No. 99-8 Upon review of the plans prepared by Roger Anderson & Associates dated March 10, 1999, I offer the following comments and recommendations: GRADING AND DRAINAGE The site is fairly steep in grade (20% to 29% slope). Elevation at the street (Horseshoe Curve) is approximately 955.0 and 895.5 at the lake. The plans propose to fill the lot with approximately 1000 cubic yards (100 truckloads) of material to create the house pad and driveway. Staff is somewhat concerned by the amount of fill needed to prepare the house pad. The house design/size on a lot with this topographic feature is what is creating the need for the excess fill material. If the home was reduced in size and possibly redesigned it would fit up the hill closer to Horseshoe Curve. This would result in less grading/fill material and fit better with the existing terrain/neighborhood. The driveway grade, however, will still remain at 10%. As material is imported or exported from the site the developer will need to provide the City with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff. If material is proposed to be imported from another site in Chanhassen, it should be noted that the other properties will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the City. Given the slope and size of house desired, retaining walls are proposed around the home to minimize grading. Based on the plan the retaining walls will be in the range of 4 to 12 feet in height. Retaining walls in excess of 4 feet in height will have to be engineered by a licensed structural engineer and separate building permits issued. A detailed grading, drainage and erosion control and tree preservation plan will be required at time of building permit application for the City's review and approval. The site sheet drains to the south towards Lotus Lake. Drainage swales are proposed along both sides of the home to manage runoff from the front yard to the back yard. Although the amount of runoff generated in the front yard is fairly small, the drainage swales will concentrate the sheet flow around the house to the back. Given the steep slopes on the property, the drainage swales may be prone to erosion, especially during construction. To minimize erosion potential along the sides of the house the drainage swale should be as wide as possible. In addition, roof gutters should be installed on the home to redirect the roof runoff to the rear of the home to minimize drainage coming around the sides of the house. The key The City of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Sharmin A1-Jaff April 12, 1999 Page 2 to minimizing erosion is to maintain a sheet flow across the site to avoid concentrated flows or point discharge. EROSION CONTROL Erosion control fencing is proposed around the perimeter of the grading limits. A secondary row of erosion control fence may be required along the sides of the home in the drainage swales. In addition, erosion control fence will be required down the hill where the sanitary sewer connection will be made. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water is available to the lots. The existing home on LOt 2 is connected to municipal sewer and water. The plans propose on connecting Lot 1 to the sewer and water in Horseshoe Curve. A sanitary sewer service is proposed via forcemain up the hill into another private sewer service on Horseshoe Curve. The City's policy and State plumbing codes prohibit the entire house to be serviced via a forcemain and for more than one home to be served on an individual sewer service. Sanitary sewer service is available to the lot from the south where an existing 8-inch sewer line can be tapped into. This will also eliminate the need for an injector pump and forcemain in the house. A water service is proposed to be extended across Horseshoe Curve from the existing watermain in Horseshoe Curve. The City typically installs the water service to the property line to ensure proper connection and restoration. The cost of the work will be the developer's responsibility. The City will have to be contacted 30 days in advance to request having the water service extended to the property line. The developer shall escrow with the City $2,500 for extension of the water service. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water lateral or hook up charges. According to City Ordinance properties not previously assessed for sewer and water shall pay a connection and hookup charge at time of building permit issuance. The 1999 sewer connection charge rate is $3,926 and the watermain connection charge is $3,926. The trunk sanitary sewer hookup charge is $1,252 and the trunk watermain hookup charge is $1,632. These charges are payable at time of building permit issuance or may also be specially assessed against the property. The cost for extending the water service across Horseshoe Curve will be deducted from the developer's watermain connection charge. STREETS The parcel will access Horseshoe Curve which is a older substandard street section in comparison to today's City's urban street standards. The street right-of-way width for Horseshoe Curve is currently 30 feet wide which is significantly deficient compared to today's 60-foot wide right-of-way requirement. However, staff Sharmin A1-Jaff April 12, 1999 Page 3 believes that given the characteristics of the neighborhood and possible street widening in the future, that only an additional 10 feet of right-of-way and the standard 10-foot wide front yard and drainage and utility easement should be required with the final plat. In the future when the streets are upgraded and additional right-of-way or easements are needed, they can be acquired and included in the project costs which would be specially assessed against the benefiting properties. The additional easement and right-of-way dedication will not impair or prohibit the building on the lot. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The developer should consider reducing the size and possibly redesigning the home to fit better with the existing topographic conditions of the site and reduce the amount of fill needed to construct the home. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan will'be required at time of building permit application for City staff to review and approve. o Drainage swales shall be installed along both sides of the proposed home on Lot 1 to manage runoff from the front yard to the back yard. The drainage swales shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide to minimize erosion potential along the sides of the house. Roof gutters shall also be installed on the home to redirect roof runoff to the rear of the home. Additional erosion control measures may be required along the sides of the home on Lot 1 within the drainage swale. Erosion control fence will also be required in conjunction with the sanitary sewer connection by the lake. A sanitary sewer service shall be from the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer along the south property line. Water service will be extended by the City at the developer's cost from Horseshoe Curve to the north property line of Lot 1. The applicant will be required to escrow $2,500 to guarantee the cost of the water service extension. Lot 1, Block 1 will be responsible for a sanitary sewer and water hookup and connection charge at time of building permit application. The cost of extending the water service across Horseshoe Curve will be deducted from the watermain connection charge. The final plat shall dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way for Horseshoe Curve along with the standard 10-foot front, rear and 5-foot side yard drainage and utility easements. In addition, a 20-foot wide utility easement shall be dedicated over the existing sanitary sewer line which runs through the southerly portion of Lots 1 and 2. Sharmin A1-Jaff April 12, 1999 Page 4 C: If material is imported or exported from the site the developer will need to provide the City with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff. If material is proposed to be imported from another site in Chanhassen it should be noted that the other properties will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the City. Anita Benson, City Engineer g:XengMave',pcXalicia.doc CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 O{y Center D~ive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ?/)one 612.937.1900 General Fax 612. 937. 5739 E, gi, eering Fax 612.937.9152 P~blic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci.c/Janhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Senior Planner FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal DATE: April 8, 1999 SUBJECT: Request for subdivision of 1.434 acres into two lots with an area of 27,419 square feet and 35,066 square feet on property zoned RSF and located northwest of Lotus Lake, 6609 Horseshoe Curve, Alicia Heights, Ray and Alicia Brosovich. Planning Case: 99-4 SUB. I have reviewed the plan for the above project. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. Owner must comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy "Premise Identification". Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992. Copy enclosed. 2. Any trees removed from the site must either be chipped or hauled away. Due to close proximity to other holnes no burning permit will be issued. ML/be cc: Steve Torell, Building Official g:\safety\ml\plrev99-4 The Gty of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a champing downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to hve, work, and play. CITYOF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM 69001TCenterDrive, POBox147 TO: Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 FROM: General Fax 612.93Z5739 DATE: Engineering Fax 612. 937. 9152 Public Safe{y Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. d. chanhassen, mn. us Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner Steve Torell, Building Official April 9, 1999 SUB J: Planning Case 99-4 SUB, Alicia Heights I have reviewed the land development proposal for the above subdivision, and offer the following comments: 1. A permit from the Building Inspections Division is required for any retaining walls over 4 feet tall. 2. A final soils report must be submitted to the city for any filling or soil correction done on the site to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. 3. The proposed sewer and water connections details were not reviewed at this time. Contact Randy Debner at 937-1900, ext. 138, for information. st:ebb g:\safcty\st\mcmos\plan\aliciahts The Gvy of Chanhassen. A growing communi{y with clean lakes, quali{y schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautifiul parks. A great place to live, work, and play.