AgendaCALL TO ORDER PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. .3. NEW BUSINESS CHANHASSEN PLANNING COM.MntlSSiON- WED ESDAY, iMAy 3, 2000 at 7:00 P~M. - · CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE Request for a front yard variance from the required 27'~ foot setback and a side yard variance from the required 10' setback for the construction~of a Carport loeated'at 1834 Valley Ridge Trail, Tom Endstrom of a screened Request for a variance from the 10' side yard s~tback for the Construction Porch located at 8030 Hidden Circle, Shannon McClard~ ~- ~ Preliminary plat to subdivide 13.41 acre's into 19 Single family!°tS On property zoned .RSF; Single FanCily Residential. The.property is. located east of TH 'i 01 i' north of Mission Hills and south of Villages on the Ponds, Marsh Glen, MSS HOldings, LLC. ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS OPEN DISCUSSION 4. Light Pollution, Jack Atkins. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m_as'outlined in official by-laws, wei'wi!l make.eVery attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, ho~vever, thisdoes not appear to be possible; the'Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from COnsiderati0nwill be listed first on the agenda al the' next Commission meeting. _ _ Item Published and Deleted Carl McNutt for preliminary plat approval to subdivide a 27,405 sq. fi. parcel into 2 single family lots (13,920 s.f. and 13,485 s.f.) with lot area and lot depth':variances on property zoned RSF and -located at 185 Pleasant View Road~