PC Minutes 08-21-2012Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 21, 2012 5. The applicant shall prepare and implement an additional noise abatement/mitigation plan. Water Resource Coordinator Conditions: Surface Water Drainage and Treatment 1.While it does not appear that the site will exceed the maximum 70% hardcover as allowed by §20-505, calculations must be provided. These calculations shall include the artificial turf areas. 2.The submittal shall indicate if there is an underdrain system for the artificial turf areas. If there is, show how this is connected to the public conveyance system. The applicant must also describe how this system prevents animal wastes from entering the storm sewer system. 3.The landscape plan calls out non-woven weed mat. This should be changed to reflect that -1 the fabric must have a minimum permittivity of 0.7 sec as described in ASTMD -4491 and an apparent opening size maximum of 0.25 mm. If this is not acceptable for the landscaping purposes, this area shall be calculated as hardcover for both planning and stormwater modeling purposes. Erosion and Sediment Control 1.The applicant shall provide the NPDES Permit number prior to commencement of earth disturbing activities. 2.The SWPPP shall be amended such that under Project Contacts, the City contact is Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator 952-227-1168 and Chip Hentges, Carver County SWCD, 952-393-1146 shall be added. 3.That portion of the SWPPP with the heading “Responsibility Requirements” shall be completed in full and submitted to the City and included in the on-site SWPPP prior to the commencement of earth disturbing activities. 4.Per Part III. A. 3 of the NPDES permit, a narrative describing the timing and placement of all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs must be included in the SWPPP. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-R) AND REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-R) TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RSF): REQUEST TO AMEND THE SUNNYSLOPE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R) TO INCORPORATE UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND REFERENCE THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RSF) DISTRICT; THND AND REZONE SUNRISE HILLS 4 ADDITION, WALDRIPS 2 ADDITION, FOX CHASE, ORCHARD HILLS AND WHITETAIL RIDGE FROM PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT- 11 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 21, 2012 RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R) TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RSF). APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 2012-04-06. Generous: Thank you Chairman Aller, commissioners. As you stated this is a proposed planned unit development residential. It’s the sixth group that we’re bringing forward. This is the stuff that we thought we were going to be able to get more of when we started this process a year and a half ago. These are the only ones that we found that we could rezone from planned unit development to single family residential because they all except for the Sunnyslope comply with the standards. We had a th neighborhood meeting on July 10 to review these, this group. We sent out approximately 85 notices and we have 4 people attend our meeting. The meeting notices did contain information on website contact and planning contact for individuals and we did receive some calls and I’m sure people used the City’s website to see the information. Because this was sixth group we have everything in line and we were able to cover most of the questions that we had heard throughout the process. Again we discovered through this whole series of PUD amendments that a lot of the projects, because they were older, the homes may not specifically comply with the standard. However the standards were there and we’re not going to go and make people change anything but as they go forward they’re going to have to comply with the minimum regulations. So through this process we did not try to upzone any of the properties. What they were approved for is what they’re getting right now so that’s where we stand. Again the projects that th we’re looking at tonight are Fox Chase, Orchard Hills, Sunnyslope, Sunrise Hills 4 Addition, Waldrips nd 2 Addition and Whitetail Ridge. We’ll start with the only one that will remain a planned unit development and that is the Sunnyslope development. This was actually approved as a part of subdivision #77-05 approved in 1977. The underlying zoning for the development is RSF which is Single Family Residential. While the lots do not meet that minimum standards, as part of the PUD they’re developing their unique standards for this development. There are 12 single family homes in this project and they will remain. They do have a common open area within the center of the development and this association has a recreational beachlot. There’s a non-conforming use permit for that recreational beachlot. The minimum lot size in this PUD is 11,300 square feet. The standard for single family residential is 15,000 for non-riparian properties. The minimum lot width is 75 feet at the building setback line. The RSF standard is 90 feet of property width, and the minimum depth in this development is 110 feet. The standard in the RSF is 125 feet. The front setbacks within this project are 20 feet. The standard in the RSF district is 30 feet. The side lot setback is 10 feet and the rear lot setback is 30 feet and those, and the hard cover is 25% for this development and those are all consistent with the RSF district. That’s it. Staff is recommending approval of the ordinance to amend a PUD to adopt those standards which were incorporated as part of the development contract for this project. Again what we’re proposing is that we take them all together. Do the public hearing and at the end have one motion to approve the project so with that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Aller: Great. Questions? Comments. After six of these there won’t be many. Colopoulos: No. Aller: Okay, we’re going to open the public hearing. Anyone wishing to come forward on Sunnyslope, for or against. Seeing no one come forward, closing the public hearing. Discussion. Motion. Colopoulos: We’re going to take, yeah we’ll take all at once? Aller: Moving on. Generous: The second project is Fox Chase. This is located on the northeast, northwest corner of Lotus Lake. This is the one where I discovered as part of the research that in the70’s any project that had more than 25 units had to be processed through the planned unit development process so. However we 12 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 21, 2012 discovered that this development met all the minimum standards in the RSF district so even the riparian lots meet the 20,000 square foot. However the minimum lot size for non-riparian is 15,000 square feet. Minimum lot width is 90 feet. Minimum lot depth is 125 feet and it’s 25% site coverage. So those are all thnd the single family districts. Fox Chase, Orchard Hills, Sunrise Hills 4 Addition, Waldrips 2 Addition and Whitetail Ridge all meet those requirements. Here we go back to the Fox Chase which is PUD 79-04. 52 single family lots. Comply with all the standards in the RSF district. We’re proposing that this PUD be rezoned to RSF which is Single Family Residential. So that’s it for that one. There is an ordinance to do that attached to the staff report. Aller: Questions, comments. We’ll open the public hearing regarding Fox Chase planned unit development. Anyone wishing to come forward, please do so. Seeing no one come forward, closing the public hearing. Moving on. th Generous: The next one. Sunrise Hills 4 Addition. The final plat for this project was approved in 1973. We believe that it was by mistake that it was even picked up as a part of a PUD but since it’s been published in our zoning map for so long we thought it was better to go through this process. It was actually part of the development to the north that we replatted which is Sunrise Hills and just because of the road connection, that may have given people the impression it was part of the PUD to the south of that. There are 5 single family homes in this development so, and they do comply with the RSF district regulations so we are recommending the ordinance be adopted to rezone them from PUD-R to RSF. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. th Aller: Seeing no questions, opening the public hearing on Sunrise Hills 4 Addition planned unit development. Anyone wishing to come forward please do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward, close the public hearing. st Generous: Okay, we have to step back. Outlot A of Waldrips 1 Addition is actually, well the land that nd was incorporated as Waldrips 2 Addition and Whitetail Ridge and Orchard Hill so we believe and we haven’t been able to track it down but that’s when the zoning was incorporated. However each of those nd projects then met the RSF district regulations. The one hiccup is in Waldrips 2 Addition. There is a non-conforming use in that development but we’ll start on the north side. Orchard Hills is Subdivision 84-18. It was approved in 1984. It was 5 single family lots. There is a wetland on the back part of it. Each of the lots exceeds the minimum requirements for the RSF district. There were no unique standards as part of this so we’re recommending that it be rezoned from PUD-R to RSF which is single family residential. So there’s not a lot to say. They all comply. Aller: We had one non-conforming and again we’re not upzoning so any questions? With that I’ll open the public hearing. Orchard Hills planned unit development. Anyone wishing to speak on the matter either for or against please step forward. Seeing no one come forward, closing the public hearing. nd Generous: Okay, Waldrips 2 Addition. There are 4 single family detached housing units in this. This is the one non-conforming use is this building on the south end. It was an existing, I believe it was a farmstead. It was built in the 1800’s and over time they’ve added, I believe there’s 7 units within that building. However all the other lots are single family detached homes. They comply with the standards for the RSF district. This plat was approved in October of 1982. We’re recommending that it be rezoned from PUD-R to RSF. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Aller: Hearing none, open the public hearing. Anyone wishing to speak for or against please step forward. State your name and address. Seeing no one come forward, closing the public hearing. 13 Chanhassen Planning Commission – August 21, 2012 Generous: Whitetail Ridge is on the south end of the Waldrips Addition. It’s Subdivision 87-02. It was approved in 1987. There are 6 single family detached houses. At one time Whitetail Ridge Court was proposed to be Lake Lucy Road when it connected to the east but that never happened. I believe there’s some wetlands east of this and so we all know that Lake Lucy Road now curves down to the south. Six single family detached houses. All the lots comply with the minimum standards of the RSF district. We’re recommending that the ordinance be adopted to rezone the property from PUD-R to RSF. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Aller: Having no questions, I’ll open the public hearing. Whitetail Ridge planned unit development. Anyone wishing to step forward, please do so. Speak for or against. Seeing no one stepping forward, closing the public hearing. Generous: And that brings us to our recommendation. We recommend that you approve the rezoning ordinances for, to incorporate the unique development standards for the Sunnyslope PUD and keep that thnd PUD-R and rezone the Fox Chase, Orchard Hills, Sunrise Hills 4 Addition, Waldrips 2 Addition, and Whitetail Ridge from PUD-R to RSF, single family residential and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation with each of the reports. Aller: Would anyone like to make a motion as stated? Colopoulos: Certainly. I so move. Aller: Having a motion, do I have a second? Undestad: Second. Aller: Discussion. Colopoulos moved, Undestad seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Sunnyslope Planned Unit Development- Residential to incorporate the development standards and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation; and that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve thnd the attached ordinances rezoning Fox Chase, Orchard Hills, Sunrise 4 Addition, Waldrips 2 Addition and Whitetail Ridge Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential District (RSF), and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendations. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Undestad noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated July 17, 2012 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. Aanenson: Thank you Chair, members of the commission. There were two meetings with the City Council since your last meeting and all the action items on there are related to your PUD’s so you just approved the last one so now it’s up to the council to finish off, and that was a big task so thank you for bearing with us and getting that done. I think it’s going to be very helpful for our residents. Aller: Well for the record I’d like to commend staff because the way that it went through, it was a lot of work but I think the residents of the city of Chanhassen got a good opportunity to see what use their 14