2. 2030 Comprehensive Plan - Transportation, Collector Streets0 CITY OF CHANHAS3EN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Robert Generous, AICP, Senior Planner Alyson Fauske, PE, Assistant City Engineer DATE: September 4, 2012 ®) SUBJECT: 2030 Comprehensive Plan: Transportation Section 20 -5 of the Chanhassen City Code, Collector Streets PROPOSED MOTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the proposed 2030 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Chapter 7, Transportation, Section 7.6.6, and Figure 7 -11 to add Dakota Avenue as a Minor Collector, and Amend'Section 20 -5 of the Chanhassen City Code to add Dakota Avenue as a Collector Street." BACKGROUND The City adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in December 2008. DISCUSSION Recreation Center Dakota Avenue between Highway 5 (a Principal Arterial) and Lake Drive East (a 2310 Coulter Boulevard Major Collector) is currently classified as a local road in the City Code and in the Phone: 952.227.1400 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that this roadway segment be Fax: 952.227.1404 classified as a Minor Collector. Planning & Natural Resources Minor collector streets provide one or more of the following: Phone: 952.227.1130 . Connection between local streets and arterial roads Fax: 952.227.1110 . Provide access to multi - family development Public Works • Serve to neighborhood centers 7901 Park Place • Provide access to services such as fire station, parks or schools Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Minor collectors are designed to serve shorter trips within the City and the traffic volume is typically lower than major collectors or arterials. Minor collectors connect Senior Center to other collectors or arterial roads. Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: TRANSPORTATION Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chapter 7 of the City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Plan deals with transportation. The proposed amendment would add Dakota Avenue from Highway 5 to Lake Drive East as a Minor Collector. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission September 4, 2012 Page 2 of 3 Proposed Amendment (changes shown in bold and highlighted in yellow): 7.6.6 Minor Collectors Minor collectors are streets or roadways providing travel between local streets and the arterial roadway network, or serving multifamily development or neighborhood centers or services such as fire stations, parks or schools. Minor collectors are designed to serve shorter trips within a City and, generally, accommodate fewer trips than major collectors or arterials. Minor collectors connect to other collector or arterial streets. 82 " Street. This route continues the connection from TH 5 to TH 41 in conjunction with Century Boulevard. With the future reconstruction of TH 41, this route will serve as a detour for traffic on that route. Bluff Creek Boulevard. This route provides an east/west connection from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 and the TH 312 (new TH 212) interchange. The eastern portion of this roadway will be constructed with the development of the adjacent property. Bluff Creek Drive: This route provides a north/south connection from CSAH 14 to Flying Cloud Drive. A short segment of this roadway will be constructed north of CSAH 14 to Bluff Creek Boulevard with the development of the adjacent property. Century Boulevard. This route provides a north/south link between West 78th Street, TH 5 and West 82nd Street. Dakota Avenue (Highway S to Lake Drive East). This route provides a link from Highway 5 to the office /industrial area on Lake Drive East and to single - family residential housing to the south. Great Plains Boulevard. This route connects West 78th Street to Lake Drive East. Kerber Boulevard: This route connects West 78th Street in downtown Chanhassen to Powers Boulevard and is parallel to Powers Boulevard. Longacres Drive: This route connects TH 41 and Audubon Road (CSAH 117) and provides access to residential developments. Lyman Boulevard (Highway 101 to east City limits): This roadway connects CSAH 14 from its intersection with Highway 101 to a roadway connection in Eden Prairie. Market Boulevard. This route provides a link between TH 5 and downtown Chanhassen. 2010 MUSA North Collector: This roadway will connect CSAH 18 to Bluff Creek Boulevard. These connections will be constructed with the development of the properties in the area. Planning Commission September 4, 2012 Page 3 of 3 The ultimate roadway system is based upon the functional classification presented above. It reflects full development of the City according to the land use plan and socioeconomic forecasts presented earlier. The roadway cross - section identified for each classification would be expected to be in place at the time full development is achieved. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the addition of Dakota Avenue from Highway 5 to Lake Drive East as a Minor Collector in the Comprehensive Plan and the City Code. ATTACHMENTS 1. Ordinance Amendment, Chapter 20 -5, Identification of Arterial and Collector Streets. 2. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Pages 7 -26 & 7 -27 (existing). 3. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Figure 7 -11 (amended). g: \eng \functional road classification amendment 2012.docx CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, CONCERNING ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ROADS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20 -5 of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to read as follows: Identification of arterial and collector streets. For purposes of this chapter, the following are identified as arterial and collector streets: Arterial streets: County Road 14 (Pioneer Trail) County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) County Road 17 (Audubon Road south of Lyman Boulevard) County Road 18 (Lyman Boulevard west of Trunk Highway 10 1) County Road 19 (Galpin Boulevard south of Trunk Highway 5) County Road 61 (Flying Cloud Drive) Dell Road (Highway 5 south to corporate city limits) Trunk Highway 5 Trunk Highway 7 Trunk Highway 41 Trunk Highway 101 U.S. Highway 212 Collector streets: 82 °d Street Audubon Road (north of Lyman Boulevard) Bluff Creek Boulevard Bluff Creek Drive Century Boulevard (from West 78th St. to 82nd St.) Coulter Boulevard County Road 117 (Galpin Boulevard north of Trunk Highway 5) Dakota Avenue (Highway 5 to Lake Drive East) Dell Road (Trunk Highway 5 north to corporate city limits) Great Plains Boulevard (West 78 Street to Grandview Road) Kerber Boulevard Lake Drive Lake Drive East Lake Drive West Lake Lucy Road Longacres Drive Lyman Boulevard (east of Trunk Highway 10 1) Market Boulevard Minnewashta Parkway Park Road Pleasant View Road West 78th Street (Trunk Highway 41 to Trunk Highway 10 1) Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 day of September, 2012, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on g: \plan \city code\2012\2012 -03 chapter 20 identification of arterial and collector streets \amendment ordinance art & coll.doc 2 7. Minnewashta Parkway. This street serves as the only north /south route between TH 5 and TH 7 west of Lake Minnewashta. It likely serves thru trips from outside the City from TH 5 to TH 7, as well as locally generated traffic along its route. 8. Park Road Park Road serves the same function as Lake Drive, providing local access south of TH 5 and a parallel collector to TH 5. `Ibis route is capable of carrying local trips of short to medium length connecting to a collector street (Audubon Road) and an arterial road (Powers Boulevard). 9. Pleasant View Road Pleasant View Road serves as the only east /west connection between CSAH 17 and TH 101 in northern Chanhassen. 10. West 78th Street. This east /west route connects TH 41 to TH 101. It parallels TH 5 and provides local access to the properties adjacent to TH 5. 7.6.6 MINOR COLLECTORS Minor collectors are streets or roadways providing travel between local streets and the arterial roadway network, or serving multifamily development or neighborhood centers or services such as fire stations, parks or schools. Minor collectors are designed to serve shorter trips within a City and, generally, accommodate fewer trips than major collectors or arterials. Minor collectors connect to other collector or arterial streets. 1. 82nd Street. This route continues the connection from TH 5 to TH 41 in conjunction with Century Boulevard. With the future reconstruction of TH 41, this route will serve as a detour for traffic on that route. 2. Bluff Creek Boulevard. This route provides an east /west connection from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 and the TH 312 (new TH 212) interchange. The eastern portion of this roadway will be constructed with the development of the adjacent property. 3. Bluff Creek Drive. This route provides a north /south connection from CSAH 14 to Flying Cloud Drive. A short segment of this roadway will be constructed north of CSAH 14 to Bluff Creek Boulevard with the development of the adjacent property. 4. Century Boulevard. This route provides a north /south link between West 78th Street, TH 5 and West 82nd Street. 5. Great Plains Boulevard. This route connects West 78th Street to Lake Drive East. 6. Kerber Boulevard This route connects West 78th Street in downtown Chanhassen to Powers Boulevard and is parallel to Powers Boulevard. 7. Longaeres Drive. This route connects TH 41 and Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 117) and provides access to residential developments. 7 - 26 1 TRANSPORTATION City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan Lyman Boulevard (Highway 101 to east City limits): This roadway connects CSAH 14 from its intersection with Highway 101 to a roadway connection in Eden Prairie. 9. Market Boulevard This route provides a link between TH 5 and downtown Chanhassen. 10.2010 MUM North Collector. This roadway will connect CSAH 18 to Bluff Creek Boulevard. These connections will be constructed with the development of the properties in the area. The ultimate roadway system is based upon the functional classification presented above. It reflects full development of the City according to the land use plan and socioeconomic forecasts presented earlier. The roadway cross - section identified for each classification would be expected to be in place at the time full development is achieved. �( �( �J�Ihlilil�Lll; lilll�illIH�I ;lulul�llllil,�Ill'I�Iu1�1►Y1�y 7.7.1 ROADWAY PLAN Traffic on Chanhasseds roadway system will continue to increase due to new commercial, residential and industrial development and changes in socio- economic conditions. The impact of added traffic will be more evident on primarily the arterial and collector routes. However, failure to address capacity issues on major routes will result in more traffic diverting to local streets. This can result in safety, speed and other undesirable impacts to collector routes. In order to ensure that traffic concerns are addressed thoroughly and comprehensively, the transportation chapter of the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan contains a planned and recommended roadway system for the year 2030. This system is the result of both current and past planning efforts including the 1980, 1991 and 1998 Comprehensive Plans, the Year 2005 Land Use and Transportation Study, the Highway 101 /5 Preliminary Alignment and Land Use Corridor Study, the Highway 5 Corridor Land Use Design Study, the 1990 Eastern Carver County Transportation Study (ECCTS), the 1998 Carver County Transportation Study and the 2007 Carver County Transportation Study. The following major improvements are components of the recommended and planned transportation system: 1. TH 5: The City will continue to work to get TH 5 improved west of TH 41. The current Carver County Transportation Plan indicates a need for 4 -lanes west to Waconia to accommodate traffic flows. 2. TH212. Construction of TH 212 along a new alignment was under consideration since the early 1950s. The project is a four -lane, limited access freeway. The project is scheduled to be completed to Carver in 2008. 3. TH 101: Planning efforts since 1980 have consistently identified the need for improvements to TH 101. Planned improvements north of TH 5 consist primarily of reconstruction and City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan TRANSPORTATION 17 - 27 City of Chanhassen Functional Classification N Arterial Future Collector Collector Principle August 28, 2012 G:IENGIJoleenlPlanninglFunct ClassiAFunctional Classification 11x17 —d I Ft Min—M. o,un::ifp 111111 � '111111111�� II���In►��i Imp/ nudri l �' 1 dilly �7111►I`,'� �/ Mln.ewp / /1 ) landeope Ahpelm Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Neurt Plsene Pah Bluff Creek Golf Course Hesse Farm Preserve Of NINE , C /ligpG�Sn1i l� ►II o .. jj ... till e illl. .unu�_` Vv 2 Rkr lake 5 (Proposed spa < Minor Collector) D� Raguet Wildlife Management Area (WMA)