CC Minutes 08-13-2012Chanhassen City Council – August 13, 2012 Blue Earth Pirates. Everyone is encouraged to attend the game and cheer the Red Birds onto victory. It’s interesting that in just the third season that the Red Birds were re-established here as town ball team for the City of Chanhassen the players, parents and fans have enjoyed great season of victories, with some disappointments. The eighth inning of the game against the Vic’s comes to mind personally, but now they get to play in the big show at the state tournament. The Red Birds had a record this year of 21 and 13. General manager Terre Kemble gets the credit for recruiting first year manager Derek Nelson who has done a masterful job of keeping the young men engaged, excited and playing well throughout the season. All of us congratulate the Chanhassen Red Birds for reaching the state tournament and wish them every success in each of their games so congratulations to the Red Birds. Todd Gerhardt: Where’s the Mayor’s hat? Mayor Furlong: That was just for one meeting that I had to wear a hat and I fulfilled that obligation. Todd Gerhardt: We have no idea where that hat went. Mayor Furlong: I’m trying to move on at this point. We’ll move onto our council consent agenda items. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated July 23, 2012 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated July 23, 2012 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated July 17, 2012 b. Approval of Data Privacy Policy. Resolution #2012-43; c. Improvements to TH 101 and Pleasant View Road Intersection and Trail Project 11-05: Approve Cooperative Agreement with MnDOT. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Rick Dorsey: Mayor, council members, my name is Rick Dorsey regarding 1551 Lyman Boulevard. I had an item on the agenda tonight that I did pull off the agenda til a future date and within the packet there is some information that I felt was not relevant to the subdivision that’s in the packet itself and I’ve just put forth a letter to make public that I request that that piece of information be removed. If there’s any questions I’d be happy to answer them. Mayor Furlong: Any questions? Ms. Aanenson. Kate Aanenson: No, we can review that but again we believe that the maps are kind of looking long term. What we’ve talked about in the comprehensive plan and we think there’s appropriate part of the discussion. Certainly the immediate action isn’t going to take place but as we pointed out in the staff report we believe that you have to be thinking ahead and planning what the implications of the subdivision may be so we think it’s just good background information for that. 2 Chanhassen City Council – August 13, 2012 Mayor Furlong: Okay, but we’ll certainly consider the. Rick Dorsey: I think I want to make one further statement then. The piece that I’m referring to is labeled Chanhassen Area Wide Urban, excuse me. City of Chanhassen Alternative Urban Area Wide Review dated April 19, 2012. It’s a misleading caption on the graphic in that there is no AUAR that was done that this is a part of and so to incorporate information that’s not part of anything that’s been through a public process would be wrong, number one. Number two, that the subdivision that I’m looking at and will be bringing forth deals with the existing land use. Has nothing to do with future land use so within the guidance of existing land use it’s an inrelevant piece of information that could be misled by, misin, excuse me, misinterpreted by others who may read it and assume that this means something when in fact the picture that’s there is not anything that myself or the other property owners included and have even considered. So we want to make sure that it’s clear in the public record that we are not considering what’s being showed there. It is not part of the AUAR. There has not been an updated AUAR done at this point and that we are working on different ideas for the property and talking to different people and when misinformation goes out such as this it undermines our ability to present information to third parties and have our credibility remain intake. As well from the standpoint of the City in putting a document out that suggests that it is part of an AUAR is false information. So I’d like to have it be taken out. Kate Aanenson: I don’t want to get into a big elaborate discussion. I just want to, for the record the position the staff took is any development on this property is going to require an update to the AUAR because we did rezone this, re-guided this property to either regional commercial or an office. The current subdivision is falling underneath the existing agricultural zone. That’s why they’re able to do the metes and bounds and do the administrative subdivision. Our concern was just to put the property owner on notice that an AUAR needs to be amended. We’ve looked at some things and the AUAR proposed is consistent. We’re not saying that’s the ultimate plan but we’re just putting that forward as an indicator. Mayor Furlong: And I think you just agree… Rick Dorsey: I just would like it to say that this is not an AUAR that’s been done. It could be anything yet. This is not what’s showing here anything that the City has approved and that’s all I want. I’m not disagreeing that an AUAR has to be done. This graphic is not correct. Kate Aanenson: It says draft but we can. Rick Dorsey: That’s all I said. Mayor Furlong: Here’s my thought on this, unless the council has any objection, I think it was at your th request that we took this item off our agenda tonight. We’re going to pick it up on September 10. You know show us the information and that’s a time certainly too that you can give us any information that you believe is false or misleading in the packet and we can evaluate that at that time. Rick Dorsey: That’s what I’ve done. I’ve provided a letter for the public record. Mayor Furlong: So now we’ll see that letter as a part of the staff report or as part of the item. Rick Dorsey: Yep, exactly. Mayor Furlong: That we’ll see next time and then we can talk about it and consider it. Thank you. Rick Dorsey: Okay. 3