1e. Final plat of Lots 1 and 2, block 1, Bloomberg addition 1
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(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
Araft W City Administrator
1 MEMORANDUM revorst ✓ �Gl
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Derectd, ���
I FROM: Kate Aanenson, Senior Planner Submitted to Commissidfl
I DATE: November 3, 1993 Ike Su( g to
SUBJ: Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Bloomberg Addition
On October 25, 1993, the City Council .gav preliminary plat approval for Bloomberg 2nd
Addition with a variance for lot width on Lots 1 and 2 and site plan approval for the addition
I on the hotel, restaurant and modifications to the Frontier Building. The applicants are seeking
final plat approval for the subdivision at this time.
I The subdivision includes the replatting of four lots. Outlots C, D, and Lot 2, Block 1,
Bloomberg Addition and Lot 3, Block 1 of the Chanhassen Mall will be platted into two lots
(Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition). The reason for replatting is to create separate
I lots for the hotel and the restaurant. Each of these lots will have frontage on West 78th Street.
Lot 1 will contain .6 a cres and Lot 2 will contain .56 acres. The Chanhassen Mall lot will be
reduced to .85 acres. This entire lot encompasses the old instant Web Building. The CBD
I district requires 100 feet minimum lot width. These lots are 90 and 96 feet, respectively. Staff
supports a variance for the minimum lot frontage requirement for these lots.
1 The Uniform Building Code (UBC) requires protection of openings occurring at property lines.
The current buildings do not meet the opening protection requirements of the UBC. The subject
of property lines, exterior walls and opening protection for these buildings was first broached in
1 conjunction with Site Plan Review 90 -7. The currently proposed subdivision creates many of the
same problems. These problems need to be addressed before the property is replatted because
I their resolution may affect the location of property lines.
The requirements for wall and opening protection on property lines are intended to protect the
I buildings and property on each side of a property line from a catastrophe on the adjacent
1 Bloomberg Addition Final Plat
November 3, 1993
Page 2
I property. The closer the proximity of the buildings to the property line the higher the level of
protection required. UBC table 5 -A requires that a restaurant have exterior walls of two -hour
I fire- resistive construction if it is located 10 feet or less from the property line. The warehouse
occupancy on the other side of the property line would be required to have a one -hour fire -
resistive wall on the property line. Since these walls are intended to protect one structure from
' the other, the structure may not penetrate the walls. The walls are generally required to have
parapets extending above the roof and, of course, footings are required to support wall and other
I loads.
The proposed replat locates a property line inside a building. The plat, as proposed, would
I require the walls as described above to be constructed on each side of the property line. There
are also requirements for protection of openings at property lines. The existing buildings are
currently in violation and must be brought into code conformance when new uses for them are
1 established.
One possible way to eliminate wall and opening protection requirements would be to combine
I Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg Addition with Lot 3, Block 1, Chanhassen Mall. This would permit
nearly unlimited design possibilities for the Animal Fair and Instant Web buildings.
1 Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Depth Parking
Square footage Feet Feet Number of Spaces
1 Req Prov Req Prov Req Prov Req Prov
Lot 1 10,000 26,120 100 96.09* 100 269.29 166 42 **
I Lot 2 10,000 24,462 100 90.12* 100 249 40 32 **
Lot 3 10,000 37,136 100 103 100 250 N/A
I .
* A variance will be required for the lot frontage requirements. The ordinance requires 100 feet,
Lot 1 is 96.09 and Lot 2 is 90.12. Both lots exceed the square footage and depth requirements.
I Staff supports the variance.
I ** Parking will be monitored and if insufficient parking is determined, the applicant will be
required to provide additional hard surfaced and landscaped parking behind the old "Instant
Web" building on property owned by Mr. Bloomberg. Cross parking agreements will also be
1 required.
Bloomberg Addition Final Plat 1
November 3, 1993
Page 3
"The City Council approves the final plat for Bloomberg 2nd Addition ( #89 -9) with a variance 1
for lot width on Lots 1 and 2 as shown on the final plat dated August 2, 1993, and subject to the
following conditions:
1. Right -of -way along West 78th Street shall be dedicated at 40 feet from proposed
2. Compliance with conditions of Building Code requirements regarding lot lines through
buildings. 1
3. A variance to the 100 foot lot width requirements in the CBD zone for Lot 1 (96.02 feet)
and Lot 2 (90.12 feet) of Bloomberg Addition." 1
1. City Council minutes dated October 25, 1993.