4. Senior Center Activities Update CITY OF MEMORANDUM
7700 Market Boulevard TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 FROM: Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator e ttr
DATE: September 14, 2012 1
Phone: 952.2271100 SUBJ: Senior Center Activities Update
Fax: 952.2271110
Building Inspections Things are hopping at the Senior Center. Summer activities, programs, trips and
Phone: 952.2271180 special events were well attended and drew many new participants, most of which
Fax: 952.2271190 were younger active boomers.
Engineering Highlighted programs include:
Phone: 952.2271160
Fax: 952.2271170
Technology classes
Finance • eBooks
Phone: 952.2271140 • Tablets -what are they and what can they do?
Fax: 952.2271110
Park & Recreation Lifelong Learning Presentations
Phone: 952.2271120 • Lessons from Nature
Fax: 952.2271110 • Reflections on the Morality of War After September 11, 2001
Recreation Center Fitness
2310 Coulter Boulevard • Pickleball
Phone: 952.2271400
Fax: 952.2271404 • Senior Instructional Tennis Clinic
• Open Swim
Planning &
Natural Resources Showcase Your Collectibles
Phone: 952.227,1130
Fax: 952.2271110 • Senior Center participants will display their collectables and share their
story associated with their collection.
Public Works • A Senior Center 20 Anniversary pictorial display will be included.
7901 Park Place
Phone: 952.2271300 Special Events
Fax: 952.2271310 • The History of Big Island
Senior Center • "An Evening with the Mayor" which was held in July, which included
Phone: 952.2271125 dinner and a presentation followed by a concert in the park.
Fax: 952.2271110 • Ladies Luncheon and Style Show (6 annual) is a summer favorite.
Web Site
g: \senior center \senior center update for todd \9 - 12 sr ctr update.doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
7700 Market Blvd. - Chanhassen, MN 55317 - 952-227-1125 - www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Images of Carver County Apple Season is Underway!
Join the FUN as we travel to Sponsel's Minnesota
_ Local authors Lois Schulstad and Harvest Apple Orchard, a family tradition since 1971
Ruth Tremblay will talk about their located just outside Jordan. Our private tour will
r, ._ work gathering the historical images include a wagon ride, one "You Pick" apple, donut,
;.,fir_- for their book, "Images of America: apple cider /coffee, a visit to the packing line opera-
Carver County" They will also lion, time to browse the gift shop and of course buy
share a film about their work. This book is part apples. This is an unescorted trip with transportation
of the Images of America series. Enjoy pizza provided by SmartLink Transit. Bus will depart from
and dessert following the presentation. Don't the Chanhassen Senior Center
miss this interesting program about our county. Tuesday, September 12, 9:30 am - Noon
Friday, September 14, 11 am $14, Each participant is responsible , •
Chanhassen Senior Center for trip cost ($5 for Orchard Tour
and $9 cash for transportation) '
$5 Residents /$6 Non - Residents portation)
Registration Deadline: September 10 to be paid on day of trip.
Registration deadline: September 6
Enjoy our Oktoberfest cele- <
bration complete with tradi- Israe
tional German music, food �� _
and fun. Oktoberfest is one �E ='.:�i u Israel, a country slightly larger than
of the most famous events o`1ooberf est` 1 Massachusetts, lies at the eastern end of
YA� w M; the Mediterranean Sea and is rich in cul-
in Germany and the world's
largest fair, with some 6 million people attending ISRAEL , ture and controversy. First, we'll enjoy
-°°- an authentic Israeli lunch. Wayne Skaff,
each year. After our German lunch, we will be Fr,,
entertained by accordion player "Crazy George" 5.g / who has traveled to this amazing coun
try over 30 times, will share a travelogue
who has played at many German celebrations of his Holy Land tour, including Palestine
in the Midwest. He entertains audiences with a and Bethlehem. Join us as we experience the sights,
wide array of German toe tapping music. sounds, and tastes of Israel.
Thursday, October 4, 12 noon Friday, November 2, 12 noon
Chanhassen Senior Center Chanhassen Senior Center
$10 Residents /$11 Non - Residents $9 Residents /$10 Non - Residents
Registration Deadline: September 24 Registration Deadline: October 24
Showcase Your Collectibles...
Are you a collector or do you have a special interest or hobby? The Senior Advisory Board is
looking for your help to display or share your story and collection at the Chanhassen Senior Center.
We have two locked display cases to showcase local interests and stories. For more information,
or if you would be willing to display your collectibles, please call the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
Dal] Trips
ST. CROIX South Minneapolis
This is a trip worth betting on! Gather your We begin our day with a visit to Bachman's flagship
friends and enjoy round -trip deluxe motor coach store on Lyndale Avenue. Our tour will include a behind -
transportation to St. Croix Casino, courtesy of the - scenes look at the fresh and permanent design
t,epi,;;-- Ro Shamrock Casino Tours. Each per- areas, computerized phone order center, warehousing,
son will receive $5 in quarters at floral distribution, central design, and the delivery area.
1 C the c asino. That's right - you pay (Stairs required to view the delivery and design areas.)
$5 and you get $5! Must be age 55 We will have a bit of time to shop in over 200,000 sq.
provide your ft. of retail space featuring gifts, fresh flowers, garden
i iO I FT or older. Please yea our birth
date (day /month /year) or St. Croix plants, and much more. Next, enjoy a delicious lunch on
Casino number (if applicable) when registering. site at Patrick's Bakery & Cafe. Choose between a turkey
Monday, October 29, 8:30 am - 5 pm sandwich on bacon cheese bread, California chicken
Bus departs from the Chan Rec Center strip sandwich, ham on croissant roll, or tomato moz-
$5 (includes transportation) zarella sandwich on olive bread. Chips, cookie, water or
Registration Deadline: October 15 soda are also included. Following lunch, we will take a
guided tour of the Museum of ,f 1
Registration Policy: All trip payments are Russian Art in South Minne- '` 1 ��°!■ r► 4
due on or before the registration deadline. apolis. We'II view the exhibits 11 I `;
Registration cannot be confirmed until and extensive collections of '
payment is made. No refunds are made framed Russian Art and ex- 1
for cancellations unless the trip is plore the spectacular gift shop.
� 05 Departs f cancelled by the Senior _— — — =
∎ _ Center. If the Wednesday, November 7
?; F registrant chooses to
' 1 cancel after the 9:15 am - 3:30 pm
� Bus Departs from the Chan Rec Center
v U ° m registration deadline,
�d oRe Coo\�e� they are responsible for $44 Includes transportation, lunch & tour
° ce nter ,23 1 � finding a replacement. Registration Deadline: October 24
Anyone Can Fall
,, faii,„„ Grandparent & Me
di We will watch a 17- minute video fol-
Pumpkin Painting! lowed by a discussion about risks for falls
and how to prevent them. The video was
Let's have some grand times together! Get ready for .� developed in 2009 by Emergency and
Halloween with a morning of pumpkin fun! We'II Community Health Outreach (ECHO) and
have cider, make popcorn balls, and craft shown on TPT television. This presentation can be accom-
pumpkins together to celebrate the season. panied by a short risk screening questionnaire that re-
Ages 3 -8 with Grandparent(s). views additional risks for living independently and how to
minimize risks. Long term care options counseling offered
Friday, October 19 + " by the Senior LinkAge Line® helps with resources to foster
10 -11 am healthy independent living at home.
Chanhassen Recreation Center J Monday, November 19, 10 am
$6 /Child or $20 /Family
Chanhassen Senior Center
Registration Deadline: October 12 FREE but call to register, 952 - 227 -1125
Registration Deadline: October 29
Classes & Technoloij FOY Seniors
f or Seniors #4 Provides hands -on computer training to seniors. These
classes are geared to seniors who have little or no experi-
September is fire prevention month. ence with computers. Each class lasts approximately 2
Join us at the Chanhassen Fire Station hours, enough time for attendees to become familiar with
as Fire Marshal Mark Littfin will speak on fire preven the computer (mouse, keyboard and desktop) and learn
lion and safety in the home. He will cover fire safety the basics of surfing the Internet. Seniors will learn how
do's and don'ts, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and to type in a web address, navigate from one web page to
much more. Preventing fires is an important part of the next, determine whether or not a website is secure,
fire safety. and conduct searches using common search engines.
Thursday, September 27, 10 am Classes are taught by representatives from the Senior
Chanhassen Fire Station LinkAge Line.
7610 Laredo Drive Registration is required.
FREE, but call 952 - 227 - 1125 to register Dates: Sept. 24, Oct. 22, or Nov. 26,10 am -12 pm
Registration Deadline: September 17 Classes are held at the Chanhassen Library.
Lifelong Learning presentations are offered at the BASIC COMPUTER INSTRUCTION
Senior Center through Augsburg College, THE N help using the computer? Tutors are
COLLEGE OF THE THIRD AGE. Special thanks to p g com p
KleinBank for sponsoring this educational program. available to work with you one -on -one and
Refreshments will be served. teach you the basics of using a personal com-
Reflections on the Morality of War After puter. You'll be guided on how to use e-mail,
September 11. 2001: the Internet, and various software programs.
This course examines pacifism, jihad, and the Call the Senior Center to sign up for an appoint -
principles of "just war" theory. Knowing what these
terms really mean can help us to better understand ment. Mutual tutoring times will be arranged
and discuss related terms like "international terror- by the instructor and participant.
ism" and "preemptive military attack" and what these
actions mean to us as Americans.
Friday, September 7, 10 am The Season Never Ends
Chanhassen Senior Center Carver County Senior Expo
$3 for presentation and refreshments
Registration Deadline: September 5 This year's keynote speaker is reporter/ author
Don Shelby, formerly with WCCO. There also
Jerusalem - The City of God: will be other informative speakers, exhibits, FREE
This lecture will explore the city of Jerusalem which health screenings, entertainment by Christian Nel-
is viewed by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to be the son, door prizes, and much more! Lunch features
City of God. The lecture will include an overview of
the ancient and modern day history of Jerusalem, a broasted chicken dinner from Hillcrest Cafe.
including pictures and stories from recent travels Register early!
to Jerusalem. The goal of the lecture is to provide Thursday, October 18, 8:30 am - pm
greater understanding to this important and complex Waconia High School .
city and to better understand the political and reli-
gious conflicts centered on Jerusalem. $15 per person (make checks payable to
Tuesday, December 4, 10 am District 110 Community Education)
Chanhassen Senior Center Register by calling Waconia Community
$3 for presentation and refreshments Education at 952- 442 -0610 or by calling the
Registration Deadline: November 27 Senior Center at 952 227 - 1125
A number of activities and clubs are offered on a weekly basis through- th e
out the year and take place in the Senior Center, unless otherwise noted. Join us every other month for coffee,
For more information, contact the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125. donuts and casual conversation with the
BINGO: Join us from 12:30 -3:00 pm on Wednesdays for 20 games of sheriff's deputies that serve Chanhassen.
bingo. Each game costs $.25. Try your luck and see if you are a winner! Hear what's going on in the area and share
what's on your mind.
BOOK CLUB: Meets the 4th Monday of the month from 1 -2:30 pm. Monday October 1, 9 am
Join the group for a lively discussion of new and classic books. Chanhassen Senior Center
BRIDGE CLUB: Meets every Monday from 12:30 -3:30 pm. To play, FREE but call to register by Sept. 24
call Rosemary Whowell at 949 -6614, at least 24 hours in advance.
Learn to Knit from the
CARD CLUB - 500 & Hand & Foot: This group meets every
Thursday from 1 -4:00 pm. If you're interested in joining, call the Happy Hands
Senior Center. Knitting Group
CHAN -o- laires: Share your talents with this group every Tuesday Join the ladies of the "Happy Hands
from 12:30 -2:15 pm. New members are always welcome. The group Knitting Group" to learn the basics of
sings at various locations & special events throughout th?year. knitting. They will teach you how to
Interested in joining the group or booking a performance? Call Joan
Staubli at 952- 294 -8292. cast on, knit and
pearl, the basic ;;
CRIBBAGE: Peg your way to the Senior Center for an afternoon of stitches you need
fun. Six games will be played with prize money awarded to the top 3 to complete a scarf
point holders. We'II play on the first and third Fridays of the month. or a hat. All materi-
1 -3 pm, $1 per person als will be provided. •
FRIDAY FUN AND GAMES: It's all fun and games on Friday Then come on the
mornings at the Senior Center. Nintendo Wii, board games, Scrabble, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month
Dominoes, Uno and more — all available for your fun and leisure! Stay as they knit items for local charities.
for a warm nutritious lunch provided by the CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Yarn donations are always welcomed
Program. A three -day reservation is required for lunch by calling and thanks to all who have donated in
952 - 227 -1127 and the program requests a $3.75 contribution. the past for our special projects!
Fridays, 9:30 am - Noon
Wednesday, September 26, 10 am
WOMEN'S CLUB: Join this energetic group of ladies for interest- Chanhassen Senior Center
ing speakers, field trips, crafts, and community volunteer opportunities. FREE, but call 952 - 227 -1125
They meet the 2 Monday of every month from 9:30 —11:00 am. Our
schedule is listed below: to register
Sept. 10 9:30 am, Meeting 8
Oct. 8 9:30 am, Meeting /10 am Medicare 2013 9 • - s
Nov. 12 Meeting cancelled - Veteran's Day •
Cribbage s'
WOODCARVING: This group of men and women meets on
Wednesdays & Fridays from 9 -11:30 am. All talent levels are welcome. Peg your way to the Senior Center for
A volunteer instructor is available for first -time and /or experienced an afternoon of fun. We'll play on the
carvers who would like to learn more! first and third Fridays of the month from
1 -3 pm. Six games will be played with
SENIOR COMMISSION MEETING: 3rd Friday of the month, prizes awarded to the top three point
10 -11:30 am holders. $1 per person.
SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD: 3rd Monday of the month,
9 - 10:30 am
Health, Education &Wellness
E A ( a V1/c e Fftss ® Line Dancing is Back!
Line Dancing is easy to learn, lots of
You can recognize an EnhanceFitness class by the relaxed fun and terrific exercise. It's becoming
atmosphere and laughter in the room! Participants work at more popular than ever! Our instructor,
their own pace and receive personal attention from a trained Annette Fragale, teaches at an easy
instructor. EnhanceFitness focuses on stretching, flexibil- pace to country, Latin, polka, blue grass,
ity, balance and low impact aerobics (seated if needed) for waltz, and contemporary music. She has
cardiovascular health, and strength training exercises. Join taught and judged throughout the United
us to see why EnhanceFitness is the premier fitness choice States for over 25 years. Annette is
among older adults. Seniors who have UCare can attend at trained and licensed in a variety of dance
no charge, but must register. Registration is required for all and fitness certificates.
who attend. $69 per session (FREE w /UCare).
Fridays, September 28- November 16
Mondays & Wednesdays 11 am -12 noon
October 29 - January 29 � Chanhassen Recreation Center
10:15 - 11:15 am f - $52 Residents /$56 Non - Residents
Chanhassen Rec Center Code No. 4124.115
Reg. Deadline: October 22 ./ Registration Deadline: September 20
ninlendo Wii
It's all strikes and smiles at the
••••1 FOOT CARE CLINIC Chanhassen Senior Center for Fall Wii
Foot care services are offered on the first
Tuesday of each month from 8:30 am -12:15 Bowling on the big screen! Join the fun!
1st & 3rd Thursdays beginning Sept. 20
pm. Services include a soak, assessment, nail 9:30 -11 am
trimming and massage. Due to the high demand, we Chanhassen Senior Center
ask that appointments be scheduled every other month. FREE
Appointments are required and last approximately 30
minutes. Cost is $26 per visit and payment is made the Zumba Gold
day of your visit.
Please call the Senior Center 952 - 227 - 1125 Zumba Gold is a dance fitness class that uses
to schedule an appointment. the exciting Latin and international dance
rhythms of the original Zumba class and modi-
:_._, fies them for beginner participants and others
who may desire a less intense, low impact
HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE workout. Using dance and fitness moves, you
will experience a complete workout while
learning basic steps from salsa, meringue, cha
Medicare can be complicated. Meet with a State Health cha, and more. No dance experience necessary.
Insurance Counselor who provides individual assistance Wear comfortable clothes, workout shoes, and
with: 1) Medicare, 2) Supplemental Insurance, 3) Medi- bring a water. You will sweat!
care Part D Prescription Drug Plans, 4) Long Term Care Instructor: Pamela Koltes
Insurance, and more. FREE, but call 952- 227 -1125 to Chanhassen Recreation
$40 Residents /$45 Non - Reside nts
register. Appointments are available on: FREE Preview Class on September 11, 1 -2 pm
October 16, 9 am - noon November 19, 1 -4 pm Session 1
October 22, 1 -4 pm November 29, 1 -4 pm Tuesdays, Sept. 18 -Oct. 23, 1 -2 pm
November 1, 9 am - noon December 3, 9 am - noon Registration Deadline: Sept. 11
November 13, 9 am - noon Session 2
Tuesdays, Oct. 30 -Dec. 11, 1 -2 pm
Registration Deadline: Oct. 23
IHealth, Education & Wellness
Hula Hoop for Fun and Fitness
The hula hoop has come Medicare 2013: Introduction to Medicare
full circle, from the ultimate & Part D Update This presentation reviews what is covered by Medicare
faddish toy to a fun exercise
Parts A, B, and C with a focus on Part D and Open
tool. Hooping is becoming a Enrollment (October 15- December 7). The enrollment
\` popular form of exercise for process and options for enrollment in Medicare will be
! people of all ages. The 3 -4 Ib. discussed along with the personal costs of the program.
hoop provides participants We will address the "donut hole" and eligibility for extra
both muscle toning and a great, creative help with prescription drug costs. Recent changes to
cardio workout. Hooping can be a Medicare as a result of recent healthcare reform will
serious, but fun, workout. also be reviewed, as well as examples of Medicare
Thursday, October 11, 6 -7:30 pm fraud and abuse. We will introduce the services of the
Chanhassen Recreation Center Senior LinkAge Line® that include assistance making
$15 Residents /$18 Non - Residents personal comparisons using the Medicare.gov website
Code No. 4124.101 and the Health Care Choices booklet, published by the
Registration Deadline: October 1 MN Board on Aging.
Monday, October 8, 10 am
Defensive Drivin g Chanhassen Senior Center
FREE, but call 952 - 227 -1125 to register
The Senior Center offers an 8 -hour defensive Registration Deadline: October 1
driving class for those who have never taken the
class and a 4 -hour refresher course for those t� en Q
who have taken the class before. Participants p
receive an insurance discount certificate after Pickleball
class completion. Classes are held at the Senior
Center and the cost is $16 /person for AARP Join us for a game of piekleball.
Members /$18 for non - members. Make checks -_
payable to the City of Chanhassen. .— Pickleball is played on a shortened
Registration is required and is due 5 days pri- tennis court with a net that is slightly
or to start date. Stop by City Hall or the Senior lower than a tennis net using a paddle and a small whiffle ball.
Center to pick up a registration form. Phone and Please wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Pickleball
on -line registrations are not accepted. For more
information or to have a registration form mailed is a fun and social game that is easy for beginners to learn
to you, call the Senior Center at 952 -227 -1125. while also fun for experienced players. Pickleball is a great
AARP is proud to again offer a FREE workout for all fitness levels. Equipment will be provided or
Defensive Driving course to ALL veterans, bring your own.
spouses, widows or widowers
from Nov. 1 -30, 2012. Some Mondays /Tuesdays /Thursdays, 1 -3:30 pm
form of military identification Chanhassen Recreation Center
is required. Registration is on a Use your Rec Center Punch Card or Pay the Daily Fee
first -come, first - served basis. ($2.75 /Seniors or $3.25 Non- Resident)
Wed., Sept. 12, 5:30 -9:30 pm
Thur., Oct. 11, 12:30 -4:30 pm Indoor Pickleball Part
Tue., Nov. 13, 5:30 -9:30 pm � Party
Wed., Nov. 14, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Monday, October 15
8 - HOUR COURSE 1 - 3 pm
Wednesdays, Nov. 7 & 14, 5:30 - 9:30 pm Chanhassen Recreation Center
FREE but call 952 - 227 -1125 to register by October 8
National Take Back Initiative FIRE DEPARTMENT
Carver County Sheriff Jim Olson is proud to an- OPEN HOUSE
nounce that the Sheriff's Office is again
participating in the National Take Back Initiative " ` ; ` Sunday, October 7
Program on Saturday, September 29, 2012. • -' • •, 1 - pm
Carver County residents will be able to take their c,- v. • • Fire Station #1 7610 Laredo Drive
medicines to any of three locations on
Saturday, September 29, 2012. The event will be
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come meet the members of your Fire Depart -
The locations are: ment and have a picture taken with Sparky
• Chan Senior Center, 7700 Market Blvd. the fire dog! There will be lots to see and do.
(Lower Level of City Hall), Chanhassen You'll be able to spray water at the house of
• Cologne City Hall - 1211 Village Parkway fire, go on a fire truck ride, and take a bounce
• Waconia City Hall 201 South Vine Street in the Dalmatian fun jump. The Carver Coun-
ty Sheriff's Department, the Mounted Posse,
Carver County residents can bring their medicines City of Chanhassen Community Service
and drugs and place them in a collection box, with Officers and Crime Prevention Specialist, and
no questions asked. The boxes will be CenterPoint Energy will also have demonstra-
sealed, weighed and transported for de
g P tions and exhibits. Food and refreshments
struction. Bring your expired or unused will be available. For more information,
medications and we'll dispose of them ' contact Ed Coppersmith at 952 - 227 -1152.
for you.
Fall Recycling Day
Friday, October 26, 10 am -6 pm
Carver County Environmental Center
116 Peavey Circle, Chaska
Bring your items to the Carver County Environmental Center on Friday, October 26 and receive $20 in FREE
recycling fees. Chanhassen residents can recycle items such as appliances, electronics, tires, yard waste and
scrap metal. These items have associated fees, but on October 26, the first $20 per address will be free of
charge. You will need to present an ID to verify your residency. If you have questions, contact Jill Sinclair at
952 - 227 -1133. For a complete list of items and costs, call 952 - 361 -1800 or visit the Environmental Center
website at www.co.carver.mn.us /departments /LWS /env- svc /envirocenter.asp.
Arti4444, Fair
Sattirday, N 3, 10 a44,e. -2
01444444.443e4t, Rer reat-1,o -rt, CQA.ttir, 2310 Coin( to tr 6(4r•01.
G et a j uwwp y(-art m t ko{i,ol at/ s4 .o Jp-iktg - HitZ Rex- Ce4Ate r ins 1 s -
f o i9v o a c.ra fte.r's v atage. Area art win lie a vat-Le */ of cra f f s a.v<.ot
Itia vt ol, - w►.a t e i tev► vs far ss+ Le . Co -vv,e to 1-4 Rex, Cevtte r to sd4-o• p Lo-c04.,Lc.1 fo-r y o wr !tio t -
1 9 L Aotvvvi,P54.0-14, FREE. PL za s e b r im..g a h v-►.t, - pet-i,s4 fol, ite w,, to oLo-kta to
fo - the- CAP Ag em.c y.
September 2012
Chanhassen Senior Center
Sun Monday Tuesday 1 11191 r Wednesday Thursday Friday . Sit
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Labor Day Holiday Footcare 8:30 am Woodcarving 9 am Cards 1 pm Woodcarving 9 am
Sr Center Closed Pickleball 1 pm Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Pickleball 1 pm Reflections of 9/11 10 am
Bingo 12:30 pm Cribbage 1 pm
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Women's Club 10 am Health Assistance 9 am Woodcarving 9 am Cards 1 pm Woodcarving 9 am
Enhance Fitness 10:15 am CHAN -o- Iaires 12:30 pm Happy Hands 10 am Pickleball 1 pm Fun /Games 9:30 am
Bridge 12:30 pm Pickleball 1 pm Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Images of Carver Co 11 am
Pickleball 1 pm Defensive Driving 5:30 pm
Bingo 12:30 pm
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
SAB 9 am CHAN -o- Iaires 12:30 pm Woodcarving 9 am Nintendo Wii 9:30 am Woodcarving 9 am
Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Pickleball 1 pm Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Cards 1 pm Fun /Games 9:30 am
Bridge 12:30 pm Bingo 12:30 pm Pickleball 1 pm Sr. Commission 10 am
Pickleball 1 pm Cribbage 1 pm
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Wabasha Trip 7:15 am CHAN -o- Iaires 12:30 pm Woodcarving 9 am Fire Safety 10 am Woodcarving 9 am
Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Pickleball 1 pm Happy Hands 10 am Cards 1 pm Fun /Games 9:30 am
Bridge 12:30 pm Enhance Fitness 10:15 am Pickleball 1 pm Line Dancing 11 am
Pickleball 1 pm Bingo 12:30 pm
Book Club 1 pm
Mail to or drop off registrations: Payment may be made by check, cash,
Chanhassen Senior Center or Visa /MasterCard /Amex
7700 Market Boulevard Make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 147 City of Chanhassen
Chanhassen, MN 55317 Or via our website: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Participant's Name Date of Birth
City, State & Zip
Home Phone Alt. Phone (cell, work, etc.)
e -mail address:
❑ Reflections on the Mortality of War After 9/11, September 7, $3
❑ Apple Season is Underway!, Sept. 12, $14, paid on day of trip xxxxxxxxxxx
❑ Images of Carver County, September 14, $5 Residents /$6 Non Residents
❑ Happy Hands Knitting, September 26, FREE
['Fire Safety for Seniors, September 27, FREE
❑ Line Dancing, Sept. 28 - Nov. 16, $52 Res. /$56 Non Res., Code 4124.115
❑ Details from the Deputies, October 1, FREE
❑ Oktoberfest, October 4, $10 Residents /$11 Non Residents
❑ Medicare 2013 /Part D, October 8, FREE
❑ Hula Hoop, October 11, $15 Residents /$18 Non Residents, Code 4124.101
❑ Pumpkin Painting, Oct. 19, $6 child /$20 family, Code 4124.137
❑ Indoor Pickleball Party, October 15, FREE
❑ Turtle Lake Casino, October 29, $5, Code 6124.102
❑ Israel, November 2, $9 Residents /$10 Non Residents
❑ South Minneapolis Sampler, November 7, $44
❑ Anyone Can Fall, November 19, FREE
Total Due
Registration Policy: All trip payments are due on or before the registration deadline. Registration cannot be confirmed until payment
is made. No refunds are made for cancellation (after the registration deadline) unless the trip is cancelled by the Senior Center. For
more information, contact the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above - mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless
from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way
with, his /her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the
individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have
signed below.
Data Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You /your child 's name, sex, birthdate, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant Signature: Date:
Payment: Cash ❑ Check ❑ Check One: ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard ['Amex
Card No. Exp. Date: