3 MRPA Workshop· CIT¥OF CHAN EN 7700 Idarket B:x, evard PO B)x 14~ Oha !nassen MN 55317 Pho ~,e: 952227 Fax 952227 !I!0 Pixy< 952 22,71180 Fax 95222? 1~90 Phc~/e !)52 227 i!60 Fax 952 227i~70 Finance Ph{~e 95222; 1140 tax: 952227 !!10 Park & Recreation Phoebe: 952 227 ~120 Fax: 952227 1110 Recreation Oente 2310 Oo~; ter Boulevard Phane; 952227 1400 Fax 952 2271404 Planning & Natural Resources P%ne: 952227 1130 Fax: 952 227 1~10 Public Works 1591 Park Phone 952227 ~,300 F,~x 952 227 !510 Senior Cenler P'cne 952 227 !125 Fax 952227 1~ !0 Web Sile MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: September 17, 2003 SUB J: MRPA Commissioners Workshop The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association is sponsoring a Commissioners workshop on Tuesday night, October 14th in Shorewood. A variety of Park and Recreation professionals and consultants will be speaking. I recognize it is difficult to schedule another night, but I think this is going to be one of those events which yield great results. We will take a roll call of members who would like to attend and I will be happy to drive the carpool van on the evening of October 14th. G :\park\th\commission workshop The City of Chanhassen · A qr,aw;~lg~ . :omr;~ur~it~ ,~%i?: clean lakes qLJahty ,schools a cl~arrn ng dowr/io'c,,n thriving bLJsine$ses winding trails, Minnesota Recreation and Park Association · 395d Bryant Avenue South · Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 Phone: 612/82q-2200 ° Fax: 612/82q-6201 ° Toll Free: 800/862-3659 ° Web: mnrpa~org September, 2003 IngTaham & Associates 1510 Como Ave. SE M.pls. MN. 55414 Attn: Greg In~m'aham Re: MRPA Park Commissioners Workshop - October 14t~ (7:00 - 9:30 p.rn.) Dear Greg This will simply confirm our conversations and your willin-nes~ to assist us with this endeavor. As mentioned, we are gathering the volunteer park & recreation commissioners fi'om three or four communities to discuss some common issues tnetworking) and understand better the trends a~,'*ing the d~li,,,-rv ~ d ........ ~-;~ se~,4ces. We expect an "audience" of about 25-30 participm~ts. The event is being hosted by the Shorewood Parks and Recreation Commission. Specifically, we would like you to speak to the trends that seem to be emerging in parks and recreation, as well as the notion of community plmming. Both from a Master Plan perspective that provides a broad "roadmap" for parks and recreation services and individual park plans that provide a preferred sequence of developing a particular park.