6 Recreation Center ReportCITYOF
7700 MarKet Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen MN 55317
Building Inspections
Phone: 9522271180
Fax: 9522271190
Phone: 9522271160
Fax: 9522271170
Phone: 952227 1140
Fax: 9522271110
Park & Recreation
Phonei 9522271120
Fax: 9522271110
Recreabon Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phoqe: 9522271400
Fax: 952 2271404
PlanninD &
Natural Resources
Fax: 9522271110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone 952227 1300
Fax: 9522271310
Senior Cenler
Ptsone: 952 227 1125
Fax: 952 2271110
Web Site
Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation
Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
September 17, 2003
Chanhassen Recreation Center Report - September 2003
We welcomed the reopening of the Recreation Center after the two week
shut down in late August. The carpets are clean, the wood floors
resurfaced and the linoleum waxed. Minor repairs in the bathrooms were
made also. Our customers have returned in good spirits with very few
comments about the closing. Any feedback you may have heard about
this shut down is appreciated.
The Barnyard Boogie is September 19. Music, real barn animals, crafts
and a snack will occupy about 300 participants. This event is a staff
favorite - we look forward to a great hoe down.
Rec Center staffing schedules are set through December. We welcome
Lisa Anderson, former intern and Kristy Mock, former Playground
Coordinator, to the Rec Center. We are lucky to have new coworkers
who are familiar with Chanhassen Park and Rec. Both Lisa and Kristy
are new Facility Supervisors and Lisa is also a Dance Instructor in our
Dance for Fun Program!
4. I continue to work reduced hours. My thanks to Corey, Todd and Jerry
for their assistance since July!
Many fall programs have begun: Yoga, Pilates, Fitness classes, Dance
and Tae Kwon Do. Room rental business seems a bit slow, but we hope
it will increase in October.
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses winding trails, and beautiful parks A great place to live work and play