8a Hwy. 5 Trail UnderpassCITYOF CH SEN 7700 Markd Boulevard PO Box 147 Ohanhassen MN 55317 Administration PSor,e 952 2271100 Fax 952 227 11!0 Building Inspections P ~urie 952 227 1180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering Phone: 952 2271160 Fax 952 2271170 Finance Pr~ )ne: 9522271140 Fax 95222,,'!110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952 227 1120 Fax 952 2271110 Recreation Oenter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 9522271400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources P'l',tr~e: 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Par.x Road Phone 9522271300 Fax: 952227 1310 Senior Center Phu'ne: 952227 1125 Fax 9522271110 Web Sile ':,~% ('i ¢ ar hasse[ .n/n us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director September 1'7, 2003 SUBJECT: Highway 5 Trail Underpass Maintenance A number of residents have expressed concern over the condition of the trail underpasses located at Riley Creek and Bluff Creek. The main issue is the combination of steep grades and the presence of water, moss, or ice on certain areas of the trails. Combining these issues with the presence of numerous tight radius turns has resulted in some close calls and falls. The close proximity of large rock rip rap at the edge of some trail areas is also a concern. These underpass trails were designed and constructed by the State of Minnesota. Due to the steep grades and sharp curves, these trail routes do not meet construction "standards." However, under the circumstances, it is really the best any designer could hope for. It is either "this" or no underpasses. The plan is to make the best out of what is a less than ideal situation. Our primary goal is to get the water off the trail in order to prevent the moss and ice build up. We will continue to work with the State on drain tile and curbing installation. In the interim, the City has installed warning signs at both these locations. A copy of the signs put in place will be displayed at next weeks meeting. C: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Teresa Burgess, City Engineer/Public Works Director Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent g:\park\th\underpass issues The City of Chanhassen · A growing communit} with clean lakes quality schools, a charrning downtown, thrivd/g businesses winding trails and beautiful parks A great p!ase to live, .....