8b Test Well No. 9CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 L~as~ B~ J,~ ~ ,.~ PO 8,sx 147 Administration Px, n 952 227 1100 Building Inspections Pi',:,ne 952 2271180 Fa'.,; %? 22; 117}0 Engineering Ph(:ae 952227 1!60 Fax- ..,r7 ,Ta !Sz ~2., 1 u~ Finance Pheu( 952227 1140 Fa)<: 952227 1i10 Park & Recreation Phorxx 952227 1120 Fax: 952227 1110 Re(rea~ion Qcn~cr 2310 (]~ulter Bouk}vard PP~ri! 952 2271400 Fax !)52227 1404 Planning & Naturat Resources ?one 952 2271130 F:a, 95222,'1110 Public Works 1591 Pak P~x)~ e 9522271300 F}x 952 227 !310 Senior Center Ph],l e -~9~ 9sz ~, 11a5 Fax: 95222? !110 Web Site ?,,,'h'¢~[ }J J;II'aSS?[ F!lq ]'S MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director City Council Park Commission FROM: DATE: Teresa J. Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engin/~ September 17, 2003 SUB J: Test Well for Well No. 9 The City of Chanhassen is currently in the process of siting Well No. 9. The consultant had proposed three possible sites for the well: 1. Next to the existing Well No. 3 located on Galpin Boulevard 2. At the northern end of Sugar Bush Park 3. At Pheasant Hills Park The test well at Well No. 3 indicated this was not a viable site at this time. A test well will be drilled at Sugar Bush Park to determine if a well is viable at that location. If this location shows promise, the Engineering Staff will work with the Park and Recreation Division and the Park and Recreation Commission to determine the possible impacts to the park and make a formal recommendation to the City Council regarding this as a possible location for Well No. 9. C: Kelley Janes, Utility Superintendent Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer Marcus Thomas, Bolton and Menk Jon Peterson, Bolton and Menk G :\EN G\PU B LIC\03 -02\location update 9 - 17 -03 .doc The City of Chanhassen · $ ,gro¢,.'mg ~ m ]]ity with clean lakes quality schools, a oharrning [lowr~bwn thriviug businesses ',an¢lirg taiis and b. eau?ul psrks