09 10 03 MinutesCHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING September 10, 2003 Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Olsen, Steve Nalefski, Marcus Zbinden, Dotti Shay, Deborah Yungner, Klm Grant, Jo Mueller MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July minutes were approved with the change of "...directly affected by the number of Blue Sky Guides sold." to "...directly affected by the number of Blue Sky Guides bought." EE AWARDS: Suggestions for promotion of the award include the city's cable channel, the Chanhassen Connection, Villager, city website. Jo said she had recently read about a recycling project that Pioneer Ridge had done. The commission directed Jill to send the project coordinator an application. Marcus offered to contact Paul with the school district maintenance department about the award. The commission thought someone should give a presentation about the award to the Chamber and Rotary. Steve and Marcus may present to the Rotary. Dotti may present to the Chamber. Jo offered to contact area churches. Other ideas included contacting the Eagle Scout who worked with Loft, the Project H20 groups and the volunteer groups who worked on the plantings at Lake Susan. UPDATES: Chap. 16, Solid Waste, has not been passed by the Council, but should be soon. The council made no changes to the recommendation made by the commission. Jill will call County Market and check on the tote bags. Marcus said that MNTAP gave a grant to the company that recycles plastic bags so that they could fix their machinery. A press release on the topic should be out later this month. Marcus said he hopes in the future to begin accepting them at the Environemtnal Center. BLUE SKY GUIDES: One hundred Guides were order for 2004. Ideas for their distribution included postcards in the Welcome Wagon packet or sending them directly to new residents. Jo suggested that letters and information packets still be sent to every new resident. Included in the envelope would be a letter from the commission and information on the environmental center, lawn care, and coupons for the center and for the Blue Sky Guide. Jill said putting the packets together is time-consuming and she doesn't have the time to take on the additional task every month. Jo offered that the commission would come in early or stay late after each meeting to put the packets together. It was agreed that this will be tried for a few months. GENERAL DISCUSSION: · Marcus reminded everyone that there is a~joint meeting with the City Council on September 15. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair ¢ ~4~4trres~qvxo~-~o O3MIN doc