EC SUM 2012 07 11
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
July 11, 2012
Members Present:
Robert Kircher, Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Denny Hansen, Keith Anderson,
Matthew Myers
Members Absent:
Amy Wenner
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Guests Present:
Laurie Susla
June minutes were approved.
4 of July Events Recap:
It was HOT. Temperature at the beginning of the parade was 101. For the parade, the
commission had Bob’s truck plus commissioners who walked and handed out recycling coupons and Chan Day
flyers. The commission had a good spot in the parade, not too far back. They were done by 4 pm. For the July 3
business fair, the commission thought it wasn’t as well attended because of the heat and that it was on a weekday
afternoon – people may have been working and not taken off early from work. Several people stopped by the
booth to talk about water quality and zebra mussels. They also commented on the PSA videos that were running.
The display board on ‘where does stormwater go’ worked great. Keith worked hard to hand out magnets.
Unfortunately, the Sustainability Report was missing as was a sign noting the booth as ‘Chanhassen
Environmental Commission’ (sign was there, tape was not). Attendance seemed to pick up in the evening for the
live music.
Seminary Fen tour review:
It was a hot day, but a great tour. The commission learned that the fen is basically a
hill of peat soaked with water. The recharge area is up on the bluff. It’s a really unique area that has plants that
aren’t found anywhere else. Katie will follow up with the DNR regarding a possible stewardship role for the
commission. The commission could do 2 days a year and organize service projects (ie buckthorn removal,
garbage pick up). Glenn volunteered to be the point person for a fall service day. He will look into setting a date
and organizing a buckthorn removal project.
Guest announcement
: Laurie Susla announced that the seat on the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed
board that represents Chanhassen is up for re-appointment. Carver County is accepting applications for the
position. The term is 3 years. The application and more information are available on the county website.
Grant proposal
: Bob introduced his layout for a grant project and proposal. The commission briefly
brainstormed projects. Starting up the WaterWise program again and offering classes and/or lectures seemed to
interest most of the commissioners. Also suggested was a tree tour of one of Chan’s parks. Bob asked that the
commission continue to brainstorm ideas and be in touch through email. At the October meeting, he would like
an outline started. Keith will be the point person for gathering the ideas. Possible grant sources include the
watershed districts, DNR, and other public organizations. All ideas need to be kept to the 4 focus topics.
Environmental Excellence Award
: Amy developed a flyer promoting the award. The commissioners will take
and post it in 5 businesses (each?). Matthew offered to send it to the high school, Katie will visit local businesses,
Glenn will take it to the Lions and Jill will update the flyer with the city logo and anything else needed.
Volunteer database
: The commission thought this could be a list of people who attend the Arbor Day event or
Fen Stewardship day. Call if Friend of the Environmental Commission. It would need to be kept casual. The
contacts could be used to send a friendly reminder for upcoming events. Perhaps at the next event, a list (name
and email) could be started.
General Discussion
The Sustainability Report has not been posted on the city website. Jill will correct that ASAP.
Keith attended the latest MCWD meeting about stormwater and climate change. He says there will be
another educational meeting in the fall.
The commission would like to create a central location for all information received by commissioners. It
would be a database that could be accessed by all. For the October agenda, commissioners should bring
all documents they would like to have scanned.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM.
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair