EC SUM 2012 05 09
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
May 9, 2012
Members Present:
Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Denny Hansen, Keith Anderson
Members Absent
: Amy Wenner, Robert Kircher, Matthew Myers
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Guests Present:
Bonnie Nelson, Lotus Lake Clean Water Alliance
April minutes were approved.
Seminary Fen tour update:
Katie is working with DNR staff to organize a tour of the fen. She is narrowing
dates and has two dates in June that seem best for a good turnout. At the Arbor Day celebration, commissioners
met a neighboring property owner to the fen who’s interested in volunteering at the fen with the commission if
they decide to donate their time. Katie has talked with the DNR about stewardship of the area, such as doing
maintenance, clean-ups, etc. After discussing, the Commission agreed they could help if it was only a
commitment of 1 or two days per year. The commission could also bring in other groups to help as well. The
commission will consider it further after the tour.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm due to lack of quorum (one member left). Discussion continued with remaining
4 of July Planning
: The commission discussed possible themes for the info booth and parade. Ideas included
water conservation, stormwater runoff, and rain gardens. For the booth, the commission would like an interactive
display with possibly a rain garden theme. They may not need the computer this year since the response to the
PowerPoint is minimal. If the commission has freebies to give away, they should be purposeful or green. They
don’t want to give away useless items. Going with the rain garden theme, Jill thought the city had a brochure that
could be used at the booth. It was suggested to have examples of rain garden plants on the table and the
commission can use the PCA stormwater display too. Pictures of rain gardens could be put in a binder to show
people. The commission would also like to hand out the Chanhassen Sustainability Report. This could help with
the question “What does the EC do?” It was suggested to have the AIS stickers for handouts at the booth as well.
For the parade, Jill will look for last year’s signs. The theme has not been published yet. It was brought up that
the commission doesn’t have to do the parade since it’s so much work. A few of the commissioners volunteered
to do it. Another count of participants will be done at the June meeting. A short discussion of whether or not to
collect garbage and recycling in the parade was had as well as what could be handed out, such as recycling
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 13 at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:20 PM.
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair