EC SUM 2012 06 13
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 13, 2012
Members Present:
Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Denny Hansen, Keith Anderson, Amy Wenner, Matthew
Members Absent:
Robert Kircher,
Staff Present:
Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner
Guests Present:
May minutes were approved.
Seminary Fen tour update:
Katie reminded the commission that the group will be meeting next Monday at 5:30
p.m.. a staff ecologist from the DNR will provide the tour. Kelly Randall from the DNR is working on an adopt
nature are. There are three neighbors that are invited to the tour. Keith, Denny, Katie, and Mathew will be there.
4th o July:
4 of July Planning
Rather than plan a float, the Commission chose to walk alongside the parade handing out recycling coupons. Jill
will confirm if this is permitted. Individuals attending the parade:
Amy, Bob, Glenn, Katie, Keith, Matthew
Trade Fair
The Commission will have a table set up with the computer, monitor and speakers. The computer will air a
looping video of 1970's PSAs. There will be 30 or less of brochures available for the public to peruse. The
brochures will include:
the Sustainability Report,
Responsible Water Management (WaterWise),
AIS Stickers (Keith will acquire). If he's unable to acquire stickers from the DNR, there will be a fact
sheet available instead),
Earth Friendly home landscape Manual.
the public will be encouraged to read brochures at the table. If they would like to keep a copy , the commission
will provide them. There will be a sign-up sheet for the WaterWise program and toilet leak test kits on the table.
Commissioners will stand in front of the table to engage with the public.
The storm water display from the PCA will be set up in front of the table, kind of off to the side.
Banners that will be used are "Chanhassen Environmental Commission".
The following is the shift schedule:
3-3:30 setup Matthew
3:30-4:30 Matthew and Denny
4:30-5:30 Bob and Katie
5:30-6:30 Keith and Amy
Matthew is in charge of picking up all the supplies from Jill prior to the event and returning them afterward.
The commission requested plastic nametags again this year. Amy still has hers from last year.
Revisit work plan – make changes:
The commission wanted to keep the Environmental Excellence Award but they also requested that the recipients
actually deserve the award. They suggested better advertising. Flyers can be made and used at the library,
nurseries, grocery stores, VFW, etc.
Under Volunteer Database, the commission discussed a program currently used in Minnetonka and suggested
Chanhassen look at something similar.
Seasonal Article to Villager: Keith will write the article under the theme “how not to be wasteful” or “Urban
Forestry” or “Water Conservation”
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:20 PM.
Minutes prepared by Sharmeen Al-Jaff