3. Wynsong Preliminary PlatPC DATE: October 16, 2012 CC DATE: November 13, 2012 REVIEW DEADLINE: November 13, 2012 CASE #: 2012 -16 BY: AF, RG, TJ, ML, JM, JS PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating four lots with a variance for the use of a private street, subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting preliminary plat approval to subdivide 9.37 acres into 4 lots with a variance for a private street, and vacation of drainage and utility easements — WYNSONG . LOCATION: 7042 Galpin Boulevard (Lot 1, Block 1, Song Addition) PID 25- 8040010 APPLICANT: Steve Kroiss Galpin Blvd. Partners, LLC P.O. Box 218 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 802 -2600 Steve .kroiss @kroissdevelopment.com Charles Song 7042 Galpin Boulevard Excelsior, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 2 of 16 ACREAGE: 8.97 DENSITY: gross — 0.446 units per acre; net — 0.68 units per acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi - judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Subdivision Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi - judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL /SUMMARY The applicant is requesting subdivision approval to create four lots with a variance to access the properties with a private street. A hammerhead turnaround is provided at the end of the private street. The existing home will remain. The property to the north is part of the Lake Harrison development and contains single - family homes and a wetland complex. The property to the south is part of the Woods at Longacres development and contains single- family homes and a wetland complex. The site is heavily wooded in the central portion of the property with wetlands located in the northeast, southwest and western portions of the site. Lake Harrison, a natural environmental lake, is located on the western end of the development. The site has significant topographical changes with three separate high points of 1017 feet, 1112 feet and1003 feet (N.G.V.D. 1929). The existing driveway bisects two of the high points and leads to the highest elevation of the property near the existing house. The low point on the property is in the northeastern wetland with an elevation of 972. Sewer and water service is available to the site and will be extended as part of the subdivision process to provide service to all of the lots. Other small utilities are available to the site. Staff is recommending approval of the subdivision subject to the conditions of the staff report. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article VII, Shoreland Management District Chapter 20, Article VII, Planned Unit Development District Chapter 20, Article XII, "RSF" Single - Family Residential District Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 3 of 16 BACKGROUND July 18, 1983 — City approves a 100 -acre and 10 -acre subdivision of the land which encompasses this property. Resolution 83 -31A. Sub. # 83 -5. November 8, 1993 — City approves the preliminary PUD approval for the Song Addition including the rezoning of the property to Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R), which later became The Woods at Longacres. PUD 993 -3. June 27, 1994 — City approves The Woods at Longacres final plat creating Outlot D, which contains this property. PUD 493 -3. July 22, 1996 — City approves Song Addition platting Outlot D, The Woods at Longacres. Sub. #96 -18. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting approval to subdivide the property into four lots. ACCESS The property is located on Galpin Boulevard (C.S.A.H. 117), a county road. Access to the site is proposed via a private street which follows the alignment of the existing driveway. Parking on private streets is prohibited. Access to the proposed development will be from the existing driveway location on Galpin Boulevard. The developer proposes to construct a 20 -foot wide seven -ton pavement design privately -owned and maintained road to serve the four lots within the subdivision. Staff supports the proposed access due to the environmental sensitivity of the property and the expected low traffic volumes. A 60 -foot wide hammerhead turnaround is proposed at the west end of the private road. nww ' 1111 ACCESS The property is located on Galpin Boulevard (C.S.A.H. 117), a county road. Access to the site is proposed via a private street which follows the alignment of the existing driveway. Parking on private streets is prohibited. Access to the proposed development will be from the existing driveway location on Galpin Boulevard. The developer proposes to construct a 20 -foot wide seven -ton pavement design privately -owned and maintained road to serve the four lots within the subdivision. Staff supports the proposed access due to the environmental sensitivity of the property and the expected low traffic volumes. A 60 -foot wide hammerhead turnaround is proposed at the west end of the private road. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 4 of 16 The private road must be within a 30 -foot wide access and maintenance easement recorded against all four properties. At the end of the project the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. The first 20 feet of the driveway to Lots 2 and 3 will be graded with the site improvements. The driveway location for Lot 4 is unknown due to the large frontage to the private street, and the gentler slopes relative to Lot 3. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The applicant is proposing to grade for the construction of the private road and the needed hammerhead turnaround for emergency vehicles. The lots are to be custom graded. Because of the desire to custom grade the lots, it is not possible to determine if the common development will exceed one acre of disturbance. However, it seems reasonable that the site will not exceed the minimum threshold of one (1) acre of disturbance at which a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit for Small Construction Sites is required. It will be the applicant's responsibility to determine if the site is compliant with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. Regardless, the site will need to meet the requirements set forth in Section 19 -145 of the Chanhassen City Code. The preliminary grading plan indicates that the only erosion and sediment control practice to be used on the site is one row of silt fence of unknown type. All silt fences must be machine sliced or heavy duty as defined within section 3886 of the 2005 edition of MnDOT Standards and Specifications for Construction. Preassembled silt fence is not acceptable. The preliminary grading plan does not indicate what the final stabilization of the disturbed areas will be. This needs to be included and should be an acceptable species composition for the site conditions. Of particular importance are the two disturbed slopes immediately adjacent to wetlands 1 and 2. These will need erosion control blanket, blown mulch or another acceptable stabilization method. Also, the plan must indicate an acceptable best management practice to prevent sediment delivery to the wetlands through the culverts. A schedule of installation and any pertinent details will need to be included with the plan set. Surface Water Drainage and Treatment The site is 9.37 acres in size and is bound by Lake Harrison to the west and Galpin Boulevard to the east. The site has numerous high value natural resource features. There are three identified wetlands on the property and the emergency overflow for Lake Harrison intersects this property from south to north approximately halfway between the eastern and western property bounds. Approximately 3.4 acres of the site is wooded. There are approximately 2.9 acres of wetland and /or deep water habitat on the property. Under existing conditions, the property has two distinct watersheds. The eastern half flows north and east towards a large wetland complex in Lake Harrison and then to Riley Creek. The western half drains to Lake Harrison and ultimately to Riley Creek. Riley Creek drains to Lake Riley which is listed as impaired under Section 303 of the Clean Water Act, as is Riley Creek after it exits Lake Riley. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 5 of 16 The initial site disturbance will be approximately 0.42 acre and will add approximately 12,000 square feet of new impervious surface, while removing approximately 7,000 square feet of woodland. At full build out, total increase in impervious area could be as much as 1.4 acres if each lot goes to the allowed 25% coverage. The model prepared for the site assumed a density of 14% or less for the proposed lots. Staff is not proposing that the model be modified to reflect 25% coverage, only that this difference is considered while reviewing the proposed subdivision. Because of the relatively small scale of this project, staff recognizes that traditional treatment options may be onerous and difficult to design and implement. Given this consideration, staff has met with the applicant and their consulting engineer and instructed them to look at alternative methods of volume reduction, rate control and water quality treatment. This may include enhanced buffers, biofiltration features such as filtration swales and rain gardens, tree preservation, and numerous other methods of stormwater treatment. The Minnesota Storm Water Steering Committee has been working to create Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) for stormwater management. The applicant and the consulting engineer were instructed to use this as guidance for potential alternatives to the pipe and pond approach. Carver County is closely aligned with the MIDS program and has developed a spreadsheet for calculating the volume reduction, phosphorus removal and total suspended solids removal for different practices. This spreadsheet was provided to the consulting engineer as was the spreadsheet developed by the MIDS working group. The applicant and staff have been discussing the use of a conservation easement for the protection of forested areas as a means of meeting stormwater management requirements. This is an accepted alternative stormwater practice. The Minimal Impact Design Standards working group, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the Carver County Watershed Management Organization have all adopted recommendations or rules allowing the use of tree preservation and /or reforestation for stormwater management. This practice will address stormwater volume. However, it will not meet NURP recommendations for water quality and runoff rates will increase slightly under the 2, 10 and 100 -year interval storm events: about 19% for the 10 -year design storm event. There exists two corrugated metal pipe (cmp) culverts under the drive. These will be replaced with reinforced concrete pipes when the private road is constructed. According to the model provided, these culverts are of adequate size to accommodate the modeled increase in rate to the culverts. The more easterly culvert just receives local drainage while the more westerly culvert also acts as the emergency overflow (EOF) for Lake Harrison. A drainage and utility easement shall be placed over the EOF and both culverts. While the proposed alternate stormwater management practices will not fully address nutrient or sediment reduction, the MIDS working group did find that the abstraction of the first inch from impervious surface resulted in approximately 67% reduction in phosphorus. It is the conclusion of staff that the benefit provided by the tree preservation for other factors such as green space preservation, wetland protection, and wildlife habitat in addition to the storm water management benefits offset any diminished storm water benefits. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 6 of 16 N r �s r � d 3 � ,sue t _ s Figure 1. Conservation Easement Iterations - Proposed Lot 4 There have been several iterations of the more northerly conservation 'etlorrd r�°s.S�a,���� easement as the applicant and staff l h + } _ �� 3 J�v have tried to balance the economic X I I � goals of the applicant with the protection of the high - quality wetland high - quality woodland, and woodland 3661 _ �--� rar,3 qa , h E as well as management of stormwater._ — ,� 'O i i I ii%i ti , Staff is recommending that the - , ° ag �° -' —d�� orl W0 r ! r ° � conservation easements and tree k s r y ,4 g . preservation is allowed in lieu of the traditional stormwater management practices which would be required for development of this site. By allowing .. this alternate stormwater management Figure 2. Final Easement Configuration - Proposed Lot 4 practice, the applicant saves the design, material and construction costs that would be associated with a more traditional pipe and pond approach. Additionally, as will be discussed in the following section, it is the very presence of the high - quality woodland buffer on Lot 4 that results in the high quality of Wetland 2. Regulatory Considerations — WCA and DNR The property currently has three wetlands on site. The lacustrine wetland adjacent to Lake Harrison (wetland 3 in figure 3) is management classification 1. The wetland located northeasterly on the property (wetland 1 in figure 3) has a management classification 2. Staff used the MN Routine Assessment Method and determined the wetland to be of management classification 1. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 7 of 16 This classification resulted because the wetland rated as high for wildlife habitat. Wetlands that rate high for wildlife habitat are generally located on large tracts of undeveloped land which allow for high - quality upland buffers or seasonal wetlands that are well buffered. This wetland is also in a complex of wetlands with a diversity of plant communities and part of a large natural corridor extending from Lake Minnewashta Park to the intersection of Riley Creek and MN T.H. 5. Buffers will need to be consistent with the City of Chanhassen's wetland protection ordinance. This requires that buffers are demarcated with signage, protected from alteration, and that buffers for Manage 1 wetlands have 100% native vegetation while all other buffers have no less than 50% native vegetation. A vegetation management plan will be needed and a plan showing the placement of the buffer signs will be required. The buffers shall be included in the easement and escrow will be required to assure that the wetland protection requirements are put in place. This entire property is located within the shoreland district for Lake Harrison. Lake Harrison is a natural environment lake and has a setback of 150 feet from the ordinary high water level of 993.6 feet msl. A setback is shown that appears to be coincidental to this shoreland setback but it is not clearly labeled. As the implications of the setback types are different, the plans need to clearly indicate the feature being setback from. There are no bluffs located on any of the proposed lots. There is a steep slope on Lot 4 but this does not have vertical rise necessary to be classified as a bluff. Retaining Walls A retaining wall is proposed on the north side of the private drive near the wetland on Lots 1 and 4. The top and bottom of wall elevations must be shown on the plan. It appears that the maximum height of the wall will not exceed four feet. Staff will work with the developer's engineer to either realign the wall so that it lies entirely on one property, or draft an encroachment agreement for the wall, which would be recorded against both properties. UTILITIES The existing home on the property is currently connected to City sewer and water. These services will be removed or abandoned with the Wynsong improvements. The developer shall work with the existing homeowner to minimize service disruption during construction. Figure 3. Delineated Wetland Boundaries Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 8 of 16 There are several sanitary sewer lines on the east side of the property. The 30 -inch Met Council interceptor sewer was installed in 1991. The lateral extending east of the interceptor is a City - owned and maintained sewer that extends north to serve the Ashling Meadows development located southeast of Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. The lateral that extends south of the interceptor serves Northwood Court. The developer proposes to extend 8 -inch diameter public sanitary sewer from this lateral to serve the lots within this development. Based on the minimum lowest floor elevations noted on the grading plan, the proposed sanitary sewer will provide gravity service to all of the lots. The developer proposed to wet tap the existing 18 -inch diameter trunk watermain within Galpin Boulevard and extend a 6 -inch diameter public watermain to serve the lots within the proposed development. A hydrant will be installed at the end of the private road. In 1991 the property was assessed one unit of trunk sanitary sewer benefit. This sanitary sewer hook -up credit will be applied to Lot 1. The sanitary sewer hook -up fees for Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be collected as set forth in the City Code at the rate in effect at the time. In 1992 the trunk watermain benefit was assessed for the ultimate development conditions of the property; therefore, no water hook -up charges are due with this plat. The existing 12 -inch draintile and the proposed 4 -inch drain tiles shall be privately owned and maintained. The developer will coordinate with the installation of electric, gas, telephone and cable television to serve the development. Should the gas service to the existing home be relocated with this project, the existing service via Lake Harrison Circle must be cut according to CenterPoint Energy's requirements. Surface Water Management Fees The City of Chanhassen collects Surface Water Management connection fees for all subdivisions. The fee is divided into water quality and water quantity. These fees go directly to the maintenance, improvement or installation of stormwater management infrastructure and water quality improvement projects within the City of Chanhassen. These fees will be based upon the single - family development type and will not be assessed to any wetland areas or areas placed within a conservation easement. These areas will need to be provided. The estimated fees are based upon net developable acreage and will change when final wetland, buffer and conservation areas are provided and deducted from gross acreage. The following assumptions were made in calculating the net buildable acreage. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 9 of 16 The wetland area, including Outlot A but not wetland 2 which is within a conservation easement, totaled 2.92 acres. This wetland area does not include the buffer area and therefore underestimates the total acreage deducted from the calculations. The total conservation area was taken from the exhibit provided by Otto Associates and found to be 1.01 acres. This area is not consistent with what staff is recommending so this deduction will likely be larger. The street easement was not deducted as that is a private road. Total SWMP fees estimated to be due at the time of final plat are as follows: Water Quality $2,670.00/ac * 5.44ac = $14,524.80 Water Quantity $3,820.00/ac * 5.44ac = $20,780.80 Total estimated SWMP fees due at the time of final plat are $35,305.60. Easements The developer proposes to vacate the conservation easement and the public drainage and utility easements on the property. New easements will be dedicated with the plat. PARKS AND RECREATION Comprehensive Park Plan The proposed Wynsong development is located within an area that is in the municipal park service boundaries of Sugarbush Park and the future Lake Harrison Park. In lieu of parkland dedication, the development shall pay full park fees in force at the time of final plat approval. Parks fees for 2012 are $5,800.00 for each new single - family lot. Comprehensive Trail Plan The site does not contain any portion of the City's trail plan. A trail is located on the west side of Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 117). LANDSCAPING /TREE PRESERVATION The applicant has provided a tree inventory and removal plan for the subdivision. There are no bufferyard plantings required for this development. Tree preservation calculations for the development are shown below. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 10 of 16 Total upland area (excluding wetlands /parkland) 6.46 ac Total canopy area (excluding wetlands /parkland) 3.76 ac or 163,785 SF Baseline canopy coverage 58% Minimum canopy coverage allowed 35% or 98,488 SF/2.26 ac Proposed tree preservation 41% or 116,740 SF/2.68 ac. The developer meets minimum canopy coverage allowed. No additional plantings will be required beyond the city ordinance requirement of one tree per lot. Each lot contains significant (30 -inch DBH or larger) healthy trees within or near the proposed building pads. Staff recommends that the following trees on each lot receive consideration for preservation by custom grading the lot. Lot 2: #78, #86, #97, #70 Lot 3: #49, #59, #63, #64, #66 Lot 4: #133, #134, 9137, 9138, #142, #143 The building permit surveys shall be required to show all inventoried trees within the grading limits and their removal or preservation status. MISCELLANEOUS The developer's proposed street name, Wynsong Lane, is acceptable and shall be shown on the final plat of the property. 2. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 3. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 4. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 5. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 6. A three (3) foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrant per MSFC Section 508.5.5. 7. Nothing shall be placed in a manner that would prevent or hinder operation of the fire hydrant by firefighters per MSFC Section 508.5.4. 8. A street sign shall be installed at the street intersection prior to any new home construction per MSFC Section 505.2. 9. " No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed in the hammerhead turnaround. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of signs. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 11 of 16 COMPLIANCE TABLE * Lot width must be increased to 125 feet. VARIANCE — PRIVATE STREET In order to permit private streets, the city must find that the following conditions exist: a. The prevailing development pattern makes it unfeasible or inappropriate to construct a public street. In making this determination, the city may consider the location of existing property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions and the existence of wetlands. This site is isolated from other properties by natural features and contains forested areas, steep slopes and wetlands. b. After reviewing the surrounding area, it is concluded that an extension of the public street system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a street system consistent with the comprehensive plan. Public streets are not necessary to access the property to the south, which is currently developed with single - family homes and accessed via Northwood Court, nor to the north which is accessed via Lake Harrison Circle. There is no additional developable property which could receive access via this street. Lot Area (sq. ft.) Lot Width (ft.) Lot Depth (ft) Notes Code 15,000 non- 100 non - riparian, 125 Setbacks: front /rear riparian, 40,000 125 riparian 30 ft., side 10 ft., riparian Shoreland 150 ft., wetland buffer 30 ft. Lot 1 67,954 123 * (east 470 Riparian lot, property line) contains additional 3,920 sq. ft. of wetland Lot 2 70,132 228 (east property 449 Riparian lot, line) contains additional 19,166 sq. ft. of wetland Lot 3 47,916 460 (northeast 353 Contains additional property line) 871 sq. ft. of wetland Lot 4 78,844 364 (east property 494 Contains additional line) 27,878 sq. ft. of wetland Outlot A 74,052 Lake Harrison (1.7 acres) Area of Wetlands 51,835 1.19 acres Total 390,733 8.97 acres * Lot width must be increased to 125 feet. VARIANCE — PRIVATE STREET In order to permit private streets, the city must find that the following conditions exist: a. The prevailing development pattern makes it unfeasible or inappropriate to construct a public street. In making this determination, the city may consider the location of existing property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions and the existence of wetlands. This site is isolated from other properties by natural features and contains forested areas, steep slopes and wetlands. b. After reviewing the surrounding area, it is concluded that an extension of the public street system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a street system consistent with the comprehensive plan. Public streets are not necessary to access the property to the south, which is currently developed with single - family homes and accessed via Northwood Court, nor to the north which is accessed via Lake Harrison Circle. There is no additional developable property which could receive access via this street. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 12 of 16 The use of the private street will permit enhanced protection of the city's natural resources including wetlands and forested areas. The use of a private street preserves wetlands on the site and reduces site grading. Due to the most easterly wetland, the use of a public street would require wetland alterations within this area. Also, because of the topographical changes on the site, a public street would require the removal of significantly more of the existing canopy coverage. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat creating four lots, plans prepared by Otto Associates dated 09/10/12, with a variance for the use of a private street, subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Building Official Conditions The developer's proposed street name, Wynsong Lane, is acceptable and shall be shown on the final plat of the property. 2. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 3. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 4. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 5. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Engineering Conditions The private road must be within a 30 -foot wide access and maintenance easement recorded against all four properties. 2. At the end of the project, the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. 3. The developer shall work with the existing homeowner to minimize service disruption during construction. 4. Lot 1 has paid the sanitary sewer hook -up charge. 5. The sanitary sewer hook -up fees for Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be collected as set forth in the City Code at the rate in effect at the time. 6. No water hook -up charges are due with this plat. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 13 of 16 7. The existing 12 -inch drain tile and the proposed 4 -inch drain tiles shall be privately owned and maintained. 8. Should the gas service to the existing home be relocated with this project, the existing service via Lake Harrison Circle must be cut according to CenterPoint Energy's requirements. 9. Staff will work with the developer's engineer to either realign the wall so that it lies entirely on one property, or draft an encroachment agreement for the wall, which would be recorded against both properties. Environmental Resource Specialist Conditions 1. The applicant shall custom grade lots and work with staff to try to preserve any of the following trees currently proposed for removal: Lot 2: 978, 986, #97, #70 Lot 3: #49, #59, #63, #64, #66 Lot 4: 9133, #134, #137, #138, #142, #143 2. Prior to grading, each lot shall install tree protection fencing at the edge of grading limits. 3. Building permit surveys for each lot shall be required to show all inventoried trees within the grading limits and 10 feet beyond and their removal or preservation status. Tree removal for each lot shall be approved by the city. 4. The applicant shall work with staff to develop conservation easements to preserve existing wooded areas on Lots 1, 3 and 4. 5. Conservation easement signage will be required to be installed by the developer at property lines and angle points on each lot. Signage shall be approved by the city prior to installation. Fire Marshal Conditions 1. A three (3) foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrant per MSFC Section 508.5.5. 2. Nothing shall be placed in a manner that would prevent or hinder operation of the fire hydrant by firefighters per MSFC Section 508.5.4. 3. A street sign shall be installed at the street intersection prior to any new home construction per MSFC Section 505.2. 4. " No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed in the hammerhead turnaround. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of signs. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 14 of 16 Parks & Recreation Conditions 1. The developer shall pay park dedication fees at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval concurrent with or prior to recording the final plat in lieu of parkland dedication or donation. Planning Conditions 1. Revise the front lot line of Lot 1 to meet the 125 -foot minimum lot width. Water Resources Coordinator Conditions Surface Water Drainage and Treatment Alternate stormwater management techniques will be allowed for the site. The proposal is to use enhanced buffers and tree preservation for volume reduction and stormwater management. Tree preservation areas must be contained within a legally recorded conservation easement before release of the final plat. The wetland buffer must be included within a drainage and utility easement or conservation easement. 2. Appropriate signage demarcating the boundary of the conservation easement must be placed by the applicant before release of the final plat. The signage must be at any point the easement boundary intersects with a property line, either existing or proposed, and any point of deflection greater than 10 degrees. At no point may the distance between signs be greater than 200 feet. Sign placement must be shown on a plan sheet. 3. Stormwater efficacy calculations shall be based upon Carver County Rules Calculator Version 1.1 or the Minnesota MIDS Calculator Worksheet. This worksheet shall be updated to reflect the conservation easement area and must exclude any wetland within the easement. 4. The eastern limit of the conservation easement on proposed Lot 4 shall be as shown in figure 2, protecting a wooded buffer at least 50 feet in width from the eastern wetland boundary and preserving trees 133, 134, 136 and 140. Natural Resource Protection All wetland buffers shall meet the requirement codified in Sections 20 -411 and 20 -412 of city code. 2. Buffers not meeting the minimum requirements for native vegetation as required by code or being considered for enhanced buffers for stormwater management will require a vegetation management plan. 3. Appropriate signage demarcating the boundary of the wetland buffer must be placed by the applicant before release of the final plat. The signage must be at any point the buffer boundary intersects with a property line, either existing or proposed, and any point of deflection greater than 10 degrees. At no point may the distance between signs be greater Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 15 of 16 than 200 feet. Sign placement must be shown on a plan sheet. 4. Setbacks shall be labeled on the plan set as to if they are setbacks from the OHW of a Public Water or setbacks from a wetland buffer. 5. All tree protection fencing shall employee metal T- posts. Erosion and Sediment Control 1. All silt fences shall be machine sliced or heavy duty as defined in part 3886 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. 2. Those areas to be protected from grading, construction traffic, material stockpiling or other disturbance shall be clearly labeled on the plans and adequate protection in the form of fencing with metal T -posts shall be shown on the plans and installed prior to any earth - disturbing activities. This shall be included as part of the SWPPP. 3. Final stabilization must be shown on the grading plan. The graded areas contiguous to wetland 1 and wetland 2 must be stabilized with Method 2, 3 or 4 as defined in part 2575 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. 4. Seed mix or other method of establishing vegetation in disturbed areas shall be called out on the plan set. 5. A method of establishing native vegetation within the disturbed buffer areas shall be called out on the plans. 6. Sediment control best management practices shall be specified on the plan set for both culverts draining to wetlands. Strong preference shall be given to inlet protection. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assure compliance with all other pertinent regulations and requirements, including, but not limited to NPDES permit requirements for phased development where the total disturbance associated with the common development exceeds the minimum threshold. 8. All applicable details shall be included within the plan set. The city can make these available to the applicant. Surface Water Management 1. The applicant shall provide the city with an exhibit quantifying those areas within conservation easement, wetland, and wetland buffer areas so that the fees accurately reflect the amount of developable land. 2. Based upon the information provided, SWMP fees due at Final Plat are estimated to be $33,305.60. Planning Commission Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 October 16, 2012 Page 16 of 16 ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy Alta/ACSM Land Title Survey. 4. Reduced Copy Preliminary Plat. 5. Reduced Copy Preliminary Utility and Street Plan. 6. Reduced Copy Preliminary Grading Plan. 7. Reduced Copy Preliminary Tree Preservation — Primary Construction. 8. Reduced Copy Preliminary Tree Preservation — Secondary Construction. 9. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g:Aplan \2012 planning cases \2012-16 wynsong \staffreport wynsong.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION 1I►1li� Application of Galpin Blvd. Partners, LLC and Charles Song for subdivision approval to subdivide 9.37 acres into 4 lots with a variance for a private street. On October 16, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Galpin Blvd. Partners, LLC and Charles Song for subdivision approval to subdivide 9.37 acres into 4 lots with a variance for a private street. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R). 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, Song Addition. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: 1) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; 2) The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; 3) The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; 4) The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; 5) The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; 6) The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and 7) The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. C. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. 5. Variance Findings — Private Street a. The hardship is not a mere inconvenience, but provides a means for preserving natural features on site, specifically the wetland to the north of the entrance to the property. Construction of a public street would significantly impact the wetland and lead to additional tree removal. b. The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or typographical conditions of the land. The wetland and site topography limit the location of the street. C. The conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property due to natural features on the property including wetlands and topography. d. The granting of the variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of the subdivision ordinance, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. Access to adjacent properties is both unnecessary and infeasible due to wetlands. 6. The planning report #2012 -16, dated October 16, 2012, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat creating four lots with a variance for a private street. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 16 day of October 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION Its Chairman 2 Planning Case No. 0IA — /4s PLEASE PRINT CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 14 2012 CHA NHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Anplicant�'� and Address: c i n L-Lc— C hlna r1 � S -- 531 Contact•<:_�v^_ �_f ® Phone a,ola= �ba aj000 Fax: Email: 5l ye. Lroisr>G- kra�sscley� taom k . Property Owner Name and Address: aLmes C X, J csn r 7 4..2 67 1 n ��v . c cal ,. I IN _(3 Contact: C -S <"T' l Phone: Qa ! y,7�--IfF4 Fax: Email: cssso�a A ao /, Com NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non - conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision *0 Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) _ Variance (VAR) 9C)C, Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign — $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees /Attorney Cost ** "- 10 - $50 CUP /SPRNACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB i TOTAL FEE $ W& 6D L 5� An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT N LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: B 10Ck -73-S -- 26 q 1 O TOTAL ACREAGE: �� S- AC-rNS WETLANDS PRESENT: YES NO PRESENT ZONING: � u a REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DES REQUESTED LAND USE C REASON FOR REQUEST: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that 1 am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. 1 have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or 1 am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date a <�q/4�4 1/11 1(2 Signature of Fee Owner -/ Date gAplanit" dey,gopment review application.doc SCANNED ALTA / ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY N $ g i i 5 \ N,cnoa EroeN � I— @ @Em l l Jomea Fwrwl /1 NoaH C,fy oI L,m,orrM \ / l 1 owa -wr 1 HARRISON LAKE \ \ \ swlrn R•irnno / / \ / rt.fp w. / / p90p pN 1 ! !a 1 1 ` LOT 1 a l BU � 9.P 1 _ \'-W, werwut< -. 1 IrvYIIY IfI¢b \ - rr,e .ry AT ew / l \ \'� Lwrgoasa Nwneownws Arron°Iw+ > / I Slaron & bEY Burka I aV /r00pr . •v,rr >l ' :•r i ��,. .�.'ifi n✓wr,rv,. � -re ., ,rra. r.vvv� � mr 1. v,..,n�h i •'_•f1 n Pofkx Lbu9rm Sinmonr I >o L pM B/W Porfnwa pe LTko90 RI4 Nauroncl CompmK 4 4 to cwfi^y fMf f,M mop w ref antl 1M awwY an Rl,k, ,f 4 eofel Rae moor M n1 IOII YMMwm a Mma R AL 78 IA% (Sl Rfb ew kG w,tl k"n w tlaa 11 T l( W O , � 2 r g � / �l Mcvp. aiaJ U/ L $ a. IM VICINITY MAP •� r I SECMW 10, 101WS1I1 M RANGE 11, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Surwya pbfly uloDlrthee mG orbpfee eY S°S w,e nW rmr • J, 4 P)• OJ Rlpth ar Msp k me me Sfals al MMnswlo fe foot pwf oI pwnbsr W„N Ma eNOV fM d aea r J. 3 la Il, wW IB a• ,ewe A R,wwl. . FMtl Rwk wer camylafe0 p Aey 3 >, n furor „q, fw nrork of Nweros Loka IOrT. Bat. u // � '" '_ 9 __�? - -- ---- --___ -- f) saebne ee eeMe ma urnly wamw,ra a: mo.n m fM •.awee pol mw,eL �TC_--------- _---- - -___— ) E9awn,nf W 9mHfA Mfworpfw oa 9rmfse to Ma1M,dRm MMN CwNrol twnmbalw ey Poe [ Offq [mtl Swro�ae (pwNOnovamcblercom) Nlrum"f MfW OlewnM Ia I9B >, 8W ArwpY Ta 190d m Oacvmenf Nq ISH0.1t Yb,wmlo Lkenu Ma IOpsT O) Eomnanf kv grvHfY Mfwnpfw w genfltl l0 wslrapwsfm Xbsle Cp1ro, Lemmrubn Oy PRROPERIY OEBCMPMYk Lof r, LNxN r, SCNO AOWntW, Cwwe C 1w NMnnofa na rvm"r MfM Jwuwr 11. 19Ba NM Ypa, TJ, r9a9, w Dooxnanf Nq IBOISI. a n. e Eoaam " m ' "Mfg A .M'y l � � �;f l]""p CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPERLY AppPL'A, 1011 Crogb Bo u4 w4 -1—. NN —1 r991, as Oocummf •a IBS.iW. RECEIVED IJ fawrwnf M wabo9a aq ula,fyy pugwca yplq fo CltY o1 Cnm,en" w pIa1M M boot PROPERLY IpENIIfN;AiNAV MWIBfR 2aBMO010 e/ Pwmonmf E f, tlotw/ 4oY .la 3001, gItl SapfwMr Id 1001, or Docum"f Ne. mrTpx LTNERAL RORS �) fmwn"f W @'ohap wW efaRy PwPa+r Yp1M 1e olr e, mw,nmr., p.ela M �,f S EP 3 2 012 Amwebp le Cnkaao lifll Msurmn LemPrnyl Rt4 Cwwnrlmnf Nq CA 2701 OvfM ny s menf fasam"t Mfb Ma•c, I1, LOOT, Iaetl Jsx,pY r3. 300.; oa Oocumnt Nw „ 30t3, of 3.00 ALL, f,M P•aMrlY : rW%erf fo m1 kpay.Ng A) y a� fM —WCtf 1 — w,tl r 99. Lun b'or� Cana �rM� OofsE Jxv Tl. AIR4EYOP RO,fS R.e A-1 , >, I9 O ams l Ne n m a mb P q f 4 f w rfA M9pepw a. ao CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEI B) Aew T >, r9�RIe Au9uaf 991 " oe ' ' PJ - Pon 3 Dr fM of C,on,oarn eofee IJ Lfie✓rywne U111f4r rxafae P" Gep,r 6,r tev Syafmm Rckrt Nw n331311A C) PYlkwtlr m Prow: an fM •acweae pot IGfJ 1) A—' fe RVA Wq Na T)L 1 OY.tlS & MM pgnrfY 4 brolee M ibo✓ Z G I) mw. 4 m W@le IHrMxs eI vp oI Mo Mfs oa o wafs Jrry R,mM rlrint mpina O u C; ss m U p � um _ E d�� E o" S a O 00 SCANNED N N TOTAL A 9 ACRES I I I � AREA TO ONIfl � 7.81 ACRES f fl� w m . W I � O ., eww,w. ewauu 8 ¢¢ 88 I � O anoba ewr , � 2 r g � / �l Mcvp. aiaJ U/ L $ a. IM VICINITY MAP •� r I SECMW 10, 101WS1I1 M RANGE 11, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Surwya pbfly uloDlrthee mG orbpfee eY S°S w,e nW rmr • J, 4 P)• OJ Rlpth ar Msp k me me Sfals al MMnswlo fe foot pwf oI pwnbsr W„N Ma eNOV fM d aea r J. 3 la Il, wW IB a• ,ewe A R,wwl. . FMtl Rwk wer camylafe0 p Aey 3 >, n furor „q, fw nrork of Nweros Loka IOrT. Bat. u // � '" '_ 9 __�? - -- ---- --___ -- f) saebne ee eeMe ma urnly wamw,ra a: mo.n m fM •.awee pol mw,eL �TC_--------- _---- - -___— ) E9awn,nf W 9mHfA Mfworpfw oa 9rmfse to Ma1M,dRm MMN CwNrol twnmbalw ey Poe [ Offq [mtl Swro�ae (pwNOnovamcblercom) Nlrum"f MfW OlewnM Ia I9B >, 8W ArwpY Ta 190d m Oacvmenf Nq ISH0.1t Yb,wmlo Lkenu Ma IOpsT O) Eomnanf kv grvHfY Mfwnpfw w genfltl l0 wslrapwsfm Xbsle Cp1ro, Lemmrubn Oy PRROPERIY OEBCMPMYk Lof r, LNxN r, SCNO AOWntW, Cwwe C 1w NMnnofa na rvm"r MfM Jwuwr 11. 19Ba NM Ypa, TJ, r9a9, w Dooxnanf Nq IBOISI. a n. e Eoaam " m ' "Mfg A .M'y l � � �;f l]""p CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPERLY AppPL'A, 1011 Crogb Bo u4 w4 -1—. NN —1 r991, as Oocummf •a IBS.iW. RECEIVED IJ fawrwnf M wabo9a aq ula,fyy pugwca yplq fo CltY o1 Cnm,en" w pIa1M M boot PROPERLY IpENIIfN;AiNAV MWIBfR 2aBMO010 e/ Pwmonmf E f, tlotw/ 4oY .la 3001, gItl SapfwMr Id 1001, or Docum"f Ne. mrTpx LTNERAL RORS �) fmwn"f W @'ohap wW efaRy PwPa+r Yp1M 1e olr e, mw,nmr., p.ela M �,f S EP 3 2 012 Amwebp le Cnkaao lifll Msurmn LemPrnyl Rt4 Cwwnrlmnf Nq CA 2701 OvfM ny s menf fasam"t Mfb Ma•c, I1, LOOT, Iaetl Jsx,pY r3. 300.; oa Oocumnt Nw „ 30t3, of 3.00 ALL, f,M P•aMrlY : rW%erf fo m1 kpay.Ng A) y a� fM —WCtf 1 — w,tl r 99. Lun b'or� Cana �rM� OofsE Jxv Tl. AIR4EYOP RO,fS R.e A-1 , >, I9 O ams l Ne n m a mb P q f 4 f w rfA M9pepw a. ao CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEI B) Aew T >, r9�RIe Au9uaf 991 " oe ' ' PJ - Pon 3 Dr fM of C,on,oarn eofee IJ Lfie✓rywne U111f4r rxafae P" Gep,r 6,r tev Syafmm Rckrt Nw n331311A C) PYlkwtlr m Prow: an fM •acweae pot IGfJ 1) A—' fe RVA Wq Na T)L 1 OY.tlS & MM pgnrfY 4 brolee M ibo✓ Z G I) mw. 4 m W@le IHrMxs eI vp oI Mo Mfs oa o wafs Jrry R,mM rlrint mpina O u C; ss m U p � um _ E d�� E o" S a O 00 SCANNED O u C; ss m U p � um _ E d�� E o" S a O 00 SCANNED S II Aar. � Y � yry.NY B HARRISON LAKE i � -- - -- a4 . DPIa ttvdwp YN MR OUTLOT A oA— I / � I n `/ T ti•la Av1( .,q,www.,na .BmM —� / xWwrsTr nmra AT VICINITY MAP crrnnN In Tn—N IP 116. RANGE 23. CARVER COUNTY. MINNESOTA / — .. — DENOTES BUILDING SETBACK FRONT - 30 c DESLRIP]NW: - I. BL- I, SONG AWI-L, C L—ty. I I REAR- MfltMER SIDE - 10' PROPERTY ADDRESS TORT GYPN BouewN, Evalalp -, MN SSJJI UI � I _--- 1_------ -� - - -_ CITY OF CHANHASS RECEIVED L AKE \ HARRISON'' EX/SRNC ZOVMG - PUDR � \ � AND ADAO'MNDl -fY -w UNE$ AND BEm'G S FEET yr MWRI. 1/N1E36 OMERIwSE qTA' =, AND AO—B LOi CROSS FROECT AREA- 9.J7 ACRES (1.83 TO WM.) CROSS DEA'gTY PROPOSED 0.0 UN /75 PER ACRE EA IS REC[WDE'D W!H ME PuTBNG OF INS PRa+ERR S A JO' WOE PR%YAIE STREET EASEMENT SNAIL BE PRONDED. Aro R� � —ao or.0,�_., ,� Ir neaeo /rranm weL �nroro I NET DENSITY PROPOSED - 068 OMIT PER ACRE BY w !W UN 'N ° ..�R WYNSONG a5a Ml.x AND WT 1 AM A DULY LkElISm Mi0I6SIIXY1 ENpNEER STATE OF MINNESOTA 8N'WOMeMSent UNOFA 1NE LAWS OF 1NE aaaaD TTo BuINN,.1W atll9 r wlawrn S II Aar. � Y � yry.NY B HARRISON LAKE i � -- - -- a4 . DPIa ttvdwp YN MR OUTLOT A oA— I / � I n `/ T ti•la Av1( .,q,www.,na .BmM —� / xWwrsTr nmra AT VICINITY MAP crrnnN In Tn—N IP 116. RANGE 23. CARVER COUNTY. MINNESOTA / SEP Ai 3 2012 01 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ORAINAfE MD UilU1Y EAEEIAEN)S ARE s10xN THUS — .. — DENOTES BUILDING SETBACK FRONT - 30 c DESLRIP]NW: - I. BL- I, SONG AWI-L, C L—ty. I I REAR- MfltMER SIDE - 10' PROPERTY ADDRESS TORT GYPN BouewN, Evalalp -, MN SSJJI UI � I _--- 1_------ -� - - -_ CITY OF CHANHASS RECEIVED SEP Ai 3 2012 01 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ORAINAfE MD UilU1Y EAEEIAEN)S ARE s10xN THUS — .. — DENOTES BUILDING SETBACK FRONT - 30 c DESLRIP]NW: - I. BL- I, SONG AWI-L, C L—ty. I I REAR- MfltMER SIDE - 10' PROPERTY ADDRESS TORT GYPN BouewN, Evalalp -, MN SSJJI 1 FRDY CawTY ROAD - SO' FROM *MAND BUFFER - JO' PRD^ER IDFNOFMAPOW NUMBER: 23BOIOOI0 _--- 1_------ -� - - -_ FROM ONML - ISO' ND1ES BCNC ro WODL tAWE55 O1HER INOIGTER EX/SRNC ZOVMG - PUDR 1. REFER TO ALTA/ASGM LAND RTE SURWY FOR BOUNOMY AND EA151WC EASEMENT /NF1'ARYARON. T ALL EOSRNG EASDIDIM SHALL BE VACATED AND NEW AND ADAO'MNDl -fY -w UNE$ AND BEm'G S FEET yr MWRI. 1/N1E36 OMERIwSE qTA' =, AND AO—B LOi CROSS FROECT AREA- 9.J7 ACRES (1.83 TO WM.) CROSS DEA'gTY PROPOSED 0.0 UN /75 PER ACRE EA IS REC[WDE'D W!H ME PuTBNG OF INS PRa+ERR S A JO' WOE PR%YAIE STREET EASEMENT SNAIL BE PRONDED. LWFS AS EYrOWI CN 1NE MT. TDTAL NET AREA (LESS STREET EASEMENT R NETAND) � 3.89 ACRES A N£TLMOS DELINEATED BY K,KAHAUG FNNRdJMENTAL SERNGES /NG NET DENSITY PROPOSED - 068 OMIT PER ACRE BY w !W UN 'N ° ..�R WYNSONG a5a Ml.x AND WT 1 AM A DULY LkElISm Mi0I6SIIXY1 ENpNEER STATE OF MINNESOTA 8N'WOMeMSent UNOFA 1NE LAWS OF 1NE aaaaD TTo BuINN,.1W atll9 r wlawrn GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC aaa alp M. s< awo F ' PB9 ' B°T ' T '` TT CHANHASSEN, MN SHI 110ENSE 101.13 DAIS Blew SwWYMA aic DEVELOPER GALPIN SL VG PARTNER$ LLC ATTN- STEVE KRO/SS P.O. SOX 218 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PRGECT NO PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 -12 -0191 NO. 1 OF 5 SHEETS 9/10/12 SCANNED I J CITY RECEI SSEN RECEIVED PRIOR ro ANY E %CAVAnOH 1HE CONTNACTOR SHALL VERIFY 1HE LC UND HDU GF ALL ERCRgJND UDUDES. �� A� f ( f CALL XB Hd SUCK DIGgNO: H ST V l 2 GOPER ONE CALL: T Cf 400 4G -N 01Y AREA 851 -� 2-1 02 T MN OLL fAEE 1 -Bq)- 252 -1188 2 �I y� .. GOVERNING MI NNESOTA DEP 1, 1. n1E 5 E- D<MIARTMEN TRANSPORTAn ON GHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT STANDARD SPEdFlLAnONS FOR CONSIRUCnON' Al 4 1 2 qtt ENGINEERS ASSOgAMIN OF MRJNESOTA (LEAN) STANDARD UW SPECIFlCAnONS. f y2' -YNOOi 2130 SPWiANOB S qtt OF GJANHASSEN STANDARD SPEdFNARONS &DETAIL PULER. aM Coat - 21S ( O Ses -d NO�b 3)A9PNaN Baw f001f Crvlu! NOnS^ 1. WAIpWAIN SHALL BE C -BDD DRIB MIX DULntE IRdI FlTIINGS. FlTNJCS SHALL BE POLYMLAPPE.. YECAWCS SHALL BE Lg1PA11BlE MiX PVC PIPE. 12 CAUOE 1RACER N SHALL BE 1EPIINATED AT ALL HYg1ANT BREAK OEF fUNGES tl DIFS ALL 8' SAMTARY SEWER SHALL BE Sqt >S. A.0' TWwA gawa F EMtuwM Ww,. S SAMTAPY SERMCES 91ALL BE w PVC SOR 43 Y 4ULL BE WaWF3 wry Na0 b MacAd �l wnaWCVOn LOCATED S ETET DOWNSIPEAY a YMTER SERNCES. wagon toAaMp gacmmt of Ns elhmFau ewa wATpf SfRNCES 91I1L BE t' NPPER MIX 1' COPP. J. A tlW YaP>M wSPaaA ww b ManaH SY tlW enW S ALL XYMANT LEADS SHALL BE r DIP OU55 52 NN �� aNa1lY b rpub 8. �NiRACroR SHALL INSTALL NIDRANT ERQIMONS a WiS Oaw w rql. AS NELESSNRY NXFIiE wM HAS 0801 LOWERED ro E DrvFUA Mm b Maws JY AaM MMlon Tmm la PaFI� (a naXn —D WIIFLLCi M1H —ER U— —..S AIM o1 rva0 aMA SHALL BE CONSKWRED MDENTAL TO NYd —COST. TYPICAL PRIVATE STREET SECTION T mzORKUxTV D. R... AcwROANq MTx 8. a 1B' Wi11CA�L�SEPMAPOH BflWm FPE51E A —MUM DA acsDMID ORAW HEREBY CERIIEY "T TWS — SPECw1CARON OR REPORT WWwOBWMwWwamm PROJECT NO WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER AfY gRECE SUVERNSION YV I NSONG PRELIMINARY UTILITY OSD MLR IND TINT I AM A DULY IJCENSED PROEESSDNLL ENGJNEER RwmeJWXy.M Bys� dlECxta UNDER 111E UWS OF THE SEATS OF GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC WNNESOTA TTo �,� M„J„ & STREET PLAN 2 -12 -0191 (ravm2�m esa Cora M. x ^• ^^ ono °°°"'° "`('°')°°�',.°� CHANHASSEN, MN ucwsE ,ow DATE: E LLW3WVAYWS.FC SHEET NO. 2 OF 5 SHEETS 9110112 SCANNED NX rj -- -„L_ -- -- ourLOr A a�b�1 a— �'u ;1 Nom. aas, \�— \ $ - / i '/// '�C / ' Lfg�yy 1 `I ^ r O' r t CITY OF CHANHASSEN '' '"'A " G'" W. AT 4' YA% SPACMG RECEIVED �NGro mOTOmIE F—c rnwn eurm rAavlc ANLIIdtnGE mExa. olRECnoN a eAamu rnTN rnurEG RNNOFF ROM � NATMAL SOIL SEP '1 2012 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT SILT FENCE DETAIL - -SP-- S- 3— OdDlE3 9LT fFNCE >o RY oE9am S0. NUYV NERE6! CERRiY 1HAr nlls RAN. SPECINGIMMI OR REPORT NYVMbexrYMe.um PROJECT N0: WAS PREPMEO w YE OR YNOER YY ORIEGf SYdE1MEpN E� y r NSONG Y.I.N. ANO THAT I AY A WLY LIOENSW PROfE55gW1 ENGINEER PYaYCVww,swer PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN uNGER THE uws ar THE srnn; or YlxxESGrw TTp eMw.Awsors 2 -12 -0191 �. �Jeez�m GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC Gxa ten, Y. kN�^N^^ N0L "' CHANHASSEN, MN SHEET N0. 3 OF 5 SHEETS 9 LICENY AOIJS GATE: dfertlSUreps, Ar. SCANNED i I III��II�II�III� tfaF.a/�".i15��1_t• t'!a[idTla•!G7•�'t• [fiFa[:Z'.T£:'lFat:� aga ... lYiaa�arl �r•1,[�i!laa�[ra t(•'!� [;, J( if ^!ll�l�t•<ET.3i2�:-r/<ZFfT•:i• �L_ar.zaai!_as� �[•:� c L�a [tL•y� l�ir_rrr_ il'a"�r.'Z..E_..itY!•lli� �rl�ra- �l+a[ra•r� �l�r�^.a_!tr_ararra. �frtart*r�..��tas� tPI ;als/I ^.ilF!♦ �lY�Fmi^.ilraa�� �f til:T'LF_� !!arl�r�EYu'Ri� lr [ rm tClta �+�[ ^.ta rrtEa a� a� be I I I W / N I ,aa z o' / � I ,pTT LVVO1f5 ]NEE ro 6E RFXOLID s —s —s Doarzs ma m rrr anro�n .__ .. ,_.., nr— rrc— rrs crnmtES nra ro Lr RDrotED DESbfRD ORAMN QtE6Y CERIrY 1x1T TXIS PVJI, SPECIFlG1pN OR REPORT ww,daee>wwmmn wis PREPARm ar uE oR uxtrR w DRECr wklmsax WYNSONG PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PRO.ECT a6a Mul. ANO mAr i AN A aI� IICENSFD PR(ME5fONLL ENGINEER yatiyyy„t 2_ _0191 GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC -U191 uxDER TIE uws aF THE srAiE a rxraESmA. TT/1 rG�,, MNZrors PLAN - PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION 1 �+ msyma4nT CHANHASSEN, MN SHEET NO. 4 OF 5 SHEETS 9110/12 NCENSE IOIJ3 MlE FrM5wwe6Wd6urw a, b,a SCANNED T Tay / 1m SpcNa T DBN im CandttGn Rsnow fawna+G CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIV 5 E p •� 3 L 0 T Inwnf Y prepwed !y MaNtaga Shada T Corwu,tmta 12 ManuM A"" IV CMMed ArbMat .N 0106 A P.O. Box 2660] St. Lm/e Park, MN 55126 ), 1. -5366 CHANHASSEN PLANNING T 08H G the t mt dlwnefer measured of 45 Get Irwn Me ground. DE Tree CmdlfGns ws delMad aa' 1 — pod Cmd /tfm. A hedNy and eWeturdly — free. 2 — Fuk CmdlNm. A Lee ledrMg N hedth and /n eWC—y deRCGnf, but awrectebla 3 — Pow Cmd/tkw. A tree eNh dynl/ t heetth w a ct— A and d/f6cuft to oameof the problems 4 —Dead or DAg.. Ne h— to cameyt h"M w aW<turd concwna. NPta Sane T numbers are not eequmtfd We to Msm beNg wgsdry tagged and latw laund G not De m Aye propoerfy PRO.[CT AREA LESS WMANDS - 6.46 ACRES ExISONC BASE ME CANOPY CONFACE' _ aM ACRES (5R2A) MMIMUM CANOPY WuMACE REQUIRED - 216 ACRES (JS.T) EIOSWO CANOPY COVERAGE PWSER4W - 160 ACRES (55.7A) DESbfRD ORAMN QtE6Y CERIrY 1x1T TXIS PVJI, SPECIFlG1pN OR REPORT ww,daee>wwmmn wis PREPARm ar uE oR uxtrR w DRECr wklmsax WYNSONG PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PRO.ECT a6a Mul. ANO mAr i AN A aI� IICENSFD PR(ME5fONLL ENGINEER yatiyyy„t 2_ _0191 GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC -U191 uxDER TIE uws aF THE srAiE a rxraESmA. TT/1 rG�,, MNZrors PLAN - PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION 1 �+ msyma4nT CHANHASSEN, MN SHEET NO. 4 OF 5 SHEETS 9110/12 NCENSE IOIJ3 MlE FrM5wwe6Wd6urw a, b,a SCANNED I � I Q�n O(T'OIE6 RtEF TO BE RE1/64E0 T Tay / T SpwNe T OBH Tm CmdYlm Ramoro Commanb CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED PIT— SEP '1 2012 h»nt y papa ed 6y CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEP P.O. Jardan� 15.1 CertlRed n Arba/at jMN 0105 A P.O. Bor 26607 St. Louls Pak NN 55126 )63- )17-9.M6 Tee D la the t—e dlometa measured at A5 hef hom the ground. T Candltlona ore d... — f - Cood Co Wtl . A heelfhy and shucfoMry Bound tree. 2 - Fab Cand/tbn. A true lacRhg h hedM and /a — turolly defklent Dut — feWl.. S - Paw Cmd/t/on. A tree w/M slgNRmnt ft ,0M a strvc,r defect; and dlfRCUlt to carroct Me prohfemx 4 - Deed a Dy! g. No cha to aaneet ho,eM a structural cmcems 1. Notex w 2 B Sane tree numhero ae not seguentb/ due fo Mem behg orly be de tagged end later l e to not he 1 the popoerty. 2 uydhg pads shown ore appoxNnats. —,& Mee fanouWa Al De termhed dudng the buAding P- poceax PRO..ECT AREA l W 6EB.ANOS - 6.16 ACRES MSRNO BASE UNE CANOPY COVERAGE - 376 ACRES (56.21) MINIMUM CANOPY COERAGE REW/RED -2.M ACRES (351) EXISWO CANOPY COERAGE PRESERVED 2.0 ACRES (41.51) DESXWD ORAYM 1 IIFIifBT LEffll% TIUT 1X6 P1AN. SPEpi1C,310N OR PEPORF www.oG,eemdewxmn PRpECT NQ wAS PNEPARm er uE oR uuofR Nr L6tECr wkRMSwN WYNSONG GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION S6 LLLM ANp THAT 1 AN A DULY 11CD15E0 PROf£SSYDNII ENfA149t g WsstOMWebbW UNDkA FNE UW5 a 1Xf $FAZE OF MNNE60TA PLAN - SECONDARY CONS TRUCTION 1 9,A o - CHANHASSEN MN SHEET NO. 5 OF 5 SHEETS 9110112 SCANNED CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 4, 2012, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Wynsong — Planning Case 2012 -16 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. r' Kai/en J. En el ardt, Deoy Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me thisI day of r , 2012. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for preliminary plat to subdivide 9.37 acres into 4 lots with a variance for a private street, and vacation of drainage and Proposal: utility easements on property zoned Planned Unit Development - Residential PUD -R - WYNSONG Applicant: Kroiss, Galpin Blvd. Partners, LLC Property 7042 Galpin Boulevard (Lot 1, Block 1, Song Addition) Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2012 -16 If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by Questions & email at baenerousCcD_ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commis meeti City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for preliminary plat to subdivide 9.37 acres into 4 lots with a variance for a private street, and vacation of drainage and Proposal: utility easements on property zoned Planned Unit Development- Residential PUD -R - WYNSONG Applicant: Kroiss, Galpin Blvd. Partners, LLC Property 7042 Galpin Boulevard (Lot 1, Block 1, Song Addition) Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2012 -16 If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by Questions & email at benerous(cD- ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning C ommiss ion meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. ASHLING MEADOWS HOMEOWNERS BRUCE A & JERILYN M KRAFT CARTER W MUENCH 16305 36TH AVE N SUITE 600 7094 NORTHWOOD CT 2185 LAKE HARRISON RD PLYMOUTH MN 55446 -4270 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4624 CARVER COUNTY 602 4TH ST E CHASKA MN 55318 -2102 CHARLES C S & AMY SONG 7042 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 -8025 DANIEL P & KATHRYN J O'CONNOR 7124 NORTHWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7566 DAVID B ERICKSON 7095 NORTHWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 DOUGLAS J AHRENS 1949 TOPAZ DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7593 JAMES D SHEEDY 6955 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 JOHN W & LISA G WING 7049 HARRISON HILL TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7585 MARC A HOPE 6960 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 NONG TU DANG 6890 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4589 PETER JOHN GARBERG 7075 NORTHWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 DAVID H ROYER 2330 HARRISON HILL CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7586 GREENWOOD DESIGN BUILD LLC 5114 EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD EDINA MN 55439- JEFFREY A VANTHOURNOUT 6900 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 LONGACRES HOMEOWNERS ASSN INC PO BOX 542 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -0542 MARK A WAGNER 6945 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 PAISLEY PARK ENTERPRISES INC 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8436 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8201 DONALD J LOBERG 6915 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 JAMES B FARRELL 6950 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 JOHN C & CARRIE M TIETZ 7011 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 -8026 LUTHER T & EMILY J HIPPE 6940 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 MICHAEL A EVERETT 6930 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 PATRICK DOUGLAS SIMMONS 7055 NORTHWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 ROBERT JAY KLINE 2175 LAKE HARRISON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4624 RONALD FRANK NUTTING SARAH D G CLAUSS SCOTT CARL & KATHRYN M WOSJE 7063 HARRISON HILL TRL 7074 NORTHWOOD CT 7125 NORTHWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7585 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7566 SHERALYN K SADDLER STEVEN P & JODY K BUSKA SURESH KRISHNA 1957 TOPAZ DR 7054 NORTHWOOD CT 6965 LAKE HARRISON CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7593 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7582 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 TERRYL ANN MUELLER 7077 HARRISON HILL TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7585 THOMAS L & SUSAN M YEZZI 2320 HARRISON HILL CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7586 THOMAS P & ANGELA D VUKOVICH 1965 TOPAZ DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7593 TODD N SHELDON WILLIAM O NAEGELE STEVE KROISS 6925 LAKE HARRISON CIR 4300 BAKER RD GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS LLC CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -4625 MINNETONKA MN 55343 -8600 PO BOX 218 CHANHASSEN MN 55317