Report FormatCIT¥OF 690 City Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanbassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General £,x 612.Y37.5739 Engineering Fax' 612.937.9152 ?ublic Safety Ia.,: 612.934. 2524 Wab www. ri. cha,/Jasse,, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Planning Commission Kate Aanenson, AICP, community Development Director December 29, 1999 New Report Format In this packet, you will be seeing a new format to our report. I hope that you find this change helpful. The most significant change is the date signifying the review time allowed by state law. The other change is at the bottom of the cover memo where it states the level of discretion. This information should help guide the commission and the council in formulating their recommendations. I Discretion Pyramid. ~Building / permit / Site Plan / Review / Conditional Use Permit Variance Subdivisions/Plats have also included the city attorney chart on the Planning and Zoning Zoning Comprehensive Plan Where the planning commission and the city council have the most discretion is at the bottom of the pyramid and the least at the top of the pyramid. I think this will help to keep in mind when reviewing specific proposals. Again, the staff will be noting this on the bottom of the new report covers The Cit~ oleCha,hmse,. ,q ~'owinf community with c/can lakes, aualitv schools, a cha,nin~ downtown, thrivin~ businesses, and beautiful aarks. A ~reat a/ace to live. work. and ~lav.