1 SUB 3831 Leslee CurveCITY OF STAFF REPORT PC DATE: 6/20/00 CC DATE: 7/10/00 REVIEW DEADLINE: CASE #: 2000-7 ~ I I ' TT':...1. ~J~.~'. TT~.. .... 1 9/26/00 L I-- Z Il., PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Request fro a preliminary plat to subdivide a 1.2 acre parcel into 3 single family lots. 3831 Leslee Cur;qe (A portion of Lot 16, all of Lot 17 and a portion of Lot 18, Blockl, Pleasant Acres) Schwarz Builders 307 Manitoba Avenue South Wayzata, MN 55391 (476-6768) PRESENT ZONING: 2020 LAND USE PLAN: ACREAGE: DENSITY: RSF, Single Family Residential Residential, Low Density 1.2 acres 2.5 units per acre/net and gross SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a preliminary plat to subdivide the parcel for 3 single family homes. The existing home is to be removed from the site. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 5.00 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to Whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the Preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval to subdivide a 1.2 acre parcel into 3 single family lots. The site is zoned RSF, Single Family Residential and is guided residential, low density. The proposal complies with the zoning ordinance and the land use plan. The existing property is part of the Pleasant Acres subdivision, which was platted in 1957. The home on the site was constructed in 1958 and will be demolished with this development. The parcel to be subdivided is part of Lot 16, all of Lot 17 and part of Lot 18, Block 1 of Pleasant Acres. It is located west of Minnewashta Pkwy., east of Leslee Curve and north of Glendale Drive. Currently, access is gained via Leslee Curve and Minnewashta Pkwy. Staff is recommending that access be limited to Leslee Curve for the new homes, since Minnewashta Pkwy. is a collector roadway. The preliminary plat indicates that 37 percent of the tree canopy will be preserved and 13 Pine trees are to be transplanted on the site. The transplant requires a one year guarantee. Staff is recommending approval with the conditions outlined in this report. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting approval of a 3 lot subdivision for single family homes. The development is consistent with the comprehensive plan, which designates this parcel as residential, low density (1.2 -4 units per acre), with net density of 2.5 units per acre. All lots meet the intent of the zoning ordinance as shown in the Table 1. The zoning ordinance states that properties zoned RSF, Single Family Residential must maintain 90 feet of street frontage. All the proposed lots have double frontage, meaning they front on two public streets. The frontages on Leslee Curve are not 90 feet, but 83 feet; however, they are 106 feet and 108 feet on Mirmewashta Pkwy. Since the average of the two frontages is greater than 90 feet, staff is comfortable recommending approval of the request. Table 1 Minnewashta Overlook Lot Area Lot Frontage Lot Frontage on Average Depth on Leslee Minnewashta Frontage (average) Curve Pkwy. Ordinance - 15,000 sq. ft. 90' 90' 125' RSF Lot 1 17,730 sq. ft. 83' 106' 94.5' 188.6' Lot 2 18,130,sq. ft. 83' 106' 94.5' 193' Lot 3 18940 sq. ft. 83' 108' 95.5' 198.2' Average 18,266.6 sq. ft. Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 3 The site currently has access via Leslee Curve, a residential local street, and Minnewashta Pkwy., a collector street. Staff would like to eliminate access onto collectors, so the existing driveway access should be eliminated from Minnewashta Pkwy. Staff is requiring access to be gained from Leslee Curve for obvious safety reasons. This requirement creates a situation in which the frontage proposed does not meet the 90 feet required by the zoning ordinance. Rather than labeling this situation as a variance, staff is electing to average the two lot frontages. The average frontage is 94.5 feet and 95.5 feet as Table 1 indicates. Should one access remain on Minnewashta Pkwy, the lot frontage issue would be irrelevant. For instance, if Lot 3with a lot street frontage of over 90 feet, would have a driveway off of Minnewashta Pkwy, the frontage on Leslee Curve could be reduced, thus allowing the frontages on Leslee Curve for Lots 1 and 2 to be increased to 90 feet each. Adjacent property owners have expressed concern to staff regarding the negative impacts of additional homes in the Pleasant Acres development. Although staff sympathizes, the number of lots proposed is consistent with what was originally approved as a part of Pleasant Acres in 1957. The current proposal is not increasing the density any more than originally intended. Furthermore, the lot areas proposed are consistent with other lots in Pleasant Acres (see Attachment 3). The preliminary plat indicates that the proposed lots can accommodate 60 foot by 60 foot house pads, which are more than adequate for a home and deck. GRADING The existing home on the lot is proposed to be razed with development of the parcel. A demolition permit will be required through the City's Building Department. The proposal is to develop three walkout lots on the existing parcel. In order to achieve positive drainage away from the front side (Leslee Curve) of the dwellings, 2-4 feet of fill material will be required in the front yard areas. This may result in further tree removal than what is shown. The use of retaining walls or home style could also reduce the grading/filling limits. A detailed grading and tree removal plan, including driveway locations, garage floor elevation, proposed grades outside the dwellings, and existing 2-foot contour elevations a minimum of 100 feet around the property limits will need to be submitted for city review and approval prior to final plat consideration to determine the full impacts of development. Staff assumes that each lot will be custom graded at time of building. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan will be required with each lot at time of building permit application; at that time, staff will address erosion control measures necessary with individual permits. The site contains two existing driveways to serve the property; one via Minnewashta Parkway and the other from Leslee Curve. The plans propose on removing both existing driveways and provide access to the new parcels via Leslee Curve only. Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 4 DRAINAGE The property drains from west to east towards Minnewashta Parkway. The amount of impervious surface added by the two additional lots will not require any additional storm drainage improvements in Leslee Curve or Minnewashta Parkway. Stormwater runoff is and will be collected in storm sewers along Minnewashta Parkway which drains into stormwater ponds for pretreatment prior to discharging into lakes or wetlands. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site from Leslee Curve. The existing house is connected to city sewer and water. In conjunction with razing the existing dwelling, the appropriate utility permits will be required to disconnect the sewer and water lines. Two additional sewer and water services will have to be extended to serve the two new lots. The City typically has the water and sewer services extended to the property line by a private contractor at the applicant's cost. The applicant will need to provide the City with a financial escrow in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee reimbursement for the service extensions. The escrow amount shall be $5,000.00. The applicant shall be entitled to a credit against their sewer and water connection fees for the cost of extending the sewer and water services. The credit amount will depend orvthe final cost for extending the two additional sewer and water services and street restoration. The parcel has been previously assessed for one sewer and water unit, therefore, two of the newly created lots will be responsible at time of building permit issuance for one sewer and water hookup and connection charge. The 2000 sanitary sewer and water connection charges are $4,075.00 each and the trunk sanitary sewer and watermain hookup charges are $1,300.00 and $1,694.00, respectively. These fees may be specially assessed against the property at time of building permit issuance. STREETS The site is currently accessed from both Leslee Curve and Minnewashta Parkway. The plans propose on removing the existing driveways and the new lots would access only from Leslee Curve. Minnewashta Parkway is a collector street and designated as a municipal state aid street, therefor~ driveway access should be limited along Minnewashta Parkway or prohibited if other access is available from residential streets as in this case. Therefore, a condition of approval shall be added prohibiting direct driveway access onto Minnewasta Parkway. LANDSCAPING Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations submitted for the Minnewashta Overlook development are as follows: Total upland area Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree removal Proposed tree preservation 54,800 S.F. ac. 54% or28,950 S.F. 35% or 19,180 S.F. 8,360 S.F. 37.5% or 20,590 S.F. Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 5 The developer meets minimum canopy coverage allowed, therefore no replacement plantings are required. By ordinance, one 2½ inch, deciduous tree will be required in each front yard. The applicant is proposing to transplant a total of 13 trees. These trees shall be guaranteed for one year after transplanting. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) Water Quality Fees The water quality fees for this proposed development would be based on single family development rates at $800.00/acre. Based on the proposed developed area of 1.2 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project would be $976.00. The applicant may be credited water quality/quantity fees where they provide NURP basins to treat runoff from this site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations with final plat consideration. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP. Outlots and wetlands/mitigation are not assessed SWMP fees. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city- wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Low Density developments have a connection chat'ge of $1,980 per developable acre. Based on the proposed developed area of 1.2 acres, the applicant will be responsible for a $ 2,415.60 water quantity connection fee. These fees will be due payable to the City at time of final plat recording. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans, subject to the conditions of the staff report. o The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 6 o o Finding: The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the proposed development. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding: The proposed subdivision will be served by adequate urban infrastructure contingent upon conditions specified in this report. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage. Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of records. Finding: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of records. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lake of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of dedicated and improved public streets. c. Lake of adequate sanitary sewer systems and not ISTS (individual sewer treatment system). d. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat (SUB #00-7) to subdivide a 1.2 acre parcel into 3 single family lots based upon the plans received May 26, 2000, with the following conditions: 1. One 2½ inch deciduous tree will be required in each front yard. 2. All transplanted trees shall be guaranteed for one year. Any trees that die will be replaced with trees that meet minimum ordinance requirements. 3. Tree preservation fencing shall be placed around any trees near the grading limits prior to excavation 4. The proposed residential development of 1.2 net developable acres is responsible for a water quality connection charge of $976.00. The applicant is also responsible for a water quantity fee Minnewashta Overlook June 14, 2000 Page 7 of $2,415.60. These fees are payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat. 5. The existing home on Lot 2 will require a demolition permit and or a moving permit, whichever applies. The removal of the home shall take place prior to final plat approval. 6. A final soils report and grading plan must be submitted for any filling or soil corrections. 7. Each building must have it's own independent sewer connection. A detailed grading and tree removal plan, including driveway locations, garage floor elevation, proposed grades outside the dwellings, and existing 2-foot contour elevations a minimum of 100 feet around the property limits shall be submitted for City review and approval prior to final plat consideration to determine the full impacts of development. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan shall be submitted for each lot at time of building permit application for City staff to review and approve. All lots shall maintain the neighborhood drainage pattern. Erosion control measures will be required on the building permit Certificate of Survey. Erosion control fencing shall be installed on the downstream side of the grading limits. 10. The applicant and staff shall work together in determining the paths for the sanitary sewer and water services that creates the least disruption to existing vegetation. The applicant will need to provide the City with a financial escrow in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee reimbursement for the service extensions. The escrow amount shall be $5,000.00. 11. The typical 5-foot and 10-foot wide side, front and rear yard drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat. 12. The developer shall be responsible for all city attorney fees associated with the review and recording of the final plat documents, Park and Trail fees, Surface Water Management Fees, and GIS fees pursuant to city ordinance. These fees are due at time of final plat recording., 13. All driveways shall be paved with an all-weather surface such as asphalt or concrete. Direct driveway access from any lot onto Minnewasta Parkway shall be prohibited. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Preliminary Plat 3. Area of neighboring properties 4. Memo from David Hempel dated June 14, 2000 5. Memo from Steve Torell dated June 2, 2000 6. Public Hearing Notice 7. Letter from neighbor g:\plan\ck\plan comm\minnewashta overlook sub 00-7.doc APPLICANT: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Day time) CITY OF CHA~I~HASSEN · . 690 cooL'ER DRIVE '""'" ~ ~ CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION TELEPHONE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit __ Temporary. Sales Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit Planned Unit Development* __ Rezoning Zoning Appeal .... Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits __ Sign Plan Re~/iew _z~ Notification Sign Site Plan Review* X Subdivision* __ Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ($50 CUPISPR/VACNAR/W APIMetes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $ A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. *Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. ** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. LC-GAL OI~¢RIPTiON_ I TOTAL ACREAGE. ,m,~LAND~ PRE,~fJ~fI' ~ YES __.___ ~ PRE~ Z~ING LAND USE DESIGNATION IqEOUESTEO LANO USE DESlON~.TK:~ REASON FCXR THIS REOLIE~I' ,q~e/ .5',5' 3/7 a~ ~a~ r~ by a~ ~ ~d~ ~. ~f~ ~i~ mis ~c~n, A deWr~ ol c0m~te~ ~ ~ ~n S~I ~ m~ ~hin e~ ~ ;~ ~y ~ ~nmct ;~ ~y roarer ~ ~ t~ ~~. I have ~ a ~ al ~t of ow~rsh~ (eit~ ~ ~y ~ ~s l~ ~ l~at ~em ~ c~! ~ ~~ r~i~me~ ~ ~y ~. T~a~. ~- ~ 4 ~l~)'i~ ~e a~C~ 1hat ~ c~y ~e~ an aut~C ~ day TM ~iMnt ~ould co~ ~ fw a ~y d l~ ~ ~ w~ df ~ if ~t ~M, a ~y ~ I~ ~ w~ k / ~ ~ ~fs Q ,114 /22,653 53,488~, 32,573 Maple Circle ~ ~ -toJr° 15,59 26,143 ~ ~~~ ~~ 24,123~, 35, 5,953 ,, Glendale Drive ~ ~/ CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Orive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. i900 General Fax 612. 937. 5739 Engineering Fax 612.93Z9152 Public Safety lax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Cindy Kirchoff, Planner David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer ~ ',~"~ DATE: June 14, 2000 SUB J: Review of Preliminary Plat for Minnewasta Overlook Addition, Lotsl6 & 17, Block 1, Pleasant Acres, 3831 Leslee Curve Land Use Review File No. 00-12 Upon review of the preliminary plat prepared by Coffin & Gronberg, Inc. Land Surveyors dated May 25, 2000, I offer the following comments and recommendations: GRADING The existing home on the lot is proposed to be razed with development of the parcel. A demolition permit will be required through the City's Building Department. The proposal is to develop three walkout lots on the existing parcel, h~ order to achieve positive drainage away from the front side (Leslee Curve) of the dwellings, 2-4 feet of fill material will be required in the front yard areas. This may result in further tree removal than what is shown. The use of retaining walls or home style could also reduce the grading/filling limits. A detailed grading and tree removal plan, including driveway locations, garage floor elevation, proposed grades outside the dwellings, and existing 2-foot contour elevations a minimum of~ 100 feet around the property limits will need to be submitted for city review and approval prior to final plat consideration to determine the full impacts of development. Staff assumes that each lot will be custom graded at time of building. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan will be required with each lot at time of building permit application; at that time, staff will address erosion control measures necessary with individual permits. The site contains two existing driveways to serve the property; one via Minnewashta Parkway and the other from Leslee Curve. The plans propose on removing both existing driveways and provide access to the new parcels via Leslee Curve only. DRAINAGE The property drains from west to east towards MinneWashta Parkway. The amount of impervious surface added by the two additional lots will not require The City of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, ctuality schools, a charmin~ downtown, thrivin~ businesses, and beauti/:ul varks. A ereat vlace to live, work, and via, Cindy Kirchoff June 14, 2000 Page 2 any additional storm drainage improvements in Leslee Curve or Minnewashta Parkway. Stormwater runoff is and will be collected in storm sewers along Minnewashta Parkway which drains into stormwater ponds for pretreatment prior to discharging into lakes or wetlands. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site from Leslee Curve. The existing house is connected to city sewer and water. In conjunction with razing the existing dwelling, the appropriate utility permits will be required to disconnect the sewer and water lines. Two additional sewer and water services will have to be extended to serve the two new lots. The City typically has the water and sewer services extended to the property line by a private contractor at the applicant's cost. The applicant will need to provide the City with a financial escrow in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee reimbursement for the service extensions. The escrow amount shall be $5,000.00. The applicant shall be entitled to a credit against their sewer and water connection fees for the cost of extending the sewer and water services. The credit amount will depend on the final cost for extending the two additional sewer and water services and street restoration. The parcel has been previously assessed for one sewer and water unit, therefore, two of the newly created lots will be responsible at time of building permit issuance for one sewer and water hookup and connection charge. The 2000 sanitary sewer and water connection charges are $4,075.00 each and the trunk sanitary sewer and watermain hookup charges are $1,300.00 and $1,694.00, respectively. These fees may be specially assessed against the property at time of building permit issuance. STREETS The site is currently accessed from both Leslee Curve and Minnewashta Parkway. The plans propose on removing the existing driveways and the new lots would access only from Leslee Curve. Minnewashta Parkway is a collector street and designated as a municipal state aid street, therefore, driveway access should be limited along Minnewashta Parkway or prohibited if other access is available from residential streets as in this case. Therefore, a condition of approval shall be added prohibiting direct driveway access onto Minnewasta Parkway. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A detailed grading and tree removal plan, including driveway locations, garage floor elevation, proposed grades outside the dwellings, and existing 2-foot contour elevations a minimum of 100 feet around the property limits shall be submitted for City review and approval prior to final plat consideration to determine the full impacts of development. A detailed Cindy Kirchoff June 14, 2000 Page 3 grading, drainage, erosion control and tree removal plan shall be submitted for each Iot at time ofbuilding permit application for City staffto review and approve. All lots shall maintain the neighborhood drainage pattern. Erosion control measures will be required on the building permit Certificate of Survey. Erosion control fencing shall be installed on the downstream side of the grading limits. The applicant and staff shall work together in determining the paths for the sanitary sewer and water services that creates the least disruption to existing vegetation. The applicant will need to provide the City with a financial escrow in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee reimbursement for the service extensions. The escrow amount shall be $5,000.00. 4. The typical 5-foot and 10-foot wide side, front and rear yard drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat 5. The developer shall be responsible for all city attorney fees associated with the review and recording of the final plat documents, Park and Trail fees, Surface Water Management Fees, and GIS fees pursuant to city ordinance. These fees are due at time of final plat recording. 6. All driveways shall be paved with an all-weather surface such as asphalt or concrete. Direct driveway access from any lot onto Minnewasta Parkway shall be prohibited. g:\eng\dave\pc\minnewashta overlook.doc CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General tax 612.937.5739 Engineering ]:ax 612.937.9152 ?ublic Safeq ]:ax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn, us MEMORANDUM TO: Cindy Kirchoff, Planner II FROM: Steven Torell, Building Official~ / DATE: June 2, 2000 SUB J: Review of proposed subdivision, Minnewashta Overlook Planning Case: 00-07 SUB I have reviewed the preliminary plat and have the following comments: 1. The existing home on lot 2 will require a demolition permit and or a moving permit, which ever applies. 2. A final soils report and grading plan must be submitted for any filling or soil corrections. 3. Each building must have it's own independent sewer connection. G/safety/st/memos/plan/minnewashtaovcrlook The Ciix of Chanhassen. A erowin~ communit~ with clean lakes, aualitv schools, a charmin~ downtown, thrivin~ businesses, and beautiful ~arks. A ereat ,lac. e to live. work, and N~SSVHNVH;3 ~0 A J JO iV'id XSYNl~l"13ad NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2000 AT 7.'00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE PROPOSAL Subdivide a 1.2 acre Parcel into 3 single family lots APPLICANT: Kurt Schwarz LOCATION: 3831 Leslee Curve NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Kurt Schwarz, is requesting to subdivide a 1.2 acre parcel into 3 single family lots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 3831 Leslee Curve, Minnewashta Overlook. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Cindy at 937-1900 ext. 117. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 8, 2000. Smooth Feed SheetsTM MARTIN J & JOYCE C FOY 1300 8TH ST W KIRKLAND WA 98033 DIANNE E BARTZ 3881 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 Use template for 5160® STEFFAN M & MICHELLE A MADS 3830 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 LEE ANDERSON PLEASANT ACRES HOME OWNE 6651 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DOUGLAS L & DENISE S FOOTE 387 l LESLIE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 HARRY M JR & ELAINE R DUNN PO BOX 343 EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JAMES & RUTH A BOYLAN 6760 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 VINCENT & BEATRICE E DECKER 3861 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DAVID C & SUSAN C LOCKWOOD 3810 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 TIMOTHY J & MARY T COLLERAN 6560 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHARLES F & VICKI LANDING 6601 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MARK D ROGERS & MARY KNUTSON 3851 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DALE F & RUTH M MENTEN 6630 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 WARREN C MACFARLANE III & JEANNE A MACFARLANE 3800 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 STEVEN A & KELLY C STATTMAN 3811 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 THOMAS & MARY ALLENBURG 6621 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 PETER & LOLA WARHOL 3831 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 LEE A & KIMATHIE J NELSON 3821 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MINNEWASHTA CREEK HOMEOW % NANCY NARR 3950 LINDEN CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 KRISTOPHER D & DAWN M KNOX 380l LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 ROBIN THOMPSON RUSH 3810 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 TERRANCE SR & SANDRA THOMP 3820 LINDEN CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DAVID A JR & RHONDA J SCHOEL' 3860 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHARLES W CROSBY JR 3820 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 BRIAN L & BILLIE M WINDSCHITL 6591 JOSHUA CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 STEVEN & LAURIE ERICKSON 3850 LESLEE CRV ExcELSIOR MN 5533 I. DIRK J & MARGARET E YOUNG 3830 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MICHAEL F & JOAN M SKALLMAN 6590 JOSHUA CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JOSEPH J & JEANIE B FROEHLING 3840 LESLEE CRV EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DEWEY CARTER 3840 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MICHAEL R RYAN & ELLEN J HEM-RYAN 3850 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 RICHARD E BELLERT 6641 MAPLE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 zoo. K BROS 6631 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JAMES A & JEAN WAY 6641 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 LEE R ANDERSON TRUSTEE OF TRUST 6651 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 BRUCE & KAREN BOSSHART 6671 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 ROBERT M & PATRICIA A JOSEPH 670l MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DEAN A & JACQUELINE P SIMPSO 7185 HAZELTINE BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 Courtland Real Estate Services June 9,2000 Planning Commission City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55391 Dear Planning Commission Members: Yesterday I received notice of a public hearing to be held June 20th, 2000 regarding the proposed subdivision of the 1.2 acre single family tot at 3831 Leslee Curve into three (3) single family lots. I have owned and lived in the home at 3800 Leslee Curve for the past 23 years and I have several concerns and objections to this proposed development. My comments are that the Pleasant Acres Addition when originally plated contained lots that were and are significantly larger than those found in the newer developments to the north (on Linden Circle) and south (on Country Oaks Drive). By squeezing three homes into the area where only one is now you would adversely affect the character of the neighborhood as well as blocking the lake view of several houses to the west. What affect this would have on future marketability of those properties I can only speculate, but my background, 30 years in the real estate business, tells me that it could only have a negative impact. I am opposed to this subdivision for the reasons stated above, but I do have an alternative proposal for you and the developer to consider. In looking at the plat of Pleasant Acres it seems that this proposed subdivision contains what are currently lots 16,17 and part of lot 18 (about ½) block 1. For real estate tax purposed these lots were combined into one taxable parcel wheff,the current home was built. If the home at 3831 Leslee Curve where to be torn down I believe that it would be a simple process to reestablish separate buildable parcels coinciding with the original plat, with the one half of lot 18 being combined with lot 17 to form one slightly larger buildable lot. By doing this the nature and character of our neighborhood would be preserved and two homes could be built where there is only one today. It is not necessary to crowd the maximum number of homes into every available parcel of lanai that comes to the market place and I believe that it was not the intent of the original developer of Pleasant Acres to do this. Sincerely, W. Court MacFarlane 3800 Leslee Curve Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 474-6153 St, itc 546, MD-12, 1107 t-tazclt:ine }5lvct., Chaska, MN 55318 · (612) 448-8818