3 Sign West Village CenterCITYOF 690 Ci{y Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z I900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.93Z9152 Public Safe~v Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: September 13, 2000 SUB J: Approval of Monument Sign and Public Realm Improvement PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is proposing a monument sign at the comer of West 78th Street and Powers Boulevard. The monument sign will be located in the southwest corner of the property, 10 feet in from the west property line and approximately 16½ feet from West 78th Street. In addition, the al~plicant is providing a small pedestrian plaza and bench as a public realm improvement. The proposed sign complies with City of Chanhassen ordinance. The sign is proposed fOr City CoUncil review on September 25, 2000. BACKGROUND On March 27, 2000, the City Council approved Site Plan #97-6, plans prepared by James R. Hill, Inc., dated 1/28/00, for two one-story retail buildings. Building A, located on Lot 1, is a 23,607 square foot building to be occupied by Office Max. Building 13, on Lot 2, is a 7,800 Square foot multi-tenant building. The final condition of approval was that the applicant work with city staff to create the entrance design for this location, which may include the granting of an easement to locate a city monument on the site. The proposed design must be submitted to City Council for approval. On March 10, 1997, the City Council approved the preliminary and final plat for West Village Heights 3rd Addition replatting the Second Addition. At the same meeting, the Council also approved Site Plan #96-7 for-26,786 square feet of commercial development for three buildings and Conditional Use Permit # 96-2 to permit more than one building on a lot for West Village Center Phase II..The site plan was not built. DISCUSSION As part of the original submittal, the applicant showed a double faced monument sign on the comer. This sign has been eliminated and replaced by a sign that complies with city code. Staff continued to work with the applicant regarding the signage, and public space improvements in the southwest corner of the site. The Cio, of Chanhasse,.A ~rvwing carnmunity with clean lakes, auality schools, a charmin¢ downtown .thrivinz businesses, and beautiful oarks. A er?at vlace to live. work. and alav. West Village Center II Plaza September 13, 2000 Page 2 However, we did not complete a final design-for this area prior tO~he City Council meeting. Since the Site plan approval, staffhas worked with the applicant to develop a public realm improvement for this area. ' The staff and the applicant agreed upon was the creation ofasmal~plaza area, which would include a bench and some plantings. On the bench willbe asimple - sign: Chanhassen, Minnesota. This plaza was to be immediately adjacent to the sidewalk, but on the applieant'.sproperty and not within the right-of, way. This plaza area is approximately 120'square feet and is bounded onthe e~t bya 1 foot long bench, by a planting bed on the north, and by lowlykng st~bs on the west. Staff recommends that-the most northerly three pavers be relocated to the southeast comer of the plaza, extending the plaza to the southwest, filllhis vacated area with flowers, and creating additional separation from the sign. Though not shown on the plans, a boulevard tree is located just t°the east of_this site, providing a shaded resting area. This area will function as a pocket park. They provide a respite from the street and an opportunity to recall the_larger landscape and build on the built environment of Chanhassen: As an informal gathering place, it will ~erve asa ' quiet area for meeting friend~, having lunch or simply'a resting between destinations. (From Chanhassen Vision 2002) ' RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the sign, plaza, and bench with the relocation of the cement pavers and the inclusion of flowers .at the north end of the plaza. - - . ATTACHMENTS - 1. Letter from Tony Oxborough to'Bob Generous datedg/D/O0z- - 2. Reduced SignPlan _ 4. Monument Sign Elevation · · ~ 5. MonumentB~ldingEIevation . - . _~ - - g:\plan\bg\west village center iiplaza.doc~ ' - ~ September 13, 2000 Mr. Bob Generous City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: West Village Center II Monument Plan Review Application Dear Bob: Enclosed please find the most recent Monument design for the above-referenced location. As you are aware, the T. F. James Company has received a site plan permit for the OfficeMax and retail development located at the intersection of West 78th and' Powers Blvd (Site Plan Permit #96-7). Pursuant to that agreement we are required to present a final Monument design for the City Council to review. You will notice the final design includes only a single, double faced Monument sign perpendicular to County Road i 7. Originally we had anticipated an "L" shaped sign structure with signage facing due West and South. However, once we began construction we discovered numerous constraints on the exact placement of the sign: underground utility easements, setbacks from property lines, sightline setbacks, sidewalk locations, etc. Another major concern relates to the visibility and legibility on the sign itself; there are several large metal boxes containing telephone, signal light equipment, and utility equipment located on the public right-of-ways of both Powers Blvd. and West 78th Street obstructing views of any signs that might be placed behind them. Therefore, we have elected to propose a single, double-faced sign for this development. To the best of my knowledge, it meets the existing codes and ordinances. We have also included a bench area with plantings and a concrete plaza. At one time there was discussion regarding the granting of an Easement to the City for this area, but I don't know where we are with that item. Please advise. It is the intention of the T.F. James Company to work with the City of Chanhassen to create an entrance feature at this location and we are prepared to do everything reasonably possible to find a mutually agreeable position. Bob, thank you for your assistance and please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, . T. F. James Company P.O. Box 560 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 (952) 401-6600 Fax: (952) 401-7058 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT / .01/ZS/ZO00 I~I ~rl T~PP£D OUT CURB & CUTTER INTEO~AL ~ID[WALK ~TH ~