5 Code AmendmentsCITYOF 690 Ci{y Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering tax 612.937.9152 Public SafeO, Fax 612.934.2524 Web wwu,.ci, chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson AICP, Community Development Director DATE: August 1, 2000 SUB J: Code Amendments BACKGROUND Periodically the staff has recommended a series of code amendments. These amendments are a result of ambiguous language that may lead to diverse interpretations or pl.ain uncertainty. Staff is recommending changes to the code that should resolve these known problems. Any amendments to Chapter 20 require a public hearing. There are some proposed amendments to'Chapter 18, but do not require a public hearing before the Planning Commission in order to be amended. However, they do require approval by the city council. They are shown here for your edification. ANALYSIS CHAPTER 20 ZONING SEC 20-1 Definitions, add: Buildable area. There has been a lot of confusion about buildable area. In some sections of the code it states a minimum of 60' x 40' pad while other areas it states 60' x 60' and the terms are not consistent. The PUD standard (60' x 40') was adopted in 1992. The wetland ordinance (60' x 60') was adopted in 1995. The tree removal requirement in subdivision regulations was adopted in 1996. Each lot must be buildable; this means it must meet the impervious surface requirements, meet minimum square footage for the type of dwelling and meet all required setbacks. Each lot shown for a subdivision is required to show the type of home proposed with the finished elevation. Having different definitions in different section of the code adds to the confusion. All lots are limited to the buildable area by the setbacks. They may further be restricted by easements (utility, conservation, etc.) shoreland regulations, wetland setbacks, bluff setbacks and drainage easements. The purpose of the buildable area is to provide a lot size that meets the minimum home size while providing some additional yard space. Minimum lot size was never intended to force a certain home shape (square). Lots come in all different shapes and sizes, as do homes. This variety is what allows for different price points on homes and lots. The most frequent problem faced, is homes that are too large for the lot. We have moved from two The City of Chanhasse,. A ffrowin~, community with clean {aka, qua{ity schools, a charmine downtown, thrivine businesses, and beautiful oarks. A ereat olace to live, work, and Code Amendments Page 2 car garages to three car garages, which may use more impervious surface and require a greater width. Staff is recommending in addition to the definition of building area to state: Buildable area means the area of a lot remaining after the minimum yard and open space requirements of this chapter have been met. The buildable area excludes the area required for all setbacks, which may include wetland and wetland buffer, drainage and utility easements, shoreland, and bluff setback, conservation or tree preservation easements, etc. All lots must have a buildable area of 2,400 sq. ft. that will allow for an adequate building pad. Story This issue surfaced when the Legion proposed a building with a walk out basement. Staff made the interpretation that it was one story, based upon the Uniform Building Code Definition. The proposed language should clarify the definition of a story. Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it. Or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it and including those basements uses for the principal use. If the height is more titan 12feet at any point, or if the height is more than 6 feet formore 50% of the perimeter than it is considered a story. C Standing seam metal roof is not defined inthe city code. There are several applications of standing seam metal roofs in the city. The use of metal siding is acceptable onlyas accents on building and is defined in the code (Sec 20-116 (b)). This definition clarifies the application on standing seam metal on roofs. Standing Seam Roof is a deck roof consisting of flat metal joined by vertical or overlapping seams. Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 3 Body shop this is a permitted use in some of the commercial districts and needs a definition. Body shop is an establishment primarily engaged in the repair of auto bodies, automotive painting and refinishing. ARTICLE VIII. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPEMT Sec 20-506(b) Standards and guidelines for Single Family detached Residential PUDs, .... "The "applicant must demonstrate that each lot is able to accommodate a 60 x 40 foot build able area. ing pad and a twelve foot by twelve foot deck without intruding into any required setback area or protective easement. Each home must also have a minimum rear yard, thirty (30) foot deep. This area my not be encumbered by the required home/deck pads or by wetland/drainage easements. It may include area with step terrain or tree cover. Sec 20-508 Minimum Lot size in PUD, (b) "Minimum lot sized Minimum lot sizes down to five thousand (5, 000) square feet may bc allowed There shall be no minimum lot size, however in no case shall net density exceed guidelines established by the city' This change eliminates the contradiction between minimum and no minimum. ARTICLE VI. Wetland Protection Sec 20-406 Wetland buffer Strip and Setback, "On single-family subdivisions in the RSF district, the applicant must demonstrate that each lot provides sufficient area to accommodate the applicable front yard setback, 60 x 60 foot deep buildable area. ing pad, and a thirty foot rear yard area. All of these elements must be outside of designaled wetland and bufJbr strip areas." Section 20-406 Wetland structure and Setback There is some ambiguity regarding principal and accessory structure setbacks. There is a 40' setback in the Primary Bluff Creek Zone, with no work allowed within the 20' setback nearest the primary zone. Similarly, in the 30' required bluff setback, no work is allowed within the 20' bluff impact zone, but work is allowed within the first 10' of the setback from the bluff. We are proposing that the City revise the current table and diagram to reflect the following: "Accessory structures are allowed within the first 1/2 of the principal structure setback. This accessory structure setback would vary by wetland type. For an ag/urban wetland, the back edge of the principal structure would have to be 40' from the edge of the buffer, but the back edges of accessory structures would have to be located at least 20' from the edge of the buffer." Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 4 Wetland Type Pristine Principal Structure 100' Setback Accessory Structure 50' Setback Buffer Strip 20-100' Buffer Strip Minimum 50' Average Width % of Native Vegetation Entire in Buffer Strip Natural Ag/Urban Utilized 40' measured 40' measured 0' from the outside from the outside edge of the edge of the buffer strip buffer strip 20' measured 20' measured 0' from the outside from the outside edge of the edge of the buffer strip buffer strip 10-30' 0-20' 0' 20' 10' 0' Entire Optional Optional I I I i I I I Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 5 CHAPTER 18 SUBDIVISIONS, ART. III Design Standards Sec 18-61 Landscaping and tree preservation requirements (d) (4) "In a single family detached residential developments the applicant must demonstrate that suitable homes site exist on each lot by describing a 60 x 60 foot buildable area ing pad. (which includes deck area) with out intruding into required setback and easements." ARTICLE VII Shoreland Management Sec 20-481 Shoreland Regulations, (b) "Additional Structure setbacks. The following additional structures setbacks apply regardless of the classification of the waterbody. " These setbacks are inclusive. They are not to be added to the required setbacks. Lot Frontage in the A-2 & RR Districts: There is a requirement that lots fronting on a cul-de- sac be at least 200 feet in width at the building setback line. The same language appears in the lot depth requirements and is in error because it is duplicated from the frontage standard, which reads "(2) The minimum lot frontage is two hundred (200)feet, except that the minimum lot fi~ontage of lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be at least two hundred (200)feet at the building setback line." ARTICLE X. "A-2" AGRICULTRUAL ESTATE DISTRICT 20-575 Lot Requirements and Setbacks. (3.) The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200)feet, except that lots fi'onting on a cul dc sac shall bc at least two (200)feet at thc building setback linc. ARTICLE XI. "RR" RURAL RESIDENTAIL DISTRICT 20-595 Lot Requirements and Setbacks. (3.) The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200)feet. except that lots fronting on a cul de sac shall be at least two (200)feet at the building setback line. ARTICLE XXIII. General Supplemental Regulations Alternative lot size requirement in A-2 and RR Residential District In Section 20-906 it allows lots an alternative lot size (as small as 15,000 square feet) if the 1 unit per 10 acres is maintained. In the A-2 and the RR zoning district it states that these lots must have a minimum frontage and depth of 200 feet. Therefore, the smallest lot size permitted is 40,000 square feet. The proposed change will allow lots as small as 15,000 with the standards of RSF district. 20-906 Alternative lot size requirement in A-2 and RR Residential District Minimum lot size requirement in the A-2 and RR Residential Zoning Districts located outside of the Metropolitan Council's Urban Service Area shall be regulated by article IX and article X of this chapter, respectively, or in the alternative may be fifieen thousand (15, 000) square feet and, Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 6 ninety (90)foot minimum lot frontage, ten (lO)foot side yards and thirty O0) foot front and rear yards, if the following conditions are met... Sec 20-978 Subordinate Use The staff has difficulty enforcing home occupations that operate out of a garage or accessory building. The most common violator is a contractors' yard. They tend to seek out properties with a pole barn. Because there is no business license requirement, contractors' yards are difficult to track until the complaints from the neighbors start. The use ora dwelling for any home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its residential use. Not more than twenty-five (25)percent of the floor area of the one (1)floor ora dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. No garage or accessory building except accessory agricultural buildings existing on Fcbrua~T 19, 1987 shall be used for any home occupation. Topsoil requirement The city has adopted the best management practices book which describes limits to soil erosion. One of the practices is 3 inches of tilled soil before seed or sod is applied. The book does not specifically state that topsoil should be replaced on all distributed areas. Amendments in the zoning and subdivision chapters will require all lots to replace all disturbed area with topsoil. Topsoil should also assist in preservation of lawns. ARTICLE II. Administration and Enforcement Division 5 Sec 20-94 Grading and Erosion Control. (c) Event effbrt shall be made to minimize disturbance of existing ground cover. No grading or filling shall be permitted within forty (40)feet of the ordinary high water mark of a waterbody unless specifically approved by the city. All disturbed areas shall be replaced with a minimum of four (4) inches of topsoiL To minimize the erosion potential of exposed areas, restoration of ground cover shall be provided within five (5) days after completion of the grading operation. CHAPTER 18 SUBDIVISONS ARTICLE III. Design Standards Sec 18-62 Erosion and Sediment control (a) The development shall conform to the topography and soils to create the least potential for soil erosion. Four (4) incites of topsoil shall be replaced on all disturbed areas. DIVISION 2 PARKING AND LOADING Section 20-1124 Required number of on-site parking spaces Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 7 The State Building Code requires handicapped parking stalls be provided for each 25 parking stalls. The zoning ordinance requires one stall for each fifty stalls. The State Building Code regulates handicapped parking. The amendment will not state a standard but will reference the State Building Code. Sec20-1124 Required number of on-site parking spaces (1)60 One (1) handicapped parking stall shall be placed for eaeh fifty (50) stalls. Handicapped parking spaces shall be in compliance with the State Building Code. Section 20-1118 Computing requirements. There is a conflict regarding minimum drive aisle widths. It is staff' s recommendation that drive aisle widths meet the standards in section 20-1101. To eliminate the conflict, staff is recommending the deletion of the following section: 20-1118(a) **Aisles which are not between two (2) rows of ninety degree angle parking spaces may be twenty two (22)feet wide. DIVISION 2. SIGNS ALLOWED IN SPECIFIC DISTRICTS BY PERMIT Sec. 20-1301 Agricultural and residential districts Currently, a business in an A-2 or residential district is not permitted signage unless specifically spelled out in the code such as institutional or the home occupation ordinance. This amendment would provide for signage for uses like the petting farm. (3) Non-residential signs. Only one (1) monument sign may be permitted on the site. The total sign area shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet of sign display area, nor be more than five (5) feet in height. Sec. 20-1303. High~vay, general business districts and central business districts. (l ) Pylon business sign .... This sign may identify the name of the center of or the major tenants'. Sec. 20-1304. Industrial office park signs. Ground low profile business signs needs to be clarified that not every tenant receives a monument sign but rather one sign per frontage is permitted. (2) Ground low profile business signs. One (1) ground low profile business sign shall be permitted per site for each street frontage for each individual tcnant. Such sign shall not exceed... The wall sign section needs to be changed so that the language is consistent with section 20-1302 & 1303 -- need to add language that states for each business. Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 8 (3) Wall business signs. Wall business signs shall be permitted on street frontage for each business occupant within a building only. The total of all wall mounted sign display areas for each business shall not exceed the square ]botage established in the following table .... Typographical Errors Sec. 20-109 Applications ...shall be made to the ciO/planner on of-forms ...... Sec. 20-505(0 Require General Standards ... 50feet from Railroad lines fc, r or collector or arterial streets... ARTICLE XVIII "CDB' Central Business District Sec 20-732 (14) and (19) are duplication eliminate (19) Personal services RECOMMENDATION "Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval to the city council the following code amendments: SEC 20-1 Definitions, add: Buildable area means the area of a lot remaining after the minimum yard and open apace requirements of this chaplet have been met. The buildable area excludes the area required for all setbacks, which may include wetland and wetland buffer, drainage and utility easements, shoreland, and bluff setback, conservation or tree preservation easements, etc. All lots must have a buildable area of 2,400 sq. ft. that will allow for an adequate building pad. Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it. Or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it and including those basements uses for the principal use. If the height is more than 12 feet at any point, or if the height is more than 6 feet for more 50% of the perimeter than it is considered a story. TOP OF FLOOR Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 9 Standing Seam Roof is a deck roof consisting of flat metal joined by vertical or overlapping seams. Body shop is an establishment primarily engaged in the repair of auto bodies, automotive painting and refinishing. ARTICLE VIII. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPEMT Sec 20-506(b) Standards and guidelines for Single Family detached Residential PUDs, .... "The "applicant must demonstrate that each lot is able to accommodate a 60 x 40 foot buildable area. ing pad and a twelve foot by twelve foot deck without intruding into any required setback area or protective easement. Each home must also have a minimum rear yard, thirty (30) foot deep. This area my not be encumbered by the required home/deck pads or by wetland/drainage easements. It may include area with step terrain or tree cover. Sec 20-508 Minimum Lot size in PUD, (b) "Minimum lot sized. Minimum lot sizes down to five thousand (5, 000) square feet may be allowed. There shall be no minimum lot size, however in no case shall net density exceed guidelines established by the city." ARTICLE VI. Wetland Protection Sec 20-406 Wetland buffer Strip and Setback, "On single-family subdivisions in the RSF district, the applicant must demonstrate that each lot provides sufficient area to accommodate the applicable front yard setback, 60 x 60 foot deep buildable area. ing pad, and a thirty foot rear yard area. All of these elements must be outside of designated wetland and buffer strip areas." Section 20-406 Wetland structure and Setback "Accessory structures are allowed within the first 1/2 of the principal structure setback. This accessory structure setback would vary by wetland type. For an ag/urban wetland, the back edge of the principal structure would have to be 40' from the edge of the buffer, but the back edges of accessory structures would have to be located at least 20' from the edge of the buffer." Wetland Type Pristine Principal Structure 100' Setback Accessory Structure 50' Setback Buffer Strip 20-100' Natural Ag/Urban Utilized 40' measured 40' measured 0' from the outside from the outside edge of the edge of the buffer strip buffer strip 20' measured 20' measured 0' from the outside from the outside edge of the edge of the buffer strip buffer strip 10-30' 0-20' 0' Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 10 Buffer Strip Minimum Average Width % of Native Vegetation in Buffer Strip 50' 20' I0' O' Entire Entire Optional Optional OI CHAPTER 18 SUBDIVISIONS ART. III Design Standards Sec 18-61 Landscaping and tree preservation requirements (d) (4) "In single family detached residential developments, the applicant must demonstrate that suitable home sites exist on each lot by describing a 60 x 60 foot buildable area ing pad. (which includes deck area) without intruding into required setback and easements." ARTICLE VII Shoreland Management Sec 20-481 Shoreland Regulations, (b) "Additional Structure setbacks. The following additional structures setbacks apply regardless of the classification of the waterbody. " These setbacks are inclusive. They are not to be added to the required setbacks. ARTICLE X. "A-2" AGRICULTRUAL ESTATE DISTRICT 20-575 Lot Requirements and Setbacks. (3.) The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200)feet. except that lots fi'onting on a cul dc sac shall be at least two (200)feet at thc building setback line. Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 11 ARTICLE XI. "RR" RURAL RESIDENTAIL DISTRICT 20-595 Lot Requirements and Setbacks. (3.) The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200)feet. except that lots fi'onting on a cul de sac shall bc at lcast two (200)feet at the building setback line. ARTICLE XXIII. General Supplemental Regulations 20-906 Alternative lot size requirement in A-2 and RR Residential District Minimum lot size requirement in the A-2 and RR Residential Zoning Districts located outside of the Metropolitan Council's Urban Service Area shall be regulated by article IX and article X of this chapter; respeclively, or in the alternative may be fifieen thousand (15, 000) square feet and, ninety (90)foot minimum lot frontage, ten (lO)foot side yards and thirty (30)foot front and rear yards, (f the following conditions are met: ...... Sec 20-978 Subordinate Use The use of a dwelling for any home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its residential use. Not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the one (1) floor of a dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. No garage or accessory building except accessory agricultural buildings existing on February 19, 1987 shall be used for any home occupation. ARTICLE II. Administration and Enforcement Division 5 Sec 20-94 Grading and Erosion Control. (c) Every ef./brt shall be made to minimize disturbance of existing ground cover. No grading or filling shall be permitted within forty (40)feet of the ordinary high water mark of a waterbody unless specifically approved by the city. All disturbed areas shall be replaced with a minimum of four (4) inches of topsoil. To minimize the erosion potential of exposed areas, restoration of ground cover shall be provided within five (5) days after completion of the grading operation. CHAPTER 18 SUBDIVISONS ARTICLE III. Design Standards Sec 18-62 Erosion and Sediment control. (a) The development shall conform to the topography and soils to create the least potential for soil erosion. Four (4) inches of topsoil shall be replaced on all disturbed areas. DIVISION 2 PARKING AND LOADING Sec20-1124 Required number of on-site parking spaces (1)09 One (1) handicappedparking stall shall bc placed for each fifty (50) stalls. Handicapped parking spaces shall be in compliance with the State Building Code. Code Amendments August 1, 2000 Page 12 Section 20-1118 Computing requirements. There is a conflict regarding minimum drive aisle widths. It is staff' s recommendation that drive aisle widths meet the standards in section 20-1101. To eliminate the conflict, staff is recommending the deletion of the following section: 20-1118(a) **Aisles which are not between two (2) rows of ninety degree angle parking spaces may be twenty two (22)feet wide. DIVISION 2. SIGNS ALLOWED IN SPECIFIC DISTRICTS BY PERMIT Sec. 20-1301 Agricultural and residential districts (3) Non-residential signs. Only one (1) monument sign may be permitted on the site. The total sign area shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet of sign display area, nor be more than five (5) feet in height. Sec. 20-1303. Highway, general business districts and central business districts. (1) Pylon business sign .... This sign may ident!fy the name of the center ~. or the major tenants. Sec. 20-1304. Industrial office park signs. Ground low profile business signs needs to be clarified the not every tenant receives a monument sign but rather one sign per frontage is permitted. Typographical Errors Sec. 20-109 Applications ... shall be made to the city planner on of-forms ...... Sec. 20-505(t) Require General Standards ... 50 feet fl'om Railroad lines for or collector or arterial streets... ARTICLE XVIII "CDB" Central Business District Sec 20-732 (14) and (19) are duplication eliminate (19) Personal services" g:\plan\ka\codeamd.pc.doc