7 Family of Christ Lutheran ChuCITYOF CH H SEI 690 Cig Center D~Jve, PO Box' I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Pho,e 612.937.1900 General Fro: 612. 937. 5739 E, gineering t ax 612.937.9152 Public Safeo~ Fax' 612.934.2524 Web www. d. cha,hasse,, mn. tts MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: . Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: August 9, 2000 SUB J: Family of Christ Lutheran Church (Coulter Blvd. & Stone Creek Dr.) - Architectural Changes Staff is providing this as an informational item for the Planning Commission. While we believe that the proposed revisions are consistent with and actually improve the architecture of the building, we wanted to provide the Commissioners with an opportunity to review and comment on the changes. Minor site plans and building alterations which do not involve a variance, which are consistent with the intent of the apProval relative to all aspects of the site and building plans, and which are not accompanied by other matters requiring consideration of the planning commission or city council, may be approved by the director of planning (Section 20-113). BACKGROUND On June 28, 1999, the City Council approved PUD #97-2 granting Final Plat approval for Family of Christ Lutheran Church Addition. On April 26, 1999, the City Council approved site plan #99-2 for a 17,140 sq. ft. church facility including assembly, classrooms and offices for Family of Christ Lutheran Church. On June 22, 1998, the Chanhassen City Council granted final plat approval for Bluff Creek Corporate Center PUD #97-2 and second reading for rezoning from A2 to PUD. On April 27, 1998, the City Council granted preliminary approval for PUD #97-2, including the first reading of the rezoning of the property from A2 to PUD and preliminary plat approval for five lots, the Wetland Alteration Permit to fill the small wetland located in the northern portion of the site and the Conditional Use Permit for grading and filling in the flood plain. On January 12, 1998, the City Council granted concept approval for PUD #97-2. The City of Chanhassen. A erowine communin, with clean lakes, a.alitv schools, a cha,ning downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A ~,reat place to live, work, and play. Planning Commission August 9, 2000 Page 2 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The church is replacing the asphalt roof with a flat roof. As part of the original approval of the site plan, one of the major concerns of the Planning Commission was the expanse of the asphalt roof from the south. The proposed change will eliminate this concern and provide additional architectural detailing on this elevation with varied roof heights, additional windows, column elements, and a bell tower/steeple. The lower canopy at the main entrance has been enlarged and highlighted with a bell tower steeple. This element provides the pitched roof element and also adds to the architectural detailing of the building. The top of the steeple will be visible from Highway 5. Column elements have been added to the north, south, and east elevations of the building. The brick originally proposed for the building (OCHS - Georgetown Heritage, reddish color) is no longer produced. The applicant has found four other bricks that are similar in color and texture to the original. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memo from PePe Kryzda to Bob Generous dated Aug. 9, 2000 2. Revised Building Elevations 3. Original Building Elevations g:\plan\bg\family of christ lutheran church revision.doc DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 915memoO06.~oc 2000 3'39PM No,6030 P. 1/5 MEMORANDUM FAMILY of CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Chanhassen, Minnesota SMSQ No. 1915-4C 9 August 2000 Bob Generous, City of Chm~assen Pepe Kryzda Design changes As you requested via telephone today, following our meeting this mom/rig in yom- office, I am sending you attached reduced copies oft. he four (4) revised building elevations which I left with you this morning, so you can include them in your information package to the Planning Commissior~. You also requested a summary of changes we've made to the design during the time the project has been in hiatus. Such a list is relatively short, as I will mention only those tltings that have changed: 1. First, and most significant, is the change in the Elevations (see attached)-and,.by implication, in the Building Section. Gone is the long, sloping shingle roof that began on the south side of the Gatherirtg Space, rising northward to its apex above the Assembly Space; it has been replaced by flat-actually, they're techrficalty low-slope-roofs. The roof over the Gathering Space on the south is higher than the roof over the west wing of the building (said west wing has NOT changed), and the roof over the Assembly Space to the north is higher still. The ovexai1 effect is that of a grouping of volumes that derives its interest from their contrasting height and massing. 2. Another change, though probably less significant, affects the Plan, and involves adding one bay to the east end of the Gathering Space, making the east wall line up with the east wall of the Assembly Space (i.e., on Grid (10)). This had always been conceived of as an Add Altemate; it is now part of Base Bid. 3. Though we are still using the exact same palette of exterior building materials and colors we originally proposed to the City, you should know that we are in fact using a different brick. The reason for this change is not voluntary; it is s/.mply not being made anymore. However, as you could see from the four different samples I showed you today-the four are currently contenders from which the final choice will be made-we will use one that is very close in hue, color variation and texture to the one you odghaally approved. 4, The columns that support the roof over the Assembly Space are expressed in the new design as pilasters on the outside of the Assembly Space, on all four sides. Said pilasters will be brick up to elevation +33'0", approximately, and synthetic stucco (I)ryvit) above that. 5. Though we have retained roughly the same number and distribution of windows, we have made them all somewhat smaller. 6. We have added three clerestory windows (tagged "WI 1" on the South Elevation) high up on the south wall of the Assembly Space. 7. Last, but not least, we have replaced the Entry Canopy in front of the South Entrance-formerly another Add Alternate-with an open, tubular steel Bell Tower-now part of Base Bid. The Bell Tower rises far enough to make the cross crowning it visible from all directions, including from Highway 5. S M S Q Architects I 205 South Water Street I Box 390 ] Northfield Minnesota 55057 { 507-645.4461 { FAX 507-645-7682 I I [ '~,.,'Au~. 9. 2000- 3:~4,!PM0 of uol~.,~lp,(]'~o s.~D,~ OS ~u!~.D.~q,l,0 =6661.-6t N0.6030 .IS_ ,., -. ' ~l~ ...... . P, 3/5 8 e ill ® Iii' - I No,6030 4/5 MATERIAL LEGrND MATER~AL MANUF. COLOR FINISH 0 ~'t.~ C~:zr ~ - rqh! sern;-Iror,spa~e,'d I NORTH ELEVATION S O Archilecls J 205 Soulh Water Street mily of Chris[ [heran Church nhassen. Minnesota Nodhfield, Minnesota 55057 |1 SOUTH EI,EVATION tel (507) 645 4461 fo× (507) 645 7682 Comm,No. ~i'15 A3 1 grown:PK . O~:~FE~ ~ ARCHITECTS MAT£RIAL LEG£ND COLOR FINISH (£FS) EAST EI.EVATION I I -- I I I WEST EI.EVATION S M S 0 Architects 205 South Water Street J Northfield, Minnesota 55057 ~amily of ChrisL .uLheran Church hanhassen. Minnesota I ce~li(¥ that Jhls plan. specillcolion or reporl was prepared by me or under my dlrecl supervision and I om a duly reg~sJered ARGH I TEGT undo, ll~ I~ws al [he ~Iole of MI NNESOTA Siq.atu,e role ]2 FEB tiff ReqishoHon Number 13677 tel (507) 645 4461 fox (507) 645 7682 A5 91-10WH Comm. No.~gD~~ A3 2 Drawn:. PK ,, Dote: t2 F~m ~m ARCHITECTS