EmailsGenerous, Bob i b —° —1 � To: Greg Falconer Subject: Variance Greg: We need the new application signed and the $200 fee to cover the mailings and public hearing notice. The deadline was Friday, but if you get it in today, we can keep it on. It is an incomplete application until we get all this. :.. Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O.Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1131 bgenerous @ci.chanhassen.mn.us Generous, Bob From: Generous, Bob Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:38 PM To: 'Greg Falconer' Subject: RE: Variance - 720 W. 96th Street Greg and Tammy: I thought you were revising the building plans. If there is no change, why are you going back to the Planning Commission? The facts of the case have not changed. From: Greg Falconer [ mailto:gmfinc(3J)mninter.net ] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 1:58 PM To: Generous, Bob Subject: Re: Variance - 720 W. 96th Street Mr. Falconer: I have been given your revised drawing and development review application form to amend your variance application for the above property. It is my understanding that you intend to amend your variance application, rather than appeal the Board of Appeals and Adjustment's decision. By amending the variance application request, we are starting over as far as the City review process and the decision deadline. The next submittal deadline is October 19 for a November 20 tt ' public hearing. The application you have submitted is incomplete for the following reasons: You need to incorporate the revised building plans on the site plan. You will need to sign the fee owner signature line. A $100 fee will be required. This is to cover the cost of the public hearing notice mailing and publication in the paper. If you have additional questions regarding this project, please contact myself or Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director. Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1131 bgenerous @ci.chanhassen.mn.us