1 WET TH 5650 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General Fax 612.93Z5739 Engineering Fax 612.93Z9152 Public SafeO, Fax' 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Scott Botcher, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Phillip Elkin, Consultant HDR March 30, 2000 Wetland Alteration Permit 99-1 - TH 5 ~ MnDOT BACKGROUND The Minnesota Department of Transportation has proposed a roadway construction project on TH 5 extending approximately 2 miles from TH 41 to CSAH 17, in the City of Chanhassen. While this project has been in design for many years, the final wetland impacts have just recently been determined. This project will impact eleven separate basins throughout the project, for a total of 3.16 acres of wetland (see exhibit 1). Most of these wetlands are small areas (less than 1 acre)along the roadside which are connected to the highway ditch system. However, there are 1.38 acres of wetland impacts to DNR protected waters 5, 6, 10 and 11. MITIGATION Mitigation of wetland impacts shall be at a 2:1 replacement ratio. However, the DNR protected waters must be mitigated at a 4:1 ratio. MnDOT along with the City of Chanhassen's Water Resources Coordinator attempted to find replacement sites within the project corridor. Five sites were investigated, and it was determined that only one site would have the hydrologic soils to support a wetland environment. This site however was not within the right-of-way and was determined to be too costly to convert into wetlands. Therefore, with no feasible on site mitigation, MnDOT has decide to exercise their right under the State of Minnesota's Wetland Conservation Act, to use wetland credits from their wetland bank to mitigate the wetland impacts from this The ¢it~ o£Chanhassen. A cmwin¢ contmu,i~, with c/ea, lakes, aua//t~, schools, a cha~min¢ downtown, thrivinv businesses, and beautiful parks. A great v/ace to live, work, and play Wetland Alteration Permit - TH 5/MnDOT March 30, 2000 Page 2 project. Because this is a project by the State, MnDOT does not have to follow local rules for wetland mitigation, only State rules. Whereas the City of Chanhassen's rules do not allow the use of wetlands created outside of the City for wetland credits, WCA allows replacement to occur in a much larger watershed. The 5.52 acres of DNR wetland mitigation will be through a wetland project near Mitchell Lake in Eden Prairie. Additional new wetland credits will be withdrawn from wetland credits from a project at TH 101 and TH 13. 2.26 acres of public value credits will be given to the applicant with the construction of stormwater ponds and buffers on this project. The remaining public value credits will be withdrawn from various MnDOT wetland projects. An attached table outlines the mitigation and replacement sites MnDOT will be using for this project. The proposed water management of this site will meet all of the City's SWMP water quality and water quantity goals. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve Wetland Alteration Permit 99-1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Wetland Conservation Act and the City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan requirementsl 2. The applicant shall develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. Type III erosion control fencing will be required around the existing wetlands. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map 2. Wetland maps 3. Mitigation summary \ \cfsl\vol2\eng\phillip\wetlands\mndotwap.doc lO0 F; CONSTRUCTION LIMITS---N ~ ~ ~ WETLAND #2 /-~ ~ w~/-'-,x. \ ~ , . ~ __ ~ _ 'X ....~ ...... --~-~.~ WETLAND,#1 ' 18 ACRES "Z ~ ~ O. ;5~ ~',~ Z-'~ ...... .~ ........... CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ×.XX SONS WETLAND ENCROACHMENT IMPACTED ACRES Minnesota Department of Transportation SP 1002-61 T.H.5. CHANHASSEN, MN WETLANDS 1,2 Figure 2 CONSTRUCT ION W. 78th ST. ,,---" % , E B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~o '. ;5048 ~ '~ LIMIT 5044 '~ 5034 ~TLAND #2 O. 70 ACRES 5o4o~ <4 ~o36 \ -TH 5 WB \ 870 I ~-.~/~- /~. :" > 5016 ~ ~ ~ ~ { ~ 8~0~ ~5028 5056 .......... ~o~ 5'o~2 .... ~. ~ .....~i~ TH 5 E B ~-- .... ~L~ CBNSTRUCT~ON L~M~TS / CENTURY ~' . B~VD ~, - ENCROACHMENTCENT RY BL VD. SB t =.x= I NMinnesota W~ND ~2, POND DepaAment of Transpo~ation ~ ~'"'"' '~' 8P 1002~1 T.H.5 ,CHANHASSEN, MN Figure CONSTRUCTION LIMITS \ ', .78th ST. , i II, (J46.0 ,, ~954.T / %'% ' ' ,942.0 5110 ,, ' : / '~o~ q~'~ ~ '.. ~ ~ ~ ', -~ -'x X 5 WB , O. 04 AC WETLAND #4 0.01 ACRES WETLAND CONSTRUCT[ON LIMITS WETLAND ENCROACHMENT 0 FT X.XX IMPACTED ACRES PAFISONS Minnesota Department of Transportation SP 1002--61 T.H.5'CHANHASSEN, MN WETLANDS 3-4, POND...:¢3 Figure 4 WETLAND ENCROACHMENT X.XX iMPACTED ACRES · ~ I~ARSONS...,.,_,.~, Minnesota Department of Transportation WETLAND 4, POND_ 3 · "='"""' '"'- SP 1002-~1 T.H.5' CHANHASSEN, MN Figure 5 ~: z,._. "' %N~~AND X.XX #5 WETLAND ENCROACHMENT IMPACTED ACRES --CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 0 25 5O X 100 FT 5241 5261 0.95 ACRES \ WETLAND #6 CONSTRUCTION I~/~ISONS Minnesota Department of Transportation """'""" '""' SP 1002-61 T.H.5' CHANHASSEN, MN 5250 ~252 5254 / O. 08 ACRES 5258 WETLANDS 5 - 6, POND_, Figure ~ .~..~;.~. ,' z~ - ¢ CONSTRUCTION LIMITS" WETLAND ~7 W. 7 8 t h S T. O. 18 ACRES ~ ~2~ ' ' ' " 5294 TH O. 09 ACRES'~-z-z/ CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WETLAND ¢~8 ~.~ I~ARSONS WETLAND ENCROACHMENT X.XX IMPACTED ACRES Minnesota Department of Transportation SP 1002-61 T.H.5. CHANHASSEN, MN WETLANDS 7, 8, AND__9 Figure 7 1 ~W. 78th WETLAND #10 .78th ST,,,,~ EB3 ~TRUCTION LiMiTS d~OND NO. ro ~.~3 ACRES 5380 0.19 5398 950 950 'LCONSTRUCT I ON LIMITS WETLAND ENCROACHMENT XX ACRE?~?~.->. TH 5 TH 5 WB 5422 I i 955 ¢ ;,¢~- ..... ;. ..... .~ 4.+ ._,.~_. .......... ,, ~ ........ ACRES IMPACTED ACRES Minnesota Department of Transportation SP 1002-61 T.H.5 CHANHASSEN, MN WETLAND #1 1 , 4, N~.~,,~ WETLANDS 10 - 11, POND.--6 Figure 9 S.P. 1002-61, T.H. 5, CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA WETLAND SUMMARY TABLE WCA Wetland Impacts = DNR Wetland Impacts = Total Wetlahd Impacts = 1.78 acres 1.38 acres 3.16 acres Acres Impacted = Replacement Ratio = Total Mitigated Acres = Acres Impacted = Replacement Ratio = Total Mitigated Acres = DNR Wetland Mitigation 1.38 acres 4:1 5.52 acres WCA Wetland Mitigation 1.78 acres 2:1 3.5'6 acres WCA Wetland Mitigation Credit Distribution Public Value Credits = 1.78 acres New Wetland Credits = 1.78 acres Total Mitigated Acres = 3.56 acres On-Site WCA Mitigation On-Site Water Quality Treatment Ponds = 2.26 acres Credit Ratio = 75% Public Value Credits (Produced) = 1.70 acres Public Value Credits (Required) = Public Value Credits (Produced) = Public Value Credits (Withdrawal) = 1.78 acres 1.70 acres 0.08 acres Type of Withdrawal DNR Wetland Credit New Wetland Credit Public Value Credit Withdrawal Summary Acres Site 5.52 Mitchell Lake - TH 5, S.P. 1002-44 1.78 Rice Lake/Wilke Easement - TH 101 & TH 13 0.08 Wetland G - TH 3, S.P. 1928-35