2003 09 262. 3. 4. 5. AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION Friday, September 26, 2003 10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of agenda. Approval of minutes dated August 15, 2003. Senior Center Expansion Update. Update on Senior Center Activities. Senior Commission Comments. HLE Adjournment * The next Senior Commission meeting will take place on October 17, 2003. SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 15, 2003 Chairman Geving called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mel Kurvers, Jean Mancini, Bobbie Headla, Albin Olson, Dale Geving, and Pat McGough. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Faust. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director, Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Headla moved, Commissioner Mancini Seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL EXPANSION: Hoffman reported an update on the expansion. The Senior Commission was invited by Hoffman to attend the City Council meeting on September 8, 2003 to discuss any issues related to the expansion. UPDATE ON SENIOR ACTIVITIES: See attachment 1. SENIOR COMMENTS: None. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner. SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 18, 2003 Chairman Geving called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mel Kurvers, Jean Mancini, Bobbie Headla, Albin Olson, Dale Geving, and Pat McGough. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Faust. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director, Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Headla moved, Commissioner Mancini Seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion camed. CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL EXPANSION: Hoffman reported an update on the expansion. The Senior Commission was invited by Hoffman to attend the City Council meeting on September 8, 2003 to discuss any issues related to the expansion. UPDATE ON SENIOR ACTIVITIES: See attachment 1. SENIOR COMMENTS: None. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner. '9I '6 md00:t~ ' m~00:6 s~noH aoluoD ao!uoS uossgqu~qD md[ ,ynqso£,, uxoodocI ~g 0I. AOI~ m~0I gllq uo!ss.[mmoD jo!noS 'gl '8 0oo:I ~ pugH puc 00g) mdg-I qnlD P~D 'Sg (loo~t ~ pu?H pu2 00g) mdg-I qnlD P~D 'I~ (lo%I ~g puuH puu 00g) mdg-I qnlD P~uD 'ti (loo4~ push puu00g) mdg-I qnlD 'L md0£:£-0£:EI o~m.~t mu6 ~mJIOD m~0£: I I-6 ~u!a~pooAx 'L~ m~0£: I I-6 ~U[.A.r~apooA~ md0£:g-0g:~I m~0f:II -0~:6 gu!dm~ls mu6 ~m. JIoo mu0£: I I-6 '9 '6I md 0[:z-m~0I:6 allo& m~II-6 aaugls!ssv aauuansuI qll~OH md6-~ os~noD oMsuojoG moq 8 so~Ni-o-NrVHD .g m~0E:6 i!~£ .XO a, AreD jo mo& qnlD s,uomoAX mu0g:0I-6 ~,uopreD 'g~l~I qnI3 s,uoI~ '8I mdlT-I tu~o0: I I-0E:6 '~1I~ lseJ>N°~t qnlD s,uomoAX 'II md6-~ ,stood o^~.su*jo(I moq 8 m~0£:0I-6 'g~l~ qnlD s,u*I~ '0I 'I XVClSI~IFIHJ, XVGSttNG~A g00Z £SflDflV XVGS~Lq£ g~;I I-LEZ-~;g6 bIIN 'uossequ~q~ - L~TI xo[t Od 'PXU'x°In°it lo:t~IN OOL£ It~t&N~ID ltOI~q~tS NStSSVItNVHD XVGNOI~ CITYOF CHAN EN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www. ci.chanhassen.mn.us To: Chanhassen Senior Commission From: Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner Date: September 25, 2003 Re: Senior Center Expansion Update. Attached are meeting minutes and proposed Senior Center Expansion plans. Staff will discuss this information with the commission and carry their feedback to the City Manager with a recommendation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Meeting minutes dated September 19, 2003. 2. Memorandum from Matt Masica dated September 24, 2003. 3. Memorandum from Roxanne DeCoster dated August 14, 2003, revised September 24, 2003. 4. Senior Center Expansion Layout. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. KKE Architects, Inc. 300 first avenue north minneapolis, mn 55401 612/339-42OO 612/342-9267 fax www. kke.com minneapolis newport beach KK- iiTM architects Meeting Minutes Project Name: Project Number: To: From: Date: Subject: Present: Chanhassen City Hall Remodel KKE 0307.1220.01 File, All Present Matt Masica 09/19/03 Schematic Design Review Meeting Todd Hoffman - City of Chanhassen Todd Gerhardt - City of Chanhassen Dale Geving - Senior Representative Tom Faust - Senior Representative __ - Senior Representative Roxanne Decoster- KKE Architects Matt Masica - KKE Architects Number 1 Item The following items were discussed as desirable for the kitchen area of the new senior center space: · A microwave · A dishwasher · A refrigerator · Both upper and lower cabinetry to run the entire length of the wall between the new senior center space and the new conference room space. · Tile near the countertop space is preferable for cleaning purposes. There was a discussion about the possibility of placing a door between the new senior center space and the new conference room but it was agreed that more countertop space and better acoustical separation between these rooms would be more desirable. Action Senior Coordinator Office · Shelving and file storage space is needed. · A Iockable drawer would be desirable in the senior coordinator's office. Furniture · A mix of round and square tables with rolling casters expanding the vision Schematic Design Review Meeting 09/19/03 KKE 0307.1220.01 Page 2 Number Item · would be desirable Tables to seat 4 people comfortably; 6 would be preferable Tables need to be foldable to clear space for different functions. Chairs for the new conference room to be similar to the conference room chairs at the new library. Chairs for the new senior center space to be lightweight, stackable and preferably with arms. 4 Misc. Items · Eight copies of updated plans will be delivered to Chanhassen City Hall CIO Sharmine to be distributed to the senior commission for review at their Friday meeting. · Glenn Gauger from KKE Architects to contact Todd Hoffman regarding potential reformatting the parameters of the agreement and scope of the project Action Please review the above for errors and omissions. Notify this office immediately with any comments or corrections. After 10 days of receipt, these minutes will become part of the KKE main file. Copy to: KKE Architects, Inc. 300 first avenue north minneapolis, mn 55401 612/339-4200 612/342-9267 fax www. kke.com minneapolis newport beach Memorandum KK- TM architects Project Name: Project Number: To: From: Date: Subject: Chanhassen City Hall Remodel KKE 0307.1220.01 Todd Hoffman Matt Masica 9/24/03 Revised Preliminary Construction Estimate Dear Mr. Hoffman, Based on the attached drawings and description of the Chanhassen City Hall Project KKE would estimate the following breakout of packages and their estimated associated costs. These numbers have been revised to reflect changes made from a September 12, 2003 letter from Todd Gerhardt and from the September 19, 2003 schematic design review meeting held at Chanhassen city hall. Package No. 1 - General Construction Demolition/Dumpster Drywall General Carpentry Doors/Frames/Hardware Glass/Glazing Final Cleaning General Conditions Overhead/Fee Total $ 5,760 $ 20,300 $13,900 $ 7,450 $ 5,000 $ 1,150 $10,060 $ 6,150 $ 69,570 Package No. 2 - Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing HVAC/Plumbing Electrical Sprinkler Total $12,000 $16,400 $ 1,200 $ 29,600 expanding the visiom" Todd Hoffman 9/24/03 KKE 0307.1220.01 Page 2 Package No. 3 - Finishes Acoustical Ceiling Millwork Carpet/BaseNCT Painting/Decorating Appliances Projection Screens Total Total construction package cost Other Costs: Furniture See attached Furniture Opinion of Probable Cost for breakdown Total $ Architects Fees Total $ $ 5,600 $10,900 $17,250 $ 7,190 $ 2,800 $ 3,000 $ 46,740 $145,910 50,390 10,300 Total Revised Estimated Project Cost $ 206,600 KKE Architects, Inc. 300 first avenue north minneapolis, mn 55401 612/339-4200 612/342-9267 fax www. kke.com minneapolis newport beach Memorandum KK- TM architects Project Name: Project Number: To: From: Date: Subject: Chanhassen City Hall Remodel KKE 0307.1220.01 MJM Roxanne DeCoster 14 August 03, Revised 9/24/03 Furniture Opinion of Probable Cost This opinion is based on revised drawings and meeting 9/18/03: Description of Product Quan Unit Price Extended Cost MULTI USE ROOM Stackable, upholstered, w/arms, wood legs 42 $250/ea 10,500 Table, laminate top, wood edge, casters, flip top, 42" x 42" 4 500/ea 2,000 Table, laminate top, wood edge, casters, 42"x 42", drop leaf, opens to 60"dia 6 1,100/ea 6,600 Sign-in table, 24" x 48", casters 1 500lea 500 COORDINATORS OFFICE Desk 1 700/ea 700 Safe 1 100/ea 100 Desk Chair 1 300/ea 300 File - 2 drawer 1 400/ea 400 CONFERENCE ROOM Wood leg, stackable Caster based chair, mid back Conference Table (3 sections) Desk for note taking Poduim 12 400/ea 4,800 17 500/ea 8,500 1 10,000/ea 10,000 1 800/ea 800 1 600/ea 600 Sub total $45,800 10% contingency 4,580 TOTAL $50,390 expanding the visions" MJM 14 August 03, Revised 9/24/03 KKE 0307.1220.01 Page 2 Includes freight and installation. Does not include tax. Copy to: II z ~ ~ ~ - ~ / ~ ~I~I II ~ U U