2003 08 15SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 15, 2003 Chairman Geving called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mel Kurvers, Jean Mancini, Bobbie Headla, Albin Olson, Dale Geving, and Pat McGough. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Faust. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director, Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Headla moved, Commissioner Mancini Seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL EXPANSION: Hoffman reported an update on the expansion. The Senior Commission was invited by Hoffman to attend the City Council meeting on September 8, 2003 to discuss any issues related to the expansion. UPDATE ON SENIOR ACTIVITIES: See attachment 1. SENIOR COMMENTS: None. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner.