CC Minutes 10-22-2012Chanhassen City Council – October 22, 2012 Resolution #2012-54: Mayor Furlong moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded to adopt the resolution proclaiming Saturday, November 10, 2012 as Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Day in the city of Chanhassen. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Thank you everyone and again congratulations to all and thank you for their service. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Furlong: Is there a motion to adopt items 1(a) through (d)? Todd Gerhardt: Mr. Mayor, before you make a motion here. There’s a handout in front of you called Exhibit A for C(2). Currently in your packet we reference an outlot. It should be the lot blocks in that development contract. Just a minor change but if your motion would include this attachment versus the one in your packet. Mayor Furlong: As part of item C(2) in the consent agenda? Todd Gerhardt: Correct. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Without objection we’ll add that. With that, is there a motion to adopt items 1(a) through (d) as amended for C(2)? Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated October 8, 2012 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated October 8, 2012 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated October 2, 2012 -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated September 25, 2012 Resolution #2012-55: b. Approve Crosswalk Agreement and No Parking Resolution for Park Road. th c. Lakeside 7 Addition, Planning Case 2012-11: 1. Final Plat Approval. 2. Approve Revised Development Contract and Plans & Specifications. Resolution #2012-56: d. Approve Transfer of Reserve Funds to the Revolving Assessment Construction Fund. 3 Chanhassen City Council – October 22, 2012 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Steve Donen: Good evening. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Steve Donen: Steve Donen, 7341 Frontier Trail, Chanhassen. I’m here to bring up, as we all read in the paper this last couple weeks the incident occurred where a boater was found entering Lotus Lake that was inspected and luckily was prevented from putting in zebra mussels in Lotus Lake. That incident I’ll go over quickly really shows us the importance that we inspect all boats going into Lotus Lake. Or all the lakes here in Chanhassen actually. What happened was is on th September 30 at about 7:00 at night, the last day of the last inspection that we were going to, the last day and the last hour of the inspections we were going to do this year a boat, actually a resident and a person who lived on Lotus Lake sadly enough was found by an inspector to have some zebra mussels on his trailer. This person as I said was a Lotus Lake, lived on Lotus Lake. They had been on Minnetonka during the day. They said when they left the lake, as I was told this, they said when they left the lake, this individual or party had inspected their boat. Taken the weeds off they said and obviously didn’t get them all. So it’s a good thing that obviously had we not been inspecting that day Lotus Lake would be infested today with zebra mussels. Also if the Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance hadn’t been paying for the inspections in the month of September Lotus Lake would be inspected. I’m sorry, infected. This points a couple things. Here’s a boater who cared about the lake and how even caring about the lake and trying to do the right thing, even the fact the importance of an inspector who is trained and knows how to look at the boats being available in there saved Lotus Lake. So it’s really, it again proves that it’s important to inspect all boats. It’s not just the careless boaters who might infect the lake. It’s even the people who care and having a trained inspector looking at all the boats is very important. Now the water’s gotten cold now so there isn’t an issue with the lakes being infested. th Anything below 54 degrees is not a problem but we’re hoping between September 30 and the time that happened was in the last couple weeks that no other boats went in the lake. So I just wanted to point that out to you all. First of all thank you for the inspection programs we had this year. We were glad as the LLCA to be able to extend that program into, through the month of September and catch this boat and this boater. Just a quick, another quick comment. You know we as the LLCA have sent you all, to the council and the staff a few weeks ago a request to be involved and hear about the time line associated with the council and the city creating it’s AIS policy and it’s AIS inspection program for 2013 and we’re hoping to get that plan in place previous to setting up finalizing your budgets because it’s difficult to put a plan in place when you don’t have the budget and it’s difficult to set a budget without a plan so we would hope we could get all that done and we, as the LLCA would like to be involved with that plan. We would like to be involved with the council. The watershed. The Carver County group when that plan is put together. Since we haven’t heard much yet we’re hoping to hear soon from the City Council how that plan’s going to be put in place and how we can be a part of it. Thank you for all your help and we appreciate all you guys have done in the past. 4