Approval Letter 10-26-20120 CITY OF CMMSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 October 26, 2012 Tyler and Kathryn Stevens 6505 Fox Hallow Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: BeeHive Homes — Planning Case 2012 -15 Administration Dear Tyler & Kathryn: Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 This letter is to formally notify you that on October 22, 2012, the Chanhassen City Building Inspections Council adopted the following four motions: Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 1. REZONING Engineering "The City Council approves Planning Case #2012 -15 to rezone 2.16 acres of Phone: 952.227.1160 property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District to R -8, Mixed Medium - Fax: 952.227.1170 Density Residential District for BeeHive Home Subdivision contingent upon final plat approval, as shown in plans dated received October 9, 2012, based on the Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 revised plans dated received October 22, 2012 and adoption of the Findings of Fact." Fax: 952.227.1110 2. SUBDIVISION Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 "The City Council approves the preliminary and final plat for Planning Case 2012 -15 Fax: 952.227.1110 for BeeHive Home as shown in plans dated received October 9, 2012, and including Recreation Center the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions: 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 1. Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication shall be collected in full at the rate in Fax: 952.227.1404 force upon final plat submission and approval. Planning & l Res rce ous Resources 2. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with Phone: the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The Fax: 952.227.1110 applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash Public Works escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final 7901 Park Place plat approval. The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements Phone: 952.227.1300 will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. Permits Fax: 952.227.1310 from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Senior Center Dept. of Health, Carver County, Watershed District and MnDOT. Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 3. The developer must work with the City to properly locate the easements over the utilities and over the treatment pond. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 4. Storm water connection fees will be collected with the final plat. The fees are estimated to be $15,735.60." Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Tyler & Kathryn Stevens BeeHive Homes — Planning Case 2012 -15 October 26, 2012 Page 2 of 6 3. SITE PLAN APPROVAL "The City Council approves the site plan consisting of a 15,681 square -foot continuing care retirement facility, Planning Case 2012 -15 for BeeHive Homes as shown in plans dated received October 9, 2012, based on the revised plans dated received October 22, 2012 and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions: 1. Install tree protection fencing around the preserved oak at least 30 feet from the trunk. The fencing shall be installed prior to any construction activity and remain until site construction is completed. Wood chip mulch shall be applied within the fenced area to a depth of 4 -6 inches. 2. One spruce shall be added to the plantings along the west property line. The tree should be located behind the proposed group of five lilacs. 3. Building Official Conditions: a. The proposed structure is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. b. All plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. A geotechnical (soil evaluation) report is required. c. Designs \plans for retaining wall(s) exceeding four feet in height must be prepared and signed by a structural engineer. d. Detailed building code related requirements have not been reviewed; this will take place when complete structural /architectural plans are submitted. e. Demolition Permit(s) are required for the removal of any existing structures on the site. f. The owner and /or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 4. All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views. 5. Approval of the site plan applications is contingent upon approval of the final plat, rezoning, and the City Code amendment — Planning Case 2012 -15. 6. The monument sign may not exceed 24 square feet in area nor be higher than 5 feet. The sign shall be located 10 feet from the property line. A sign permit is required before construction of the sign. 7. Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. 8. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure as the trash. 9. The existing buildings must be removed prior to grading. Demolition of structures must comply with National Emission Standards of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Minnesota Rules 7035.0805 and any other pertinent rules, regulations and laws. Tyler & Kathryn Stevens BeeHive Homes — Planning Case 2012 -15 October 26, 2012 Page 3 of 6 10. The developer will be responsible for all the costs associated with rerouting the storm water. The City will own and maintain the proposed storm sewer upon acceptance by the City. The developer must model the drainage area discharging to the 36 -inch storm sewer to determine the proper sizing of the storm sewer through the site. 11. A permit is required for any work within the MnDOT right -of -way. 12. The NURP calculations and or drainage area map must be revised to correlate to the plans. 13. The roof drainage from the rear of the building needs to be collected and piped to prevent storm water from discharging to the properties to the west. 14. Drainage maps and hydrocad calculations were provided for this site. The maps do not show the correct drainage boundaries. The maps and calculations must be revised to meet City standards. 15. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 16. The applicant shall work with staff on the proposed location of the new lines. The sewer and water lines located between the existing lines and the property to the south will be city owned and maintained. The lines connecting to the buildings will be private. Drainage and utility easements will be required on the public portion of the sewer and water lines. Permits are required from the Department of Health and MPCA for the sewer and water extension. 17. Each new building is subject to sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2012 trunk hookup charge is $2,107 per unit for sanitary sewer and $5,717 per unit for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. 18. The utilities will need plan and profile sheets of all public utilities. The public portion of these utilities will be inspected by an engineering inspector. Upon completion, as- builts must be completed to ensure that the utilities meet the specifications of the City. 19. Existing easements are shown in the location of the proposed building. The building must be shifted outside of the drainage and utility easement. 20. The developer must post a letter of credit or cash escrow ensuring the future connection to the property south of this development. This connection must occur within one year of the completion of the first lift of asphalt. Upon completion of the new access point, the BeeHive Home property must remove the right- in/right -out access. The City will hold the letter of credit or cash escrow until the BeeHive Home property connects to the future access point and removes their current right - in/right -out. 21. The applicant shall provide the NPDES Permit number prior to commencement of earth - disturbing activities. Tyler & Kathryn Stevens BeeHive Homes — Planning Case 2012 -15 October 26, 2012 Page 4 of 6 22. The SWPPP shall be amended such that under Project Contacts, the City contact is Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator 952.227.1168 and Chip Hentges, Carver County SWCD, 952.466.5230 shall be added. 23. That portion of the SWPPP with the heading "Responsibility Requirements" shall be completed in full and submitted to the City and included in the on -site SWPPP at the pre - construction meeting or otherwise prior to the commencement of earth- disturbing activities. 24. Per Part I1I. A. 3 of the NPDES permit, a narrative describing the timing and placement of all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs must be included in the SWPPP. 25. Those areas to be protected from grading, construction traffic, material stockpiling or other disturbance shall be clearly labeled on the plans and adequate protection in the form of fencing with metal T -posts shall be shown on the plans and installed prior to any earth - disturbing activities. This shall be included as part of the SWPPP. 26. Category 3 erosion control blanket is only required where slopes exceed 3:1. All blankets shall use natural netting and stitching. Hydraulic soil stabilization would be a preferred alternative. 27. Erosion stabilization mat shall be placed at the outfall in the intermittent channel. This shall be classed by shear stress within the channel as described in MnDOT Specification Manual 3888.1. 28. All silt fences shall be standard machine sliced or heavy duty. In no case may preassembled silt fence be used without approval from the city. This shall be indicated on the plan and in the legend. 29. The legend shall be included on sheet C6: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in addition to sheet C 1. 30. The rock construction entrance shall be consistent with section 19 -145 in that it must be at least 75 feet in length unless it can be shown that it is not possible to do so. 31. The swale located southeast of the proposed building shall be stabilized in its entirety. 32. The SWPPP must identify the receiving waters for this project. 33. All City standard detail plates shall be edited so that they are legible. 34. The applicant must receive approval from the United States Army Corps of Engineers prior to working within the existing intermittent channel and provide proof of approval to the City. 35. Any dewatering needed shall have a plan which shall be included with the SWPPP. This plan shall be provided to the City and the City shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencement of dewatering activities. Tyler & Kathryn Stevens BeeHive Homes — Planning Case 2012 -15 October 26, 2012 Page 5 of 6 36. Stockpile areas shall be shown on the plan and shall include the anticipated sediment control practices which will be implemented. These additional quantities shall be added to quantities currently in the plan. 37. Encroachment agreements are needed for any structure located in the drainage and utility easements. This includes but is not limited to the parking lot and light poles located in drainage and utility easements. 38. The applicant shall work with staff on minor plan modifications. 39. The trash enclosure shall utilize the same exterior materials as the proposed building. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure." Site Plan Agreements must be prepared by our offices for recording; however, cost estimates for the improvements must be submitted to our offices before the agreement can be prepared. Please refer to the enclosed checklist which stipulates all of the submittal requirements for recording the final plat and associated documents. If you have any questions, please call me at (952) 227 -1134 or e -mail me at sali aff 2ci. chanhassen.mn. us Sincerely, Sharmeen Al -Jaff Senior Planner c: Mr. Gary Reed, R.O.R Corporation ec: Joe Shamla, Project Engineer Jerry Mohn, Building Official gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -15 bee hive homes assisted living facility\approval letter.doc ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT RECORDING The following items are required to be submitted for recording of the following plat and associated documents: BEEHIVE HOME 0 Two signed Final Plat Mylars ( " Official Copy and " City Copy ") 0 Three F'= 200' scale paper copy of the final plat (for Carver County) ❑ One, 1" =200' scale mylar reductions of the final plat ❑ One, 1" = 200' scale mylar reductions of the final plat (with street names and lot and block numbers only) ❑ Mortgage Holder Consent to Plat 0 Quit Claim/Warranty deed (if deeding an outlot to the City) , ❑ SWMP Fee: $15,735.60 ❑ Park Fee: $ 12,500.00 ❑ Collector and Arterial Roadway Traffic Impact Zone fees: $ 0.00 ❑ Digital copy of the final plat in .dxf and .tif formats (.pdf compatible) in Carver County coordinates ❑ Trail easement document The following must be done before the plat can be filed: ❑ Current year property taxes must be paid in full and any delinquent property taxes or green acres taxes must also be paid. 0 A copy of the title commitment or deed must be provided if the developer has closed on the property recently since County records will not likely be updated.