Neighborhood Meeting Agenda 11-20-20126411 Bretton Way Neigborhood Meeting Agenda City of Chanhassen City Council Chambers 7700 Market Boulevard Tuesday November 20, 2012 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. I. Welcome II. Purposed of Meeting: a. Discuss concerns or issues regarding the continued use of the property located at 6411 Bretton Way for commercial and industrial uses. b. Development of the use standards /performance criteria. III. Background a. City Council b. History of Uses c. City Code Requirements IV. Performance Characteristics a. Existing Uses b. Similar Uses c. Performance characteristics or standards V. Next Steps a. Meet with Property Owner b. Contact existing users \ c. Prepare report for City Council (End of January or early February 2012 VI. Adjournment 6411 Bretton Way Discussion notes. History October 22, 2012 — City Council determines that Greenscapes Lawncare is an intensification of the use and must vacate property. Staff is directed to evaluate the intensity of uses and come back to City Council with a report. August 17, 2012 — Naomi Carlson was notified that the Greenscape Lawncare is considered a contractor's yard and an illegal intensification of the use of the building at 6411 Bretton Court. Contractor's yards are not allowed within the Single Family Residential (RSF) District. August 2009 —Naomi Carlson asks the city about replacing uses with a pediatric physical therapy clinic. She was advised that she needs to verify that the non - conforming uses have been there over the last 12 months. She would need to submit a request to City Council to approve a replacement of a non - conforming use with another non - conforming use. September 2001 — Naomi Carlson contacts the city about the potential conversion of a portion of the building to a single- family home. She was advised that she would be able to convert a portion of the existing building to a single - family residence. The resulting residence would need to comply with all requirements of the zoning code for single- family homes and.building code requirements. The conversion of a portion of the building would lessen the nonconformity of the use. 1995 — Steve Kirchner, former building official, inspected structure: contained Ramsey Woodworking (west 120' of upper level), Precision Finishing, small part painting (east 25' of lower level), Roger Mclearen, rebuilds motorcycles (west 90' of lower level). June 17, 1988 — Registered Land Survey No 105C creates the parcel around the building in question. 1987 — Building contains two woodworking businesses, Precision Finishes and motorcycle repair business. 1986 — Property zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) from Rl a (residential agricultural). 1970s — Precision Manufacturing Company, parts manufacturing, tool and die. September 16, 1964 — Registered Land Survey 28 creates the parcels containing the house and buildings as well as many of the parcels in the neighborhood. City Code Section 20 -72. Nonconforming uses and structures. (a) Any nonconformity, including the lawful use or occupation of land or premises existing at the time of the adoption of an additional control under this chapter, may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance or improvement, but not including expansion, unless: (1) The nonconformity or occupancy is discontinued for a period of more than one year; (e) Notwithstanding the prohibitions contained in the forgoing subsections of this section, if approved by the city council a nonconforming land use may be changed to another nonconforming land use of less intensity if it is in the public interest. In all instances the applicant has the burden of proof regarding the relative intensities of uses. Uses Based on information provided by Mrs. Carlson, the following is a list of the current tenants: Lessee Lease Date K2 Electrical Services June, 2002 Business (use) Electrical contractor (warehouse) Lake Country Builders October, 2005 Custom Charters November, 2005 Bemm Restoration May, 2011 Building contractor (warehouse) Boat charter (storage) Custom home restoration (Artist workshop) Andrew Clark August, 2011 Custom woodworking (woodworking) Greenscapes Lawncare August, 2012 Lawncare service (contractor's yard, seasonal) Must vacate property by December 1, 2012. Performance Characteristics Operation: Number of employees: Parking: Traffic generation: Hours of operation: Protection of general welfare (noise, pollution, odors): Equipment use: Materials: Storage: Next Steps Meet with property owner Contact the tenants about their operations Prepare report for City Council Information City Web site: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us proposed development, miscellaneous http:// mn- chanhassen2 .civicplus.com/index.asi)x ?NID =786 Warehouse and Storage General Warehousing and Storage Establishments primarily engaged in the warehousing and storage of general lines of goods.' In these instances, it appears that the material storage is for building finishing companies, which are establishments primarily engaged in the specialty trades needed to finish buildings. Building Finishing Contractors. This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in building finishing trade work. Current Users K2 Electrical Services (warehouse) Lake Country Builders (warehouse) Boat Charter (storage), Similar uses Custom builder's storage . Electrical repairman storage HVAC repairman storage Plumber's material storage Drywall and insulation Painting and wall covering Flooring Tile and terrazzo Finish carpentry Standards Operation: Number of employees: Parking: Traffic generation: Hours of operation: Protection of general welfare (noise, pollution, odors): Equipment use: Materials: Storage: located inside Wood working Woodworking is building a variety of products such as cabinets and furniture using wood . 2 Current User Custom Woodworking 1 Standard Industrial Classification Manual Z Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012 -13 Edition, Woodworkers, on the Internet at http: / /www.bis.gov /ooh /production /woodworkers.htm (visited November 16, 2012). Similar uses Cabinet maker and bench carpenters Furniture finisher Custom woodworking and millwork Standards Operation: Parking: Deliveries: Traffic generation: Employee: one or two employees Hours of Operation: Protection of general welfare (noise, pollution, odors) Equipment use: Sanders (hand or belt), jigsaw, drill, router, table saw Materials: wood, Storage: inside building Artist Studio A skilled manual worker; a craftsperson, a person skilled in applied art. A person that makes a high - quality, distinctive product in small quantities, usually by hand and using traditional methods. Current user Custom Home Restoration (painting and printmaking) Similar uses Sculptor /pottery studio Painting studio Photographer studio Printmaking studio Standards Operation: Parking: Deliveries: Traffic generation: Hours of Operation: Number of employees: generally one Protection of general welfare: Equipment use: Materials: paints, plaster, clay, computers Storage: inside building