CC Minutes 07-23-2012Chanhassen City Council — July 23, 2012 individual involvement is in crime prevention efforts is vital to helping our city maintain it's high level of safety. We currently have 45 neighborhoods participating in this year's events. Registrations for your block party, if you'd like to have a neighborhood block party I would invite residents to call Beth Hoiseth at City Hall. Her number is 227 -1610 to schedule a visit from representatives of the Carver County Sheriff's Office, including the posse again this year. We expect the fire department, city staff and others so Tuesday, August 7` will be National Night Out. I know a number of members of the council will be visiting neighborhood events as well as the other groups that I mentioned so we look forward to that and thank you to Beth for her work in organizing National Night Out. Move now to items, next items on our agenda will be our consent agenda items. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Furlong: If members of the council or others present in the gallery would like any item removed from the consent agenda I would ask that you let me know at this time. Mr. McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor, yes. I would like to remove item (g). The approval of the Fourth Restated Joint Powers Agreement with Southwest Transit from the agenda and have it rescheduled for a work session with council. Mayor Furlong: So that would be a table it for tonight's action and reschedule for future work session. Councilman McDonald: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilman McDonald: And at that point if we could invite Len and also council to come into the work session and explain that to us so we can ask questions. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any other items, items 1 (a) through 0), excluding (g). If not is there a motion to adopt items 1(a) through 0) excluding (g) but the action on (g) would be to table. Is there a motion? Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 25, 2012 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated June 25, 2012 Receive Commission Minutes: - Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated June 19, 2012 -Park and Recreation Commission Summary Minutes dated June 26, 2012 b. Approval of Bids for Rejuvenation of the Chanhassen Skate Park and Hockey Rink: 1) Equipment 2) Asphalt d. Resolution #2012 -40: Approval of CIP Equipment Purchase: Tractor, Broom, Snow Blower. e. Approve Summary Ordinance for Publication Purposes for Mission Hills Planned Unit Development Amendment. 2 Chanhassen City Council — July 23, 2012 f. Resolution #2012 -41: Intersection of TH 101 and Pioneer Trail: Approve Resolution for Grant Application. g. Table Approval of Fourth Restated Joint Powers Agreement with Southwest Transit. h. Approval of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) 2011 Annual Report for Submittal to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). i. Resolution #2012 -42: Water Meter Radio Read Replacement: Resolution Rejecting All Bids and Authorizing Re- Advertisement for Bids. j. Approval of CIP Equipment Purchase: Third Production Array for Storage and Retrieval of City Electronic Data (SAN). All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Mike Poppitz: Hello. How are you doing today? Mayor Furlong: If you'd like to introduce yourself at the podium. Mike Poppitz: My name is Mike Poppitz. I'm the Manager of the Victoria Vics baseball team and Mary Thun asked me to come over here and present a couple of things to you from the wager that you had involving Chanhassen and Victoria. I see there's a few policemen. One or two I know on your website they said that we stole the game. I don't know if I'm going to get arrested before I leave here or not. Mayor Furlong: It was a tough eighth inning as I recall for the hometown favorite but getting. Go ahead. Mike Poppitz: Yeah, I'm supposed to give you this sign. I don't know what she wants the sign for. Mayor Furlong: We'll find a place for the sign. Mike Poppitz: Yeah, I thought maybe we could put it at second base at the ballpark. And your hat to be. Mayor Furlong: And the hat. The wager was that the mayor of the losing team had to, just a second. Mary Herberger Thun and I wagered on an excellent game between the Chanhassen Red Birds and the Victoria Vics. Unfortunately the Red Birds came out on the short end because of a tough inning. Eighth inning. Are you ready? And the loser mayor gets to wear a hat for the meeting so if anybody apologizes I'll be wearing a hat this evening for the meeting and I expect that the Red Birds will play a little better next year so that I can bring a hat over to another city hall meeting. Mike Poppitz: I wish them the best of luck this year in the playoffs and that stuff. You guys got really a nice team. Mayor Furlong: It was a great game. Mike Poppitz: It was a good game.