NOVEMBER 27, 2012
Chairman Cole Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Scharfenberg, Tom Kelly, Cole Kelly, Elise Ryan, Brent Carron, Peter
Aldritt, and Jim Boettcher
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Mitch Johnson, Recreation Supervisor
Todd Neils 990 Saddlebrook Curve
Taping of the meeting began at this point on the agenda.
Todd Neils: that time allowed the association to increase play at Lake Ann Park dramatically and '
allowed the association to grow, both in softball and baseball. We, at the time that the City, the
presentation was made to light or to discuss lighting Lake Ann Park we projected that at some point in the
future we would run out of space, or need additional space. It seems that time has come to a certain
degree and what we are proposing is that we would partner with the City to light Lake Susan and partner
with them in the funding 25% of the cost of any lighting that is done at Lake Susan Park. I figured you
know knowing that the CIP has been completed for the year, you know starting the conversation for the
CIP in 2013 probably be better to start early than late and I've been authorized to offer up to 25% of the
cost which will be approximately $150,000.
Cole Kelly: Okay. Any questions for Todd on this proposal to the City?
Carron: How many ballfields?
Todd Neils: One.
Carron: Just one?
Todd Neils: One. It's a full sized baseball field and similar to, similar to Lake Ann where we were able
to run 2 nights, 2 games a night, we anticipate obviously running a similar format so that will help game
play and alleviate some of the field stresses we're feeling right now.
Cole Kelly: Todd, did you see your softball and baseball groups growing or what are the numbers doing
from the last 3 years? Have they gotten bigger? Stayed the same? Getting smaller?
Todd Neils: Well as of approximately 7 years ago we had 385 baseballers in the association playing. We
are now at approximately 1,100. And we continue to see bubble, bubbling up from the younger age
groups. There seems to be a point in which kids stop playing baseball and play other sports, but we do
see continual bubbling up and expansion of the older programs. We've added a 16 to 18 year old group
and have increased the number of teams that are utilizing that field space. Let's put it this way. Over the
last 3 years we've gone from zero teams at 14 and above to approximately 8.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Scharfenberg: So Todd, so why the proposal at Lake Susan as opposed to, would it make more sense if
you're just going to increase like Bandimere. There you're lighting two full fields and
potentially a softball field on top of it you know to give you greater access to fields, and one of those is a
full sized field...
Todd Neils: Well I would say two reasons. The first is cost. Lighting 3 fields would cost 3 times as
much and we're not in a position to offer $120,000 or whatever the number is. Secondarily, I suspect that
with the new, new re -work of Bandimere Park there's going to be more push back from the neighbors of
Springfield than there might be in a more industrialized park closer to Lake Susan.
Cole Kelly: Todd, working with rough figures of $150,000 that means the association says they're going
to come up with 25% or $37,500 and then the City would have to come up with $113,500? Is that the
Todd Neils: Yes.
Cole Kelly: And is the association able to write a check like that at one time?
Todd Neils: What we would request is that any, any contractor and Muskel Lighting is a well known
contractor that does quite a bit of lighting but 1 know the City is required to get a number of bids but what
we would request is that there would be some kind of capital financing where the baseball and softball
association, or I should say the baseball association in this case would back or would fund the lighting
over a 5 year period financed with the backing of the CAA. Which is the larger organization. We
anticipate being able to write a check for at least $10,000 a year but if given the opportunity we would
like to elongate that to a 5 year period where we can use some of those funds for other projects. At the
Cole Kelly: Now when you got the quote of $150,000, I'm assuming you talked to the contractor about
the rough numbers.
Todd Neils: Yeah.
Cole Kelly: Did you also talk to them about the possibilities of what you just went through with us on the
Todd Neils: We're aware that Muskel Lighting has a financing component.
Cole Kelly: Okay. Okay. Other questions for Todd? I think this is something that will come up in our
discussions when we start talking about the CIP, which we start doing that in about March.
Hoffman: March, April, May and also it operates as part of the public record so we'll make others within
the organization and our council aware that this offer has been made to the City and allow those folks to
start the discussion as well and then bring into a broader discussion as a part of your 2013 capital
improvement program work next spring.
Cole Kelly: Okay, anything else to add Todd?
Todd Neils: No.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Cole Kelly: No. Well thank you for your presentation. We'll have your first item will be on our next
agenda and of course the lighting will come up in the spring.
Todd Neils: Fantastic, thank you.
Cole Kelly: So if you have anything to add between now and the spring, you know feel free to contact
Todd and let him know.
Todd Neils: Okay, great. Thank you.
Cole Kelly: Thank you.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Boettcher moved, Aldritt seconded to approve the verbatim and
summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated October 23, 2012 as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Hoffman: Thank you Chair Kelly, members of the commission. We talk about these throughout the year
but at this time of year especially I like to give you a season ending update on what's going on with your
CIP projects across the community. So just briefly describe each one and then answer questions and open
it up to discussion amongst the commissioners. Annually we invest up to $15,000 in trees and we have
invested $6,200 in trees to date but we stopped any additional tree planting due to the drought conditions
in the feeling that they just weren't perform very well throughout the winter when you're planting trees in
the dry soils that we're currently experiencing. Picnic tables and benches, we have allocated up to
$10,000 a year. $4,500 was invested this year, primarily in memorial benches that individuals purchased
for loved ones and then those dollars come back into the fund. The Highway 41 pedestrian underpass and
trail grant match, that is currently budgeted at $633,000. I can't tell you exactly where that match will
come in from the County. It might be slightly higher than that. That project was bounced around from
2011 to 2012 and the project is largely complete now. Just prior to the meeting we were having a
conversation about there still are some items left to be completed. Fencing along most of the corridor is
not yet in. They're starting it. And then also the concrete barriers on the north side up near the wall,
that's been a point of frustration for many in our community that those are not down yet. There's an issue
with a gas main that was relocated to make way for the project and when it was relocated it was placed
right where the guardrail needs to go for that trail to separate the trail from Highway 41 and so that gas
line will be moved a second time at a cost of approximately $32,500. I've expressed to the project team
that the City of Chanhassen is not interested in participating in that moving cost. We already paid for it
once. We are not the project manager. We are one of the project owners and one of the project financers
but we certainly weren't there making the call or drawing the plans or installing it the first time around so
that gas line needs to be directionally bored perpendicular across Highway 41 and then parallel with 41 on
the west side and then back across onto the east side of the road so that work is yet to be completed. I
know they were out there surveying that today. Once that gas line is relocated then the new gas line,
which is currently where the guardrail needs to be, will be abandoned and then they can install a guardrail
probably punching it right through that 5 inch abandoned gas main at that point. I have talked with
neighbors almost on a weekly basis and they are happy that they cleaned up the intersection of Lake Lucy
and Highway 41. Yesterday I believe they were out doing that. The silt fence will stay in place until next
spring when the seed and the erosion blanket has a chance to do it's work and so that will not be pulled
out until about 6 inches of green grass is growing in all those areas. I think everyone's in agreement that
the trail really lays into that Highway 41 corridor pretty nicely. There are a few residents that are still not
real trail supporters because it took out some trees in their back yards but for the most part I think
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
everyone's coming to grips with the fact that the trail is there and is providing recreation and
transportation for our community. So far the accolades have been just fairly steady that people really
appreciate the trail and they like the layout and they like how it looks so.
Carron: ...can I ask a question? As you're going north, or sorry. West on Lake Lucy to 41, on the right
hand side right now it's, there's no leaves on the trees so it's, you can see through the trail but that bush
comes right up to the trail. Right up to the edge of the roadway. If the City can just take a look at that.
Hoffman: As you look north?
Carron: As you look north. I think it's a visual obstruction for drivers and I think there might be.
Hoffman: You think it's in the right -of -way?
Carron: Yeah, I think it's in the right -of -way and also it poses so much of an obstruction I noticed this
summer that I'm worried about cars pulling up through the crosswalk and then potentially...
Hoffman: Hitting a pedestrian.
Carron: So if the City can just take a look at that.
Hoffman: We will. We've gone through the punch list. That's on the trail project. That's being
addressed by the contractor. We will be plowing the trail on Highway 41 section, through the underpass
and then out the other side and then Carver County is actually going to plow the trail so it will be I think
the first trail they probably plow in their park system and they're going to plow it all the way through the
park for winter recreation as well. So that's pretty nice.
Cole Kelly: Yeah, I rode the trail on Thursday morning and I went into Minnewashta and went on that
new trail that we all dug dirt for. The only problem with going in is it's downhill the whole way.
Hoffman: Whole way.
Cole Kelly: That means you're coming uphill all the way.
Hoffman: All the way. It's an easy ride going down. Yeah, it's a beautiful trail.
Cole Kelly: The trail is really nice.
Hoffman: There's no question we did experience some frustrations both at the community level and the
staff level with the slowness, the progress but again as we discovered late in the game there was a
substantial completion date but there were no liquidated damages that could be applied so the contractor
was aware of that and they just took their sweet old time getting it done so I guess we're always looking
for a quality, you know memories fade but you're always looking for a quality product and so that's really
what we were after and we worked hard on the community's behalf to make sure that that was put in
Ryan: Todd, is there any concern with the runoff coming out of Highover down onto the trail right where
it all comes together? Just the dirt and rock where the staircase is going to go. Is there going to be
anything to catch any of the, not debris but the soil and rocks that would fall down, is there any concern
about that coming onto the trail or into the underpass?
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Hoffman: There's always concern about, on a new project until it's fully established. Once it's fully
established I don't think there's going to be a real issue there. There were some concentration points and
if we find one there that will have to be addressed with potentially a rock, you know a rock spillway.
There was one at the north end of the smaller wall so, and that was a rock spillway was installed there this
past week so there was a concentration point that's just south of Lake Lucy at the bottom of that smaller
wall where lots of water was concentrating and there was going to be an erosion problem there so if we
discover other ones we'll address those as they come up. There were a lot of conversations at the
underpass about water flow and there were some design modifications so the water coming down off the
hills would pass over the trail. Not go into the underpass and so there's a little ditch way in the trail just
on the east side of the underpass. So there were conversations there but until it's established you may see
some erosion, especially in the spring if we get real wet conditions prior to green up, we're going to see
some erosion that will have to be addressed.
Carron: That lot sold too.
Hoffman: Oh, wonderful. That second lot. The Highway 41 trail extension and stairway, that project's
currently again on hold until council moves forward in some fashion. At present we are soliciting
independent bids for the stairway and then the trail connection to the north and continuing to look at
another school crossing grant proposal for the light. For the flashing beacon and we'll present that back
to the City Council. I believe the overall cost for those individual components will come in substantially
less than the contract that we reviewed some months ago. There will be discussion at the council level
whether or not they do want to do individual components or all of the components but we're bringing that
information back to them just after the first of the year so those projects, whatever they choose, could be
placed into the 2013 construction season. Any questions on the stairway or the trail extension? It's not a
very long piece. You stand there now at the driveway, it's just about 500 feet and people are using it.
They're coming out of Chaska Road and so folks are already starting to ask about it. And then the
pedestrian crossing will lead to the west and if you've watched the news there's a Beehive Homes going
to be developed there on that lot. There's a single family residence there now so there's going to be an
almost, it's a senior living but it's independent units all in a combined setting so they're working on a site
plan there which incorporates that trail crossing and then puts a trail in front of their property going south
on Highway 41 on the west side and then there'll be one more property to the south which currently is a
single family residence and some gardens on it. That will be developed so the trail will extend down
there as well. So lots of things coming together at that particular intersection. We're hopeful that
Minnetonka 276 is supportive of that school crossing, flashing beacon application. If they are I think it'll
be successful so Paul Oehme, our City Public Works Director is working with them at this point to see if
they want to move forward on that application. That would help with the budgets. Disc golf course
construction, $10,000. Project is complete with $8,100 invested and I think invested very wisely and a
great facility for the community.
Tom Kelly: One question. Any more talk about pads for the tee boxes?
Hoffman: Yep. Taking a look at should they be concrete or there's some mats out there so.
Tom Kelly: So that's still part of the plan.
Hoffman: Well yeah. We've got to look at it for a future year. Yep, but we've got, I think there's good
reason to take a look at a variety of options and there's some of these pads that are, some of the players
are talking about that are just a lot less expensive than solid concrete.
Tom Kelly: Do you know who has, do you know of any course that has these pads?
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Hoffman: (No.) We'll find out though. Let's talk about that. The Bandimere Community Park
expansion was budgeted at $500,000. That's the back house. The one farthest away from the road and
acquisition of that parcel has been complete. $425,000 has been invested to date and some of the
remaining funds will be utilized to demo and clear the site in the spring of 2013 or the summer of 2013.
The highway project will come in next spring and take out the front house and build a new entry and then
we'll work with the contractor that's there on site taking down that house to take down the second
Tom Kelly: ...mentioned something a couple months ago about potentially renting that second house out
to the contractors as their home base. Is that a possibility?
Hoffman: It is a possibility, yep. We'll have to see what their interest is and the rent would be to take it
down and remove it when they leave.
Cole Kelly: Couldn't beat that.
Hoffman: They have big equipment. It doesn't take long. And again as we look back 1 think to kind of
important moments in the acquisition and development of the city's park and trail system, acquiring those
two properties I think really came together. You know that might not have happened if, or it would not
have happened if the market would have stayed the same so I think some things came together that put the
City in a position to acquire those properties and still keep happy property owners which is always a good
thing in your community and so I think that's going to make a big difference in the southern Chanhassen
residents and their future park. Rice Marsh Lake trail loop planning. That's $10,000. We've invested
approximately $5,000 to date and were just out last week. Staff has started individual property owner
meetings and we're conducting those one by one. Going through individual concerns. There's one
property, if you know the log home, it's the one on the end of the road that will propose shifting the
alignment to miss a few oak trees and to move the trail slightly away and if they agree to that then we'll
have to create a new easement for that amended trail alignment and then abandon the old easement.
We're also working with them not to place that secondary trail connection which would go into the
Klingelhutz development. Not right behind their house so they don't end up sandwiched by two trails and
they're very appreciative of that. Everybody else is onboard with the trail as far as we know and we
haven't taken any other calls. And then we'll move forward with the Limited Use Permit for MnDOT.
We had a conference call with them last week. They're ready to accept that. If they approve the Limited
Use Permit we're ready to go to work in the spring.
Cole Kelly: What have our discussions with Eden Prairie been about? Have we had any discussions
about their part?
Hoffman: They have said once we start they'll start their last segment so, no other assurances than that
but I think we would work cooperatively on the construction access. The construction access would most
likely be on the Eden Prairie side of that wooded area but it would still would be on the MnDOT property
and so we would go through the fence off of Highway 212. Create a construction road right along the
field. The old field line on the Eden Prairie /Chanhassen border and then utilize the staging area both for
the Chanhassen project going west and Eden Prairie project going east.
Cole Kelly: So that'd be where Eden Prairie came in before? Same spot?
Hoffman: No, just to the west.
Cole Kelly: Just to the west, okay.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Scharfenberg: ...are they pretty specific about what they can do with the property or what you're allowed
to do?
Hoffman: Yep. It's specifically that trail corridor so there'll be a trail corridor and a trail that's approved.
It has to be renewed every 10 years and it can be eliminated at any time by MnDOT. Traditionally that
has not happened. I foresee that at some point in the future MnDOT will grant ownership of those
properties to the City simply because they want to, they won't want to be managing you know tree issues
and property right, you know property issues with neighbors in a neighboring development so. Years ago
they just gave it to you but now they want a million two five and we're not about to pay a million two five
but they will give us that limited use permit for trails so. And really if you think about it, in the public
realm once you put something like that in there and for whatever reason MnDOT would say well you've
got a water issue that you haven't addressed, we're going to pull your permit. You know people are just
going to get really excited about that. They're not going to want to see that happen and so I've never
heard of one of these things going away. Most, many of our trails that are situated in public right -of -ways
for either state or county are already in a limited use permit situation and just about all of them in state
right -of -way. We have a limited use permit for many of the trail segments already within our community.
Trunk Highway 5 to Trunk Highway 41, downtown Victoria. That's the underpass matching grant and
that's $80,000. Payment of those funds have not yet been processed but the majority of those funds will
be transferred over to pay for that project. The Arboretum is deciding how they're going to approach the
future trail construction within the Arboretum and then management. We don't know if they're going to
plow their section of their trail this year. We're going to plow that leads underneath the parkway, or
underneath Highway 41. Or Highway 5 at the parkway and then stop at the Arboretum and they can take
it from there. Great improvement. Wonderful people. Really appreciate that. Trunk Highway 101 to
Pleasant View Road. $95,000 invested in park funds. It's currently under review by MnDOT. It has
been for just about 2 years so Mr. Oehme and the engineering crew is hopeful that that will finally be
complete and you'll see those trails built both on Pleasant View Road and on Highway 101. The Herman
Field basketball court that was initiated by the park commission and the neighborhood, that is in. The
hoop's up. $7,800 and we've got some good comments on that so people are happy to see that something
was taking place in the park. A couple of other funds. That was the park fund. The assessment,
revolving assessment fund. The tennis court project was complete and as you can see $87,400 of the
$125,000 was needed to complete those 8 courts so that was Meadow Green, South Lotus Lake, North
Lotus Lake and Lake Susan. The Recreation Center fitness equipment, that was the last installment of a 5
years and that was $10,000 invested and so we're back looking good at the Rec Center and the fitness
equipment. And then skate park, another big project for 2012. An asphalt resurfacing. $101,000 of the
$110,000 needed to complete the project and again they're still out there using it and they've been very
quiet and happy since it's been completed so. There's a little debate in jockeying right when we opened it
over what was selected but they've all fallen in love with it and happy to have it.
Cole Kelly: Well good. Any questions for Todd on the park and trail fund capital improvements? Thank
you Todd for the report.
Hoffman: You're welcome.
Carron: And again I'd just like to say real quick too that appreciated that you're working hard to keep
everything at or under budget too.
Hoffman: You're welcome. It's important we budget pretty tight around here because that's just the
nature of what the finance department and the council would like to see happen and so we do have some
over runs from time to time. I think that Highway 41, you know that $633,000 that just continued to go
up with different things happening with that project so that one may go over but the rest are all on budget
or significantly under in most cases.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Cole Kelly: Mitch, I think you're handling that tonight.
Johnson: Yep. Thank you Chair Kelly, good evening commissioners. Filling in for Jerry here. At the
last meeting on October 23` the commission heard the results from the picnic reservations from the
summer. The 2012 season. At this meeting it gives the commission the opportunity to establish the
reservation fees for the summer of 2013. It is staff's recommendation that the 2013 picnic reservation
fees remain the same as they were in 2012. If you look through your packet it does have the prices listed.
The resident and the non - resident rates. We break it down for a Monday through Thursday rate and then
Friday through Sunday rate. Continuing through your packet you'll be able to see the memo from last
month's meeting that kind of breaks down the different locations. The types of reservations. I believe
this year there was 113 picnic reservations. In 2011 there was 122 I think so just about right on par the
number of reservations going on out there. It seems like you know already in August people were calling
for next summer and looking to book stuff already. We are a little bit higher than I believe Chaska, the
neighboring city but we are pretty comparable to Three Rivers Park, Eden Prairie. I know Jerry did some
research to just kind of compare to see where we're at with neighboring communities and they were kind
of right at that same level for the most part. I'd be happy to answer any questions anybody has regarding
the reservation fees, if anybody would like to discuss that.
Cole Kelly: Any questions for Mitch or is somebody going to call the question?
Tom Kelly: I guess I'd move to accept staff's recommendation to maintain the 2012 picnic fees to the
2013 picnic season.
Scharfenberg: Second.
Tom Kelly moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends
that the 2013 group picnic reservation fees remain at the same level as 2012. All voted in favor and
the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Johnson: Thank you. The 2012 Halloween Party is the fourth of our four community events that we offer
each year. The party was held on Saturday, October 27 The weekend before Halloween. We had over
300 children out there at the Rec Center ages 10 and under. We had 279 paid participants which is the
age range of 2 to 10 so we did have some younger kids there and as well as older kids, that kind of broke
the 300 mark. The number is not including parents so you know you figure 1 to 2 parents. Some
grandparents. We probably had over 600 -700 people at the Rec Center so it was a great time. I know
Chair Kelly was out there in his Batman costume so we might have a few pictures rotating around. So
certainly appreciate your help Chair, as well as all the volunteers. We did use volunteers from the
Chanhassen /Chaska High School Key Clubs. They kind of ran our carnival games that we had set up in
the school side gym. On the Rec Center gym we did the entertainment. We had a new entertainer this
year. We had a magician. He did a 30 minute show. Title of the show was the spooky not scary show so
you can kind of meet all the different age groups and 30 minute seemed like a great kind of amount of
time. You know some of the kids get a little restless. Want to get back to the games and the spooky room
and stuff so had really good luck with that. We set up the spooky room again in 2 of the conference
rooms. We emphasize that it's not a scary room you know so kids can come through and we do have
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
volunteers dressed in costumes just giving out candy and kind of letting the kids check out the different
decorations. Special thanks to Charlie Eiler of our park maintenance staff who volunteers every year to
set that up and really kind of takes it under his belt and enjoys it so we certainly appreciate his work for
that. We also provided some refreshments in the other 2 conference rooms. Purchased 75 dozen cookies
and 24 gallons of cider from Cub Foods at a discounted rate so that was a great partnership that we have
with them. A lot of extra cookies. We're going to definitely look back and cut back on those for next
year. Going to save a little bit of cash but just for that waste factor as well. Other entertainment we had
out there, we had hayrides. From Ken Tice, he's one of our contractors that we use throughout the year at
Feb Fest and stuff so continues to be a popular event. It was a little chillier this year so some of the
families maybe didn't bring their coats maybe didn't participate in it but yeah, it's definitely still a hit
every year. We also had some face painting which was kind of fun. When kids would show up in like a
tiger costume they'd paint like a tiger face to kind of match you know so it was always fun and they
definitely had some long lines at the face painting stand. I hinted on the volunteers. Thanks again for all
the volunteers and the staff that participated. You know obviously without the volunteers it'd be hard to
run these events so we're very thankful for that. Couple of general comments there at the end. Maybe
look at adding some new props to the spooky room. We've had a lot of kids that kind of come back year
after year. Just kind of keep things fresh. I'd probably look at scheduling the volunteers to arrive a little
it earlier. Some of them kind of showed up at the last minute and kind of did some fumbling around so
just kind of keep that a little bit more organized. But yeah we're very thankful for the amount of
volunteers. I think in the past they may have struggled a couple times to get enough but we were very
fortunate this year to have good turnout so. At the back of the Halloween report you'll see the expense
report. The $5 registration for the 279 participants and then I broke down the different expenses and the
kind of entertainment and stuff. We did have a loss of about $1,800 on the event. Once again to remind
everybody that this is also covered part of the community event sponsorship program where we brought
in over $30,000 in cash and prizes so. So that's the Halloween Party. Be happy to answer any questions
anybody has.
Cole Kelly: Questions. Mitch, I'm curious how many years have we charged $5 for this event?
Johnson: I'd have to look back. I believe it was at least the last 2 years it's been $5. I think it may have
went up before then.
Cole Kelly: Okay. And what's the discussion about maybe raising it, any discussion of raising it to
maybe $6 in the future?
Johnson: Yeah. I mean we could certainly look into it where we compare to other parties around the
area. I know Chaska has one that same day and I think they're at $5. But it's certainly you know another
revenue stream.
Hoffman: I think we'd want to lower expenses prior to, we'd probably hit a price point once we go past
$5 on an event like this.
Cole Kelly: Okay.
Hoffman: We could easily shave some expenses.
Cole Kelly: Well I'll be Batman next year if you guys all pay $10 to get in.
Hoffman: Advertise that the park chairman will be Batman.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Boettcher: Mitch you had the note about the donations. What was donated for this event? Do you have
Johnson: It's all part of the entire sponsorship program from local businesses. A lot of them donate cash.
Some do like the Dinner Theater had tickets who had an adult raffle there or the winning adult could win
tickets to the event. It covers the February Festival. It covers 4 of July, the Easter Egg Hunt and then
Halloween so we just kind of allocate as needed for each of the events.
Ryan: Mitch I'm looking at the expenditures. I would think it would be a safe bet that you could get rid
of cookies all together with so much candy that the kids are getting. A lot of parents won't even miss the
Johnson: Yeah.
Ryan: Even the cider as well but certainly the cookies. I think that could be something that you could
take out of the mix.
Johnson: Okay.
Cole Kelly: Just make sure we still get Skittles every year because even the shy kids that come by
Batman want some Skittles.
Hoffman: They love the Skittles.
Cole Kelly: Thank you Mitch. It was a great event.
Johnson: Okay, thank you Chair.
Johnson: Thank you. This year we had our sixth ChanJam scheduled. Fifth year. Sixth event. It was
scheduled for last Friday, November 16 and unfortunately due to lack of bands interested we did have to
cancel the event. We received 3 applications. We were hoping for 5. We thought maybe we could put a
show on with 4 but unfortunately just with 3 bands we offer 15 minute sets, with the amount of expenses
that we have, we just didn't think that it would allow for a quality show. As you can see there the
numbers throughout the years since the inception of the program. Kind of hit a plateau at that 4 mark last
year. It kind of really dipped off. You know we kind of thought, it used to be in the springtime but with
the high school events, you know last year they decided to move it to the fall. I'm not sure if that's the
conflict. Not sure maybe kids aren't participating in local garage bands anymore. Just kind of thinking
what, you know what can we do to expand it to other high schools in the area besides just the local
Chanhassen schools that serve the residents. We've got great sponsors for the event. Unfortunately just
with the expenses using the high school theater and the nice set up we just didn't think it was an adequate
event to put on for this year. One thing we kind of thought, we just briefly discussed. Maybe there's
something we can do to incorporate it as part of the 4 of July celebration. You know we're always
looking to add new things. We've got the tent and the stage and the sound equipment, maybe we can
devote an hour or two in the main stage for you know if we have those small numbers but just something
we kind of threw out briefly. We would have to evaluate that for future years so. But yeah, we didn't
incur any expenses with the cancellation of the event so. Does anybody have any questions for the
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Cole Kelly: Any questions for Mitch? You said you're probably looking at more high schools. How do
we market for this event typically?
Johnson: Generally we touch base with all the music departments, kind of see, usually they kind of have
the inside of who has the bands. We have flyers that we distribute out to them. I also work with the, it's
called the Coffee Depot in Hopkins. They have a lot of high school bands that come there. I kind of
talked to him to see if he knew any high schools in the west metro that came out. A lot of them seem like
they're more from Minneapolis so not sure how we want to expand it. You know obviously we want to
keep it to kind of serve our residents.
Cole Kelly: Local, yeah.
Johnson: Yeah, exactly. We do have a lot of residents that go to like Southwest Christian High School,
Holy Family, some of the other private schools around that hopefully can maybe look at bringing some of
that in but.
Cole Kelly: So are we looking to try and do this again about the same time next year?
Johnson: You know we'd have to evaluate that. I'd like to take another run at it just to see what can
happen because we have such great sponsors that are part of it who kind of donate a lot of the studio time
and stuff. But yeah, hopefully we can just maybe establish more connections that people know.
Cole Kelly: Okay. Thank you very much Mitch.
Hoffman: The biggest variable is if you hit a time when the bands are together or broken up.
Johnson: That is true. I did receive an email, you know the band broke up. I was in a band last year but
I'll get my new band this year. Unfortunately I never received that application from that student but it's
kind of fun some of those emails and phone calls.
Johnson: Thank you Chair. This Saturday is the annual tree lighting right out here at the City Center
Park plaza. That cold weather we kind of talked about earlier, you know the holiday spirit is definitely in
the air. The event's going to start at 5:00. Lasts about an hour. We're going to have a visit from Santa.
We'll have live reindeer. Some refreshments. A bonfire. Carolers from Living Christ Lutheran Church
volunteering out there, as well gingerbread house displays from the contest that we're hosting. We're
expecting about 300 to 400 attendees out for the event. It's a real fun event. It was my first day of
employment last year so it kind of mark my one year anniversary so I was able to see that one and we had
that nice epic snowfall that night so maybe we can keep our fingers crossed again for this year but special
thanks to Buy Chanhassen. It's a local group and the Mustard Seed Landscape and Garden Center. They
help a lot with the event and kind of organizing the donations and things like that for the event.
Cole Kelly: And we can bring our own coolers to this event?
Johnson: It is in a park, yes and same park rules apply.
Cole Kelly: Any questions for Mitch? Thank you Mitch.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Johnson: Yes, with winter programming, hopefully everybody got the new Connection in the mail a
couple of weeks ago. It came out. Kind of listed all the programs that we're offering. We'll highlight a
few. A big one I mentioned earlier, Feb Fest. This year is the 20 annual event in February so looking
forward to that event. This Saturday morning, the day after, or Sunday morning, excuse me, after the tree
lighting event is Breakfast with Santa that the Chanhassen Rotary Club co- sponsors out at the Rec Center.
Also partnered with Carver County for a candlelight ski event. Kind of a family event out at Lake
Minnewashta Park. Hopefully this winter is a little bit better than last year as far as the snowfall. We can
get a run at that one. I'm excited to offer the Dance Party on Ice again out at the Chan Rec Center. I was
able to work with the City of Minnetonka who has ice skate rentals. We're going to be able to offer ice
skate rentals to the public so hopefully we can get more people out for that as well and have some ideal
ice conditions. The Rec Center sports program continues to be very popular. Looking forward to after
the first of the year some more gym space opens up. We're going to offer some more of the Small Fry
Sports which is the age 3 to 4 in the evenings. Traditionally it's been just during the day. This fall we
offered one night a week and now we're going to be able to expand into 2, maybe 3 nights a week so it's
been very popular. They keep filling up so we just want to keep offering them to allow that service. Into
the preschool and youth programs, once again we'll be offering the Daddy /Daughter Date Night or the
Daddy /Daughter Sweetheart Dance this year. Do a Friday and Saturday. Continues to be a very popular
event. Also going to be offering a new program this year, calling it the Mom and Son Construction Zone.
It's going to be very similar to the Daddy /Daughter Date Night but this year we're going to add you know
the mother and son component and kind of do some crafts and games. Maybe play in the dirt a little bit
so should be a fun event. Flipping onto the back side. Under the youth programs, continuing to offer
some art programs. Some babysitting training. A new one this year, we're offering a Madden 13
tournament. Working with the, one of the local resident here has a video game system operation so we're
going to try to maybe dip into that and kind of get maybe some older kids involved. We're also offering a
winter geo- cashing. Winter survival camp and a youth archery camps. Some school release camps on
Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day for when the kids are out of school. Adult programs popular out
at the Rec Center. We have the 3 on 3 basketball league that Jerry will be operating as well as the Tae
Kwan Do, Yoga classes and Zumba classes that Jodi operates out at the Rec Center so we have a lot going
on. You know no matter if it's summer or winter we always have lots going on so excited about some of
the new programs and some of the programs that have been going on for a while. Does anybody have any
questions about any of the winter programs?
Tom Kelly: The Madden 13, is that Dave Saladay that you're working with?
Johnson: Yep, that's correct. Yep. He approached me after the 4 of July last year to see what we could
try so we'll try that and see what kind of what happens. Maybe expand.
Cole Kelly: Thank you Mitch.
Cole Kelly: We've got Arbor Day planting to discuss.
Hoffman: The staff with the planners that do this, Jill Sinclair and her crew and then the Environmental
Commission would like to hear your thoughts on which park you would like to go to next. Lake Ann is
substantially complete with the projects out there at those ballfields so Lake Susan, North Lotus,
Bandimere. Any thoughts for the Environmental Commission that we could forward to them?
Cole Kelly: Any thoughts? When is Arbor Day?
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Hoffman: Right around the Last week of April, first week of May.
Cole Kelly: Because we've got a few changes going out at Bandimere so it might not be a great year to
go there. With the changes going on.
Scharfenberg: I would recommend Lake Susan.
Cole Kelly: I think that's as good a place as any.
Hoffman: Yeah, there's lots of ash trees that need some, are going to need some replacement out there.
There's also been some tree Loss. Lake Susan has some ash trees that need replacing and then there's also
been some tree loss just right at the entryway. So we'll make a recommendation to Lake Susan for 2013
Arbor Day.
Cole Kelly: Okay, thank you Todd. Oh sorry.
Tom Kelly: Before we get to the administrative packet, I just have a question about the park dedication
fund as it relates to the proposed apartment complex that's going to go where the driving range used to be.
I'm just curious what type of park dedication do you think will come of that development?
Hoffman: Okay. Due to the current zoning they are not in a position to be forced to pay many of the city
fees so park dedication fee would be among those fees but they've agreed to pay those at a 50% rate
instead of zero. In that case that would be approximately $425,000 in park dedication fees for that
apartment unit.
Tom Kelly: Is that something that they could back away from at any time because it's a voluntary, so if
they have cost overruns can they back away from that or.
Hoffman: Not once they enter into a development contract with the City.
Boettcher: And what is this for again?
Hoffman: It's a proposal for an apartment unit. 200 units or better at the Swings. Yep, at the Swings
property on Highway 5 and Galpin. Seen a lot of neighborhood opposition. It will go to the Planning
Commission and the council.
Tom Kelly: It goes this month I think right, to both places?
Hoffman: Yep.
Tom Kelly: I was just curious what, what was in it for the park dedication funds. A significant amount of
Hoffman: Absolutely. It would be over 800 if it was at full rate but there are, some places when you
don't have to subdivide, for example Audubon Motorplex. Lots of activity out there but no park fees
because they did not have to subdivide the property. The legal trigger to park dedication fees is the
subdivision process. That's when the City can come and impose those fees. If there's no subdivision
then we cannot impose park and trail dedication fees.
Ryan: Is that on the north side of 78 then or?
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Hoffman: South side.
Boettcher: Northwest corner.
Ryan: Northwest corner.
Boettcher: Of Galpin and 78 Where the golf driving range used to be. Right across from Kwik Trip.
Ryan: Oh, okay.
Cole Kelly: There's still like the 200 and the 250 signs there.
Hoffman: Yep. Those would be left out there. Would all be on the other side.
Ryan: Is it the same development that's on the east side of Galpin then? Just a little bit further down.
Boettcher: It's all separate.
Ryan: It's all the different.
Boettcher: There's actually a meeting tomorrow night and I'm part of it. Our neighborhood is against it
because of traffic flow and it's not zoned residential right now I believe is correct. It's commercial.
Hoffman: Commercial. Yep.
Cole Kelly: Thank you. Anything else before we move on to the Administrative Packet? Okay.
Cole Kelly: Todd I think you're, anything you want to point out in the administrative packet?
Hoffman: Not in the printed packet but I have some additional just administrative notes for the
commission. If you're out taking a look at the trails, we're no longer using lathe, wood lathe for trail
markings for winter. You'll notice there are pink flags and so, they've been working quite well. The
lathe, the dogs really like the lathe. The wood lathe and the kids so.
Canon: Swords.
Hoffman: Yep, so we're changing it up but you'll see a lot of pink flags and if you're wondering what
those are that's for trail plowing. Kelsey Kes who was our most recently our Rec Sports Coordinator and
this summer our program assistant will be leaving the City of Chanhassen on December 19 Going to
Prior Lake for a full time position. She'll be down working with Peter so we'll be saying our farewells to
Kelsey on the event on the 18 and we'll also be advertising for a new Rec Sports Coordinator so pass
the word on that position. That will be out there and advertised. We are currently soaking the turf and
aggregate ice rink locations to get some moisture in the ground. There's very little moisture there so
when we do start seeing frost, once we start dumping the real large amounts of water, if we don't have
substantial frost in the ground it will just melt right through and we'll lose anything we start. So we want
to get some moisture in the ground so if you see the trucks out doing that and you get questions, why are
you flooding the rinks on a 40 degree day, that's what's going on. We're just getting some moisture in
the ground.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission — November 27, 2012
Cole Kelly: Thank you Todd. If there's no one has any other, anything else to bring up, do we have a
Scharfenberg moved, Carron seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim