LymanWCACorpsPermitApplication_Nov9_2012v4Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 1 (August 2007) NA -026620 -03C Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application Forms for Water/Wetland Projects PUBLI C TRANSPORTATION AND LINEAR UTILITY PROJECTS STANDARD APPLICATION For Internal Use Only Application No. Field Office Code Date Initial Application Received Date Initial Ap plication Deemed Complete INV: “See HEL P ” for important additional information and assistance in Instructions section IS THIS AN ORIGINAL OR AMENDED NOTICE? (check one) This is an original notice , dated October 23, 2012 This is an amended notice , dated 1. APPLICANT ROAD AUTHORITY INFORMATION: Road authority applicant: Carver County Public Works Department Contact person (name and title): Lyndon Robjent, P.E. (Public Works Director, County Engineer) Complete mailing address: 11360 Hwy 212, Suite 1, Cologne, MN 55322 Business phone: (952) 466 5200 e-mail: CarverCountyPW@co.carver.mn.us 2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION County: Carver Road name and/or number: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Project termini: west terminus: 800 feet e. of CSAH 15 (Audubon Road); east terminus: 700 feet east of CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard) Project number: SP 010-618-013 attach PROJECT LOCATION MAP 3. attach SOILS MAP (if available) 4. PROJECT CATEGORY (check all that apply): Repair rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement of existing roads that impact wetlands (including wetland areas of DNR Public Waters). If so, indicate size of impact (check one of the choices below): Less than 10,000 square feet of wetlands (see HELP 4). Greater than 10,000 square feet of wetlands. New road or modification of an existing road solely to increase traffic capacity impacting any amount of wetland area, river, lake or stream impact (excluding wetland areas of DNR Public Waters). Placement, maintenance or repair of linear utility projects. 5. PROPOSED TIMELINE: A pproximate project start date: Fall 2013 Projected end date: Fall 2014 . Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 2 (August 2007) 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Check all that apply. Include a detailed overhead view of your plan that clearly depicts the work to be undertaken. See What To Include on Plans (Instructions Page 2). Guardrail improvement Turn lane: improvement of existing Guardrail improvement w/slope flattening Turn lane: new construction Resurfacing Slope flattening Culvert work; repair, extension or replacement Bridge work: repair Stream diversion Bridge work: replacement Shoulder work: repair widening Reconstruction (existing roads) Shoulder widening with ditch grading Other New road constructio n Additional lanes solely for traffic capacity Linear utility Projects 7. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $5 million Funding Sources (%): Federal 80 State Local 20 8. SEQUENCING CONSIDERATIONS: What alternatives to this proposed project have you considered that could have avoided or minimized impacts to wetlands or water? For new construction only - list at least two alternatives (one of which may be “no build” or “do nothing”), and explain why you chose to pursue the option described in this application over these alternatives. Space above is not adequate - sequencing considerations are attached 9A. IMPACT SUMMARY: Impacts to lakes and watercourses only. I ndicate total amount of impact in square feet or acres for water body area(s) to be filled, drained, inundated or excavated. For watercourses indicate length of stream or river affected in linear feet (see HELP 9A). Location of Impact Section, Twp, Range County Name and Wate rshed No. Public Waters Name and ID Number Impact(s) for Lakes (square feet or acres) Impact(s) for Watercourse(s) (in linear feet ) See Appendix A AFFIRMATION For Public Waters impacts: I am applying for state and local authorization to conduct the work described in this application. I am familiar with the information contained i n this application. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true, complete and accurate. I possess the authority to undertake the work described, or I am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant IF your project will impact ONLY DNR Public Waters, proceed directly to the Applicant Signature Block on Page 5. Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 3 (August 2007) 9B. IMPACT SUMMARY: For impacts to wetlands only: when attaching information o n a separate sheet – use this same format ID of Wetland Basin Impacted Major Watershed Name or No. County Section, Twp, Range Wetland Circ. 39 Type / Wetland Plant Community Type (see HELP 9B) Size of Wetland Impact Size of Wetland Basin See Appendix A TOTALS OF AREA (S) IMPACTED for each wetland vegetative community / wetland type in acres or square feet: Seasonally flooded basin T 1 Floodplain forest T 1L Sedge meadow T 2 Fresh (wet) meadow T 2 Wet to wet mesic prairie T 2 Shallow marsh T 3 Deep marsh T 4 Shallow Open Water T 5 Shrub carr or alder thicket T 6 Hardwood or coniferous swamp T7 Open or coniferous bog T 8 1.88 ac TOTAL IMPACT FOR THE PROJECT: 1.88 ac 9C . Are any of these impact sites within 1000 feet of a l ake or 300 feet of a river? No Yes If YES, please explain. Portions of the project area are within 300 feet of Bluff Creek, a DNR Protected Watercourse. 10. TYPE and AMOUNT OF F ILL MATERIAL: e.g., rock, sand, clay or concrete (indicate amount of cubic yards.) 100,000 CY 11. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: For projects that require a COE standard individual permit, attach a list of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS that includes complete names an d mailing addresses of adjacent property owners whose property also adjoins the wetland or water body where the work is being proposed. 12. PORTION OF WORK ALREADY COMPLETED: Is any portion of the work already completed? No Yes If YES, attach DESCRIPTION OF WORK COMPLETED and provide permit numbers if applicable. 13. STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS: Attach STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS LIST , include any other permits, reviews, or approvals related to this proposed project that are either pending, or have already been approved or denied (see HELP 13). STATE EAW AND EIS REQUIREMENTS: Are state Environmental Assessment Worksheets or Environmental Impact Statements required for this project (see HELP 13)? no, not required yes, indicate status below ARCHEOLOGICAL OR CULTURAL RESOURCES DETERMINATIONS: Are you aware of any archeological or cultural resource determinations or surveys completed concerning the project or replacement site that are already completed or in process by the State Historical Society Preservation Office (SHPO) or others? No Yes. If YES, please explain below or attach a copy of any determinations or surveys. (MnDOT CRU Section 106 letter, dated April 19, 2012) Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 4 (August 2007) IF the project will use federal funds , please check the following boxes: The Section 106 (of the National Historic Preservation Act) review for this Federal Aid Highway Program funded project has been completed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) per the 2005 Section 106 Programmatic Agreement. The Section 7 (of the Endangered Species Act) review for this Federal Aid Highway Program funded project has been completed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) per the letter dated April 11, 2007 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Fish and Wildlife Service. If the box above has been checked, copies of the Section 7 determinations are attached. 14. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Are you aware of any special considerations that apply directly or indirectly to either the impact sites(s) or the replacement sites(s)? Examples may include the presence of endangered species, special fish and wildlife resources, sensitive surface waters, calcareous fens, or waste disposal sites. (see HELP 14). Not aware of any special considerations Yes, attach a list of SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS and include brief descriptions of each consideration listed. 15. ON-SITE MITIGATION CONSIDERATIONS . List any important site -specific wetland functions and describe options considered for mitigation of these functions onsi te. 16. HOW WILL PROPOSED REPLACEMENT BE ACCOMPLISHED: Wetland Banking only ? No Yes (if Yes, proceed to Question 17) Project -specific replacement only ? No Yes (if YES, check all that apply below and proceed to Question 19) Project –specific replacement and Wetland Banking? No Yes (If Yes, check all that apply bel ow, and proceed to Questions 18 and 19) For projects involving any project –specific replacement Part A: The replacement wetland (affirm all statements): Was not previously restored or created under a prior approval replacement plan or permit; AND Was not drained or filled under an exemption during the previous 10 years, AND Was not restored with financial assistance from public conservation programs; AND Was not restore d using private funds, other than those of the landowner, unless the funds are paid back with interest to the individual or organization that funded the restoration; and the individual or organization notifies the local government unit in writing that the restored wetland may be considered for replacement. Part B: Additional assurances (check all that apply); The wetland will be replaced before or concurrent with the actual draining or filling of a wetland. An irrevocable bank letter of credit, performed bond, or other acceptable security has been provided to guarantee the successful completion of the wetland replacement. The wetland losses will be replaced via withdrawal from an account in the State Wetland Bank. Part C : For projects involving any project-specific replacement: I will record the Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants of the deed for the property of which the replaceme nt wetland(s) will be located; and I will at the same time submit proof of such recording to the LGU. Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 5 (August 2007) 17. IF REPLACEMENT CONSISTS OF WETLAND BANKING, check appropriate option(s) below: BWSR Road Replacement Program: this option is available only for repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement of existing county, township or city roads. (Note: the TEP must certify that the project qualifies for this option – page 6.) If all of your replacement qualifies for this option - you do not need to answer the remaining questions, please skip to the Applicant Signature Blocks (Pages 5 and 7 ). State Wetland Bank - proceed to Question 21. (You must also complete the Application fo r Withdrawal of Credits Form and include with your application, see HELP 17 ). 18. FOR PROJECTS INVOLVING REPLACEMENT BY WETLAND BANKING: I affirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief that all information in this application is true, complete an d accurate. I affirm that the wetland losses will be replaced via withdrawal from an account in the State Wetland Bank. I affirm that a completed withdrawal form has been submitted to the BWSR Wetland Bank Coordinator for replacing losses through the Sta te Wetland Bank. 19. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND (S) CONSTRUCTION: (Complete this section only if you are conducting project-specific replacement). See HELP 19 and attach this description on a separate sheet of paper labeled DESCRIPTION OF REPLA CEMENT WETLAND CONSTRUCTION. 20. SURPLUS WETLAND CREDITS: If using project-specific replacement, will the replacement result in any surplus wetland credits that you wish to have deposited in the State Wetland Bank for future use? No Yes. If Yes, submit a Wetland Banking Application directly to your LGU. Copies are available from your LGU, or you may download a copy from www.bwsr.state.mn.us 21. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLANDS: Complete the chart be low for all wetland replacement sites (including bank sites) except for replacement to be completed through the BWSR Road Replacement Program. If your project has more than one wetland replacement site, reference your overhead view to this chart and see HELP 21. Name of Wetland Replacement Site Major Watershed number County Section Township Range Predominant Vegetation Proposed Wetland Circ. 39 Type / Plant Community Type 1 New Wetland Credits (NWC) Public Value Credits (PVC) Restored or created? Indicate R or C #1444 33-Minnesota Type 1/3 (fresh -wet meadow/ shallow marsh 0.46 Ac SWC R TOTALS: 0.46 Ac SWC Applicant Signature Block To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true, complete and accurate. I possess the authority to undertake the work described, or I am acting as the duly appointed agent of the applicant. October 23, 2012 . Signature Date Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 6 (August 2007) FOR LGU USE ONLY For projects involving construction of new roads, increased traffic capacity or linear utility of projects, the replacement plan is (Check one): Approved Approved with conditions (conditions attached) Denied _________________________________ _____________ LGU official signature Date LGU has received evidence of title and proof of recording of Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland: _________________________ ________________ _________________________________ County where recorded Date Recorded Document # assigned by Recorder ____________________________ ____________ LGU official signature Date FOR TEP USE ONLY This section must be completed for projects affecting more than 10,000 sq. ft. of wetland involving repa ir, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of a currently serviceable existing state, city, county, or township public road necessary to meet state or federal design or safety standards or requirements, and for which the impacts are proposed to be replaced by BWSR through the Public Road Replacement Program. No debit of wetland banking credits shall occur until a majority of the TEP members recommend approval by signing below. As indicated below, TEP members recommend the BWSR debit the State Wetl and bank to provide replacement for wetland impacts identified on this form, and certify the following: • The public road authority has provided project-specific reports to TEP members at least 30 days prior to beginning construction, or within 30 days afte r an emergency repair resulting in less than 10,000 ft 2 of impact; and • The TEP has reviewed minimization and delineation decisions made by the public road authority and determined the decisions to be satisfactory. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree SWCD Representative (Date) BWSR Representative (Date) Agree Agree Disagree Disagree LGU Representative (Date) DNR Representative (if applicable) (Date) Public Transportation and Utility Projects, Page 8 (August 2007) Instructions for the Standard Application HELP 3: Attach a copy of the County Soil Survey map for the project area. HELP 4: Please note that a PART II: PUBLIC ROAD MAINTENANCE SHORT FORM has been developed for use with maintenance projects that qualify as either minor or emergency work impacting: min or or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of wetlands subject to the WCA, OR  minor or emergency work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of certain DNR Public Water Wetlands (i.e., those not assigned a shoreland classification, not classified as lacustrine wetlands or deepwater habitats, or not having state or federal land ownership), provided a copy of this form is sent to the DNR Waters area office prior to initiation of the project, OR  DNR Public Water Wetlands and wetland areas of DNR Public Waterbasins when the DNR has received a copy of the Public Road Maintenance Short Form Notice and has waived the requirement for a DNR Public Water Work Permit to either the LGU responsible for WCA or the public road authority responsible for reporting wetland impacts to the Board of Water and Soil Resources, OR  Existing public road crossings of DNR Public Waters . Contact the DNR Waters Area Hydrologist if assistance is needed on shoreland, lacustrine or deep -water determinations. HELP 9A: See www.dnr.state.mn.us/watersheds/map.html for a state map with watershed names and numbers. HELP 9B : For wetland type/classification, refer to Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin (Eggers and Reed, 1997) as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers. Eggers & Reedd Community Classificastion Abbreviation Circular 39 Type Seasonally flooded basin SFlB Type 1 Floodplain forest Ffor Type 1L Sedge meadow SeMe Type 2 Fresh (wet) meadow WM Type 2 Wet to wet -mesic prairie WmP Type 2 Shallow marsh Sh Ma Type 3 Deep marsh DpMa Type 4 Shallow open water OpW Type 5 Shrub swamp ShWw Type 6 Wooded swamp WoSw Type 7 Bog BOG Type 8 HELP 13: Ot her permits, reviews or approvals related to the project may include the following: conditional use permit; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit; state disposal system permit (includes dredged material disposal: watershed district/watersh ed management organization permit (storm water, erosion, floodplain); groundwater appropriation permit; or county/township driveway/road permit. If you do not know whether your project requires state Environmental Assessment Worksheets or Environmental Imp act Statements, contact the Environmental Quality Board, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155. Phone 651-297-1257. e-mail: eqb@mnplan.state.mn.us. Web site: www.mnplan.state.mn.us/eqb/review.html . Contact the State Historic Preservation Office for a determination. Phone: 651-296-5434. email: mnshpo@mnhs.org. HELP 14: If you wish to obtain information on state-listed threatened and endangered species and other natural resource elements cont act the DNR Natural Heritage Program at 651 -296-7963. HELP 17 : Copies of the Application for Withdrawal of Credits forms are available from your LGU, or you may download a copy from www.bwsr.state.mn.us Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 1 HELP 19 : Describe, in detail, how mitigation wetland(s) will be constructed. If several methods will be used describe each method. Details should include: 1) type of construction (such as excavated in upland, restored the tile brea k, restored by ditch block or revegetated); 2) type size and specifications of outlet structures; 3) elevations relative to Mean Sea Leve l or established benchmarks of key features (such as sill, emergency overflow or structure height); 4) what best manage ment practices will be implemented to prevent erosion or site degradation; 5) proposed project start and end dates; and 6) a vegetation management plan. Attach this description on a separate sheet of paper labeled DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND CONST RUCTION . For projects involving at least some project -specific replacement, include the following additional information:  Two drawings to scale of the replacement wetland. Include both overhead view and profile view (side view or cross-sectional view). Without drawings, your application will be considered incomplete.  For created replacement wetlands , include additional soils information (if available ) that indicates the capability or the site to produce and maintain wetland characteristics.  Note 1: For replacement wetlands located on pipeline easements , you need to receive endorsement of your project from both the easement holder and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Office of Pipeline Safety. Before state of construction, the owner of any utilities involved must be notified. The landowners or contractor is responsible for giving this notice by calling Gopher State One-Call at 651 -454-0002 (Twin Cities Metro Area) or 1-800-252-1166 (all other locations).  Note 2: For extensive or complex proje cts , supplementary information may be requested at a later date from one or more of the responding agencies. Such information may include (but not be limited to) the following topographic map, water table map, soil borings, depth soundings, aerial photogr aphs, and environmental assessment and/ or engineering reports. HELP 21 : If you do not have access to some of the information requested, or if you do not know your replacement ratio, call your LGU or SWCD office for assistance. Refer to Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin (Eggers and Reed, 1997) as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers. What to include on Plans for the Standard Application Detailed overhead views of impact site(s) and replacement site(s), as well as profile view(s) of replacement site(s) may be hand drawn, computer generated or professionally prepared, as long as they contain all necessary information clearly, accurately, and in adequate detail. Please include specific dimensions whenever possible. You may also include photos, if you wish. Overhead views of impact site(s) and replacement site(s) should include the following items that pertain to your project: 1. Location and extent of shoreline, wetlands and water. 2. Section, township and range of site(s). 3. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include length, width, elevation and other measurements, including old and new alignments, as appropriate. 4. For bridge and culvert projects, include hydrology and hydraulic reports as applicable. 5. Points of reference (such as existing bridges, culverts, landscape features). 6. Location of inlet and outlet structures. 7. Indication of north. 8. Location of spoil and dispo sal sites (if applicable). 9. Location of photo reference points for future monitoring of replacement site(s). Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 2 Profile views (side or cross sectional views) of replacement site(s) shoul d include the following items that pertain to your project: 1. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity. Include elevation, depth, soil profile, side slope, and other measurements as appropriate. 2. Proposed water level elevation. 3. Are as of wetland and upland plants established on replacement site(s). Other information 1. Property boundaries. 2. Location and extent of shoreline and water. 3. Location and dimensions of proposed project, structure or activity include length, width, elevation and other measurements as appropriate. 4. Points of reference (such as existing bridges, culverts or landscape features). 5. Location of inlet and outlet structures. 6. Indication of north. 7. Location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable). Final Checklist Attachm ents must include: Project Locator Map Description of Work Completed (Question 12; if answered “Yes”) Overhead View of Project Adjoining Property Owners (for projects that require a COE individual permit) Status of Other Approvals List Signed applicatio n for the Department of the Army Permit (Page 5) to seek Federal authorization of your project? Attachments may also include: Sequencing Considerations (Question 8; if additional space is needed) Listing of Special Consideration (Question 14; if answered “yes”) SHPO archaeological or cultural resource determinations or surveys (Question 13; if required and if completed) If project includes any wetland banking, attachments must include: Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits If project includes any project specific replacement, attachments must include: 1) Description of Replacement Wetland Construction; 2) Vegetation Management Plan (HELP 19); and 3) Two drawings to scale (HELP 19) Preparing Your Application for Mailing. To apply for both state and Federal authorization, your application must include Pages 1 -5, the Federal application (Page 7) and attachments as indicated on final Checklist (Instructions Section). Make three copies of the entire application and all attachments. Keep the ori ginal, and mail the three copies to the appropriate local, state, and Federal agencies (see below). Mailing your application. Mail a complete copy of your application to each of the local state, and Federal entities listed below. If you are using the Pub lic Road Maintenance Short Form Notice include required attachments. LOCAL : Send to the appropriate Local Government Unit (LGU). Contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) web site (www.bwsr.state.mn.us) for this information. SWCD offices are also listed on the BWSR web site. Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 3 For local road projects that qualify for wetland replacement under the BWSR Public Road Replacement Program, also send a complete copy of the application and Page 6 with the TEP member signatures to BWSR Public Road Replacement Program 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 (phone 651-297-7965) STATE : Send to your a rea DNR Waters office, attention Area Hydrologist . Contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or the DNR web site (www.dnr.state.mn.us) for this information. Area offices can also be determined by contacting the applicable Re gional DNR office: NW Region: 2115 Birchmont Beach Road N.E. NE Region: 1201 East Highway 2 Bemidji, MN 56601 Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Phone: 218-755 -3973 Phone: 218-327 -4416 Central Region : 1200 Warner Road Southern Region: 261 Highway 15 South St. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone: 651-772 -7910 Phone: 507 359-6053 FEDERAL: Send to the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory field office: Brainerd: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 10867 E. Gull Lake Drive N.W. Brainerd, MN 56401-9051 Phone: 218-829-8402 St. Paul: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch Army Corps of Engineers Centre 190 5 th Street East, Suite 401 St. Paul, MN 55101-9051 Phone: 651-290-5375 La Crescent : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 1114 South Oak Street La Crescent, MN 55947 -1338 Phone: 507-895-8059 Two Harbors: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 1554 Highway 2, Suite 2 Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: 218-834-6630 Public Transportation and Linear Utility Projects Instructions, Page 4 APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTAL PERMIT INFORMATION Supplemental Information for Application October 2012 CSAH 18, Carver County Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR WCA/ CORPS JOINT PERMIT APPLICATION For CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Carver County Highway Department PROJECT BACKGROUND INFORMATION The project area is located within the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (see Figures 1 and 2). The project’s western terminus is approximately 800 feet east of CSAH 15 (Audubon Road), and the eastern terminus is approximately 700 feet east of CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard). Three existing wetlands are proposed to be impacted by the project, including wetlands associated with Bluff Creek, a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) protected watercourse near the middle of the project. Figures 3Athrough 3C depict the proposed roadway layout with the associated wetland impacts, discussed further in Item 9B. Land use in the project vicinity consists mainly of agricultural and rural residential, with wetlands otherwise occupying much of the undeveloped land. Wetland boundaries were delineated and approved in 2007 for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) which was also completed in 2007 (See Appendix E for relevant e -mail correspondence to members of the TEP and Corps). Delineation metho dologies were consistent with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (’87 Manual). Wetlands in the project area consist mainly of wet meadows and shallow marshes, with an overall dominance by reed canary grass (Phalarisarundinacea ) and cat tails (Typha sp.). Wetlands partially impacted include W -14, W -15, W -16 and a small area peripheral to Bluff Creek (unnumbered). Several other wetlands were delineated in the project area; however, these wetlands will not be impacted with the proposed project (See Appendix D - Wetland Delineation Report for additional information . Appendix A provides information supplemental to the permit application. Appendix B provides a General and Detailed Location Map. Appendix C provides pl an sheets of the project area depicting delineated wetland boundaries, limits of construction, and calculations of wetland impacts for each of the delineated wetlands. Appendix D contains the wetland delineation report prepared for the project area. Appe ndix E shows shows relevant e -mail correspondence to members of the TEP and the Corps concerning approval of Barbara Walther’s wetland delineation and acceptance of this document to serve as the basis for permitting. The following numbered sections refer to numbers within the permit application form. 6. PROJECT PURPOSE, DESCRIPTION and DIMENSIONS PROJECT PURPOSE Supplemental Information for Application October 2012 CSAH 18, Carver County Page 3 The purpose of the project is to ease projected congestion, improve safety and address necessary improvements to accommodate the future traffic growth related to the existing Chanhassen High School and other adjacent developments in the area. The need for the project is identified in the Carver County Transportation Plan (2007). Carver County is experiencing a high level of population growth, with most of the growth taking place in the central and eastern portions of the county. The cities of Chaska, Chanhassen, Victoria and Waconia are estimated to account for over half of the total county population by 2030. The 2030 County population forecast is almost triple the year 2000 population. Due to the current and expected future population growth, congestion in areas of central and eastern Carver County is expected to rise on county facilities, occurring frequently during the peak hours. This con gestion is expected to increase even with the construction of the new TH 212 between the City of Carver and the border with Hennepin County. Without the project, the CSAH 18 corridor will continue to experience increasingly unacceptable levels of congestio n and associated safety issues. The purpose of the specific impacts to the wetlands, as previously described, includes roadway fill impacts. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT S This project involves reconstruction of the segment of CSAH 18 from approximately 800 feet east of CSAH 15 (Audubon Road) to approximately 700 feet east of CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard), in the Cityof Chanhassen (see Figure 2). This project will accommodate c apacity and safety improvements to the roadway facility and its condition including drainage and stormwater management, access management and a pedestrian/bicycle facility. Theconstruction plans have been developed minimizing impacts to water and other na tural resources. Several existing stormwater management ponds will be utilized to accommodate runoff from the additional pavement within the project area. Wetlands that are proposed to be impacted are located within the right of way and at the toe of sl ope of the existing roadway. Impacts are directly related to the proposed improvements. 8. SEQUENCING CONSIDERATIONS Wetland Impact Avoidance The No -Build alternative would result in no impacts to wetlands. Maximum capacity, and its associated safety issues, can be expected to be reached within only a few years at the current rate of growth in this portion of Carver County (among the highest in the Twin Cities metropolitan area ). The traffic forecast for 2034 indicates 26,500 vpd in the project area.Therefore, the No -Build alternative would not meet the project goals. Alternative road alignments were evaluated to determine if the wetlands and Bluff Creek could be avoided and to identify minimization opportunities. Those wetlands proposed for impact are Supplemental Information for Application October 2012 CSAH 18, Carver County Page 4 located within the right of way, near or at the toe -of-slope of the existing roadway. Bluff Creek flows under the existing CSAH 18 corridor. Thus, complete avoidance is not feasible. In areas where wetlands are immediately adjacent to the existing roadway toe -of-slope, temporary impacts, due to muck removal to stabilize foundation soils, will be restored to preconstruction conditions by re -grading to original contours. These temporary impacts are quantified in Item 9B b elow . It is anticipated that temporary wetland impacts would not require mitigation other than restoration to pre-construction conditions. Wetland Impact Minimization Remaining unavoidable impacts were minimized to the extent practicable with steeper side slopes through the highway sections that are adjacent to wetlands, thereby minimizing the roadway footprint through these areas. Further steepening of side slopes in the vicinity of wetlands would have required guardrail. The pedestrian/bicycle facility will allow safe passage of students and other users along CSAH 18, and has been designed to minimize wetland impacts to the extent practicable. Further minimization is not feasible without compromising the project goals. Overall, the Preferred Alternative, evaluated in the EAW (2007), resulted in avoidance of the majority of the wetland impacts while still remaining economically feasible. Mitigation for Unavoidable W etland Impacts See Item #19 below. 9B. DESCRIPTION of WETLAND IMPACTS The proposed wetland impacts are located in Carver County, in the Minnesota River – Shakopee (33) Major Watershed and Bank Service Area 9 – Metro Area. Table 1 below lists the propose d impacts to wetlands located within the project area . The proposed wetland impacts are shown on Figures 3Athrough 3C. Additional information regarding the proposed construction including plan sheets are shown in Appendix C . Refer to Section 6: Project Pur pose, Description and Dimensions above for a complete description of the proposed impacts. A total of 1.88 acres of permanent wetland impact is proposed as a result of the roadway reconstruction. Of the 1.88 acres of impact, 1.65 acres are permanent and safety -related and 0.23 acres are trail -related. The permanent safety -related impacts include 0.17 acres of impact to Bluff Creek, a DNR Protected Watercourse, and are associated with culvert replacement, grading, rip -rap for culvert outfall within the channel north and south of Lyman Boulevard. The trail -related impacts were calculated based on the toe -of slope with trail versus toe -of-slope in a hypothetical no -trail si tuation. A cross -sectional diagram depicting typical trail impacts is provided at the end of the plan view drawings. As described in Item 8. Sequencing Considerations above, a total of __0.14__ acres of temporary impacts will be restored to pre -construction conditions. Supplemental Information for Application October 2012 CSAH 18, Carver County Page 6 Table 1 Wetland Impacts Located in Chanhassen Wetland ID, Topographic Setting ¼ ¼ Sec. (T116N, R23W) Type: Eggers & Reed/ Circ 39 Predominant Vegetation Total wetland area (ac) Permanent Roadway Impacts Temporary Roadway Impacts Permanent Trail Impacts W-10, tributary SW NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass , cattail * >20 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W -11, Flow -through SE NE 22 Shallow marsh/3 Reed canary grass, cattail >5 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-12, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Diverse sedges, grasses, forbs 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-13, Isolated SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Cattail, sedges, forbs <0.1 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac Bluff Creek S E NE ,NE SE 22 N/A Reed canary grass >20 0.17ac ** 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-14, Flow -through SE NE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, green bulrush, sedge >5 0.71 ac 0.09 ac 0.23 ac W-15, tributary NE SE 22 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass 0.7 0.14 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac W-16, tributary NE SE 22 NW SW 23 Wet meadow/2 Reed canary grass, cattail, willow 1.4 0.63 ac 0.05 ac 0.00 ac W-17, Isolated NE SW 23 Shallow marsh/3 Cattail 0.0* N/A N/A N/A W-18, tributary SW NW 23 Seasonally flooded basin/1L Box elder, maple, buckthorn 0.2 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac Total Permanent impact s (1.88 ac) 1.65 ac BWSR Road Replacement Program 0.23 ac County/City Mitigation Total Temporary i mpacts (0.14 ac) 0.14 ac Restored to pre -construction conditions * Determined by TEP to be outside of the scope of WCA during boundary approvals . ** Proposed impacts at the edge of Bluff Creek consist of replacing culverts, grading, rock rip rap lining for outfall of culverts within actual channel north and south of Lyman Boulevard. Channel cross -section characteristics will be modified to accommodate the realigned culverts. Refer to Appendix C for the proposed construction plan sheets . 13. STATUS OF OTHER APPROVALS The Environmental Assessment Worksheet was published in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor on November 19, 2007. Public comments were accepted through December 19, 2007. A Negative Declaration was issued by the Carver County Board at the regularly schedule meeting on January 22, 2008. Supplemental Information for Application October 2012 CSAH 18, Carver County Page 7 19. DESCRIPTION OF REPLACEMENT WETLAND CONSTRUCTION Mitigation for the wetland impacts is required at a 2:1 ratio by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act [administered by the Corps of Engineers (COE)]. The 1.65 acres of wetland impacts associated with safety improvements will be mitigated usi ng the BWSR Road Replacement Program at a 2:1 mitigation ratio. Thus, 3.3 acres will be withdrawn from the BWSR Road Replacement Bank. The proposed safety improvements are all a reconstruction of an existing roadway. The 0.23 acres of wetland impact ass ociated with the multi -use recreational trail will be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio. Thus 0.46 acres of wetland credit will be purchased from account #1444 which is located in the same Bank Service Area (BSA 9) and Major Watershed (33 -Minnesota) as the proposed impacts. When the TEP and Corps have approved this replacement plan, we will forward a purchase agreement signed by the buyer and seller of credits, BWSR withdrawal form, and appropriate fees. Temporary impacts of __0.14__ acres are expected to result from muck excavation efforts to widen the roadway, and these impacts will be returned to pre -construction conditions at the conclusion of the project. Document1 APPENDIX B Project Location Figures Figure 1: Project Location Figure 2: Project Area !"#494 !"#94 !"#35 !"#35W !"#35 !"#394 !"#694 !"#35E ANOKA WASHINGTON HENNEPIN RAMSEY CARVER DAKOTA SCOTT Chanhassen BENTON ISANTI CHISAGO SHERBURNE SIBLEY GOODHUE NICOLLET LE SUEUR RICE Figure 1 J:\Maps\Figure_1_projectArea_053012.mxd Project Area MINNESOTA WISCONSIN IOWA Project Area Carver County, MN 0510 Miles °CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013 Carver County, Minnesota CHANHASSEN ?û A @ ?û A @ NATURAL RESERVE )z G rW X G qW X G oW X CHASKA A u d o b o n R d N o r t h ?©A @ Bluff Creek TC&W Railway BLUFF CREEK SCHOOL RECREATION CENTER CHANHASSEN NATURE PRESERVE STONE CREEK PARK BLUFF CREEK PRESERVE POWER HILL PARK SUNSET RIDGE PARK LAKE SUSAN PRESERVE LAKE SUSAN PARK PRAIRIE KNOLL PARK BANDIMERE COMMUNITY PARK BANDIMERE HEIGHTS PARK CHANHASSEN HILLS PARK BLUFF CREEK GOLF COURSE PIONEER PARK SHADOW WOOD PARK HAZELTINE NATL GOLF CLUB P o w e r s B l v d Lyman Blvd G a l p i n B l v d P ar k R d C S A H 1 4 B l u f f C r e e k B l v d W a t e r s E d g e D r B l u f f C r e e k D r O ld G r e a t P la in s B lv d C o u l t e r B l v d Pioneer Tr L a k e D r E Audubon Rd South M a r k e t B l v d G r e a t P l a i n s B l v d W 7 8 t h S t A r b o r e t u m B l v d S i m o n s D r H e s s e F a r m R d W i l d w o o d W a y M i s s i o n H i l l s L a Sh a d o w W o o d L a F l a m i ng o D r C r e e k w o o d D r A l i s a L a O r i o l e A v e P a r k C t F o x H o l l o w D r M a r k e t B l v d B l u f f P a s s N B l u f f C r e e k B l v d G a l p i n C t G r e e n v i e w D r H e r o n D r P a u l y D r M c g l y n n D r F o r e s t R d g L u k e w o o d D r P a r k P l W e s t L a k e C t W e s t F a r m R d L a k e D r W Q u i n n R d A c o r n R d T i m b e r v i e w T r W 7 9 t h S t H e i d i L a L a k o t a L a W 96th St W e s t o n R i d g e P k w y C o m m o n w e a l t h B l v d H a lla N u r s e r y D r E W i l d f l o w e r L a 86th St A u t u m n W o o d s D r I r o n w o o d D r L a k e S u s a n D r O s p r e y L a V a l l e y R id g e T r S P a r k D r D a y L i l y L a W e s t L a k e D r D r a k e C t B l u e b i l l T r T i m b e r w o o d D r S u n s e t T r H o m e s t e a d L a S t o n e C r e e k D r S u m m e r f i e l d D r Kiowa Tr C h a n h a s s e n H i l l s D r N B o u l d e r R d G r e a t P l a i n s B l v d S c h u l l e r C t V a l l e y R i d g e T r N J u l i a n D r L a k e H a z e l t i n e D r S u s a n H i l l s D r W a s h i n g t o n B l v d Susan Susan Hazeltine Hazeltine Riley Riley Figure 2a Figure_2a_projectLocaton053012.mxd Project Location CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013 Carver County, Minnesota Project Location Project Location Stream 01,0002,000 Feet °Trail Chanhassen High School CHANHASSEN ?û A @ ?û A @ NATURAL RESERVE )z G rW X G qW X G oW X CHASKA A u d o b o n R d ?©A @ BLUFF CREEK SCHOOL RECREATION CENTER CHANHASSEN NATURE PRESERVE STONE CREEK PARK BLUFF CREEK PRESERVE POWER HILL PARK SUNSET RIDGE PARK LAKE SUSAN PRESERVE LAKE SUSAN PARK PRAIRIE KNOLL PARK BANDIMERE COMMUNITY PARK BANDIMERE HEIGHTS PARK CHANHASSEN HILLS PARK BLUFF CREEK GOLF COURSE PIONEER PARK SHADOW WOOD PARK HAZELTINE NATL GOLF CLUB P o w e r s B l v d Lyman Blvd G a l p i n B l v d P ar k R d C S A H 1 4 B l u f f C r e e k B l v d W a t e r s E d g e D r B l u f f C r e e k D r O ld G r e a t P la in s B lv d C o u l t e r B l v d Pioneer Tr L a k e D r E Audubon Rd M a r k e t B l v d G r e a t P l a i n s B l v d W 7 8 t h S t A r b o r e t u m B l v d S i m o n s D r H e s s e F a r m R d W i l d w o o d W a y M i s s i o n H i l l s L a Sh a d o w W o o d L a F l a m i ng o D r C r e e k w o o d D r A l i s a L a O r i o l e A v e P a r k C t F o x H o l l o w D r M a r k e t B l v d B l u f f P a s s N B l u f f C r e e k B l v d G a l p i n C t G r e e n v i e w D r H e r o n D r P a u l y D r M c g l y n n D r F o r e s t R d g L u k e w o o d D r P a r k P l W e s t L a k e C t W e s t F a r m R d L a k e D r W Q u i n n R d A c o r n R d T i m b e r v i e w T r W 7 9 t h S t H e i d i L a L a k o t a L a W 96th St W e s t o n R i d g e P k w y C o m m o n w e a l t h B l v d H a lla N u r s e r y D r E W i l d f l o w e r L a 86th St A u t u m n W o o d s D r I r o n w o o d D r L a k e S u s a n D r O s p r e y L a V a l l e y R id g e T r S P a r k D r D a y L i l y L a W e s t L a k e D r D r a k e C t B l u e b i l l T r T i m b e r w o o d D r S u n s e t T r H o m e s t e a d L a S t o n e C r e e k D r S u m m e r f i e l d D r Kiowa Tr C h a n h a s s e n H i l l s D r N B o u l d e r R d G r e a t P l a i n s B l v d S c h u l l e r C t V a l l e y R i d g e T r N J u l i a n D r L a k e H a z e l t i n e D r S u s a n H i l l s D r W a s h i n g t o n B l v d Susan Susan Hazeltine Hazeltine Riley Riley Figure 2b J:\Maps\6098\Figure_2b_projectLocaton_053012.mxd Project Location – USGS CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd) Reconstruction from CSAH 15 to CSAH 17 S.P. 010-618-013 Carver County, Minnesota Project Location Project Location 01,0002,000 Feet ° APPENDIX C PLAN SHEETS WITH WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITS W- 15 0.14 AC. (PERM)W-10 0.00 AC. (PERM)W-11 0.00 AC. (PERM)W-12 0.00 AC. (PERM)W-13 0.00 AC. (PERM)EXISTING STORMWATER POND SP-A W-14 0.71 AC. (PERM)0.23 AC (TRAIL)0.09 AC (TEMP)W-14 W-14 BLUFF CREEK 0.17 AC. (PERM)BLUFF CREEK BLUFF CREEK W- 16 0.63 AC. (PERM)0.05 AC (TEMP)W- ##SP- ##H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-01 Job # 6098-P3 10/23/2012 - 3:05PM WETLAND IMPACTS CSAH 18 FROM AUDUBON ROAD TO POWERS BOULEVARD S.P. 010-618-013 / S.P. 010-617-020 / S.P. 194-020-009 CARVER COUNTY Figure 3A MATCH LINE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W-14 W-16 W- 17 CLASSIFIED NOT A WETLAND W- ##SP- ##H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-02 Job # 6098-P3 10/23/2012 - 3:06PM WETLAND IMPACTS CSAH 18 FROM AUDUBON ROAD TO POWERS BOULEVARD Figure 3B MATCH LINE MATCH LINE S.P. 010-618-013 / S.P. 010-617-020 / S.P. 194-020-009 CARVER COUNTY W-18 0.00 AC. (PERM)0.00 AC (TRAIL)W- ##SP- ##H:\Projects\6098-P3\HI-MU\Graphics\WCA Permit\6098-P3_WCA01.dwg : WET-03 Job # 6098-P3 10/23/2012 - 3:07PM WETLAND IMPACTS CSAH 18 FROM AUDUBON ROAD TO POWERS BOULEVARD Figure 3C MATCH LINE MATCH LINE INSET A MATCH LINE INSET A S.P. 010-618-013 / S.P. 010-617-020 / S.P. 194-020-009 CARVER COUNTY APPENDIX D WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) from TH 41 to CSAH 17 Carver County, Minnesota WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT August 2007 Prepared by: SRF #: 0076098 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 1 - AUGUST 2007 Introduction/Methodologies This report documents wetland delineation efforts for the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 18 (Lyman Boulevard) reconstruction proj ect, between Trunk Highway (TH) 41 and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard), in the Cities of Chanhassen and Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota (Appendix A, Figure 1). Wetlands (Appendix A, Figures 2A and 2B) were delineated in July of 2007 using the routine method set forth in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual . This method is required under both the federal Clean Water Ac t and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). Using this method, wetland boundaries are determined through an examination of vegetation, soils and hydrology. Criteria and indicat ors for each of these parameters are outlined in the ’87 Manual. Wetland edges were mark ed with pink flagging bearing the writing “WETLAND DELINEATION” or pink flag pins bearing the writing “Wetland Delineation/SRF Consulting”. Wetland edges were also surveyed in the field using th e Trimble GeoXT handheld GPS unit with submeter accuracy. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil survey of Carver County and USGS topographic ma ps were reviewed prior to commencement of field work. Note: The Chanhassen High School (ISD 112) site was not delineated for this report, as construction was underway during 2 007, and recent previous delineations had been completed for that project site. The attached data sheets (Appendix B) document dominant plant species, results of soil sampling and observations of hydrology at representative transect locations. In addition, identified wetlands are classified according to methodologies set forth in Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota & Wisconsin - Second Edition (USCOE Publication; Eggers and Reed. 1997) and Wetlands of the United States (USFWS Circular 39, Shaw and Fredine, 1971). Climatologic data (Appendix C) was also reviewed for evaluating problem areas with no evidence of hydrology. Description of Wetland Resources General Description of Project Area The proposed project involves reconstruction of the 3.0 mile segment of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 18 (including improvements at the CSAH 15 intersection with CSAH 18) between Trunk Highway 41 and CSAH 17 to accommodate improvements to the roadway facility and its condition includi ng drainage, access management and pedestrian/bicycle facility improvements. Included with this proposed project is a pedestrian underpass that will provide a safe route for future pedestrian crossing under CSAH 18. CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Table 1 lists the soils in the project area, acco rding to the USDA NRCS Soil Survey of Carver County. The soil survey information is al so included on Figures 2A and 2B. TABLE 1. PROJECT AREA SOILS WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 2 - AUGUST 2007 Wetlands Identified in the Project Corridor Twenty-one areas exhibiting the criteria for we tlands were delineated within the project limits and are listed in the table below. Of these, th ree are storm water ponds th at were constructed in areas not previously wetland. Greater detail concerning soil s and hydrology are given in the attached wetland delineation data forms. Bluff Creek flows thr ough the project area as the sole Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Protected Water (watercourse) within the project area. TABLE 2. PROJEC T AREA WETLANDS Area ID ¼, ¼, Sec. (T116N, R23W) Total area (acres) Type (Eggers & Reed/Circ.39), Topo. setting Dominant Vegetation Notes W-1 SW, SW 16 2.4 Shallow open water/Type 5, isolated Open water with fringe of cattails and willows Located on hydric soil, although appears to have been excavated. W-2 SE, SW 16 >10 Deep marsh/Type 4, isolated Submergent aquatics with fringe of cattails and willows Connects to W-3. W-3 SW, SE 16 1.6 Deep marsh/Type 4, isolated Submergent aquatics with fringe of cattails and willows Connects to W-2. W-4 NW, NE 21 0.3 Shallow marsh/ Type 3, isolated Cattails Bisected from W-3. W-5 SE, SE 16 1.0 Shallow open water/Type 5, isolated Open water with minimal fringe Recently re-shaped, connects to W-3. W-6 NW, NW 22 0.3 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Reed canary grass Remnant corner of drained wetland that is actively farmed. W-7 SW, NE 21 >10 Shallow marsh/ Type 3, tributary Cattails, reed canary grass Shallow marsh that connects to Hazeltine Lake under railroad tracks. W-8 NW, NW 22 1.0 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Reed canary grass, cattails Bisected from W-6 by railroad. W-9 NE, SW 22 2.9 Shallow marsh/ Type 3, tributary Cattails, reed canary grass Outlets to W-10 and ultimately Bluff Creek. Hydric Soils (Map symbol) Non-hydric Soils (Map symbol) Cordova-Webster complex (CW) Kilkenny-Lester loams (KB) Glencoe clay loam (GL) Lester-Kilkenny loam (KB2, KCX, KDX, KE2, KF) Hamel loam (HM) Lester-Kilk enny clay loams (ND3, NE3) Klossner muck (PM) Terril loam (TB, TC) Houghton-Muskego mucks (MK) CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 3 - AUGUST 2007 Area ID ¼, ¼, Sec. (T116N, R23W) Total area (acres) Type (Eggers & Reed/Circ.39), Topo. setting Dominant Vegetation Notes W-10 W ½, NE 22 >20 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Reed canary grass, cattails Community actively being burned/restored during 2007. W-11 SW, NE 22 >5 Shallow marsh/ Type 3, flow-through Reed canary grass, cattails Bisected from W-10 by recreational trail. Bluff Creek flows through this wetland. W-12 SW, NE 22 0.2 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Diverse sedges, grasses and forbs This wet meadow has a diverse vegetation community. W-13 SW, NE 22 0.03 Wet meadow/Type 2, isolated Cattails, sedges, forbs Small wet meadow adjacent to recreational trail. W-14 SW, NE 22 >5 Wet meadow/Type 2, flow-through Reed canary grass, green bulrush, sedge Bluff Creek flows through western portion of this wet meadow. W-15 NE, SW 22 0.7 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Reed canary grass Flows into Bluff Creek channel. Abuts recent development site. W-16 NW, SW 23 1.4 Wet meadow/Type 2, tributary Reed canary grass, cattails, willow W-17 NW, SW 23 0.2 Shallow marsh/ Type 3, isolated Cattails Excavated shallow marsh. W-18 SE, NW 23 0.2 Seasonally flooded basin/Type 1L, tributary Box elder, maple, buckthorn Outlets into wetland on east side of CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.). SP-1 SE, SW 16 0.1 N/A Cattails Storm pond. SP-2 SW, SW 15 0.8 N/A Open water Storm pond. SP-3 NE, SW 22 0.1 N/A Open water Storm pond. Discussion Many of the wetlands delineated along the project area have been affected by the roadway and development. In fact, at the tim e of the delineation discussed in this report, wetlands along the Chanhassen High School constr uction site were actively unde rgoing change (NOTE: No wetlands were delineated adjacent to or within this construction site for this report). The wetland edges were often define d by a sharp rise in topography and a not iceable change in vegetation, typically from reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea ) and cattails (Typha ssp .) to a roadway shoulder or mowed lawn. In addition, storm water ponds have been created along the project corridor. The storm ponds exhibit clear and abrupt boundari es, and therefore, no transect data was collected for these resources. Figur es 2A and 2B (Appendix A) show the wetland delineation, storm water pond, ditch and trans ect plot data collection locations. Of note for this field season is the below norma l precipitation, and theref ore lack of ‘normal circumstances’ in accordance with the ‘87 Manual. Antecedent precipitation for the growing season thus far has been drier than normal (see Appendix C). This follows an overall below normal growing season from 2006, as well. Ar eas where standing water would normally be expected throughout the growing season, such as w ithin a dense stand of cattails, were observed with no surface water. In fact, soil pits dug within cattail stands often did not have water within 12 inches of the surface. Th erefore, determinations of we tland edges were based upon best CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA professional judgment regarding what would be expected during normal circumstances from topographic setting, aerial photography and s ubtle changes in vegetative communities. W-1 is a shallow open water area at the western project terminus, we st of TH 41. A sharp rise in topography is evident surrounding this wetland, and only a narrow fringe of emergent vegetation and willows exists between the wetland and the upland mowed landscape. Based on this observation and the 1993 update to the USGS Topogra phic map, this basin was likely excavated. Water enters this wetland mainly from precipitation and runoff, as inlets were observed. The area is located partially within Hamel loam (hydric) though the delineated area is not mapped on the NWI. [Note: This basin has been relabeled SP-1 A, as it was determined to be a storm pond. 9/13/07. bw] Photograph 1: Wetland W-1, taken from TH 41, facing west, August 9, 2007. W-2 is a deep marsh that has had all but its western boundary manipulated by the roadway and development. Maple/basswood upland forest remains on the western edge. W-2 was once contiguous with W-3, prior to development, though it remains hydrologically connected to W-3 through a culvert under Norex Drive. It is shown on the NWI mapping and is located on hydric soil (mucks), and water en ters this wetland from groundwat er and precipitation. Transect data (T-1) was collected at the southern edge of the wetland. Photograph 2: Wetland W-2, taken from Ly man Boulevard, facing north, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 4 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-3 is a deep marsh that has had its boundary manipulated by the roadway and development, including recent reworking at its eastern limits. W-3 was once contiguous with W-2, prior to development, though it remains hydrologically c onnected to W-2 through a culvert under Norex Drive. It is shown on the NWI mapping and is located on hydric soil (mucks), and water enters this wetland from groundwater and precipitati on. Transect data is represented by T-1. Photograph 3: Wetland W-3, taken from Ly man Boulevard, facing north, August 9, 2007. W-4 is a shallow marsh dominated by cattails that was bisected from the wetland complex that once comprised W-2, W-3, W-4 and W-5. It is located on hydric soils (mucks) and is mapped on the NWI. Transect data is represented by T-1. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 5 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Photograph 4: Wetland W-4, taken from Ly man Boulevard, facing south, August 9, 2007. W-5 is a shallow open water basin that was recen tly reworked in associ ation with adjacent development. It is located on hydric soils (mucks ) and is mapped on the NWI. A sharp and distinct topographic rise from th e water level resulted from the fi nish grading, and there was only weedy vegetation established on the slope s at the time of the delineation. Photograph 5: Wetland W-5, taken from Ly man Boulevard, facing north, August 9, 2007. W-6 is a wet meadow associated with a ditch at th e edge of a drained wetland that was planted to soybeans in 2007. It is locat ed on hydric soils (mucks) and is mapped on the NWI. Transect data (T-2) was collected at its western edge. Photograph 6: Wetland W-6, taken from Lyma n Boulevard, facing southwest, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 6 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-7 is a shallow marsh surrounded by development that outlets directly to Hazeltine Lake under the railroad grade to the south. It is lo cated on hydric soils (mucks) and is mapped on the NWI. There is a forested fringe between this wetland a nd the agricultural field to the east. Transect data (T-3) was collected al ong this eastern edge. Photograph 7: Wetland W-7, taken from its east edge, facing west, August 9, 2007. W-8 is a wet meadow that was bisected from W-6 and the adjacent drained wetland area by the railroad grade. It is located on hydric soils (Hamel) and is mapped on the NWI. Dominated by reed canary grass, this wetland is supported mainly by precipita tion and groundwater. Transect data is represented by T-2. Photograph 8: Wetland W-8, taken from Lyma n Boulevard, facing southwest, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 7 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-9 is a shallow marsh dominated by cattails that is surrounded by an agricu ltural field. It is located on hydric soils (Glencoe ) and is mapped on the NWI. A large culvert outlets from this wetland to a channel that flows to W-10. Transect data (T-4) was collected on the north edge of this wetland. Photograph 9: Wetland W-9, taken from Lyma n Boulevard, facing southwest, August 9, 2007. W-10 is a large wet meadow wetland complex that al so has some portions of shallow marsh. It is located on hydric soils (muc ks) and is mapped on the NWI. While it is dominated by reed canary grass, restoration efforts were obser ved during the 2007 growing season as being undertaken by Prairie Restorations, Inc. At th e time of the delineation, the bulk of the area had been burned. Topographic shifts were readily apparent due to the burn-off of the dense reed canary grass, and with the help of vegetative communities that had already been restored, a clear interpretation of the wetland boundary was po ssible. Some manipula tion of the wetland’s western edge, from the adjacent Chanhassen School construction site, was apparent. W-10 and W-11 were once part of the same wetland complex and were bisected by the recreational trail. Transect data (T-5) was collected at the s outhern edge of this wetland complex. Photograph 10: Wetland W-10, taken from Lyman Boulevard, facing north, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 8 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-11 is the wetland through which Bluff Creek fl ows. W-11 had once been contiguous with W-10, until construction of the recreational trail. It is located on hydric soils (Hamel) and is mapped on the NWI. A steep and distinct topographi c rise and shift in th e vegetative community is apparent along this wetland edge, and no transe ct data was collected for this wetland. Photograph 11: Wetland W-11, taken from Audubon Road, facing west, August 9, 2007. W-12 is a diverse wet meadow just north of the recreationa l trail adjacent to W-10. It is located on non-hydric soils (Lester-Kilkenny) and is not ma pped on the NWI. Transect data (T-6) was collected on the northern e dge of this wetland. Photograph 12: Wetland W-12, taken from Audubon Road, facing west, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 9 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-13 is a small wet meadow adjacent to the edge of the recreationa l trail. It is located on non-hydric soils (Lester-Kilkenny) and is not mapped on the NWI. Tran sect data (T-7) was collected on the southwest edge of this wetland. Photograph 13: Wetland W-13, taken from r ecreational trail, facing east, August 9, 2007. W-14 is a wet meadow associated with Bluff Cr eek, that passes through its western portion. Dominated by reed canary grass, this wetland doe s exhibit some diversity with green bulrush (Scirpus atrovirens ), swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata ) and various sedges. Transect data (T-8) was collected on the eas t edge of this wetland. Photograph 14: Wetland W-14, taken from its east edge, facing west, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 10 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-15 is a wet meadow also associ ated with Bluff Creek, though channelization of the creek has resulted in a separation of the wetland from the channel, except for culv ert connection. It is located on hydric soils (Glencoe ) and is mapped on the NWI. This wetland is bounded by Lyman Boulevard to the north and recent earth work for adjacent deve lopment. Transect data is represented by T-8. Photograph 15: Wetland W-15, taken from Lyma n Boulevard, facing sout heast, August 9, 2007. W-16 is a wet meadow at the toe of the steep side slope on the south side of Lyman Boulevard, and it is bounded by agricultural fields on the south. It is located on hydric soils (Hamel) and is partially mapped on the NWI. Transect data (T-9 ) was collected on the east end of this wetland. Photograph 16: Wetland W-16, taken from Lyman Boulevard, facing south, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 11 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA W-17 is a shallow marsh dominated by cattails. It is located on non-hydric soils (Lester-Kilkenny) and is not mapped on the NWI. This basin appears to have been excavated, as it exhibits an abrupt shift in topography from the edge of cattails to the surrounding upland. Photograph 17: Wetland W-17, taken from pr ivate driveway, facing north, August 9, 2007. W-18 is a small seasonally flooded basin that is dominated by box elder and buckthorn. It is located on non-hydric soils (Lester-Kilkenny) and is not mapped on the NWI. Transect data (T-10) was collected on the south edge of this wetland. Photograph 18: Wetland W-18, taken from its south edge, facing north, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 12 - AUGUST 2007 CSAH 18 (LYMAN BOULEVARD) FROM TH 41 TO CSAH 17 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA SP-1 , SP-2 and SP-3 (no photo for SP-3) are excavated ba sins located in areas of non-hydric soils that were not previously wetland (i.e. no t mapped on NWI). These basins were constructed for stormwater management, and they exhibit steep and abrupt shif ts from water up to landscaped upland. Photograph 18: SP-1, taken from Lyma n Boulevard, facing west, August 9, 2007. Photograph 19: SP-2, taken from CSAH 19, facing east, August 9, 2007. WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 13 - AUGUST 2007 APPENDIX A FIGURES Figure 1 – Project Location Figures 2A and 2B – Wetland Delineation, Soils, NWI APPENDIX B WETLAND DELINEATION DATA SHEETS APPENDIX E RELEVENT E -MAILCORRESPONDENCE WITH TEP AND CORPS CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE OF WETLAND DELINEATION Minnesota Office of E Mail Stop 6 395 John I r St. Paul, M N April 19, 2 0 Cynthia W a SRF Cons u One Carlso n Minneapol i Re: S.P T1 1 Dear Ms. W We have re responsibil i amended (3 Agreement Carver Co u (Audubon R currently a divided fo u divided fo u roadway. W ped/bike tr a b e needed f The projec t the project c indirect eff e from the pr o resources w archaeolog i constructio n and are not The findin g currently p r informatio n Sincerely, Elizabeth J .State Progr a Cultural R e cc: Ter e Mn D Departmen t nvironment a 20 r eland Boule v N 55155-18 9 0 12 a rzecha u lting Group, n Parkway N i s, MN 5544 7 P . 010-618-01 1 6N R28W S W arzecha: viewed the a b i ties for com p 3 6 CFR 800), between the u nty plans to r R d. South) a n rural, undivi d ur -lane sectio n ur -lane sectio n W ork will inc a il along the n f or the projec t t area of pote n c onstruction l e cts includes o ject b y veg e w ithin the AP E i cal resource s n . The archi t eligible for t h g of this offic e r oposed. If t h n and we will . Abel a ms Adminis e sources Unit e sa Martin, Mn D D OT CRU Proj e t of Transpo r a l Services v ard 9 9 I nc. orth, Suite 1 5 7 -4443 3 (CSAH 18 ects. 22 & 2 3 b ove-referen c p liance with S and as per t h FHWA and t h r econstruct a n d CSAH 17 (d ed two-lane n . West of C S n . There will lude the wid e n orth side of C t . n tial effect (A l imits, inclu d the first tier o e tation, topog r E . The APE h s due to distu r t ecture/histor y h e National R e is that there h e project sc o conduct an a trato r Coordi D OT CRU e ct File r tation 5 0 reconstructi o 3 , Chanhasse n c ed undertaki n S ection 106 o f h e terms of th e h e Minnesot a segment of C (Powers Blv d section. Rec o S AH 15, CS A be minor ho r e ning of traff i C SAH 18. N A PE) for dire c d ing te m porar y o f properties a r aphy or oth e h as low pote n r bance cause d y properties w R egister of H i will be no h i o pe changes, p dditional rev i nato r o n, CSAH 15 n , Carver Co u ng pursuant t f the Nationa e 2005 Secti o a State Histo r C SAH 18 (Ly m d .) in Chanha s o nstruction w A H 18 has al r r izontal and v i c lanes and c N arrow strips o ct effects to c u y and perma n a djacent to t h e r features. T n tial for cont a d by previous w ithin the AP i storic Places .i storic prop e p lease provid i ew. Office T F a to CSAH 17 )u nty t o our FHW A a l Historic Pr e o n 106 Progr a r ic Prese r vati o m an Blvd.) b s sen. The ro a w ill upgrade t h r eady been u p v ertical adjus t c onstruction o o f additional u ltural resou r n ent easemen t h e project tha t T here are no k a ining unide n s roadway an d E are less th a . e rties affecte e our office w T el: (651) 366 a x: (651) 366 ) A -delegated e servation A c a mmatic o n Office. etween CSA H a dway here i s h e roadway t o p graded to a t ments to the o f a two-way right of way w r ces is define d t s. The APE t are not scre e k nown cultur a n tified intact d utilities a n 50 years o f d b y the proj e w ith the revis e 6 -3604 -3603 c t, as H 15 s o a w ill d by for e ned a l f age e ct as e d From:Jeffrey Olson To:Natalie Ries Subject:Lyman: September 23 2010 e-mail from Ken Powell (BWSR)Date:Friday, May 25, 2012 12:57:23 PM Attachments:image001.png From: Powell, Ken (BWSR) [mailto:Ken.Powell@state.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:11 AM To: Jeffrey Olson; john.smyth@bonestroo.com; ggraczyk@co.carver.mn.us; bmonk@chaskamn.com;tjeffery@ci.chanhassan.mn.us; Gleason, John (DNR); michael.t.setering@usace.army.mil Cc: Cynthia Warzecha; Natalie Ries; Jim Gersema Subject: RE: Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) Improvements: west terminus - County 117, east terminus CSAH 17  Jeffrey, Regarding the wetland delineation, I talked with Lynda Peterson from our office (she was the BWSR rep out there at that time) and she recalls that LGU reps for Chan and Chaska did the field review of the delineation and it was accepted by the rest of the TEP for permitting purposes. My position is that if the LGUs are comfortable utilizing the delineation for further permitting, then I am as well. The delineations on many of these road projects are fairly straight forward, so I am not sure this warrants a full TEP review if the LGU reps have already done that. We can discuss further at the TEP meeting. Ken Powell Senior Wetland Specialist MN Board of Water & Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road N.St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-296 -0874 E-mail: ken.powell@state.mn.us Website: www.bwsr.state.mn.us From: Jeffrey Olson [mailto:jolson@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 4:06 PM To: john.smyth@bonestroo.com; Powell, Ken (BWSR); ggraczyk@co.carver.mn.us;bmonk@chaskamn.com; tjeffery@ci.chanhassan.mn.us; Gleason, John (DNR);michael.t.setering@usace.army.mil Cc: Cynthia Warzecha; Natalie Ries; Jim Gersema Subject: Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) Improvements: west terminus - County 117, east terminus CSAH 17  Hello  Members  of  the  TEP  and  Associated, Planning  and  engineering  is  just  getting  underway  for  the  easternmost  portion  of  Lyman  Boulevard (CSAH  18) - from  County  117  to  CSAH  17.  I  have  spoken  with  most  of  you  via  phone  conversation this  afternoon  to  assure  that  all  the  correct  TEP  personnel  (and  associated) are  included  in  our ongoing  coordination. You’ll  recall  that  Barbara  Walther  (formerly  SRF  - now  Corps) completed  a  wetland  delineation report  (attached) - the  basis  for  wetland  impacts  described  a  Corps  permit  issued  in  June  2008 (attached).  A  Pre-Permit  Application  TEP  was  held  on  Mar  3  2008.  We  are  sending  you  all  the attached  information  to  update  you  on  the  agency  coordination  that  has  already  occurred. We  are  getting  underway  on  permitting  for  the  current  portion  of  the  Lyman  Boulevard Improvements.  Our  engineering  won’t  be  at  a  level  of  effort  to  allow  accurate  wetland  impact assessment  until  mid  2011.  It  is  our  hope  that  the  TEP  (and  associated) will  concur  that  the attached  delineation  report  without  modification  can  serve  as  the  basis  for  the  WCA/ Corps  Joint Permit  for  the  current  roadway  improvement. We’ll  be  scheduling  a  pre-Application  TEP  meeting  for  this  project  several  months  from  now.  We’ll have  a  better  grasp  then  as  to  how  much  mitigation  would  likely  derive  from  the  BWSR  Road Replacement  Program  (safety-related) and  how  much  would  derive  from  other  sources  (non safety-related).  I’ll  look  forward  to  working  with  you  all  on  this  project.  Please  call  me  if  you  have any  questions. Best  Regards, Jeffrey W. Olson Senior Wetland Scientist SRF Consulting Group, Inc.One Carlson Parkway North Suite 150 Plymouth, MN 55447-4443 (763) 249 6789 (work)e-mail: jolson@srfconsulting.com    Jeffrey W. Olson  Associate  Wetland  Scientist/ Botanist SRF  Consulting  Group, Inc.direct: phone  number  763.249  6789| eMail  address:  jolson@srfconsulting.com main: 763.475  0010  | mobile: 651  278  8653 One  Carlson  Parkway  North, Suite  150, Minneapolis, MN  55447-4443 www.srfconsulting.com   1 Natalie Ries From:Gleason, John (DNR) <john.gleason@state.mn.us>Sent:Thursday, August 30, 2012 1:14 PM To:Jeffrey Olson Cc:Natalie Ries Subject:RE: 6098 Lyman - Bluff Creek figure and text Hi, Jeffrey. Yes, a  DNR  Public  Waters  Work  permit  is  required  to  replace  the  culvert  so  you’ll  need  to  submit  an  application  to  me.  I  can  waive  wetland  impacts  to  the  WCA  LGU.   Please  include  in  the  permit  application  the  EAW’s  “record  of  decision”, which  is  required  as  part  of  the  permit  application.  Jack   John  (Jack) Gleason  | Area  Hydrologist  ‐ West  Metro  | MnDNR  | 1200  Warner  Road  | St. Paul, MN  55106  | T: 651 ‐259 ‐5754   | John.Gleason@state.mn.us       From: Jeffrey Olson [mailto:jolson@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 1:02 PM To: Gleason, John (DNR) Cc: Natalie Ries Subject: FW: 6098 Lyman - Bluff Creek figure and text  Hello  John,  We  are  nearing  completion  of  the  Project  Memorandum  for  the  Lyman  Boulevard  project.  Just  to  update  you  a  bit  on  project  milestones  ‐ we  received  a  DNR  review  letter  from  Joe  Kurcinka  in  December  2007  (see  attached).  I  have  also  attached  PDFs  of  a  figure  that  relates  to  Bluff  Creek  and  some  wetland/creek ‐related  docum entation.  A  portion  of  Bluff  Creek  (DNR  Protected  Watercourse) will  be  impacted  as  part  of  the  proposed  road  improvements.  The  impacts  to  Bluff  Creek  include  replacing  a  culvert   which  runs  under  the  existing  Lyman  Boulevard.  The  linear  length  of  the  culvert  replacement  within  the  construction  limits  is  approximately  200  feet.  The  total  square  footage  of  th is  impact  is  approximately  783  SF.  The  purpose  of  this  e ‐mail  is  to  coordinate  with  you  and  to  verify  that  indeed  a  Public  Waters  Work  Permit  would  be  required  for  the  proposed  improvements.  We  are  within  a  few  weeks  of  beginning  permitti ng  for  this  project  (including  WCA/Corps  Joint  Permit, watershed ‐related  permitting, and  the  Public  Waters  Work  Permit).  Could  you  respond  in  a  short  e ‐mail  prior  to  September  10, 2012  that  indeed  a  Public  Waters  Work  Permit  would  be  required.  And  certainly  include  any  comments  or  concerns  that  you  may  have.  I  hope  all  is  we l l  with  you.  Have  a  nice  Labor  Day  weekend.  Thanks!  Best  Regards,   Jeffrey  W. Olson   Associate  Wetland  Scientist/ Botanist  SRF  Consulting  Group, Inc. direct: phone  number  763.249  6789| eMail  address:  jolson@srfconsulting.com An Equal Opportunity Employer Who Values Diversi ty DNR Information: 651-296 -6157 1-888 -646 -6367 TTY: 651-296 -5484 1-800 -657 -3929 December 14, 2007 Mr. William Weckman Assistant County Engineer, Carver County 11360 Highway 212 West, Suite 1 Cologne, Minnesota 56322 RE: CSAH 18 from TH 41 to CSAH 17 Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) Dear Mr. Weckman: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has reviewed the EAW prepared for the CSAH 18 reconstruction project. We offer the following comments for your consideration. Permits and Approvals Required (Item 8). The project will affect Bluff Creek, which is a Public Waters watercourse. Because realignment of the portion of Bluff Creek where it flows under CSAH 18 is proposed, the project requires an individual DNR Public Waters permit. The permit application should provide detailed plans for the stream re-alignment and road crossing. Please contact Area Hydrologist John Gleason at 651-259-5754 for more information. Physical Impacts on Water Resources (Item 12). The project as proposed would affect 6.4 acres of wetlands. The EAW describes some of these wetlands as having a high function for flood retention and stormwater management. To replace the lost functions and values in the local area, we recommend the replacement of some wetland on-site, rather than exclusively through wetland banking. One apparent opportunity for on-site replacement is the area between Wetland 2 and the proposed “Arbor” stormwater pond. Thank you for the opportunity to review the EAW. We look forward to receiving your record of decision at the conclusion of environmental review. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact staff ecologist Michael North at 320-255-4279 ext. 235. Sincere ly, Joseph M. Kurcinka Regional Director ERDB 20080053 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 651.772.7900 An Equal Opportunity Employer Who Values Diversi ty DNR Information: 651-296 -6157 1-888 -646 -6367 TTY: 651-296 -5484 1-800 -657 -3929 CC: Wayne Barstad, Bernice Cramblit, Bonita Eliason, John Gleason, Dale Homuth, Michael North, Heather Tetrault (DNR) Jon Larsen (EQB) Nick Rowse (USFWS) Bluff Lake Lyman Blvd Powers Blvd Audubon Rd Sunset Trl Lake Susan Dr Sunridge Ct Valley Ridge Trl Flamingo Dr Lyman Ct Oakside Cir Powers Blvd HM KC2 MK KE2 KB TB GL KB PM GL KB KC2 KD2 NE3 KF KC2 GL KB2 KD KD2 KB ND3 KB KF KF KB KB HM NE3 NE3 KC KD KD2 HM NE3 KC2 KD2 ND3 TC KC2 HM KC2 HM KB ND3 ND3 GL GL KC KC2 KB2 KC2 KD NE3 PM KB KF KE2 KC2 KB2 NE3 ND3 TB HM KC2 KC GL NE3 NE3 HM KB KC MK MK HM PM TC NE3 MK ND3 455000 455000 455100 455100 455200 455200 455300 455300 455400 455400 455500 455500 455600 455600 455700 455700 455800 455800 455900 455900 456000 456000 456100 456100 456200 456200 456300 456300 456400 456400 456500 456500 456600 456600 456700 456700 4964900 4964900 4965000 4965000 4965100 4965100 4965200 4965200 4965300 4965300 4965400 4965400 4965500 4965500 4965600 4965600 4965700 4965700 4965800 4965800 4965900 4965900 4966000 4966000 0 900 1,800 2,700 450 Feet 0 200 400 600 100 Meters ±44° 50' 46''93° 32' 50''44° 50' 7''93° 32' 50''44° 50' 7''44° 50' 45''93° 34' 11''93° 34' 12''Map Scale: 1:8,510 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet.Soil Map—Carver County, Minnesota (CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard))Natural Resources Natural Resources Natural Resources Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Service Conservation Service Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/22/2012 Page 1 of 3 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI)Area of Interest (AOI)Soils Soil Map Units Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Gully Short Steep Slope Other Political Features Cities Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Map Scale: 1:8,510 if printed on A size (8.5" × 11") sheet.The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:12,000.Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements.Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 15N NAD83 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below.Soil Survey Area: Carver County, Minnesota Survey Area Data: Version 9, Jul 3, 2012 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7/18/2003 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident.Soil Map–Carver County, Minnesota (CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard))Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/22/2012 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Carver County, Minnesota (MN019)Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI GL Glencoe clay loam 22.6 6.8%HM Hamel loam 44.6 13.4%KB Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes 44.0 13.2%KB2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded 7.0 2.1%KC Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12 percent slopes 4.6 1.4%KC2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12 percent slopes, eroded 65.5 19.6%KD Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18 percent slopes 7.5 2.2%KD2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18 percent slopes, eroded 17.5 5.2%KE2 Lester-Kilkenny loams, 18 to 25 percent slopes, eroded 29.1 8.7%KF Lester-Kilkenny loams, 25 to 40 percent slopes 10.3 3.1%MK Houghton and Muskego soils 25.1 7.5%ND3 Lester-Kilkenny clay loams, 12 to 18 percent slopes, severely eroded 14.1 4.2%NE3 Lester-Kilkenny clay loams, 18 to 25 percent slopes, severely eroded 19.7 5.9%PM Klossner muck 8.6 2.6%TB Terril loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes 11.5 3.4%TC Terril loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes 2.1 0.6%Totals for Area of Interest 333.7 100.0%Soil Map–Carver County, Minnesota CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard)Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/22/2012 Page 3 of 3