Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS Work Session Items  Kortgard subdivision  West Fire Station Communication Antenna CUP & Site Plan  Jeurissen Property Subdivision – 1500 Pioneer Trail  Villages on the Pond (NE corner Main Street and Lake Drive) Site Plan Possible Future  Sinclair Site Subdivision, Site Plan, Variance Items (Date  LYMAN BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Request for a Unknown) Wetland Alteration Permit for proposed roadway reconstruction and improvement project of the segment of CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) between CSAH 15 (Audubon Road) and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard). Applicant: Carver County – Planning Case 2013-03. TH February 5 FRETHAM 15 ADDITION: Request for a four-lot single-family February 25 CC subdivision on 2.29 acres of property zoned RSF-Single Family Residential and located at 6300 Chaska Road (Lot F, except that part lying west of Highway 41, Bardwell Acres Lake Minnetonka). Applicant: Curt Fretham – Planning Case 2013-04  February 19 Chanhassen Gateway PUD Amendment and Crossroads of Chanhassen Site March 11 CC Plan Amendment March 5 March 25 CC March 19 April 8 CC April 2 WORK SESSION April 16 May 13 CC May 7 May 28 CC (Tuesday) May 21 June 10 CC June 4 June 24 CC June 18 July 8 CC July 2 NO MEETING DUE TO HOLIDAY g:\agendas\pc\future planning commission agenda items.doc