1c. Acquisition of Easements No 2 & 15 for Upper Blucc Creek Uility Improvement No 91-17 1 CITYOF —�... 11 1‘ CHANHASSEN , , 1 v 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 �,r (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 1 --it, Action by CM AdmInttPIPIO MEMORANDUM Endo'"" V Diet 111 NWT,' Don Ashworth, City ana Re'ertF tY g er Date _/ — O / Dete Subm tted to CommiS*I 1 FROM: Charles Folch, City Engineer Dete Suh": :tted to Cot14$ DATE: January 19, 1993 / .. 3 I SUBJ: Approve Agreements for Acquisition of Easement Nos. 2 & 15 for the Upper Bluff Creek Trunk Utility Improvement Project No. 91 -17 f Attached are the easement agreements for Easement Nos. 2 and 15 for the Upper Bluff I Creek Trunk Utility Improvement Project No. 9147. These agreements and the associated compensation represent values agreed upon by the property owner for Easement No. 15 and I value established by the City appraiser's review of the subject property for Easement No. 2. I have discussed this matter with our City Attorney who has recommended that the City approve and make offer on these appraised values in hopes of acquiring the necessary I easements or at least initiating the negotiation process. The acquisition of these easements will allow the contractor to continue progressing in an expeditious manner to complete the overall improvement project. Vi µ;` It is therefore recommended that the attached easement offers for Easement Nos. 2 and 15 for the Upper Bluff Creek Trunk Utility Improvement Project No. 91 -17 be approved. 1 ktm fir Attachments: 1. Letter from Gary Fuchs. ,. I 2. ry- -Appraisal for Easement No. 2. _ I c: Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer *s Phil Gravel, BRA Gary Fuchs, Campbell, Knutson, Scott & Fuchs 1 1 1 es to" PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1 I 01'20/93 09:26 1T612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTS 0] 002 1 CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT (St. FUCHS, PA. At turneys ut Law I '1'hon;a, I ('; implv [I (612) 452.5000 ktogur N KSIUTxsn Fax (612) 45: -5550 I T horn u M Sc rt ( Gary G. Fuchs pmr. R. Wni.;rL f EI1itItt B. Kraer ch 1 h ic.1%,cl A. 13rc,k1ck 14'r t 1). Srrinrr - January 20, 1993 1' ' • Mr. Charles Folch I City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box #147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 II Re: Upper Bluff creek Utilities Project 91-17 II Dear Charles: As you will recall, we have negotiated easements over all but two of the parcels involved in the above- referenced project II and have received the approval of the Council of those negotiated settlements for all but one. Not having included the last parcel in the prior submission to the Council was an oversight on my II part. The last parcel for which we have a negotiated settlement is Parcel 15 owned by Chan -Land Partners. The City is obtaining a II permanent easement over 217 square feet of that parcel. The owner has already allowed the contractor to enter onto the property and do the necessary work. We negotiated a total I payment of $100.00 to be paid to the owner for the easement. I recommend that the Council approve the negotiated payment and that, if approved, a check be issued payable to CHAN -LAND I PARTNERS in the amount of $100.00. The check can be sent to me and 1 will forward it to the partnership. The second parcel that should be submitted to the Council for approval is Parcel 2, the Redmond parcel. The project is t aking a permanent easement over 52,272 square feet of that parcel and a temporary easement over an additional 174,240 square • II feet. At our request, an appraisal was performed to determine the value of the damages that result from the permanent and temporary easements. A copy of that Appraisal is enclosed herewith. As you can see, on page 8 of the Appraisal, it is the appraiser's opinion that the value of the permanent and temporary easements is $58,550.00. 1 recommend that the city Council approve payment of that amount to Redmond Products_ II I hasten to point out that this payment may not end this matter. Redmond Products has granted the City the right to enter 11 . Suite 3:7 • Eagandale Office Center • 1360 Corporate C:enterCurve • Eagan, MN 55121 O1'20.93 09:26 '612 452 5550 CAMPBELL NT TS 003 • 1 onto to o o the_' property and t d the necessary work, but has not granted the permanent or temporary easements. While the City is obligated to pay the appraised value of the easement to the landowner, the owner is not obligated to accept the City's appraisal. It is possible, and perhaps probable, that Redmond Products will retain their own appraiser end, if a different value is received, will demand payment of additional, money. If a settlement agreement cannot be negotiated, the City may have to condemn the easement area: The payment recommended herein would of course be applied as a credit to any future payment requirements the City may have. Please submit both matters to the Council for consideration. I recommend approval of both payments. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Very truly. yours, , CAMPBELL, AI SON, SCOTT & FUCHS, i / By: 4 /� Gar ruc - GGr : kj h , Enclosure f cc. 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' Parcel 2 1 Redmond Products, Inc. 18930 West 78th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota i I CITY OF CHANFIASSEN UTULITIES EASEMENT n Chanhassen, Minnesota 1 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT: Outlot D, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park ,.- DATE OF VALUATION: October 7,1992 PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED; Permanent and temporary easements DAMAGE ESTIMATE FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY: 558,550 1 1 i Donald W. Pakko I Certified Federal General Appraiser Minnesota License #400x60 1 1 1 1 1 01/20/93 09:29 V612 452 5550 CAMPBELL iccrrs ON Z 006 I 1 • SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS , 1 , . 1 . I . ... • • . , 4.4 . ....„. ,.:,74.- 1 1 . .-z.„ -- iiit.r.; - - 1 . „_ ............L .... .. -'' ......„._ -,7_•:77..._,--.--.-.---.--(.fT-_-,-.::_ - ' - -- -. -1-,., _tr. •-•,.'.... -- • i -flok.t, .5kelm.ic...,;Z-.0..;',...-;-7401/kr--.4*--1 - R - ' .. .•: it- - -''''''' -.-.' . L. .r.,.7.:,..;,.::..--ik:V..,..,Q0t-'4"-'4'''' 'Orm. ' ''' ' II" ' , . V e.--1--'-- -' • 10: 1 Jahima.. ;At"' • ,, j ... 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Uhl ! t PP AV. emir n c ' t o 4071A rui A ' 101111 i -slum 410_, *a . zai. . I , • t. \ , ikVAVPV- "'lib 0 .10 .---11FA■ WY I I Nu � � BY 0TH OTHER'S - • rf �til 111111 tit # #p, 4 �r i s ti/,� I es ....r.. • t tlF3 i � _ _ _ it as �#* vi 4044 Oa u 4 j t I •- „ . PROF�OSED , sx .. ' '' 4 FORC IeAI � — ..—.. 1 , • • r. ,,p .,.• FUTUI I” 1 1,, 1 . i is TRUN � +g S l i -ice•+ 7� �� . 0. r te. , •, •� � r. , ! As k ` y — ,1 . I • 1 j f ! • i{ PROPOSED , LIFT STATION ' {. plat Map _ 1 01 %20.93 09:31 '$612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 0005 11 1 APPRAISAL OF: Outlot D, Chanhassen Business Park 1 Chanhassen, Minnesota a OWNERSHIP: Redmond Products, Inc. • R.M.Q.SELQE_THE REPORT: The ose of this appraisal is to estimate the loss in market value to the subject property due to - the acgmsition of permanent and temporary easements over the subject property. FUNCTION OF THE REPORT: I The function of this appraisal is to assist the City of Chanhassen in negotiating with the property il l owner on the compensation for the acquisition of a utilities easement. Y I SCOPE OF THE REPORT: The data gathering and analysis required for this report consists of on -site inspection of the subject property and of the comparable sales cited in this report. Data has been gathered from Carver Counry offices, City of Chanhassen office, and information obtained from several real estate sellers and buyers in this immediate area. Analysis includes the most probable selling price of the subject property as indicated by a plication of appropriate appraisal techniques. These techniques Include the Market Approa Icorae or Market Approach, and Cost Approach, wherever appropriate and relevant: Market Value is defined as the most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting i prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. I Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: I. buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. both parries are well informed or well advised, and each acting in what he considers his own best interest. 1 3. a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market 4. payment is made in terms of cash and U.S. dollars or in terms of financial axraagements 1 comparable thereto. 5. the price represents a normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or 1 creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. 01.20.93 09:31 '$`612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Z009 009 1 1 DATE (2F VALUE: The effective date of this appraisal is October 7, 1992. The property was physically inspected on ' August 20, 1992. PROPERTY DESCR 'IION AND NA T JRE OF TFIE TAKrN T: The subject property is a 50.66 tract of vacant land, consisting generally of open rolling land 1 The city proposes to acquire a permanent easement for utilities over a 20 foot wide strip of land which lies along the southerly line of the subject property, and a temporary easement during the period of construction which lies generally from 30 to 50 feet on either side of the permanent easement. Exact legal descriptions of the easements may be seen in the addendum of this report. ZONING: The subject property is zoned IOP, Office Industrial Park. The uses permitted under this zoning 1 may be seen un the addendum. The current use of the subject property is a compliant use under the zoning. 1 HIGHEST AND BEST USE: This is generally defined as the reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value as defined as of the date of the appraisal. Alternatively, the highest and best use is the use from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible and which results in the highest present Land value. The definition of highest and best use indicates that there are two types of highest and best use. The first type is the highest and best use of the land or site as if vacant. The second is the highest and best use of a property as improved. Since the subject property is unimproved, the highest and best use improved is not necessary. To establish the highest and best use of both the land as though vacant and the property as improved, a use must meet four criteria. The criteria are that the highest and best use must be: 1. Physically possible - size, shape, area, soils, availability of public utilities and terrain affect the uses to which land may be developed. 2. Legally, permissible - except for a legally non - conforming property, the first step is to , determine what is legally, permissible. Private restrictions, zoning, building codes, historic district controls, and environmental regulations are considered because they may preclude many possible highest and best uses. , 3. Financially feasible - the potential uses that are physically and legally permissible are analyzed further to determine those that are likel to produce some income, or return, greater than the combined income needed to satisfy operating expenses, financal expenses and capital amortization. 1 01:20 09:32 '$612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON el 010 • 4. Maximally roductive - among feasible es the use that provides the u p o g the financially uses, p highest rate of return, or value (given a constant rate of return) is the highest and best use, I The highest and best use conclusions provide the basis for the market value analysis. The remainder of the valuation process is conducted in relation to the highest and best use conclusions. Highes and Best Use As I f Vaca 1 Any light industrial use consistent with the uses permitted by the City of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. THE APPRAISAL PROCESS: I The estimate of damages due to a partial taking requires that the property be valued before the taking, and also after the taping. The damages to the property consist of the value of the property within the taking and damages to the remainder, if any. TI E BEFORE VALUE Since the subject property is vacant land, the most appropriate method of appraisal is by the market approach. This report contains an ample number of comparable sales to estimate the fee value of I the land. The following comparable sales data has been gathered, submitted, analyzed and adjusted for differences to estimate the land value of the subject property. 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 : 1 1 01.20.93 09:33 V612452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 2011 11 1 Sale 01 Sale 42 Sale 03 Sale 04 (subject) II Size: 50.66 ac. 5.72 Ac. 57.18 Ac. 23.75 Ac. Location: Audubon Dr.Lake Dr. Lake Dr. & Hwy 41 & II & SPP RR near CR 17 Market Blvd 82nd St Date of 12/6/89 10/89 12/88 02/20/89 Sale: II zoning: 1OP IOP I0P IOP Ind. Price: $1,412,275$171,750 $1,387,632 $680,725 Unit Price $.64 /SF $.69 /SF $.55 /SF $.66 /SF cond. of Sale: Cash Cash Unknown Typical II Adjustments: I Size: 1.02 .90 1.00 1.10 Location,: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Date of sale: 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.05 Utilities: 1.00 .70 .70 .70 II Zoning: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sale Conditions: 1.00 1.50 1.500 _1,12 Total Adjustments: 1.07 . 99 1.15 1.10 1 Adj. Sale Price: $ .68 /SF $.68/SF $.63/SF $.72 /SF The analyses of the above sales are difficult and uncertain because II they involve varying degrees of incentives under tax increment financing arrangements. 1 The sale of the subject property, with a minor adjustment for time,is the best indication of value. Also,an official of the Redmond company I indicated that the size of the subject property is 51.606 acres in size,as opposed to 50.66 acres per our records,thus the adjustment for size. The sales are all given adjustments for having all utilities. Eowever 1 they must be adjusted for conditions of sale because the assessments are to be paid under tax increment financing. II The other adjusted sales prices bracket the value indicated by the sale of the subject property, and lend support to that value indication. Accordingly the value of the subject property is estimated as: II 2,206,749 square x $.68 = $1,500,590, VALUE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BEFORE THE TAXING II 1 1 1 01 09:33 $612 452 5550 CAMPBELL DTTSON Z012 1 1 Sale #1, Sale #2 Sale 03 _ Sale #4 II (subject) Size: 50.66 ac. 5.72 Ac. 57.18 Ac. 23.75 Ac. Location;: Audubon Dr.Lake Dr. Lake Dr. & Hwy 41 & II & SPP RR near CR 17 Market Blvd 82nd St Date of 12/6/89 10/89 12/88 02/20/89 Sale: I Zoning: IoP IOP 10P 10P Ind. Price: $1,412,275$171,750 $1,387,632 $680,725 Unit Price $.64/$' $.69 /5F $.55/SF $.66 /SF cond. of II Sale: Cash Cash Unknown Typical Adj }:stments : 1 Size: 1.02 .90 1.00 1.10 Location: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Date of Sale: 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.05 Utilities: 1.00 .70 .70 .70 I Zoning: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sale Conditions: X00 A.50 1.500 1.50 Total Adjustments: 1.07 . 99 1.15 1.10 1 Adj, Sale Price: $ .58 /SF $.68 /SF $.63 /SF $.72/SF II The analyses of the above sales are difficult and uncertain because they involve varying degrees of incentives under tax increment financing arrangements. The sale of the subject property, With a minor adjustment for time,is the best indication of value. Also,an official of the Redmond company indicated that the size of the subject property is 51.606 acres in size,as opposed to 50.66 acres per our records,thus the adjustment for size. The sales are all given adjustments for having all utilities. However they must be adjusted for conditions of sale because the assessments are to be paid under tax increment financing. ;The other adjusted sales prices bracket the,value indicated by the sale of the subject property,, and lend support to that value indication. I Accordingly the value of the subject property is estimated as: 2,206,749 square x $.68 = $1,500,590, VALUE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BEFORE THE TAKING II II II II 01.20.93 09 :34 '$612 452 5550 CAMPBELL K\TTSON 2013 1 1 1 VALVE AFTER THE TAKING The area of the taking is restricted to the'southerly edge Of the subject property, so no part of the subject is separated from the rest. The set -back requirements are not affected by the taking, nor is the magnitude of the taking sufficient to result in diminution damages. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the remainder does not suffer any severance as a result of the taking. Accordingly the after value of the subject property has been estimated using the same market data as the before value estimate.The after value is estimated as 1 2.,980,237 S.F.x $.68 - $1,346,561 -Value of unencumbered land 174,240 S.F.x $.68 x .8059 = $95,485 -Value of temp. Esmt area, Unencumbered remainder value; $1,346,561 Encumbered remainder value $ 95.485 TOTAL AFTER VALUE $1,442,046 1 THUS: !BEFORE VALUE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY $1,500,590 less 1 AFTER VALUE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY $1.442.048 equals !DAMAGES $ 58,542 or $58,550 (R) DAMAGE, SUMMARY Permanent taking: 52,272 SF @ $.68= $35,544 1 Temnorary taking 174.240 SF 0 S.68 x .1947.= 522.997. TOTAL DAMAGES $58,541 OR $58,550 (R) Temporary easement damages are based on discounting the land value at 10% for 26 months (until 12/31/94). 1 1 1 1 1 01.20' 9a 09: a5 $`612 452 5550 CAMPBELL XI1TTSON 1014 I 1 Comparable Sale #1: (Sale of Subject Property) Location: SEC Audubon Road and St. Paul and Pacific RR R/W I Legal: Out lot D, Chanhassen Business Park r Size: 50.66 Acres . 1 Zonng: IOP- Office Industrial Park. Seller: Alscor Investors Buyer: Redmond Products, Inc. I Utilities: Electricity, telephone, Natural Gas. Date of Sale: 12/6/89 1 Sales Price: $1,419,275 ($.64 /SF- $2$.115 /acre) Financing: Cash 1 Data Source: CREV, Buyer 1 1 1 ••••••',1., .s. --- fi r.;_... •••_+-' - 1 • • a r ms P - :. --,- . • - '�`� Qi � y �,i '� 3 ` y \ t 1 1 • 1 01/20-93 09:35 $612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON IJ015 I I 1 Comparable Sale #2 1 Location: Lake Dr. and CR 17, Chanhassen 1 ! Legal: Lot 3, B12, Chanhassen Lakes Business park,2nd Addn. Size: 249,360 SF (5.72 Acres) 1 Zoning: I(DP : Seller: Alscor Investors Joint Venture #2 1 • Buyer: Roberts Automatic Products, Inc. Utilities: All city utilities (pending assessments of $.42/ SF) Comments: Chanhassen HRA to rebate 3 years taxes under TIF program 1 Date of Sale: 10/89 Sale price: $171,750 ($69 /SF) 1 Financing: . unknown data source crev 1 1 1 1 • r w � 1 F 1 1 1 11 01/20/93 09:36 $612 452 5550 CAMPBELL EcursoN I016 1 I Ccmpara.ble Sale #3; • Lake Drive & Market Blvd, Chanha.ssen • 1 Location.: , Legal: Lot 1, BI 1., Chan.Lakes Business Park, 2nd Addn. 1 Size: 57.82 Acres IOP-Industrial Office Park Zoning: II Seller: Alscor Investors Joint Venture #2 1 Buyer: Chanhassen HRA Utilities: All utilities' curb and gutter in . Comments: Price includes proposed special assessments for utilities, be paid aid under a tax increment financing program. s was considered market value sale. 111 Date of Sale: 7/89 1 Sales Price: $1,387,632 ($.55/SF) il Financing: Cash • 1 Data Source: dty ..... _ -_,,..„ ,, ,...,,:•.•• „.• - .. .. _ ---.. • . 4`. ..,:•1`...47.1.*:rs -;•4)=4... - ,•_. 'e—N, -. -.., , .-• . ' =. ' II 4 " ' •- ' 7.-"1-''''-•Z•7''''•t-0174 •;.Ft...5 n. 4.41.37,2^'- -4`e V •-k.V.I. .. -.4 ; W: 7• 4 1. 4 =•-•--.•••-;-%'-ir••• , ''-•,:-"''' •-■-:-.: *- ,'•-.A--eii...-,M,''4‘1"/r--6,:::-.:.■.--Lii5iltz.1.-,I;f.;- *--L• j,, ' L• - --,.—. i•r4..-17.-12- ..F•-. — . • • -__ tte7.4.,J5-1:m-g.,•,...1-•cs•-,--.: .. '-., -11 .• - " •"4. .4 ` • J••••t•V••••':*."-'4--, - " ,4 '- - •__,--*" - . • ' • .... •‘ --.. " • . ' '`Xl!p .• ". - " 4. .. ,3 • iii'''', idIt't. d5 -"r? 2 1,!`' ' .4: :--4........' 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" ..... . • - . . ,..:' 4-- .. :... ;•• ' t • ', -• • ' t ' '-. • ''' '• 1 , . ,1' • 1. ^ % n%:1 er.- • -...----. ..74-•..:... -. • . . - . a i 1114 ' , • I .. . • 1 01/20/93 09:37 '12612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 03 017 1 I Comparable Sale #4: , Location: SWC Hwy41 & 82nd St_ Chaska 1 • L Lot 1, Block 1, Arbon Park West Size: 23.75 Acres, or 1,034,550 SF 1 ' Zoning: Industrial I Seller: Chaska Investment Ltd Partership Buyer: Chaska Economic Development Authority • Utilities: All City Comments: Subsequently sold under a tax - increment financing plan 1 Date of Sale: 2/20/S9 • Sales Price: $680,725 ($28,662.44/ acre or $.66 /SF) 1 • Financing: Cash • Data Source: Metro Data Service - -- y_,C ;• . ' ' y � ... ,. �, .fww �i . .,.... ^: �!!..� 7 ti " i y��1��..< 4 -- r ` °iri r s"m:a.`.:.- , ...... � f • : ' ? • • ` •- � t� .� F r. • tit . ? ` _` 9' 1 1 _ "" ��,.� � � •. .a. _�.. �„..,--;:=:-. 1., -, :-,-•;':-• . -.. • ...... � � N- JYML••+y -ti ". ...: Iw . 4 � _ . WO 4C � i ": l , . ,: M1 ..• • . . -. ^:.,2'....":". i:••:N'?*S "' -+-it. ^^•"+'a... ;_ :_W..y --k : ' -- -__.. F -'T t?= - 1'J � = 'yC.) te r.` - :y*: ar �iL:�_' L'''... : .:::y•:•:. • - - > - - a ..: : - „.c.r r ? tom • _ =C �'r.S =: , a .1.'. rx:'2!' �i s:..V� 7L `gym --..--z,:- _— :. • ■__. r� ,' � . • ' 4 S rf. • '"l , m:+ ,iwr= rL'Y.ay;.- a.y .. y” a__:.- _ �'' . ^ ,�;t�:_` ! ' v "'. , l . + • • - .° +•,�. i ! "'-- c;et•._.r : - _ _ : 5. - i. 1 ° .!'_• « _T F +.:+ �.^ • 'o rs - ._ �" - .c % ! , ' - . = ?'• - •� ' ` _ - 1 3 r -..e,. a sr-' nr-•.b - r- -- ,s ; '.,.4 '' • ' - .� ,�, fir+ �i.t•:_" --e : . . _ _ -_ 1Fr " = y - 1n��:1S ! Y� ,�. = I 1r. '. e Se+ -- �`�4+�e1-r rr - siv - •_ mC. w1.• �' 45 '`, - it - . -.• =.. ,�e j': :_... -•b - •• ; - . •r ,`. _ _ _ _ _ } '± • ..- �-��c T :•'•, “ o- ••'. 1 • 1 LEI 1)10 " 01 • , 1 0- f�3 :11" -09:38 ,1 6 5550 .y ^� �1YB 'Q } ��' ^ ; : .' C C\ t • Y r .,I•u r •.-) I ) �I a n t , Q {`•• k � • . I ",; 1_� �` . , , , }, c,... r t • el - ``/7..Av, ...,° , • ./J . r i . : ' I 4 t: 1 • M'' , . ...--4 ... . ..* . #; 4 .. ., ! - i 4 ri --?. sit) ?: 11. • 1 7. 11 k . ' .i , { � it 11 M� y ( `� , . ,..,, L.. II :i'� . t, ;; l�j �.fj i "L'1�•1.� 1� ''..4..s1 q 'f • = -` r . .n r • ? . - ,. '. . F -11 !�.'%• - ` }, !i ' % �"s• ' 114 k I i ,,' �. +�"' 1 1 4.,F.,..,,...,..:...-,,,„: Iv 1- •27- 1 , , l ., ,„:„. t.,_ , ".r•:� `� ! • a ge , • 1 41 S :, �c � 51 1 •� a.; 4 , .• • • •..` . ! ` ; w1 `.� `'./ ;1; Ku , %R i' L i -'' j ' t ' j 1 levi - .�• 1 ribs {' ;`,v, ; t 1 i • t s� *Rt /h t•d� h t , L I ' ' . t 11 :;r0.0...-.`•,r- Y. . , 1 qq `ra �+..1 ., p tU--. I- it "I ' -0., 4...- ..,, 9 ., . , ., I . . :7S C W.* 1..., r7,54:::: ;:e Ce - r c.o.. ,,, 1 _ __ .. , . .... .. a �s i t 1 44 '`' } � \ IV" • • , 'fit • , � ; , N 4 0 ME i )) 6. , I CC k AI ,.,,,..., . ,, . , „,......, .. \.. ,. . , .. lt Q • 1 • . 4 l , ....1 I ` 'T 1_ ` % t f' 1 • . - tf L... . • I� .j .1! "IN i , ..,. i_ • t 1 , j f 1 \ .. t ': . i. '1 Cr = � • ' f 7 ic..1 r J \."4., ,. k 1 . , ,. r t y f cc F? - t 1 ' , • 1p 1 rife „,. O , ......... • w � t • , D J C i ...OA: I :a (,, \ !Al N ant . ....t t & 0 ^ • § • :. ,:, :•:. . a • .. .r • i \74-4141 " • 1 ovvc la) • \ r CC • t st... , • #(_ i. • --- --- ...- -- -- .� !_ -- . -- 00 Li 1 01/20/93 09:38 $612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 0019 1 1 1 CERTIFTCAT QF AFPRAIS R 1 • 1 e hereby certify: tat on August 20, 1992, I personally inspected the land only herein appraised and that we have to made a field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making said appraisal. The bject and the comparable sales reliedupon were represented by the photographs contained in said praisal. iat to the best of our knowledge and belief, the statements contained in the appraisal herein ove set forth are true, and the information upon which the opinions expressed therein are based, a correct; subject to the limiting conditions hereia set forth. iat we understand that such appraisal is to be used in connection with the acquisition of a .eet /utility/ /drainage improvement and that such appraisal has been made in conformity with the ipropriate state laws, regulations, policies and procedures applicable to appraisal of night of way r purposes, and that to the best of our knowledge no portion of the value assigned to such operty consists of items which are non- compensable under the established state law. iat neither our employment nor our compensation for making this appraisal and report are in any ay contingent upon the values reported herein. 1 iat we have no direct or indirect present or contemplated future personal interest in such property in any benefit from the acquisition of such property appraised. 1 zat we will not reveal the findings and results of such appraisal to anyone other than the proper Ecials of the acquiring agency until authorized to do so, or until we are required to do so, by due •ocess of law, or until we are released from this obligation by having publicly testified as to such ,dings. - aat our independent opinion of the fair market value of the acquisition as of October 7, 1992, is as a.ted in the attached report and that the conclusion set forth in the appraisal was reached without allaboration or it • ection as to value. . O le" Date 1 on- • 'T ' - O i af£ Appraiser innesota Licens e #4001168 1 1 01/20/93 09:39 $`612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNIJTSON li2) 020 • The Minnesota. a. Dvparosmt of Track and Mower& Development ' -0 4",y.f.*7.i;; .,... r$ jw- -r,r t-th N iTYP1t . '_!.. -. ,'• .: . C ,. y ti: !t..,'wY • . ,•, K -. ' L' ._v V .! �4.. v'4l , , ,-• 1 -, t. , . f , c, �. 0, ,... , t r. w ff t ... ... U 3 Y7 •.. . • OF •KHAN ASSEN . �1( H LOCATION • County Carver Region 11 Diet tee from Minneapolis /SL Paul 17 idles SW Distance from ONiuth 175 miles SW Senate district 33 838 House district 358 A 36A r .- POPULATION Ares 1960 Census 1970 Canaan 1080 Census 1040 Census E&di ate City 3,411 4,879 6,358 11,732 • County 21,358 39,331 37,Q48 47,015 ill MSA• 1,535,28T 1,874,612 1.985,873 2,464,124 S . d ealaaa r: Bureau tin fir. ••Meeepade.n Al•a 8p,<allw INDUSTRY 1 all Major Employers Pradtrt t* /Services Employees Union w % in Union Rosemount, Inc. Prekido. Instrument ion • McGlynn bakeries Corp. i leadquartars S30 - - b3loornbitg Campania; Dinner Theatre 380 • Act= Eq 45 United Mailing • Melling /PrsSort 371 - - Data San Computer Software 350 - - The Press Printing 2445 - • - I Empak QetSronta Mfg,. - instant Web Commercial Printing 2711 Redmond Products Hair Caro Products Z50 • • Versa T( Contract Mach. Shop 200 - • - M A taidnry Company Pickiest & Dressings 150 Lokai 289 74 ABC/Lyman Lumber i�Gtiwork /Distr. 140 I.oW 221 0G Victory Envelope Mfg./Print Envelopes 140 • - 1 EMPLOYMENT* Employment O* s Manufacturing Qeeupette ns M Area I Typo M Number Occupation Em Median Wage ptoymunt Employed or Jr* Job'iltle per Hour Manufacturing 7re,500 To and One Maker 15.Qo Non-Manufacturing 1,108,300 Machinist 13.50 Combination Machine Tool Qper. 12.00 . Total Employment 1,356,100 Assembler, Eta Electronic • 12.21 If T Available in Labor Force 1,420,193 Weider S Cotter 11.71 Annum Average Unemployment 4.8X fSactronia Assembler 1073 Punching Maehbne Seller, peer, 11 i Secretary, Eta. Legal /Medical 8.72 Oookkeeping and A000undrtp L89 The 1,26e,102 figure M motet noneq. wage & y.iwy Juba MA./ M. Phu; MSAj. Sauer d Omipaikaul 0.{E 1080 hind Bete Salary &n•y. Labor Swwy Net: 1661 anm el uncle none. vier 1. Way empiejm.t • ifeinapeRen ezetleile4 Mw 01.20.93 09:40 f2612 452 5550 CAMPBELL 1CCUTSO\ 2021 Chanheasan - 2 I TRANSPORTATION - -- � AIR - RAH. Rag Lines Soo Line Airport i* Frequency available 5 days pat week as Distanoe to Airport 10 miles revoked Ale Freight yea 1 Reciprocal Switching no Distance to Freight 10 miles Distance to Main Una through city ,+ • Piggy -Back Service no Comrnerctat yes Passenger Service no Charter yes - JC Jet yea TRUC Nearest Flying Cloud Airport, 3,599• Truck Linea 24 headquartered In metro runway; (WnneapoUs /St. Paul area; over 100 Nrst loss -• InCI.•) carriers* Airlines 10 Nat'l /Mt'l.; 0 focal/ Terminals 60* regional; 10 air cargo; charter varies* BUS • Navigational Aids all FAA aids far International Bus Semi= Greyhound, Jefferson, Four. airport* t star R+nwsy 10,000 feet concrete* Intra City Sus Southwest Metro Transit Distance to CBD - i WATER HIGHWAYS i Navigable Water no Inlerstate Highways 3 mite. to 1-484 Depth Fedora! Highways *169, sr212 • State Highways #5, #101, 4x41,#7 Wad Mitt 5 ton I 'MMropelhan Alva swam. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIA!, TAXES Municipal Rats 25.384% Minnesota ,tai estate taxes are based on market value, construed County Rate 40.466% to be the Pike that • wfMng buyer would pay to a willing salter In a School Fiats 62.6589E free market. Tax capacity times the tax rate equals property taxes. Miscellaneous Rate 4.358% Tax Capacity Is the value of tha property under 5100,000 tunes 3,1% Total Rats 1328669E plus any value over 3100,000 times 4,75%. I GOVERNMENT Structure Employment Qrpanlxatlon manager council Regular Employees Part Tints Employees Refuse Salvias private Rte Department 0 40 (volunteer) Master Plan yes p . , 0 0 Budget 33,400,000 Stern 0 • 0 Industrial Plana Approved by Planning Comrntssion and p ` u 5 City Council . insurance Rating 6 — -- — 1 • UTILITIES WATER SERVICE ' ' SEWER SERVICE I • Municipal Water Source wells Sewer ServjCe Metropolitan Waste Corarol Storage Capacity 3,800,000 Commission Pumping Capacity 4,430 galinsin Capacity of Treatment Plant I • Total Tapwater Hardness 308 ppnt Average Demand - Avarag. Demand 1,200,000 Sat /day Peak Demand -' Peak Demand 2,500,000 gat /day Saw., Use Charge 3240 pit l u$and; minimum ihdustrtal Water Rat. 11.10 pa u � p � t t o �.a 312.00. 25,000; $I.30 per thousand r . over 25,000; $5.60 rnintm ra TELEPHONE SERVICE - Telephone Service U 5 West Communications ELECTRIC POWER Eaar1C Uglily Northam States Power GAS SERVICE Dampen, • Gas Service Mtnnegasee Telephone 612/47448$1 Telephone 612137244900 Bottle Utility AEA - - Telephone 612/482-?319 II I 01/20.93 09:40 12612 452 5550 CAMPBELL IN'UTSON 2022 1. Chanhassen - 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES I ACCOMMODATIONS* t8ANKING /FINANCE Hotels 0 FinanciallnsuwUona Rooms 0 and Deposita Chanhassen State Bank $18 I Mow. 2 million; Motel Units 72 101 commercial banks; S2 savings and loan branch MEDtCAL SERVICES Offices, 3 home offices* HOSpilai Beds 9,683+ I Nursing Home Beds 18,962* MAIL. SERVICE Doctors 4,688* P ost Office (Class) first Dentists 1,742* . Express Ids il Sarvlce yes Nearest Hospital Shakopee, 5 micas; 31 In Mett0 Ili . area • RETAIL SALES Retail Sales In County $159,338,111 (1988) PLACES OF WARSHIP 9172,676,323 (1989) Protestant $ 4186,791,434 {1090) Catholic 1 Retail Sales In City $30,443,140 (1990) Jewish 0 Pm' Capita Inrarme $9,907 (1989) Other 1 — ..- COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES MEDIA/MEETING SPACE Facilities/Festivals Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, I Newspapers - fly 3• tJ of M Landuape Arboretum Weedy 62* and attraetlons aseoclated Radio Stations • AM 23• lotto a metre area at 2 million FM 20* population including major I Meeting Families 5 professional Capacity of Throe sporta. Largest SoO, 250. Zoo Service Organizations i major organization 'AuerrowasuatC xn ti .i.pnoe.r,nd x1.022 Soome — — • EDUCATION Fact, and f=acilities Front* Of Schools Fupll to Teacher Ratios • High School 23.9/1 Number Enrollment Grades HIQh School Graduates 9stttaf>taly 1 458 K -S Going to College - Coltege Graduates • Junior High i 827 6.8 Nearest Technical College Stu Metropolitan Area Senior High 1 1,090 9.12 . TiohMIcal Collages I TC Specialty Wide variety of courses, Pargdtlal 1 ISO 14 eoft t#ct flaa city er TC tar listing a Nato t? 0 0 Distance to Tecbnkxt College 13 tn Nearest CommmuNty College 4 in metro area I Distance to Community College 15 miles Nearest University 17 colleges and universities' Distance to University 18 nines - -- CLIMATE - . Fads and Figures Coldest/Hottest Months I Number at Days Between Coldest MOnttt Hottest Month v IGlitnp Frosts 167 Month Ja ry July Number of Days Above SC deg. 14 Moan Deily Maximum {dap. F) t33 Average Annual Snowfall 42 Inches Moan Dotty Minimum (dig. F) 2 80 Average Annum Precipitation 2s Inches . • • . -� 1 . M - 01/20/93 09:41 11612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNuTS ii] 023 Chanhassen - 4 f INDUSTRIAL SITES Sits Ctianhasssn lakes Rua, Park Site Chanhaseen Business Park • Acs Available 100 Acne Available 94 Cramer Am. Uniform /Opus Corp Owner Ryan Construction Option Km by Develop, Group no Option FNId by Develop. Group no Site Zoned ye• Sits Zoned d yaw In City Umha yea • N C+ty Unlit* yes ' Services at Site reit 8mvines at Site rail sanitary sewer sankr sewer storm�sewer • Sala Qaa treated water aura and gutter " **Mad wear paved roan* • LOCATIONAL SERVICES 1 Local Development Corporation Norte • Chamber of Commerce No I Contacts Paul Krauss Todd Gerhardt • Planning Director Assistant Executive Director I • City of Chanhassen City of Chanhassen DSO Cetultef Drive 890 Couttef DM Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen. MN 55317 6/2/374900 612/37 -1000 111 • Incentives • Talc increment Financing. 1 Remarks Additional industrial sites: CPT industrial sits, 50 acres. owned by CPr, all services except rail, Pant II, 40 acres, owned by Instant Web, ail aervioet available. Contract with county for sheriff and police unficea. 4/?/9Z 1 • . 1 • 1 r • Minnesota Department of Trade & Economic Development ,. . Business Development and Analysts Division _? 900 American Center Building • ' .. • `; 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 • (612) 296 -5022 • • 1 • (800) 657 655 01/20/93 09:41 $612 452 5550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON IJ 024 I • DONALD W. PAKKO 1 2627 MARTIN WAY WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 I QUALIFICATIONS C'tirnent Federal General Certification ID #4001160 I "Qualified as expert witness and presented court testimony in Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, St. Louis, Olmsted, Carlton, McLeod and Folk County District Courts in Minnesota. • 7. 1 EDUCATION University of Minnesota Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration 1958 1 *Attended University of Minnesota Law School 1961 'Appraisal coursework sufficient to achieve and maintain Federal General Certification I 'Substantial coursework in appraisal of rural appraisal agricultural, forest and recreational properties I EXPERIENCE APPRAISAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, LTD. Appraiser • August 1992 - Present RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION ORATION Review Appraiser I December 1991 - August 1992 * Appraisal oversight for asset management and disposition contractors I "Contract for appraisals and appraisal reviews for real estate assets controlled by RTC ' Review appraisals of real estate assets I MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Review Appraiser November 1984 - July 1991 and e' 1 i July 1968 - August 1977 *Review appraisals of real estate for acquisition and disposition 'Appraise real estate for complex property acquisitions MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Chief Review Appraiser . August 1977 - November 1984 I ' Supervise staff of four Review Appraisers 'Contract for real estae appraisals for state agencies- • 'Review appraisals for state agencies • MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' Appraiser - Appraisal Supervisor . • May 1.960 -July 1968 = - . 'Appraise real estate for acquisition disposition • I '=:< • ._ . •- .*Supervise appraisal activities of 3.5 staff appraisers, •* . - appraisal appraisers I - . Fieid Title Investigator February 1959 - May 1960 . *Research tides of properties for acquisitions IV ` 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1