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Admin Section
Administrative Section MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Senior Planner CITY OF C H NI �SSEN FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director 77000 Market j Boulevard DATE: December 27, 2012 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: Request for Concept Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a 17 -lot single - family development on 13.2 acres of property currently zoned Administration RSF- Single Family Residential and R4 -Mixed Low Density Phone: 952.2271100 Residential, and located south of West 86th Street - Preserve at Rice Fax: 952.2271110 Lake. Applicant: John Knoblauch. Owner: Chestnut Group, LLC. Building Inspections COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN Phone: 952.2271180 Fax: 952.2271190 The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located Engineering within one -half mile of every residence in the city. The proposed Preserve at Rice Phone: 952.2271160 Lake development would not meet this guideline. The nearest park is Rice Marsh Fax: 952.2271170 Lake Park which is located approximately one mile away if utilizing the city's pedestrian trail network. Finance Phone: 952.2271140 COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN Fax: 952.2271110 Park & Recreation The city's comprehensive trail plan calls for the future completion of a Rice Marsh Phone: 952.2271120 Lake Trail to be constructed around the perimeter of the lake. This proposed Fax: 952,2271110 subdivision should provide for a trail connection to this future trail starting at the public street and extending to the southeast corner of the property either through the Recreation Center dedication of a public outlot or trail easement. 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax: 952.2271404 RECOMMENDED PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning & It is recommended that the following conditions of approval concerning parks and Natural Resources trails be applied to the proposed Preserve at Rice Lake: Phone: 952.2271130 Fax: 952.2271110 1. Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and /or trail construction are collected. Public Works The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission 7901 Park Place and approval. At today's rate these fees would total $98,600 (17 lots X $5,800 per Phone: 952.2271300 lot). Fax: 952.2271310 2. Dedication of a public outlot or easement to accommodate the future construction of Senior Center a neighborhood trail connection to the future Rice Marsh Lake Trail. Phone: 952.2271125 Fax: 952.2271110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g: \park \th \preserve at rice Take \memo to sharmeen 12- 27- 2012.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow r �` NORTH BAY DR r t {{ - , + , ' ` 5i � .: , • „., - . .-- , • . • • ' J . • . ' 11-,.. - r . ., . 4E- 1 , • • 44: y • ., , r, ' \ -. ' ' ' . . R , • - . - .. ' i !.t $.. , " t10417'. J.. ' ' , \. , . Y 1 ,t i . I'll _ ; 1 3•• 1 4 • fi v I 1 " '�k ' � 111'4'. "- /O."' 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Z 4 4 4 ► � — — - - -- --- —�,- et 12,491 sq.lt. 11,795 !q ft P°P fp • ' �i '• - - —+s- .• F i i ^ C ,75s eq f 8 " --1,1 I I g � z o a � _ a ye T gNO J I ' ( 1 ♦ y . 1 f . -- , . ..7/ • , / \\ 7 i 0 , ■ \ .0. ..I xa i o i/ ;; , Q o 0 �� / - 1 �` ti +r / \ b. • "1 �` Q ` a ti / / / i � \�, � \ , " .1, —' • n \ \ �3 i J ---- 00 OUTLOT A, m • i • ` 14•$21 eq.fL / I NNA N+ ,• of I a ` i � / i 5 \ �/ � j `Z0 N" s "� a o5s .a.n. l A Non -Wetland Area j W_ for Pork es oKO(ion \ R \ \ 1 * / y m / ; % 1000 WETLAND FILL \ OUTLOT ...0 . �\ ��/ \P� \ �o� 70 CREAT ADEQUATE IIII i • / t. \ / BUFFER @ 5�ACK \ •` \�, • 600 SF WE71.A1A FAl /12.91 fE �� / �ro / ■ . � \ `► � ; ✓ i �.. • 2300 SF ME1LAND FILL TO CRE " 4 , 1EOUATE \ /� \ ak sq. ft. \� / / / �Y 1 v ' l i � �' / ���, �, > j 0 1 s BUFFER 3 SETBACK . \ i4 : J `� \\'� �3 4 ��� \ J % e / . % . � `!• t U AS g 1 '� • o. 0 osr ca - \ ( / ( --� nea9•q,m. � 700 SF \ . - ♦ • 1 A a � • Q \ _ NE ELAND Fu f _ v i i � l 4 i. �s / 1>OOe e q f lt. 2 > w� � 1.13 �.4 , �' \ • \ \ 14 � J \ .^ \ i " +rd ... , � 1 I ♦ � / • 1485a a . /E � I ` / 1pE�� NI oI 1 \ q \ „,,,,, \\..\ „,,,,,,,> /;/:,,,,,,,, ; - - - - . , - - - -- - - - - z - - 7 - - - -. -_ . : - . -. -_—_-- :7 . _--. . . 1 't . / / O �j gi - -.6. .. ti � %,/ 24,91 4 agit___ _ _ J J \' dh, EX \S , I MA1= • , • 4. '^ T ESTIMATES WETLAND IMPACTS 0 100 200 / TOTAL = 8400 sq. ft = 0.193 acres I SCALE IN FEET Bluff Creek /Chanhassen Rec Center Joint Powers Meeting Agenda December 13, 2012 1. Introductions 2. Review of minutes from 2011 3. Review of projects from 2012 a. What was completed? b. What needs to be completed? 4. 2012 -13 Projects a. Work to date b. Projects to be completed 5. Questions /Concerns /Other Minutes from Joint Powers Meeting ' Bluff Creek Elementary December 9 / 2011 in attendance: Carl Mattson, Jerry Ruegemer, RogerThenes, Mary Erickson, Jodi Saries, DccDee Kubhng, Sue Hurberts, Joe K4oCough, Dale Gregory. It was ieported: dd d the ADA /funcdontu the bui\d|nA|twas • Chanhassen RecContor(CRC) u resxe L o uczuys reported that the buttons were repaired in 2010, but is being replaced due to continued issues. • Reviewed the suggestion to upgrade � J tw outside basketball court to change the orientati�fl geared to adults. Tabled this idea since it's only an issue during shut down. • Patching of roofoccurrcd. No pLuis lor major reroofing projcct for I3luff Creek Elementary(BCE)/CRC • Encrgy inanagcrncflt system has heing installed at BCE. Some minor issues to work out including epairing/rcplaciflg some sensors. • Alarm system continues to operate effectively • l3oilers at 15 ycars old and are both operating with no issues. Rcview this issue annually. Carl has a quote of$2O0K for u new boiler ifneeded. • Roger regularly attends to lighting inside the building and Dale will take care of parking lot lights. • Cleaniiig of carpctcontinUeS to be done well, • Prairie burn should be done in the spring and not fafl. The tongcr grass in the fall keeps snow from drifting. • CRC added a number of trees by the fields. • Parking lot was seal coated in over 2 year process. CRC will call contractor to paint. Hole in parking ot was repaired by BCE. • Rogel' noted that plowing was great for the tirst snowfaU of the ycur. It was notecl that the parkng lots shouki be cieared prior to 6:00 am. • The district will continue to monitor Sunday maintenance • I3rukcn fire exit boxes were repaired • Cracked tile has been replaced as needed. Stock pile of replaccrnent tile is running out. • The rnovab)c wall (partition) at thc CRC will be rcpaircd on Decernber 15'. Joe will discuss long-tcrrn options for partition with cornpariy. Projects for %U11'12 • Scais on the t'ront entry windows at CRC are bad. BCE has sorne issues with windows toa and needs to he addressed. • Sweeps have been ordered for emergency doors to replace existing sweeps that are darnaged or tend to conflict with stoops in wintcr due to trost movement. Concrete stoops need attention. Joe will investigate options. • Joe will discuss the tree issue noted in last year's minutes related to main walkway. • Gym Iloor mainterlance schedule should he similar tc) priol' year schedule. . Bluff Creek /Chanhassen Rec Center Joint Powers Meeting - 12 -13 -12 Project List 1. Roof maintenance a. Repairs winter 2011 -12, ceiling tile replacements as needed. b. Repairs & preventive maintenance fall 2012. c. Pending: preventive maintenance — almost all roof /wall counter - flashing calking will be replaced. Assess all exterior calking and replace as necessary. d. The roof is in generally good condition and with regular maintenance will not require replacement for 5 -8 years. 2. Corridor ceramic floor tile repairs a. Summer 2012 replaced cracked floor tiles and cut in and calked additional expansion joints where appropriate to better match joints in concrete subfloor slab. 3. Gym partition bottom seal modification. Bottom seals that were problematic were fastened in the up position and new bronze aluminum trim with vinyl sweep was installed to reduce drag to a point that seals are not damaged by sideways movement of the door bottom. 4. Painting — BCE cafeteria 5. Retrofitted exterior lighting to LED and repaired leaking fixtures. 6. HVAC automated building system updating and upgrades. a. Installed update to latest control software version with improved graphics. b. Phase 1 of comprehensive project to replace terminal unit (VAV boxes) and air handling unit DDC unitary controllers to avoid obsolescence of the controllers. 7. Other pending activities a. Correction of entry stoop construction to prevent excessive frost heave of the stoop areas. b. Replace windows with corrupted seals as needed. c. Assess boiler age and condition to inform maintenance / replacement plan. y* . ..., 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission COY OF CHANHASSEN FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director i 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: December 11, 2012 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: Review Proposed Construction Schedules — Riley Ridge Park and Pioneer Pass Park Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.2271110 PROPOSED MOTION Building Inspections The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission approves the construction Phone: 952.2271180 Fax: 952.2271190 schedules for Riley Ridge Park and Pioneer Pass Park and directs staff to move forward with construction planning, neighborhood meetings and City Council Engineering approvals as required. Phone: 952.2271160 , Fax: 952.2271170 Finance BACKGROUND Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.2271110 The City acquired two new neighborhood parks in the past few years. On September 13, 2010, the final plat for Pioneer Pass Park was approved including Park & Recreation an 8.7 -acre neighborhood park. The parkland was acquired using 5.2 acres in Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.2271110 park dedication and the cash purchase of 3.5 acres at a cost of $290,000. On February 28, 2011, the final plat for Reflections at Lake Riley was approved Recreation Center including a 4.8 -acre neighborhood park. This parkland was acquired using 3 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 acres in park dedication and the cash purchase of 1.8 acres at a cost of $197,000. Fax: 952.2271404 Even though the Riley Ridge Park site was acquired five months later than the Planning & Pioneer Pass Park site, progress on Riley Ridge Park has outpaced that of Natural Resources ' p g y g p Phone: 952.227.1130 Pioneer Pass Park. Due to a decision by Ryland Homes to place a large amount Fax: 952.2271110 of excess fill material in Pioneer Pass Park, the ability to move forward with construction was delayed by a year or more. With the excess fill material now Public works removed, black dirt installed, and final restoration now complete, the City will 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.2271300 finally be in a position to consider accepting the Pioneer Pass Park site next Fax: 952.2271310 year. Acceptance will be contingent upon the site being fully vegetated with a Senior Center dense stand of temporary grasses. Phone: 952.2271125 Fax: 952.2271110 With the Riley Ridge Park site final graded and seeded, and the park trail loop and half -court basketball installed, we are in a position to move forward with Web Site neighbors to initiate the next phases of construction. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow r at Park & Recreation Commission December 11, 2012 Page 2 Rilel° Ridge Park — Proposed Construction Schedule January 2013 Invite neighborhood to Park & Recreation Commission meeting to discuss construction plans February 2013 Neighborhood meeting to discuss playground design March/ApriI 2013 Publish request for proposals for park playground acquisition May 2013 Neighborhood selects playground design June /July 2013 Neighborhood volunteers and construction manager install new playground June /July 2013 Install shelter and picnic area improvements and natural surface trail with overlook Pioneer Pass Park Site Proposed Construction Schedule May /June 2013 Review on -site conditions, consider acceptance of property from developer Summer 2013 Install storm sewer improvements and install hard surface improvements including parking lot, trails, and basketball court August/September 2013 Final grade and seed park January 2014 Invite neighborhood to Park & Recreation Commission meeting to discuss construction plans February 2014 Neighborhood meeting to discuss playground design March /April 2014 Publish request for proposals for park playground acquisition May 2014 Neighborhood selects playground design June /July 2014 Neighborhood volunteers and construction manager install new playground June /July 2014 Install shelter and picnic area improvements and ball field improvements Attachments — Riley Ridge Park Plan and Pioneer Pass Park Plan c: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Paul Oehme, Public Works Director /City Engineer Greg Sticha, Finance Director Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent # #11 . .. • /* 6 ':' :""z• "") ,,,. 0 t , . . i .. ; • i ,N , ? , . ,ie. ,..' , ., I , ! ) • r-■ i • 1 Vr 1 \ '' : ' % ' 14 , N. ■' . 1/4 \ '11. 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A (..) az 10 ______ i 0 \*. . ... ....... \....'-. ...'. .' .. ....''' 0 A to ,, \ 0 li ct 0. ••• c.) 0 ‘, \ a ! \ ,* 1 1 - - --..._ j 1 o C ■ ) . A Pm IA ..,. - ii P N � / A% L, f fi 'Q , �� oo h ° ' �i Illy ', cm i A 4 r. Op I ' - - A i \\ ,/ 1 0 30 60 90 r....".7 A y a �i ,„,,4/ ) ' ,. i)1 si....._ :. 1.,,,,, , 4 01 I♦ -` o 'i 1'S h 1 'f 11 e 2 'Silk s - i ➢ A ` \. : ;\' P: `� -- �. r • !1 i '� ti` - ` I \ N I * ," `.• yam ` �, , ___c_ 0 A t • - 1 ; \' . C4 - :' ... 14 , '6.1 2 ,_ Aft - .:' : 1 Pd tli i ice - . f , , r A ° ''' ', y — y _ a o e 4 , � ronapro9 mul i7 ti a �. CITY OF January 15, 2013 CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P Box 147 Play Ball! Minnesota Youth Clinics Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: Mr. Josh Ortiz Administration One Twins Way Phone: 952.227.1100 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Fax: 952.2271110 Building Inspections Dear Josh: Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 The Chanhassen community was excited to host a Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Engineering the past three years at the Chanhassen High School Baseball Stadium. A total of Phone: 952.2271160 150 kids participated in the 2012 clinic held on July 3rd. Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Please find enclosed a completed clinic application form for this summer. Phone: 952.227.1140 Chanhassen is very interested to host another clinic in 2013 and looks forward to Fax: 952.2271110 your response. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 If you have any questions, please contact me at 952 -227 -1121. Fax: 952.227.1110 Sincerely, Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax: 952227.1404 Planning & Je u gemer Natural Resources Recreation Superintendent Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.2271110 JR:k Public Works 7901 Park Place Enclosure Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g: \park \twins clini02013 \twinsclinicortiz13.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow TONT it / y 7 , 7 MINNESOTA E 2013 PLAY BALL! MINNESOTA YOUTH CLINICS PRESENTED BY THE TWINS COMMUNITY FUND IN PARTNERSHIP WITH GREAT RIVER ENERGY HOST COMMUNITY APPLICATION COMMUNITY NAME: ( j ha 1 h 45_5 / CONTACT PERSON: Je � RU e yr ) e- f PHONE: 7 7- l / a 1 FAX: 1:5 237- 1110 ADDRESS: 77 Pig ricer Eih9 Po, -& x 1 Li 7 CITY: 6- h a 5,$e4 STATE: MN ZIP: 5 EMAIL ADDRESS: r ,,� e em tit' 1 / jy � �1 ( � � I G��I�1� /�l AI> 1 j /leJ HAS YOUR COMMUNITY HOSTED A CLINIC BEFORE? [, ❑ NO IF SO, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME? :It( 3 / a of WE ASK THAT ALL COMMUNITIES RESERVE AN OUTDOOR BASEBALL FIELD AND AN INDOOR FACILITY FOR THE DAY OF THE CLINIC NAME OF OUTDOOR BASEBALL FIELD: G I\ on 4S S-P,n/ ► q h SC-h (gip) 6q. be/ 5`r yy � Chan 11 NAME OF INDOOR FACILITY: Ch a h h a5se v PC c rest ©N Ce r BASEBALL /SOFTBALL PROGRAMS IN YOUR COMMUNITY: (ACM 655 195 cialoiv G qSS / e 8 orj 9 TR Le�lo I aa5 fi rea. st ba 1 l, Bo b R j �n l-c t i the Zeq l tf e. APPROXIMATELY HOW MANY KIDS WOULD ATTEND A CLINIC IN YOUR COMMUNITY? ❑ so -loo 00 -200 ❑ 200 -300 I —I3oo+ IS THERE AN EVENT(S) IN YOUR COMMUNITY THAT A PLAY BALL! MINNESOTA YOUTH CLINIC COULD BE IN COMPETITION WITH (E.G. COMMUNITY CELEBRATION/FESTIVAL, BASEBALL TOURNAMENT, ETC.)? ARE THERE DATES ON WHICH YOUR COMMUNITY WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO HOST A CLINIC? EVENT NAME: DATE: EVENT NAME: DATE: EVENT NAME: DATE: LIST SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES THAT MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THE CLINIC: COMMUNITY: COMMUNITY: COMMUNITY: COMMUNITY: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: TOs t k7 " bee-NJ f'e h0sr � 'Twins °Y`i v l 3 " 9 g:s a rsr rt ©ukr 9Th ©e T(A1 �e �e �r�►�r�nn1J wt a , can s -6 - a t e BY SIGNING AND SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE PLAY BALL! MINNESOTA YOUTH CLINIC FACT SHEET AND UNDERSTAND THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS O PLA ALL! MINNESOTA YOUTH CLINIC HOST. SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 J � t 3 APPLICATION DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AF'T'ER THIS DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF A DECISION BY FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2013. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: PLAY BALL! MINNESOTA YOUTH CLINICS 1 TWINS WAY MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 FAx: 612- 659 -4031