Project InformationINFORMATION On September 24, 2012, the City Council approved a contract to replace the City’s water meter radios. These radios are connected to every residential and business water meter in the city and allow the City to read the meters with a City vehicle equipped with a meter reader. This system is considered a drive-by system. Most of the City’s water meter radio batteries are over 10 years old and are failing. A cost benefit analysis was completed for the water meter radio project to determine a cost-effective and long-term solution for the radios. It was determined the drive-by meter radios should be replaced with a fixed-based collection system. This system is more efficient and offers a lot more customer service features then the old system. This system also has the longest life expectancy. In order for the fixed-based system to collect the water meter information, collectors need to be installed throughout the City. A propagation study has been completed by the system manufacture which identified the need for six collectors. Most of the collectors can be located on existing water towers or antenna poles owned by the City. However, no existing City-owned infrastructure in the northwest corner of the City is tall enough to service this area. The proposed project is to install a 60’ tall steel pole on the Fire Station #2 property (6400 Minnewashta Parkway) at the corner of Minnewashta Parkway and TH 7. The City did look at attaching the collector unit to the fire station structure but it was found to be more expensive then a free standing pole. The pole would have a 10’ tall galvanized collector rod attached to the pole. No other equipment is planned to be attached to the pole at this time. City Code does require new antenna support structures to be designed to accommodate additional users. Providing opportunities for co-location is important if the total number of towers in the City is to be kept at a minimum. However, this tower is anticipated to be too short to accommodate cellular provides. In the future an internet communication system may be installed on the pole to service the fire station. The pole is proposed to be installed at the north side of the fire station parking lot as shown in this exhibit. The north and west side of the parking lot are surrounded by mature trees. These trees are approximately 40’ tall. The fire station is on the east side of the parking lot. The properties on the south side of Minnewashta Parkway, south of the fire station have a finished floor elevation lower then Minnewashta Parkway. These lots also have mature trees that are along Minnewashta Parkway which provides very good screening. Because of the mature trees in the area and the significant distance to other properties in the area from the proposed pole site, no additional landscaping is planned. Staff took images showing the pole in the proposed location using the fire department ladder truck. The top of the fire truck railing is approximately the height of the proposed pole. COLLECTOR EQUIPMENT A small collector equipment box (16” x 20”) will be installed inside the fire station so the equipment is in a controlled environment. No other equipment is needed to be installed outside. PARKING Parking is available at the fire station to service the equipment. Staff expects only minimal vehicle traffic to visit the site for maintenance purposes. Maintenance of the equipment is anticipated to be completed by the City utility department. LANDSCAPING The fire station property is surrounded by mature trees. No trees or vegetation will be removed to install the pole. Staff is not proposing to plant any additional landscaping screening materials since the property is heavily wooded. LIGHTING The parking lot does not have any lighting. The pole is not planned to add any parking lot lighting. The pole will not be illuminated by artificial means and does not meet the criteria for needing strobe lights. SIGNAGE No advertising signage or identification of any kind will be placed on the pole. GRADING/DRAINAGE Access to the pole will be through the fire station parking lot. No site grading will be needed to install the pole. The drainage patter of the fire station property will not change. MISCELLANEOUS The radio meter contractor shall submit to the City a footing pole design and drawing signed by a registered engineer.