CC Staff Report 01-28-20130 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: January 28, 2013 y ,� " SUBJ: Wynsong Final Plat O xe i Planning Case #2012 -16 1a-1 PROPOSED MOTION City Council approves the final plat for Wynsong Addition creating four lots subject to the conditions of this staff report. City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present. PROPOSAL SUMMARY The developer is requesting final plat approval for the property located at 7042 Galpin Boulevard to subdivide 9.37 acres into four lots. Access follows the existing driveway alignment. A hammerhead turnaround will be provided at the end of the private street. The existing home will remain. BACKGROUND v � On November 13, 2012, the Chanhassen City Council approved the preliminary plat creating four lots with a variance for the use of a private street as well as vacating existing drainage and utility easements granted with the Song and Longacres developments. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The developer is proposing a four -lot subdivision of the property, which will permit the construction of three new homes. The existing house will remain. Access to the site will be via a private street. Wooded area of the property will be preserved via dedication of preservation easements. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Todayand Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 2 of 14 I IMOMM LAM 1 amen A WYNSONG t I / i'• ; I ; I ij FINAL PLAT The final plat must be modified to show the existing easements and the scale of the drawing. ACCESS Access to the proposed development will be from the existing driveway location on Galpin Boulevard. The developer proposes to construct a 20 -foot wide privately -owned and maintained road to serve the four lots within the subdivision. The homeowners will be responsible for the maintenance of the private street. No parking is permitted on a private street. Staff supports the proposed access due to the environmental sensitivity of the property and the expected low traffic volumes. A 60 -foot wide hammerhead turnaround is proposed at the west end of the private road. The private road must be within a 30 -foot wide easement recorded against all four properties. At the end of the project the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. The first 20 feet of the driveway to Lots 2 and 3 will be graded with the site improvements. The driveway location for Lot 4 is unknown due to the large frontage to the private street, and the gentler slopes relative to Lot 3. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL All the grading is taking place in conjunction with the private street construction and utility installation. Individual lots will be custom graded at the time of building permit review. At that time, a grading and erosion control plan shall be submitted as well as a tree removal plan for city review and approval. i � l t I i'• ; I ; I ij FINAL PLAT The final plat must be modified to show the existing easements and the scale of the drawing. ACCESS Access to the proposed development will be from the existing driveway location on Galpin Boulevard. The developer proposes to construct a 20 -foot wide privately -owned and maintained road to serve the four lots within the subdivision. The homeowners will be responsible for the maintenance of the private street. No parking is permitted on a private street. Staff supports the proposed access due to the environmental sensitivity of the property and the expected low traffic volumes. A 60 -foot wide hammerhead turnaround is proposed at the west end of the private road. The private road must be within a 30 -foot wide easement recorded against all four properties. At the end of the project the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. The first 20 feet of the driveway to Lots 2 and 3 will be graded with the site improvements. The driveway location for Lot 4 is unknown due to the large frontage to the private street, and the gentler slopes relative to Lot 3. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL All the grading is taking place in conjunction with the private street construction and utility installation. Individual lots will be custom graded at the time of building permit review. At that time, a grading and erosion control plan shall be submitted as well as a tree removal plan for city review and approval. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 3 of 14 fi / ? rSr { 0 1 . 1 OVTLOT A WETLAND PROTECTION It is believed that the applicant, at the suggestion of city staff, straightened the buffer lines in an effort to make recording and maintenance of buffers less onerous. However, the revised buffers failed to maintain the minimum buffer width as required by code. For the wetland along the western and southern boundary, which is contiguous with Lake Harrison, the minimum buffer width is 30 feet. This is also true for the isolated wetland located centrally along the northern boundary of the original parcel in the area that is now the divide between Lot 1 and Lot 4. In some cases the buffer width, when scaled, appears to be 30 feet in width but is mislabeled as 25 feet. In other cases, the buffer width is as narrow as 18 feet. These discrepancies will need to be rectified and the plat modified to accommodate these changes and must show the placement of wetland buffer monuments. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, or other appropriate sheet within the plan set, needs to clearly demarcate planting areas by seed mix. Because of the overstory conditions and the desire to preserve the native plant community in certain areas, the use of State Seed Mix 36 -211 "Woodland Edge South & West" or comparable mix is strongly encouraged in the disturbed buffer area and the disturbed areas within the preservation easement. In any case, a suitable native mix must be used in the preservation easement areas. Any release of sediment into the wetland areas as a result of construction activities would be considered a violation of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. To minimize the risk of sediment entering the wetlands, sediment control BMPs must be placed at the downstream end of all culverts prior to their removal and shall remain in place until final stabilization is achieved. UTILITIES The existing home on the property is currently connected to City sewer and water. These services will be removed or abandoned with the Wynsong improvements. The developer shall work with the existing homeowner to minimize service disruption during construction. There are several sanitary sewer lines on the east side of the property. The 30 -inch Met Council interceptor sewer was installed in 1991. The lateral extending east of the interceptor is a City- Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 4 of 14 owned and maintained sewer that extends north to serve the Ashling Meadows development located southeast of Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. The lateral that extends south of the interceptor serves Northwood Court. The developer proposes to extend 8 -inch diameter public sanitary sewer from this lateral to serve the lots within this development. Based on the minimum lowest floor elevations noted on the grading plan, the proposed sanitary sewer will provide gravity service to all of the lots. The developer proposed to wet tap the existing 18 -inch diameter trunk watermain within Galpin Boulevard and extend a 6 -inch diameter public watermain to serve the lots within the proposed development. A hydrant will be installed at the end of the private road. In 1991 the property was assessed one unit of trunk sanitary sewer benefit. This sanitary sewer hook -up credit will be applied to Lot 1. Sanitary sewer hook -up fees must be paid for Lots 2, 3 and 4. As stipulated in the City Code, 30% of the sanitary sewer hook -up fees must be paid in cash with the final plat with the remaining 70% paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. The portion of the sanitary sewer hookup fee to be paid with the final plat is as follows: $651 /unit x 3 units = $1,953 The property is not subject to the Lake Ann Interceptor or sub -trunk fees. In 1992 the trunk watermain benefit was assessed for the ultimate development condition of the property; therefore, no water hook -up charges are due with this plat. The existing 12 -inch drain tile and the proposed 4 -inch drain tiles shall be privately owned and maintained. The developer will coordinate with the installation of electric, gas, telephone (land line service, not voice over internet protocol) and cable television to serve the development. Should the gas service to the existing home be relocated with this project, the existing service via Lake Harrison Circle must be cut according to CenterPoint Energy's requirements. RETAINING WALLS A retaining wall is proposed on the north side of the private drive near the wetland on Lots 1 and 4. The top and bottom of wall elevations must be shown on the plan. The maximum height of the wall is proposed to be two feet. Staff will work with the developer's engineer to either realign the wall so that it lies entirely on one property, or draft an encroachment agreement for the wall, which would be recorded against both properties. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 5 of 14 COMPLIANCE TABLE REVIEW CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The preliminary plat for Wynsong Addition creating four lots plans prepared by Otto Associates dated 09/10/12, with a variance for the use of a private street, subject to the following conditions: Building Conditions: 1. The developer's proposed street name, Wynsong Lane, is acceptable and shall be shown on the final plat of the property. *This condition has been met. Since this is a private street, the name does not actually appear on the plat, but is shown as part of the final construction plans. 2. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. *This condition still applies. Lot Area Wetland Street Net Lot Width (ft.) Depth Notes (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Easement Area ( sq. sq. ft. Code 15,000 15,000 100 non- 125 Setbacks: non- non- riparian, 125 front/rear 30 riparian, riparian, riparian ft., side 10 ft., 40,000 40,000 Shoreland 150 riparian riparian ft., wetland buffer 30 ft. Lot 1 72,986 4,150 401 68,435 125 668 Riparian lot (1.68 ac. /1.57 ac net Lot 2 90,176 18,969 1,238 69,969 228 449 Riparian (2.07 ac. /1.61 ac. net Lot 3 56,388 553 760 55,075 460 353 (1.29 ac. /1.26 ac. net Lot 4 114,614 37,153 8,349 69,112 364 516 (2.63 ac /1.59 ac. net.) Outlot A 74,042 Lake Harrison 1.7 ac.) Total 1 408,205 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.37 acres REVIEW CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The preliminary plat for Wynsong Addition creating four lots plans prepared by Otto Associates dated 09/10/12, with a variance for the use of a private street, subject to the following conditions: Building Conditions: 1. The developer's proposed street name, Wynsong Lane, is acceptable and shall be shown on the final plat of the property. *This condition has been met. Since this is a private street, the name does not actually appear on the plat, but is shown as part of the final construction plans. 2. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. *This condition still applies. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 6 of 14 3. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. *This condition still applies. 4. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. *This condition still applies. 5. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. *This condition has been met. Engineering Conditions: 1. The private road must be within a 30 foot wide easement recorded against all four properties. *This condition still applies. 2. At the end of the project the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. * This condition still applies. 3. The developer shall work with the existing homeowner to minimize service disruption during construction. *This condition still applies. 4. Lot 1 has paid the sanitary sewer hook -up charge. *This condition still applies. S. The sanitary sewer hook -up fees for Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be collected as set forth in the City Code at the rate in effect at the time. *This condition has been modified as follows: As stipulated in the City Code, 30% of the sanitary sewer hook -up fees must be paid in cash with the final plat with the remaining 70% paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. The portion of the sanitary sewer hookup fee to be paid with the final plat is $651 /unit x 3 units = $1,953. 6. No water hook -up charges are due with this plat. *This condition still applies. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 7 of 14 7. The existing 12 -inch drain tile and the proposed 4 -inch drain tiles shall be privately owned and maintained. *This condition still applies. 8. Should the gas service to the existing home be relocated with this project, the existing service via Lake Harrison Circle must be cut according to CenterPoint Energy's requirements. *This condition still applies. 9. Staff will work with the developer's engineer to either realign the wall so that it lies entirely on one property, or draft an encroachment agreement for the wall, which would be recorded against both properties. *This condition still applies Based on review of the final plat documents, staff recommends the following additional conditions of approval: 1. The final plat must be modified to show the existing easements and the scale of the drawing. 2. The property is not subject to the Lake Ann Interceptor or sub -trunk fees. 3. The developer will coordinate with the installation of electric, gas, telephone (land line service, not voice over internet protocol) and cable television to serve the development. Environmental Resource Specialist Conditions: 1. The applicant shall custom grade lots and work with staff to try to preserve any of the following trees currently proposed for removal: Lot 2: #78, #86, #97, #70 Lot 3: #49, #59, #63, #64, #66 Lot 4: #133, #134, #137, #138, #142, #143 *This condition still applies. 2. Prior to grading, each lot shall install tree protection fencing at the edge of grading limits. *This condition still applies. 3. Building permit surveys for each lot shall be required to show all inventoried trees within the grading limits and 10 feet beyond and their removal or preservation status. Tree removal for each lot shall be approved by the city. *This condition still applies. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 8 of 14 4. The applicant shall work with staff to develop preservation easements to preserve existing wooded areas on Lots 1, 3 and 4. *This condition shall be modified as follows: Preservation easements shall be required to preserve existing wooded areas on Lots 1, 3 and 4. Easements must be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits and be shown on the building permit survey. Fire Marshal Conditions: 1. A three- (3) foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrant per MSFC Section 508.5.5. *This condition still applies. 2. Nothing shall be placed in a manner that would prevent or hinder operation of the fire hydrant by firefighters per MSFC Section 508.5.4. *This condition still applies. 3. A street sign shall be installed at the street intersection prior to any new home construction per MSFC Section 505.2. *This condition still applies. 4. " No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed in the hammerhead turnaround. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of signs *This condition still applies. Park & Recreation Conditions 1. The developer shall pay park dedication fees at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval concurrent with or prior to recording the final plat in lieu of parkland dedication or donation. *This condition still applies. The park fees for 2013 are $5,800.00 per new single - family lot for a total of $17,400.00. Planning Conditions 1. Revise the front lot line of Lot 1 to meet the 125 -foot minimum lot width. *This condition has been met. Water Resources Specialist Conditions: Surface Water Drainage and Treatment Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 9 of 14 Alternate stormwater management techniques will be allowed for the site. The proposal is to use enhanced buffers and tree preservation for volume reduction and stormwater management. Tree preservation areas must be contained within a legally recorded preservation easement before release of the final plat. The wetland buffer must be included within a drainage and utility easement or conservation easement. *This condition shall be modified as follows: Alternate stormwater management techniques will be allowed for the site. The proposal is to use enhanced buffers and tree preservation for volume reduction and stormwater management. Tree preservation areas must be contained within a legally recorded preservation easement before release of the final plat. The wetland buffer must be included within a drainage and utility easement or preservation easement. 2. Stormwater efficacy calculations shall be based upon Carver County Rules Calculator Version 1.1 or the Minnesota MIDS Calculator Worksheet. This worksheet shall be updated to reflect the conservation easement area and must exclude any wetland within the easement. *This condition has been met. 3. The eastern limit of the preservation easement on proposed Lot 4 shall be as shown in figure 2, protecting a wooded buffer at least 50 feet in width from the eastern wetland boundary and preserving trees 133, 134, 136 and 140. *This condition has been met. Natural Resource Protection Conditions All wetland buffers shall meet the requirement codified in Sections 20 -411 and 20 -412 of city code. *This condition still applies. 2. Buffers not meeting the minimum requirements for native vegetation as required by code or being considered for enhanced buffers for stormwater management will require a vegetation management plan. *This condition still applies. 3. Appropriate signage demarcating the boundary of the wetland buffer must be placed by the applicant before release of the final plat. The signage must be at any point the buffer boundary intersects with a property line, either existing or proposed, and any point of deflection greater than 10 degrees. At no point may the distance between signs be greater than 200 feet. Sign placement must be shown on a plan sheet. *This condition still applies. 4. Setbacks shall be labeled on the plan set as to if they are setbacks from the OHW of a Public Water or setbacks from a wetland buffer. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 10 of 14 *This condition has been met. 5. All tree protection fencing shall employee metal T- posts. *This condition has been met. And based on review of the plans, the following condition shall be added: The minimum buffer width on the two most westerly wetlands (the one adjacent to Lake Harrison and along the southern portion of Lot 2, and the one on the boundary of Lots 1 and 4) shall be no less tha 30 feet as required for Manage 1 wetlands. The minimum buffer width for the most easterly wetland shall b no less than 20 feet. Erosion and Sediment Control 1. All silt fences shall be machine sliced or heavy duty as defined in part 3886 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. *This condition still applies. 2. Those areas to be protected from grading, construction traffic, material stockpiling or other disturbance shall be clearly labeled on the plans and adequate protection in the form of fencing with metal T -posts shall be shown on the plans and installed prior to any earth - disturbing activities. This shall be included as part of the SWPPP. *This condition has been met. 3. Final stabilization must be shown on the grading plan. The graded areas contiguous to wetland 1 and wetland 2 must be stabilized with Method 2, 3 or 4 as defined in part 2575 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. *This condition has been met. 4. Seed mix or other method of establishing vegetation in disturbed areas shall be called out on the plan set. *This condition has been met. 5. A method of establishing native vegetation within the disturbed buffer areas shall be called out on the plans. *This condition has been met. 6. Sediment control best management practices shall be specified on the plan set for both culverts draining to wetlands. Strong preference shall be given to inlet protection. *This condition shall be modified as follows: Sediment control best management practices Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 11 of 14 shall be specified on the plan set for both culverts draining to wetlands. Strong preference shall be given to inlet protection. Detail of inlet protection shall be included in plan set. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assure compliance with all other pertinent regulations and requirements, including, but not limited to NPDES permit requirements for phased development where the total disturbance associated with the common development exceeds the minimum threshold. *This condition still applies 8. All applicable details shall be included within the plan set. The city can make these available to the applicant. *This condition still applies. Surface Water Management 1. The applicant shall provide the city with an exhibit quantifying those areas within preservation easement, wetland, and wetland buffer areas so that the fees accurately reflect the amount of developable land. *This condition has been met. 2. Based upon the information provided, SWMP fees due at Final Plat are estimated to be $33,305.60. *This condition shall be modified as follows: Based upon the information provided, SWMP fees due at Final Plat are calculated to be $34,598.19. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approved the final plat for Wynsong, creating four lots, subject to the following conditions: Building Conditions: 1. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 2. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 3. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 12 of 14 Enizineeriniz Conditions: 1. The private road must be within a 30 -foot wide easement recorded against all four properties. 2. At the end of the project the developer must submit documentation stating that the private road meets a 7 -ton design. 3. The developer shall work with the existing homeowner to minimize service disruption during construction. 4. Lot 1 has paid the sanitary sewer hook -up charge. 5. As stipulated in the City Code, 30% of the sanitary sewer hook -up fees must be paid in cash with the final plat with the remaining 70% paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. The portion of the sanitary sewer hookup fee to be paid with the final plat is $651 /unit x 3 units = $1,953. 6. No water hook -up charges are due with this plat. 7. The existing 12- drain tile and the proposed 4 -inch drain tiles shall be privately owned and maintained. 8. Should the gas service to the existing home be relocated with this project, the existing service via Lake Harrison Circle must be cut according to CenterPoint Energy's requirements. 9. Staff will work with the developer's engineer to either realign the wall so that it lies entirely on one property, or draft an encroachment agreement for the wall, which would be recorded against both properties. 10. The final plat must be modified to show the existing easements and the scale of the drawing. 11. The property is not subject to the Lake Ann Interceptor or sub -trunk fees. 12. The developer will coordinate with the installation of electric, gas, telephone (land line service, not voice over internet protocol) and cable television to serve the development. Environmental Resource Specialist Conditions: 1. The applicant shall custom grade lots and work with staff to try to preserve any of the following trees currently proposed for removal: Lot 2: #78, #86, #97, #70 Lot 3: #49, #59, #63, #64, #66 Lot 4: #133, #134, #137, #138, #142, #143 2. Prior to grading, each lot shall install tree protection fencing at the edge of grading limits. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 13 of 14 3. Building permit surveys for each lot shall be required to show all inventoried trees within the grading limits and 10 feet beyond and their removal or preservation status. Tree removal for each lot shall be approved by the city. 4. Preservation easements shall be required to preserve existing wooded areas on Lots 1, 3 and 4. Easements must be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits and be shown on the building permit survey. Fire Marshal Conditions: 1. A three- (3) foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrant per MSFC Section 508.5.5. 2. Nothing shall be placed in a manner that would prevent or hinder operation of the fire hydrant by firefighters per MSFC Section 508.5.4. 3. A street sign shall be installed at the street intersection prior to any new home construction per MSFC Section 505.2. 4. " No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed in the hammerhead turnaround. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of signs. Park & Recreation Conditions 1. The developer shall pay park dedication fees at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval concurrent with or prior to recording the final plat in lieu of parkland dedication or donation. Water Resources Specialist Conditions: Surface Water Drainage and Treatment Alternate stormwater management techniques will be allowed for the site. The proposal is to use enhanced buffers and tree preservation for volume reduction and stormwater management. Tree preservation areas must be contained within a legally recorded preservation easement before release of the final plat. The wetland buffer must be included within a drainage and utility easement or preservation easement. Natural Resource Protection 1. All wetland buffers shall meet the requirement codified in Sections 20 -411 and 20 -412 of city code. 2. Buffers not meeting the minimum requirements for native vegetation as required by code or being considered for enhanced buffers for stormwater management will require a vegetation management plan. Todd Gerhardt Wynsong Addition Final Plat — Planning Case 2012 -19 January 28, 2013 Page 14 of 14 3. Appropriate signage demarcating the boundary of the wetland buffer must be placed by the applicant before release of the final plat. The signage must be at any point the buffer boundary intersects with a property line, either existing or proposed, and any point of deflection greater than 10 degrees. At no point may the distance between signs be greater than 200 feet. Sign placement must be shown on a plan sheet. 4. The minimum buffer width on the two most westerly wetlands (the one adjacent to Lake Harrison and along the southern portion of Lot 2, and the one on the boundary of Lots 1 and 4) shall be no less than 30 feet as required for Manage 1 wetlands. The minimum buffer width for the most easterly wetland shall b no less than 20 feet. Erosion and Sediment Control 1. All silt fences shall be machine sliced or heavy duty as defined in part 3886 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. 2. Sediment control best management practices shall be specified on the plan set for both culverts draining to wetlands. Strong preference shall be given to inlet protection. Detail of inlet protection shall be included in plan set. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assure compliance with all other pertinent regulations and requirements, including, but not limited to NPDES permit requirements for phased development where the total disturbance associated with the common development exceeds the minimum threshold. 4. All applicable details shall be included within the plan set. The city can make these available to the applicant. Surface Water Management 1. Based upon the information provided, SWMP fees due at Final Plat are calculated to be $34,598.19. ATTACHMENTS 1. Reduced Copy Wynsong Final Plat. 2. Reduced Copy Street Easement Exhibit. 3. Reduced Copy Preservation Easement Exhibit. 4. Reduced Copy Wynsong Cover Sheet 1 of 9. 5. Reduced Copy Sanitary Sewer and Water Plan Sheet 2 of 9. 6. Reduced Copy Private Street and Storm Sewer Plan Sheet 3 of 9. 7. Reduced Copy Tree Preservation Plan Sheet 4 of 9. 8. Reduced Copy Grading Plan Sheet 5 of 9. 9. Reduced Copy Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Sheet 6 of 9. gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -16 wynsong \final plat \staff report wynson fp.docx WYNSONG NWIM 'Y NrI �' 1 N rarlha 16 IwMY I rM{ RNy ai CJ F� �a s� i' 3) `(7 . U C q U F, i.� /t i I inh'!�'i- v i Y - wtr acee Aobwl n�rw.N rb,x �eY RRr[ YII[YMm aM MN rsW. ut e [wVw M xw N W Nr•rfp 4•e'M NwNIY Mwlw M W a.ah a w... /hla N.{.`,•wn ro M: 1.1 r, rNA 1. baYO Aoanat a,.� cw�lA wrn•mb M ww,•0 KII� RMkNV M 0•w MrMa wRwh I• W •bF M b� � 4•/ W bw•1• N NMa Nlwwh a Mewl wvwl NN [•M b.• RNnMa aC •w •rw•/ MW ar•w�h le M YpM 0Y M 64M •q IARRtq aC rIAR O Arr axbn a _ ,.• vw•rrr .awrewr — bwro+•rrw ••Mr W aw -- 4 N - - C i MMYiwMIY awns M iNi'I a W sww" :� "� —_ -- N WMr M M1l�a twlN, .,aro. Y..a RMN na•A --- �— _a•.IA AYr.wro bN rrrsM ww N bor'~ I Y � iryA,�arnryr�N�Ib�Nn�•p� � xNn NW.rrINY p1°Ib�a M la•IIF �rpMk w,•. M.•II iNlM� � Aroww MM rA^ra ru¢ a A«RSOu M AwbM rverr.be .w erY`b+ahre M/v •ro W —_ wy N A_—. y aM L aM lM 11rwp. (MINI a� a✓N —_ -- IrbINY rrbM R.r+1 - - - - -- N., NArk _MfA Ybiran n awNra rwab -- - - -- THE ; %OOD l OP'C A R I STii .Tivl: r snrT f7h'i_J / m nu ✓i I ivi r WONITY MAP SCCMN 10. MW MAP 110. RAMC[ LJ, CARWR CCMRIY, WAMTSaaA oawrnA AwRwrA M OIII N RrMWlr M g1Y•hI bM N•OW y M Qi AWe N W OIY N a+rrw. Mnwaa N e Irlrrr TwlAy 1•br•I naI IY - -�—.__ ay N �vl�n �SIf F N b b IwWw wM W IiMrina N.pr�wh rINWM on coarol > rr[ ar. n awhama rrinl. aNr brN,.. aY.N [Wq AM�eI. rywwl h aiwM m rbNrM• t••• N mn. Rb Abt M •rw hw•w M —__� b Jrrr r. nww, a..h arr I aN1eY Wr Mw war b __ '___ ______ ww h.• •re. aw r Iws sI•YA•s w IM aa. MM hY __ —_ q N A�_ � A. RR RwbMN N ra4a 4w CwnIA Ywnwrro - INryspYWr _— A� AWI lwlNn MM(rs N qW A � QWYN %Mtl U/4T' U[Lhlall M! a/JNfI IINR: (w—r II R o II rasa .om. ux[ASOmrAYhrE•wwvm. nwAaA .vwlawno.wrARSe.vaRwaarrErs Yom, wAUOrMrRAnRRmrArm.AroroAahaoAOa 1+�a ASbaxvlcw rnEnAr rwbro Aoa: h I•rr AMVYrY[ o °aN .Iw�nw+.l.'� t 4 s" aY • I — SSCCIATEe Elglnar A lsnO Sawpb, Yc. I � 7 � nJlii.i �r I I I •' n ✓v r. J•IYfJ�GrY!� } ML— � I I M L W'rr aJ r r r / ti I r• S/ I r ' I , I r h I C3I r ��c I 1 r Cj r u/ WONITY MAP SCCMN 10. MW MAP 110. RAMC[ LJ, CARWR CCMRIY, WAMTSaaA oawrnA AwRwrA M OIII N RrMWlr M g1Y•hI bM N•OW y M Qi AWe N W OIY N a+rrw. Mnwaa N e Irlrrr TwlAy 1•br•I naI IY - -�—.__ ay N �vl�n �SIf F N b b IwWw wM W IiMrina N.pr�wh rINWM on coarol > rr[ ar. n awhama rrinl. aNr brN,.. aY.N [Wq AM�eI. rywwl h aiwM m rbNrM• t••• N mn. Rb Abt M •rw hw•w M —__� b Jrrr r. nww, a..h arr I aN1eY Wr Mw war b __ '___ ______ ww h.• •re. aw r Iws sI•YA•s w IM aa. MM hY __ —_ q N A�_ � A. RR RwbMN N ra4a 4w CwnIA Ywnwrro - INryspYWr _— A� AWI lwlNn MM(rs N qW A � QWYN %Mtl U/4T' U[Lhlall M! a/JNfI IINR: (w—r II R o II rasa .om. ux[ASOmrAYhrE•wwvm. nwAaA .vwlawno.wrARSe.vaRwaarrErs Yom, wAUOrMrRAnRRmrArm.AroroAahaoAOa 1+�a ASbaxvlcw rnEnAr rwbro Aoa: h I•rr AMVYrY[ o °aN .Iw�nw+.l.'� t 4 s" aY • I — SSCCIATEe Elglnar A lsnO Sawpb, Yc. Street Easement Exhibit ------------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — IA /� /A ^nA V V ( V V J 7 � L- 7 L P"LP06m SIAEET EA.YL["T• A prp•taa sesw•at br str st pp— —..4w. an• mroa IMf pad( m Lob 1, and A ebai 1, WWWOM C~ Ca Ijt tMmsot4 aeearainp to the rovoraa pot Murat d Abed or bft— e+ot�.ta9 m to spra•pt eam. el tap trot m aei• wtststsw: d,anas an an aaaof s ass s Apte . e Nor atesMr Cart, oloty h Fmt •s• m aN W i oonft o artmas m la0. 5 0 A land, 7! a•prpr SS miwfa M rrma 111.4 a as m a.9D /ssh d,aao 9Jle Npt Narlaw•My non:el t'� f avw tam ca• to the Abrd, m hoWng a cR,s of Mad rpt and o dMprour 76 miwtos 32 saM4a Mono MmM 39 Maees 79 A.a2 tat raw of tear• Swta - S-10, M Nord, 19 JLN lam raw of A 40 0 M tb 170 S.M. 1 b / / I / , c , I l f I I I < / v , l I I I • denotes iron monument found denotes iron i set p orrolasu and marked as shown: Street Easement Exhibit on Lots 1, 2, 3, and �, t3 /OCk f, -' - -- -' • Galpin Blvd. Partners I hereby Certify that this survey, Won. or "" wm "'oral by me a ' °� zl �nsed L a n d ° °° that I am o dory Lieenred ton0 Surveyor the laws the WWW.a16DB880C181B9.GlOrr1 9M RQV,sed: e orm+eoe: denotes WYNStNYC, Carver County under of StoleAf 4innes to. ✓/ // Shast (763)682.0727 No. Dote: Drawn By: Scale: Checked By: O soil p r boring denotes percolation test hole dlinnesoto 12/17/12 M.L.H. 1" = 40' P.E.O. 1 / # �� tC SSOCIATES FBC(783882�522 1 - 12 - 0191 vow t:. ato Data•. � /� Liesnas / 40062 Engbteets 6 Lend 8urteyvrs, IM Preservation Easement Exhibit j Mae lhB of Lot 1. --NW — of Lot 4 1 i Oboe t Wmaw 1 / sash 1. entisa C L-' I S/D43Y4T 1 11.48 -.•� 7r•- SDDMO."4 E /5670 PROPOSED PRESERVI 77Op/ £ASEA/ENT B AWA - 368DS78 Sr 7 Nor9, MB of Lot A Gook 1. enwSQVC �r L / SE owner of Lot .L. / PROPOSED PRESERVAWN EASEMENT A �sfoak 1, WYAISOW AREA - 1484403 W \ — — — — — — — — — — — — L — — — — — — — — PROPOSED PRESERVAIM s4anwv A A PnWtuo f+rBOwletkP oawneat ow, und.,, and avow that part of Lot 4 Slack 1, W/MSQwL Csler cwnrx YHwota aoar*Ip .the noaNed plat thereof davew faro or t the Swthedet Corn of Bald Lot 4- thoom an an ase-ed PoorI9 Of ON North a AApsa K a hut. 14 a—d. IMO uAw fha Mww.y Sous lM of Bead Lot tibia of 11.87 fief to the point of begkvWW W- NaM so j / 4 4 +ecmdB MMt alanp Bald Sou. Ma a abrmcv of 17(.78 Are( Qma Swm dBgrew Js miwta 56 sam* &.4 o At— of 14118 Mt ro tM point w kBVL'BI nb"e !J eeaan* Eat o dirt— of 11475 PROPOSED PRESMAIM CASSIA? s: A PAVOW GrwrrPtkn eawn"nt ow, ands, aW own Mot pert of to& I and 4. Slosh 1, WWrSONf Corw C-fy, Mkn-ta aaoordhq to fM rav*d Prot th—f deBorbd a f06- 9s9Mip t the Norfheelt Ow„r of sold Lot k Ih an m onWned peprhq of Swfh BD dyYr 4J mhutM 14 —do East. Aranpp the North lb oI : !q7 4. o &erona of 15879 Mb rhenee Seufh ?/ dq f» mist. 4J Beam* Mbt e dbtanbe of Sit 49 Aw thBna South QS &eases 35 m9wfa /D Petal* Eat a .W— of 1945 bt: 0- Swfh t8 dqr 19 mk d- 19 —V NW o detma Of 31 f9 fiat thence North 70 dprwe 49 ,nhutr SO Beam* MIA o &0— of 195M ML thence'dart, 45 dKMe 36 mkwrn M second, Wort o d"tonce of 78.06 Ant to the North die of odd lot 1. thence Sou. M *7688 43 .4.1 . / E-1, d-9 Bold North /ML b &0— of 111.49 test fa the A b 9 b ep in Sadr 1 - 40 I r I / r / / / lr� `I r / / r F � I 271.78 I South /ho of Lot 4 Slode 1. 0 N8DWY4 r I / / • denotes iron monument found Preservation Easement Exhibit " � t hereby certify that the survey, Revised: e plan, or report was prepared Dy erns www..oRoessocistes.cm denotes iron D set o Galpin Blvd. Partners su "ry dire [=a o 9We isron and O P p orreausa on Lots 1, 3, and 4, Bl ock 1, that I am a duly Ucensed Land stDiNs/all Sbeet and marked as shown: su under the taws of the Buftb, MN 55313 WYNSONC, Carver County, state °�J uin 6 denotes soil boring Y ° Drown By Scots: Checked By: I! /// (7 63 )W -4727 3W fob No. G denotes percolation test hole Minnesota 12/17/12 M.L.H. 1" = 40' P.E.O. Paal E OttoC� SSOCIATES n Date: �-2-2/ /- License / 40062 Eflgkresfs $ Lend Sur"Wes, kfc. 1 -12 -0191 0 WYNSONG �+ 1 HARRISON LAKE OUTLOT A 2 ^ VICINITY MAP A CRES I 5-,H SECTION f0, TONNSHIP 116, RANGE 2J, CARYER COUNTY, MINNESOTA I , R NARY IX , ,Alm 111E LORIRAC7ai SRAIl YDtlfY RIE Loc m a — u"oFRSRaRm uR117 ovm C i"M ax ARG e11-A5 -0 FR "N iCLL EE t- S00- SSR -ttSS t. RE NOS flN1pN d' YNRk50TA IXPMIYENT or iRN1�pITA119R 'S1AN9/Nm SPEC6ICAMIRS FM CCRSIRUC ' Y1M 1 ES CARIXd A710X a YFAWSOU (mow) srAROAw 1 ax Di CRANRASQM S7AI m SFECS v— ! OETAl PIAIES b / / DESCRIP77ON fg4£R SHEET I N7 1 TREE PRMRVA77OV PLAN I r / S7ORM WATER POLLU17ON PREAW77ON PUN .. g i! �I r R NARY IX , ,Alm 111E LORIRAC7ai SRAIl YDtlfY RIE Loc m a — u"oFRSRaRm uR117 ovm C i"M ax ARG e11-A5 -0 FR "N iCLL EE t- S00- SSR -ttSS t. RE NOS flN1pN d' YNRk50TA IXPMIYENT or iRN1�pITA119R 'S1AN9/Nm SPEC6ICAMIRS FM CCRSIRUC ' Y1M 1 ES CARIXd A710X a YFAWSOU (mow) srAROAw 1 ax Di CRANRASQM S7AI m SFECS v— ! OETAl PIAIES INDEX DESCRIP77ON fg4£R SHEET SANITARY SEWER R WAI MAIN - WYNSOVC LANE N7 MA 7E 57REET h STORM SEWER - WYNSONG LANE TREE PRMRVA77OV PLAN GRADING PLAN S7ORM WATER POLLU17ON PREAW77ON PUN .. csa sux. AIO RM1 1 All A wEr uCEi6fD FRaFESSioru� FNCREER y�y�S� VV T 1VJ�./IVt7 uxxR 1RE uNS ,oy� M � STALE a Ierwifsor 0 mu — ° GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC . ua — .. VAX ,y,Iltlra. ea..,u.m ,er. CHANHASSEN. MN N 0£4ELOPER: A KRNSS $LLC P.O. BOX 216 CHANHASSEN, MN 55JI7 PROEC7 NR COVER SHEET 2 -12 -0191 D. 1 OF 9 SHEETS (- 12112 1 di \ 1 We �\ deIIM°ted S I a — ` S i i , +e7 I 2 I I I I 1 1 n ALL suW 10. \ l EEYVND EDGE OF BT„ TYP. ( owWS cAIi�YH, rn .4tR I SAK 90. MCE fIEV /' RISER I r� I I I � I I 3 L J �° C 90D oR s k / � 1 EY � NW / � i Set Ilan g2 i .REM 1. WAIEIDAM SH BE C -900 DAIS WITH WCTRE RCN n"'M mTM°S SHALL SE PallxiAPPEO. w(;AUros SHALL BE CCYPATISIE WIN PVC PIPE 12 CADGE TRACER SHALL RE TERYMATED AT ALL NYDAANT WM W n.ANDS 2 ALL Y SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE SOR CS C. SANITARY SERWCES $HALL BE S PVC SDR 20 a SHALL BE IDCATED C PEST DDWNS,REAY CP WATER SERWCES �. WATER S RNCES SHALL M 1• CCPPEN WITH 1• CDR 3. ALL NWRAxT IEADB SHAD SE 0 w CIASS 52 6. CDIiNACICR $MALL INSTALL HYCRANT EAIENSNINS AS NECESSWY MWNE WY IAA9 BFEr1 LDWFIIED ro 9, CD9LKT WITH OREA uRUIIES. E%IFDI90N4 SMALL eE CONSIDERED INCICENTAL ro HYDRANT CCSi. T. WaD WITHIN CWNTY R.R.W. SMALL K ACCORDAND WTN cau+n unuTY PERwr REawREYENrs S ALL L%TIE9 CROSSWC WAIERYNN SMALL NAPE A YWIYUY Di le• \ERRCAL SEPARA, SETWEER PIPES. N P 1: ]D• HER GS.o. Gs.o. NW TIUT I «w A uwum P D 9xrwlw�~ WYNSONG I SANITARY SEWER $ IPRO 2 N&. 1 THE UN'S OF E 9f RE Df MNx6oiA :-- i nW+''"i.w"n 1e WATERMAIN PLAN GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC DW° 2/Iy/ z Ero W.Ae AN ° " 0° " ° " CHANHASSEN MN ISHEET NO 2 OF 9 SHEETS "' 12/12/12 \ A \ n \ 1 - "H -SAN. \ 0 1 8 "M - 975.41 r 1 .a o \ 1 S f� ex. y0• RCP " - S Son o .., r p YBWeI ' CA �-S >,p \ S \ ' 1 O 1 Z ' I aA ' ' RET,D� r service -ex. 2'x ) (aPPrO location 30 I � tland o, Q r 1 s to 1 Q ox 9L1`01 EYo 7 mm t 9t'fyf� ` I edge eated we o/ delin t' lOCOtj ^er ce \ _ex. 2" water On) u r° Mpa ' F I (cPProF. N• G v 099929) \♦ III ° ° °t0d ■MNpnd �' { DAYJGKT To I � I � ` % � lf�A• pE aRARIT■E 1 iNE IMIE• 406 EM •MO PARIOIa r p 4 2 A � / � #y F Sta . I +Yl°° �� 1 1 ■ 1x'17JY I J S L - U9 I �°das o/ dalA°oted w°tload I T IF-if RCP S I I j / / j3w 7 7'-TE SO 14 ypA.9°T• _ _ . — . 1 " t _ EAS]IE?IT TYP p i l ' 1p15 I QTY •RO r ullo� T'w� I� gl I i fol SW - N71L24 -- _._._._...... aR/.RIT■E IR-PS000 °AnroRT m t1oRTH I � - eF.a Sa , tla�„n5 � 1 1 rl r 7 1 1 1 Q 11 { �1 I 1 { L 1{ 1 1 1 1 ' 1 N J°' mm 1 . 1d VE L t J . I - I I I - . I I� ._____I I I .I: - I . r ________ r ____ __ r _ rr ____�_______ GSQ GSO. a°aoo .. ... '.:I I. Z - 7- -1x - . -r -- r - - 7777F7777 .. i -- ; - - T .. S 4 _I 2 wl RA ISYSUeo I' 1 ' I -f - -_ E3EV I +�:so * . � I I I S - !., 10°001 I ay .; .. -- + -- -F - - . - - - ... F . 1 I I I I I .. Id. ..I ... I.' .. I .. I... .I. I:. - ,I. I .I: .. -r - :. rr -- r. r. -r .n -- rr - - - .� - -- i --- 7 -- -- X p g - _-[-.::. J �. - . ___ __ ______ ___ _ ________-________..________ —S 4i St + _ WYNSONG PRIVATE STREET & GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC STORM SEWER PLAN 2 -12 -0191 �� `� C HANHASSEN,MN ISHEET NO. 3 OF 9 SHEETS 1 12/12 xr,- - - - - 1 -� W'YNS N I .I I I \/IN1`/ 11 I '_ _L _ JJ _ J J _ 1' _ -7- I- - I I I I I i i tA' 1 I. X41 F]EVI 1 I -- r - - -r 1.. f06�a .Q�s� . - "1 - - . I I f I : I - 'T :: I I :. 11 - r - -- - -r - - 1 1 1 r1 - -' i I I: : I III: I i I 1 : :: I I ■ .._.�_ I .: L:m 1=06: : ::I QV: -4 & : I I I .. j _- -.r -�-- ; -- __ -I - E - -- - -- - i: __ - -- gg 5: _ L ...... ..■ �'1PI Y I I I. 5 I I .., �I. . STA_ TT -?�� - �: :> .: .. AAA ■ I '1 .:I :I L t J . I - I I I - . I I� ._____I I I .I: - I . r ________ r ____ __ r _ rr ____�_______ GSQ GSO. a°aoo .. ... '.:I I. Z - 7- -1x - . -r -- r - - 7777F7777 .. i -- ; - - T .. S 4 _I 2 wl RA ISYSUeo I' 1 ' I -f - -_ E3EV I +�:so * . � I I I S - !., 10°001 I ay .; .. -- + -- -F - - . - - - ... F . 1 I I I I I .. Id. ..I ... I.' .. I .. I... .I. I:. - ,I. I .I: .. -r - :. rr -- r. r. -r .n -- rr - - - .� - -- i --- 7 -- -- X p g - _-[-.::. J �. - . ___ __ ______ ___ _ ________-________..________ —S 4i St + _ WYNSONG PRIVATE STREET & GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC STORM SEWER PLAN 2 -12 -0191 �� `� C HANHASSEN,MN ISHEET NO. 3 OF 9 SHEETS 1 12/12 ~~ Ll RETAINING WALL PROFILE MY PAO� WYNSONG GRADING PL" $F➢IIpIT AI21 fAeseN [b1TAti NUIEi 1 COIII.AL'IOR 8WL E fMNIM 2M YO R1tl0A ALL ED111pp13 K M 4 M LOIIRAC1011 !WL E ESPJIPNI! P'CR 10lDIIMY DAOtS, NMO, 0R OTCt EMIT 11N11120 ro NA31[ PAtlO a,Iw3a2 NiAp f. M ce1I12ACna swu E Eral®L fm 1¢v3a oosna vAlm SUMA36 uLMI SITE DISCHARGE CORAYCIIOIL O »�.01f MID Y!0. EOdi t IIID 8W1 E Nflglm WIIE 3/11011113 Ci OSMQY. 00YICi EAO.Y tIpXN NM11Hl SIYLC110111 NiLCDNB Myl b NONI IIANALL IWIR O 0.6' a Y0110 MN N1MNM Mi}iC1101 l0E 1WT.A312'L 003122012 12AY�II 6 Nl SNWI f110Y EM2AA11MSf E C2WM0m N A NYNR TNT 00p MOT WR MASMIfi CAEAMW, [.0121 N ECANID LlN1Idl a ON OOMNAO[ TO LARGE WETLAND TMIpL w Earn N0iEI0Da11. M Do11t3ma11 AOOpNmE2 M las4 a iN3 SSMST Mo ra¢s ro Ami w Md 6 u21PAC1a >aKl E 3[Vaxi[ N11 NW11dNN'E 01 NS ol0A0x 0. 0llLCim zmMNIL ANSNLi MlD M10122 1N1110. IlWTMO DEMi. nvw, Pu3DC. fM3.0, mu31211e11D11 AYD oolounox OPSSq ASD 0i1p1 wto u2r INSTALLS CY CL III RIP RAP COMPLEX WATER: LAKE C E OQOSm P PtWL16Y MID Nm COtIY N01 lod osmM lNOEIq¢ ��' 1 Nl C2MN[0 A?Af NIPIL E 3[Slpm 31111 A YNYW Q 1 NDE4 TOVq E420 SIM 01/A01 >® I4RK 1A (i0 IM/AOIb MM WIOm OIM uI/00T TR0 y Sa! olal M LMOE Po1N0ua MG NMIIOIMIa Wnu �, � � � E IYIfD ro M POIlMI.10[ n IOV.[ ®SdT PIIOY 011023 NOI 1131f PIAL MO 1q1 ENERGY DISSIPATION. 1 NAO1 (3 211 /I/i ! NC NC101p11M313 OTGIWE MOIm ML OPl3m SOL MSA9 MRi OOIPIL1g2 Ol COEADCOW (N= n NON3T 6 IOIOK iT NOI A001WAT01 IIFA00 0K -TND M V A Dvtm A a M S ! a I.1E1m AS alga SAMOrf N61 E CalO3p MO N1321g01LY OEO� 0I. W OY( EOIEt910 2 M1011m OI M E 301E@D Ad Nq1 K IOlili M M IIO CA! U101111M1 11 MYf Mipl M 00A00YCIg1 ACSNIV M ANT vNrnNl 01 M fm INf 21lORAAY D! vONNCIRY .DISTURBED BUFFER REA SHALL BE RES Q W DOT / E ms' t01011tl100.110N WY E KRWM. DOI[ MA EEL AANgOT dl L/4111NI00 D MIX 310 C ' e bR/ N Mr. f� n OE CMPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC ATM: SIEVE NRDISS P.O. BD% 213 op Q/s' B t.i ..�,,, 0 it . AgfAS I�l T/ON NOT WYNSONG N OZ { ' D/S D /SERB INSTALL 8 CY CL III RI�� GALPIN BLVD PARTNERS, LLC WE . Md ADm 1. N. W AW D ON -r�• , "!'- - > �; S e ENERGY DISSIPATI . g 01-j - 'LOT A ;) ' DR �NA Oi SEED� ' LOT AREA$ TRBE�. �.'..\ •L� FOR HOME C ALL BE! LAKE HARRISON / \ ' '_ SODDED FOR Fl L STA�ILIZA �. °uRi °p d N G PR T CA11S�jpU SITE DISCHARGE D�.Dw,— i � J ; to Cn�V LAKE HARRISON �:,'/ os - i /0�D/S7LR6 Y { INSTALL Ec MAINTAIN - \ INSTALL &MAI NTAIN mws ROCK CONST. ENTRA CE _ INLET PROTECTION $F➢IIpIT AI21 fAeseN [b1TAti NUIEi 1 COIII.AL'IOR 8WL E fMNIM 2M YO R1tl0A ALL ED111pp13 K M 4 M LOIIRAC1011 !WL E ESPJIPNI! P'CR 10lDIIMY DAOtS, NMO, 0R OTCt EMIT 11N11120 ro NA31[ PAtlO a,Iw3a2 NiAp f. M ce1I12ACna swu E Eral®L fm 1¢v3a oosna vAlm SUMA36 uLMI IW M06111AE 3 fpYi PM COOIMCOOI ACwIlE0. M COx2DC1A f WL CORAYCIIOIL O »�.01f MID Y!0. EOdi t IIID 8W1 E Nflglm WIIE 3/11011113 Ci OSMQY. 00YICi EAO.Y tIpXN NM11Hl SIYLC110111 NiLCDNB Myl b NONI IIANALL IWIR O 0.6' a Y0110 MN N1MNM Mi}iC1101 l0E 1WT.A312'L 003122012 12AY�II 6 Nl SNWI f110Y EM2AA11MSf E C2WM0m N A NYNR TNT 00p MOT WR MASMIfi CAEAMW, [.0121 N ECANID LlN1Idl a ON OOMNAO[ 0. M CdxnNCTgI fNMl 3NNIL ND NIMTW PALT PPA2GIM)A i1I1011AV0rt CDEASXAIOX. TMIpL w Earn N0iEI0Da11. M Do11t3ma11 AOOpNmE2 M las4 a iN3 SSMST Mo ra¢s ro Ami w Md 6 u21PAC1a >aKl E 3[Vaxi[ N11 NW11dNN'E 01 NS ol0A0x 0. 0llLCim zmMNIL ANSNLi MlD M10122 1N1110. IlWTMO DEMi. nvw, Pu3DC. fM3.0, mu31211e11D11 AYD oolounox OPSSq ASD 0i1p1 wto u2r i ILL AT Ppl[L ! 2E 11ID2CAOA fp2i !WL E NSMVID PN011 ro M2 a3oP10 Dawaal. Ei223 u1IR 312 1ua A Wa21I KETAIM CODA NM A DNIm E OQOSm P PtWL16Y MID Nm COtIY N01 lod osmM lNOEIq¢ ��' 1 Nl C2MN[0 A?Af NIPIL E 3[Slpm 31111 A YNYW Q 1 NDE4 TOVq E420 SIM 01/A01 >® I4RK 1A (i0 IM/AOIb MM WIOm OIM uI/00T TR0 y Sa! olal M LMOE Po1N0ua MG NMIIOIMIa Wnu �, � � � E IYIfD ro M POIlMI.10[ n IOV.[ ®SdT PIIOY 011023 NOI 1131f PIAL MO 1q1 10 SIpAZ NO 0D16M1 DI E, p�3p3( v/MT IJQ MIY IWAIm01q }1ETMIR3 IIDSi E N CMIMI¢ 1m1 IfM ENMA021 11. IXIpIK AWNp tr 2UL10 MO OAG CNISEL'13N MDgLt MMT E WIID 1 NAO1 (3 211 /I/i ! 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T- !0112) G10iM WINOL {NRI EONN SIIIIR STORMWATER POLLUTION 2.12 -0191 PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) .ET NO. B OF 9 SHEETS 12/12/12