CC Minutes 01-28-2013Chanhassen City Council — January 28, 2013 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session dated January 14, 2013 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 14, 2013 Receive Commission Minutes: - Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 15, 2013 b. Resolution #2013 -04: Rice Marsh Lake Trail Extension: Resolution Approving a MnDOT Limited Use Permit to Use TH 212 Right -of -Way. Wynsong, 7042 Galpin Boulevard: Table Final Plat and Development Contract. e. Approval of Request for a Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, Athletic Department Fundraiser, February 23, 2013, St. Hubert Catholic Community. f. Approve City Consent to Assignment, Limited Revenue Tax Increment Note, as related to Rottlund Homes/Northbay. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. LAW ENFORCEMENT /FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: Good evening Lieutenant. Lt. Jeff Enevold: Thank you Mr. Mayor, council, good evening. I have a short power point there if you could pull that up for me. It's crime comparisons in your upper left there Paul. Or upper right, I'm sorry. There we go. Just want to take a few minutes and do a little comparison. A 4 year comparison of '09 through `012 on some of the crimes, Part I and Part II and kind of show you what that looks like. If we can move on. Does this work? Look at that. You can take a look at the Part I crimes here from '09 to '12. They're pretty steady but what I found interesting here is, if you look on the left there's the total Part I crimes and then the darker color are the thefts so you can see the majority of our Part I crimes are thefts. We've had a, you've heard me up here talking about thefts from vehicles and thefts from garages so you can see we did drop down a little bit in 2012, and my goal was to reduce thefts but I'm not going to shout from the rooftops on you know 3 of those. I got more work to do so, and you can see burglary's was another high percentage of our Part I crimes so those are the two items that I'm going to work on for this year. Try and reduce those numbers. Part II crimes, you can see at the bottom what the Part II crimes are. The total, and you can see property damage and theft related are the two biggest out of those Part II crimes so those are the crimes that I'm going to focus on for next year. For this year. See the same thing for non - criminal calls for service. The two biggest, or two of the largest ones were alarms and medicals. Then I found this next slide pretty interesting. With all the discussion and debate on gun control and gun safety going on, you can see '09 to 'I I how the stats stayed pretty steady and then in `012 when the debate started going up, you can see the increase in acquire permits of 65% and the carry permits of 180% so be interested to see if that carries into this year also. Councilman Laufenburger: Lieutenant, is this across Carver County or only the city of Chanhassen?