Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS Work Session Items  Kortgard subdivision  Jeurissen Property Subdivision – 1500 Pioneer Trail  Villages on the Pond (NE corner Main Street and Lake Drive) Site Plan  Sinclair Site Subdivision, Site Plan, Variance Possible Future  LYMAN BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Request for a Items (Date Wetland Alteration Permit for proposed roadway reconstruction and improvement Unknown) project of the segment of CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) between CSAH 15 (Audubon Road) and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard). Applicant: Carver County – Planning Case 2013-03.  March 5 CROSSROADS RETAIL BUILDING 4B : Request for an Amendment to March 25 CC the Chanhassen Gateway PUD-Planned Unit Development to allow a fast food drive-thru; and Amendment to the Crossroads of Chanhassen Site Plan for a 13,871 square-foot retail building (Building 4B) on property zoned PUD- Planned Unit Development and located on the easterly portion of 8971 Crossroads Boulevard (Lot 2, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen). Applicant: Kraus-Anderson Realty Company – Planning Case 2013-06.  Planning Commission Interviews(?) March 19 April 8 CC April 2 WORK SESSION 2013 Goals April 16 May 13 CC May 7 May 28 CC (Tuesday) May 21 June 10 CC June 4 June 24 CC June 18 July 8 CC July 2 NO MEETING DUE TO HOLIDAY July 16 August 12 CC August 6 NO MEETING DUE TO NATIONAL NIGHT OUT August 20 September 9 CC September 3 September 23 CC September 17 October 14 CC g:\agendas\pc\fture planning commission agenda items.doc