1. Crossroads Retail Building 4BPC DATE: 3/5/2013
CC DATE: 3/25/2013
CASE #: 2013 -06
BY: Al -Jaff, et al.
"The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve a Planned Unit
Development Amendment to the existing standards; a Site Plan Amendment for construction of a
one -story multi -tenant building; and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Planned Unit Development
Amendment to existing standards, and Site Plan Amendment approval for the construction of a
one -story multi -tenant building with a drive -thru serving a fast food restaurant. Notice of this
public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within the required 500 feet. Staff is
recommending approval of the request with conditions.
LOCATION: Northwest of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101
(Lot 2, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen)
APPLICANT: Kraus- Anderson, Inc.
4210 West Old Shakopee Road 6 �
Bloomington, MN 55437
Mr. Jack Appert
Phone: (952) 948 -9367
PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development, Mixed Use — PUD, Mixed Use
2030 LAND USE PLAN: Mixed Use
ACREAGE: 4.39 Acres
level of discretion in approving amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative
or policy - making capacity. A PUD amendment must be consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the
proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the
City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision.
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The request consists of two applications to facilitate the construction of a multi- tenant building
with a drive -thru serving a fast food restaurant. The request includes a Planned Unit
Development Amendment to existing standards and Site Plan Approval for a multi -tenant
building with a drive -thru.
The site is located northwest of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 and southwest
of Crossroads Boulevard. Access to the site will be gained off of Crossroads Boulevard. The site
is zoned Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use.
The following is a summary of the requests:
1. Planned Unit Development Amendment:
The first request is to amend the section prohibiting drive -thru windows for fast food restaurants.
The following is a summary of the requests:
1. Planned Unit Development Amendment:
The first request is to amend the section prohibiting drive -thru windows for fast food restaurants.
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2. Site Plan:
The site plan request is for the construction of a 13,871 square -foot multi - tenant building with a
drive -thru. Site coverage is averaged over the entire development. This is permitted under the
PUD ordinance (Section 20 -505 (e)). The total permitted site coverage is 70 percent. The
proposed development has a total hard coverage area of 48.1 %.
The design of the building is attractive and is proposed to be constructed of high - quality
materials which include brick and block. All elevations that can be viewed by the public have
received equal attention. Parking is buffered from views by buildings and landscaping.
Sidewalks and trails allow for connections between the subject site and the surrounding buildings
and separates pedestrian from vehicular traffic.
Access to the site is provided via an internal street (Crossroads Boulevard). There will not be
direct access to Highway 212, Highway 101 or Lyman Boulevard.
Staff regards the project as a well - designed development. The overall design is sensitive to the
surrounding area. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan and
planned unit development amendment with conditions as outlined in the staff report.
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Chapter 20, Article II, Division 2, Amendments
Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review
Chapter 20, Article VII, Planned Unit Development District
Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial, and Office -
Institutional Developments
The Land Use Plan designates areas around the TH 101/TH 212 interchange as mixed use. This
category has been established to accommodate either commercial or high- density residential
developments. The high- density category, which includes units with a maximum net density of
16.0 units per acre, accommodates apartments and higher density condominium units, but would
also permit the development of townhome -type units.
The commercial use is
intended to support or
complement high- density
residential development.
Commercial uses may
include convenience
grocery stores, daycare
facilities, etc., or those
uses that meet the daily
needs of the residents.
The underlying
commercial district
permits fast food
restaurants with no drive -
thru as part of a shopping
center. The Planned Unit
Development governing
this development allows
drive -thru for tenants
whose primary use is the
sale of coffee. Staff supports amending this section to incorporate fast food restaurants that are
attached to a shopping center. This will be consistent with the neighborhood commercial type of
use as it is located in a screened area and away from any residential area.
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Concept Plan
On January 4, 2005, the
Planning Commission
reviewed and approved the
Concept PUD for the site
(not to be confused with
site plan approval). This
plan was later approved by
City Council on January
24, 2005. This final
concept layout reflected a
residential component
within the areas located
north and south of Lake
Susan Drive with the
highest density
concentration facing
Highway 101.
r rtttttt� I
Highwav Plans w /Site Lavout
North Site Location
Realigned Highway 101
New Highway 212
Proposed Lighted Intersection
Future Southwest llletro Transit Station
South Site Location
Lyman Boulevard & Hizi aY I'M Inteich:m,e
The portion of the site located south of Highway 212 consisted of a mix of commercial and
residential uses. In that instance, the residential part encompassed the western portion of the site
while the commercial part occupied the remainder of the site, and faced Highways 101, 212, and
Lyman Boulevard.
South Site
k a 4
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A, ft.
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Development Plan
On June 27, 2005, the City Council approved rezoning the property from Residential Single
Family to Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use and adopted the Planned Unit Development
ordinance that regulated and set standards for the development of this site including permitted uses,
landscaping, setbacks, signage, building materials, architectural standards, parking, etc.
On February 27, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved a site plan for the construction of a
three -story multi - family building containing 48 units, and located northwest of the intersection of
Highways 312/101 (north site).
On January 24, 2008, the City requested the vacation of right -of -way along Old Trunk Highway
101. A portion of the old highway occupies the westerly portion of the site. Development of the
westerly portion of the site is contingent upon Minnesota Department of Transportation vacating
the right -of -way.
Amended Development Plan
On March 10, 2008, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following:
• Planned Unit Development amendment clarifying setbacks, signage, and retail building
• Variance request to allow a 20 -foot setback from Lyman Boulevard and a 20 -foot setback
from Highway 101
• Preliminary plat for Planning Case 2008 -01 for Crossroads of Chanhassen
• Seven site plans consisting of a 5,300 square -foot convenience store with gas pumps and a
2,805 square -foot car wash (Buildings 4A), a multi -tenant building with an area of 11,000
square feet (Building 4B), a two -story multi -tenant building with a first floor area of
13,800 square feet and second floor area of 15,000 square feet (Building 4C), a one -story
retail building with an area of 8,000 square feet (Building 4D), a 5,000 square -foot bank
with drive -thru window (Building 4E), a 3,400 square -foot retail building (Building 4F),
and a 10,000 square -foot Deli and Liquor Store (Building 4G).
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Exhibit A
u �--
3 -
.! 4E ws
4 AA
On April 28, 2008, the City Council approved a final plat to subdivide 14.9 acres into three lots
and one outlot — Crossroads of Chanhassen.
On July 14, 2008, the Chanhassen City Council granted final plat approval for Crossroads of
Chanhassen 2 nd Addition creating two lots and one Outlot for the area of the development that is
being reviewed as part of the development proposal for the daycare. That plat was never recorded.
As part of the submittal, staff directed the applicant to conduct a traffic study to evaluate the trip
generation and circulation of the site along with the impact to the intersection of Lyman
Boulevard and Highway 101. A traffic study was performed by the applicant's engineer and
reviewed by the City's traffic consultant. Internally the site has acceptable circulation. The only
external site issue that was discovered is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Crossroads
Boulevard. Access spacing guidelines for Carver County do not allow a signal at this
intersection. The possibility exists that the County could someday switch the access to
Crossroads Boulevard to a right - in/right -out or block some of the turning movements.
On March 26, 2012, the Chanhassen City Council approved a Planned Unit Development
Amendment to the existing standards; Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide 6.15 acres into one
lot and one outlot (Crossroads of Chanhassen 2nd Addition); and Site Plan Approval for
construction of a daycare facility (Primrose of Chanhassen). This request combined Buildings
4F and 4G into a single building.
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In order to provide a better understanding of the overall development, staff will first review the
site plan component, which in turn leads to the PUD amendment. The building must comply
with the Development Design Standards for Chanhassen Gateway. A PUD is required to be
developed to a higher quality than other projects. Site coverage is averaged over the entire
development. This is permitted under the PUD ordinance (Section 20 -505 (e)). The total
permitted site coverage is 70 percent. The proposed development has a total hard coverage area
of 48.1 %. The design of the building is attractive and is proposed to be constructed of high -
quality materials. They include brick, rough -face block, awnings, and glass. All elevations that
can be viewed by the public have received equal attention. Parking is proposed along the west
portion of the site. It is buffered from views by a building and landscaping. Sidewalks and trails
allow for connections between the building and surrounding area, which separate pedestrians
from vehicular traffic. The applicant has done a commendable job on the sidewalks and pedestrian
connections on this site. The trash enclosure for the building is located at the northeast corner of
Lot 1, Block 1. The enclosure is proposed to be built of materials that match the building. The
added landscaping and boulevard trees will provide a calming affect to a busy area.
The site plan request is for a 13,871 square -foot multi -tenant building. The original site plan for
Building 4B showed a 11,000 square -foot building. The applicant is proposing to adjust the
square footage of all the buildings to stay consistent with the approved plans. These adjustments
will result in minor changes to the overall design of the building. Staff intends to process these
changes administratively since they are all a reduction in size. The following table reflects the
approved and proposed adjusted building square footage.
Building Area
s uare feet
Building Area
s are feet
4A (KwikTri - Built)
4B (Subject Building)
4C (Future 2 -Story Office Building )
41) (Future Retail Building )
4E (Future Bank)
4F (Primrose - Built)
The structure is proposed to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen. The building
has pronounced entrances, utilizes durable exterior materials, and exhibits articulation. Signs are
proposed along the north, south, east and west elevations of the building. The ordinance
regulating this development limits signage to two elevations per building. The signage along the
north and south elevations must be eliminated. The size of the individual letters may not exceed
30 inches and the sign must comply with ordinance.
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All buildings within the development of Crossroads of Chanhassen must maintain a 20 -foot
setback from the right -of -way. To continue the vernacular perspective, the applicant will
maintain this setback.
View from northeast corner of the site
The applicant prepared a lighting plan. The applicant included photometrics. Light levels for
site lighting shall be no more than one -half foot candle at the project perimeter property line.
This does not apply to street lighting. The applicant is showing a light fixture design that is
inconsistent with the approved lighting plans. Staff is recommending that the lights be consistent
View from the west portion of the site
View from the southeast corner of the site
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with the approved fixtures in the development. Parking lot light fixtures may be 25 feet tall. All
fixtures must be shielded.
All the buildings in the development are permitted signs on two elevations only. The proposed
signs on the north and south building elevations must be removed in order for signage to remain
consistent with the Planned Unit Development design standards. Only individual letters are
permitted. The size of individual letters may not exceed 30 inches.
The ordinance requires one parking space per 200 square feet for the shopping center and one
parking space per 250 square feet for the bank. The development uses shared parking. The
development must provide 270 parking spaces. The applicant is showing 270 spaces. Cross
Parking Agreements must be recorded against the property.
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Size, Portion and Placement
Entries: The building has pronounced entrances.
Articulation: The building incorporates adequate detail and has been tastefully designed. The
architectural style is unique to the building but will fit in with the surrounding area. The building
will provide a variation in style through the use of brick and glass. The building utilizes exterior
materials that are durable and of high quality. The amended design will utilize a white brick that
will match the color of stucco used on the building, as well as the approved materials for the
Signs: All signage must meet the sign criteria in the Planned Unit Development Design
Standards for Chanhassen Gateway.
Material and Detail
High quality materials are being used on the building.
The colors chosen for the building are earth tones. The selection is unique, but blends in with the
surrounding buildings.
Height and Roof Design
The maximum building height in this Planned Unit Development varies based on the use. All
buildings meet the minimum set in the ordinance. The roofline is staggered, adding articulation
to the design of the buildings. All rooftop equipment must be screened from views.
Facade Transparency
All facades viewed by the public contain more than 50 percent windows and/or doors.
Loading Areas, Refuse Areas, etc.
The trash enclosure is located along the northeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1. The exterior material
must be of the same exterior material as the building. Recycling space and other solid waste
collection space should be contained within the same enclosure.
In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the City shall consider the development's compliance
with the following:
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(1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the
comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted;
(2) Consistency with this division;
(3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and
soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the
neighboring developed or developing areas;
(4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features
and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development;
(5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special
attention to the following:
a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a
desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community;
b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping;
c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design
concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and
uses; and
d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in
terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior
drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking.
(6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface
water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects
of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on
neighboring land uses.
Finding The proposed development is consistent with the City's design requirements, the
comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review
requirements with the exception of the area of the building which will require a PUD
amendment. Staff is recommending approval of the request with conditions. The site design is
compatible with the surrounding developments. It is functional and harmonious with the
approved development for this area.
Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the
City's image. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with
conditions outlined in the staff report.
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Allow fast food restaurants with a drive -thru: The language in the PUD currently permits small
to medium -sized restaurant not -to- exceed 8,000 square feet per building. Drive -thru windows
are prohibited except drive -thru windows are allowed for tenants whose primary use is the sale
of coffee. The drive -thru lane is required to be screened and the exterior wall of the drive -thru
must contain the same level of architectural detail as any other elevation visible by the public.
Staff has been working with the applicant and has had numerous discussions to prepare a plan
that is still consistent with the intent of the ordinance. Initially, the applicant proposed replacing
the bank (Building 4E) with a stand -alone fast food restaurant with a drive -thru. Staff was
strongly opposed to this request. Staff required the applicant to locate the drive -thru aisle and
window to the far north of the building and screen the drive aisle. This is the most suitable
location for the use on this site. Staff is proposing to limit the drive -thru for restaurants to
Building 4B only.
Should the City approve this amendment, staff recommends changing the language under
permitted uses to read "Small to medium -sized restaurant not -to- exceed 8,000 square feet per
building. Fast food restaurants with a drive -thru are limited along the north end of
Building 4B. It must be part of and attached to the multi -use building. (n
vyindews exeept drive dwu windews are a4lewed for- tenants whese pfimafy use is the sale e
ee€fee. The drive -thru lane shall be screened and the exterior wall of the drive -thru shall contain
the same level of architectural detail as any other elevation visible by the public."
NOTE: The designation of Highway 312 has been changed to Highway 212. The
ordinance governing this development has been modified accordingly.
The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse
effects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) effects and our findings regarding them are:
a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of
and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan.
Finding The site is guided mixed use (residential and neighborhood commercial). A drive -
thru window for a restaurant will add a convenient purchasing method. It will be screened
from views.
b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area.
Finding The proposed use is and will be compatible with the present and future land uses
of the area through the implementation of the design standards, landscaping, architecture, etc.
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c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning
Finding The proposed use will conform with all performance standards contained in the
Zoning Ordinance such as design standards, signage, durable materials, uses, etc.
d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed.
Finding The proposed use is intended to meet the daily needs of the area. It could
potentially add convenience to the homeowners in the area.
e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not
overburden the city's service capacity.
Finding The site is located within the Municipal Urban Service Area. The proposed use
can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service
f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property.
Findin : Based upon traffic studies conducted by the applicant's traffic engineer, traffic
generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property.
The developer proposes to construct Building 4B in the southeast corner of the site. The phase
line must be shown on all plans. Access to the building will extend from the existing two curb
cuts on the southern end of Crossroads Boulevard. The applicant must work with the City to
provide assurances that the edge of pavement and drainage patterns can be adequately
maintained given the proposed phase line.
A stop sign must be installed at the end of the drive -thru. Based on the site configuration, the
applicant may want to install this stop sign on the corner of the building.
The applicant has designated two "Parking" stalls for drive -thru
customers waiting for their order.
Site detail "21" in front of the retail building must be included in the
site notes.
Encroachment agreements are needed for any structure located in the
drainage and utility easements. This includes but is not limited to the
entrance monument, light poles, and fence located in drainage and
utility easements.
wrx � m
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Upon completion, the applicant shall submit a set of "as- built" plans signed by a professional
civil engineer.
All of the maintenance for landscaping and irrigation within the right -of -way must be maintained
by the developer.
The applicant has provided an updated traffic study since some of the uses within the
development have changed subsequent to the preliminary plat approval. The updated study
indicates that the average weekday trips increase by 16.4 %, the AM Peak Hour trips increase by
78.5% and the PM Peak Hour trips increase by 15.1 %. The increase in the AM Peak Hour is due
to the existing daycare facility and the proposed drive -thru.
The traffic study was sent to Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and Carver
County for review due to the site proximity to Highway 212 and CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard),
respectively. MnDOT requires that the traffic study must be updated to include an analysis of
traffic volumes to the year 2023. Additional comments and /or conditions of approval may result
from the updated traffic volumes. Final comments from Carver County have not been submitted
at this time.
The findings from a traffic study are generally used to evaluate the capacity of the adjacent roads
and to evaluate delays to traffic flow (called Level of Service). In general, the existing capacity
of the adjacent roads is sufficient. The study indicates that the Level of Service at the
intersection of the Highway 212 Ramp /County Road 101 /Crossroads Boulevard will operate at
an unacceptable Level of Service based on the 2018 full buildout conditions; however, this can
be remedied by optimizing the signal timing.
The site drains to the existing MnDOT stormwater pond north of the daycare. The total
impervious surface of the site has increased since the preliminary design and may be subject to
additional requirements by MnDOT. The applicant must obtain a MnDOT drainage permit.
The majority of Lot 2, Block 1 will drain to a low point in the middle of the parking area. The
area on the north side including the drive -thru will drain to the existing storm sewer along the
north lot line.
Spot elevations must be shown on the grading plan to confirm that the site meets the following
minimum grade requirements: 0.5% along curb lines, 1% on pavement, and 2% on turf.
Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plans. The finished floor
elevation of each building must be minimum one foot above the emergency overflow.
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The proposed sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer shall be privately owned and
maintained. All utilities must be installed and tested in accordance with City standards. The rim
and invert elevations of manholes must be shown on the utility plan. Provide a detail of each
utility crossing to ensure that there are no conflicts.
The applicant has submitted storm sewer design calculations. The storm sewer design must be
modified to provide sufficient inlet capacity for drainage area 20. Add the storm sewer schedule
to the utility plan.
The power to the Crossroads Boulevard irrigation system must be removed from the City supply
and connected to the development's system.
Identify the utility line between the entry monument at Lyman Boulevard and the southern retail
building. This utility shall be relocated within the right -of -way and/or drainage and utility
The plan set must include a detail sheet. City of Chanhassen Detail Plate 5215, Pedestrian
Ramps, must be included on the detail sheet.
Minimum requirements for landscaping on Lot 2, Block 1 include 7,915 square feet of
landscaped area around the parking lot, 16 landscape islands or peninsulas, 31 trees for the
parking lot, and bufferyard plantings along the property lines. The applicant's proposed as
compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following
The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area.
Bufferyard requirements:
Vehicular use landscape area
7,915 square feet
10,000 square feet
Trees/ parking lot
31 trees
38 trees
Islands or peninsulas/parking lot
16 islands/ peninsulas
17 islands /peninsulas
The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area.
Bufferyard requirements:
Required plantings
Proposed plantings
Bufferyard B — south
8 Overstory trees
3 Overstory trees
property Line, 430'
12 Understory trees
20 Understory trees
20 Shrubs
20+ Shrubs
Bufferyard B — east
8 Overstory trees
1 Overstory trees
property Line, 410'
12 Understory trees
21 Understory trees
20 Shrubs
20+ Shrubs
Bufferyard A — west
8 Overstory trees
10 Overstory trees
property Line, 420'
12 Understory trees
23 Understory trees
20 Shrubs
20+ Shrubs
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The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for buffer plantings. The applicant shall
convert understory selections to overstory species in all locations where they are not in conflict
with signage. All existing boulevard trees along the west property line must be protected during
construction or replaced after construction.
Staff recommends that the selections of Norway maple and Colorado spruce be removed from
the plant schedule. Hackberry may be selected to replace the Norway maple, other selections as
suggested by the applicant and approved by city staff.
In the area along the drive -thru, over- and understory deciduous trees are specified on the
landscape plans. In order to block headlight glare into the neighboring use and Highway 101
traffic, staff recommends that evergreens, instead of deciduous trees, be located along the turning
Staff recommends that recycling containers be placed alongside trash containers in public spaces.
Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen paid full park and trail dedication fees at the
time of final plat approval. No additional park and trail fees are due for payment. The site plan
for building 413 should include appropriate sidewalk connections to the pedestrian trail
paralleling Highway 101 along the eastern edge of the subject property and the trail paralleling
Lyman Boulevard on the south side of the property. Additional pedestrian corridors and
connections should be designed into the site plan to safely accommodate pedestrian movements
between the sidewalk along Crossroads Boulevard and the front door of each business location.
Staff recommends adoption of the following three motions:
1. Planned Unit Development Amendment — Pages 17 -25.
2. Site Plan — Pages 25 -28.
"The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Planned Unit
Development amendment in the attached ordinance for Chanhassen Gateway allowing fast food
restaurants with a drive thru window (amendments are shown in bold and strike thru), and
including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation:
a. Intent
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The purpose of this zone is to create a MIXED USE PUD including a Neighborhood
Commercial, Office and Residential. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more
flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive development.
Each structure proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on
the development standards outlined below. The Neighborhood Business District
regulations shall apply to Lots 1 -3, Block 1 and Outlot A, Crossroads of Chanhassen,
except as modified by this ordinance. The R -16 District regulations shall apply to Outlot
C, except as modified by this ordinance. Exhibit A, as revised herein to reflect the
changes to the commercial portion, reflects the site layout and buildings as referenced
i� _ u
4 a ,
b. Permitted Uses
• The permitted uses in this zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and
service uses consistent with meeting the daily needs of the neighborhood. The uses
shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a
use meets the definition, the Community Development Director shall make that
interpretation. The type of uses to be provided on these lots shall be low- intensity
neighborhood- oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of
residents. Commercial and office uses shall be limited to the area located south of
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Highway 212. Residential uses shall be located north of Highway 212 and along the
western portion of the southern half.
• Small to medium -sized restaurant not -to- exceed 8,000 square feet per building. Fast
food restaurants with a drive thru are limited along the north end of Building
4B. It must be part of and attached to the multi -use building. (no drive -
sale of ee ° . The drive -thru lane shall be screened and the exterior wall of the
drive -thru shall contain the same level of architectural detail as any other elevation
visible by the public.
• Banks with a drive -in service window
• Office
• Day care
• Neighborhood scale commercial up to 8,000 square feet per tenant with the exception
of building 4C. A tenant may occupy up to 10,000 square feet of said building and
building 4G for a daycare to occupy 12,000 square feet. No individual service
component of a retail building shall occupy more than 8,000 square feet of a building.
• Convenience store with or without gas pumps and car wash.
• Specialty retail (Book Store, Jewelry, Sporting Goods Sale /Rental, Retail Sales,
Retail Shops, Apparel Sales, etc.)
• Personal Services (an establishment or place of business primarily engaged in
providing individual services generally related to personal needs, such as a Tailor
Shop, Shoe Repair, Self- Service Laundry, Laundry Pick -up Station, Dry Cleaning,
Dance Studios, etc).
• Residential High Density (8 -16 units per net acre). The total number of units for the
entire site may not exceed 150 units.
C. Building Area
• Commercial /Office — Not to exceed 75,000 square feet for the entire development
• Maximum Commercial /Office lot usage is a Floor Area Ratio of 0.3
• Maximum office /commercial building area per tenant may not exceed 8,000 square
• Maximum residential units may not exceed 150 units.
d. Prohibited Ancillary Uses
Drive -thru Windows except banks, coffee shops, fast food restaurants or
Outdoor storage and display of merchandise such as propane, salt, window washer
fluid, etc. except on the sidewalk surrounding the convenience store 4A. The outdoor
display of merchandise shall not impede nor interfere with pedestrian traffic.
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e. Setbacks
The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The
following table displays those setbacks.
Setbacks feet
Lyman Boulevard
Highway 101 North of Highway 34-2-212
Highway 101 South of Highway 34-2-212
Highway 34-2-212
Northerly Project Property Line
Westerly Project Property Line
Internal Project propert lines
Internal Right-of-Way (Crossroads Boulevard)
Hard Surface Coverage-Residential
Commercial and Office Hard Surface Coverage
Maximum Commercial (Retail) Building/Structure Height
1 story
Maximum Office Building/Structure Height
2 stories
Maximum Residential Building/Structure Height
35 or 3 stories,
whichever is less
f. Non - Residential Building Materials and Design
There shall not be underdeveloped backsides of buildings. All elevations shall receive
nearly equal treatment and visual qualities. Buildings and site design shall comply with
design standards outlined in Article XXIII. General Supplemental Regulations, Division
7 of the Zoning Ordinance.
g. Residential Standards
Buildings and site design shall comply with design standards outlined in Article XXIII.
General Supplemental Regulations, Division 9 of the Zoning Ordinance.
1. All units shall have access onto an interior private street.
2. A design palette shall be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include
colors for siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick, stone, etc.
3. All foundation walls shall be screened by landscaping or retaining walls.
h. Site Landscaping and Screening
The intent of this section is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas and property
abutting public rights -of -way; to require buffering between different land uses; and to
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protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the surrounding
neighborhoods; to promote public health and safety through the reduction of noise
pollution, air pollution, visual pollution and glare.
1. The landscaping standards shall provide for screening for visual impacts associated
with a given use, including but not limited to, truck loading areas, trash storage,
parking lots, Large unadorned building massing, etc.
2. Each lot for development shall submit a separate landscaping plan as a part of the site
plan review process.
3. All open spaces and non - parking lot surfaces, except for plaza areas, shall be
landscaped, rockscaped, or covered with plantings and/or lawn material. Tree wells
shall be included in pedestrian areas and plazas.
4. Undulating berms, north of Lyman Boulevard, north and south of Highway 312 and
west of Highway 101 shall be sodded or seeded at the conclusion of grading and utility
construction. The required buffer landscaping may be installed where it is deemed
necessary to screen any proposed development. All required boulevard landscaping
shall be sodded.
5. Loading areas shall be screened from public right -of -ways. Wing walls may be required
where deemed appropriate.
6. Native species shall be incorporated into site landscaping, whenever possible.
i. Street Furnishings
Benches, kiosks, trash receptacles, planters and other street furnishings should be of
design and materials consistent with the character of the area. Wherever possible, street
furnishings should be consolidated to avoid visual clutter and facilitate pedestrian
j. Signage
The intent of this section is to establish an effective means of communication in the
development, maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the business's ability
to attract sources of economic development and growth, to improve pedestrian and traffic
safety, to minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private
property, and to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations. It is
the intent of this section, to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and
image of the community by regulating signs that are intended to communicate to the
public, and to use signs which meet the city's goals:
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a. Establish standards which permit businesses a reasonable and equitable opportunity to
advertise their name and service;
b. Preserve and promote civic beauty, and prohibit signs which detract from this
objective because of size, shape, height, location, condition, cluttering or
c. Ensure that signs do not create safety hazards;
d. Ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that
does not adversely impact public safety or unduly distract motorists;
e. Preserve and protect property values;
f. Ensure signs that are in proportion to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible
with, the principal structures;
g. Limit temporary commercial signs and advertising displays which provide an
opportunity for grand opening and occasional sales events while restricting signs
which create continuous visual clutter and hazards at public right -of -way
j.1. Proiect Identification Sign
One project identification sign for the commercial portion of the development located at
the entrance off of Highway 101. Project identification signs shall not exceed 80 square
feet in sign display area nor be greater than eight feet in height. The sign shall be setback
a minimum of 10 feet from the property line.
As an alternative, the project identification sign may be located at the southeast corner of
Lot 2, Block 1. If the sign is located in the right -of -way, an encroachment agreement
must be obtained. Otherwise, the sign must maintain a 10 foot setback from property
lines and may not exceed 24 square feet nor be higher than 5 feet.
j.2. Monument Sign
One monument sign shall be permitted at the entrance to the development off of Lake
Susan Drive. One monument sign per lot shall be permitted for the commercial portion
of the site. One multi -tenant sign shall be permitted at the entrance into the development
off of Highway 101 and two signs off of Lyman Boulevard. These signs shall not exceed
24 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than 5 feet in height except Kwik Trip,
located on Lot 1, Block 1, shall be permitted a 48 square -foot, 8 -foot high monument
sign. These signs must comply with all ordinances pertaining to size and percent of sign
area dedicated to gas prices as well as any other applicable regulations. These signs shall
be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line.
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j.3. Wall Signs
a. The location of letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign
bands, the tops of which shall not extend above parapet height. The letters and logos
shall be restricted to a maximum of 30 inches in height. All individual letters and logos
comprising each sign shall be constructed of wood, metal, or translucent facing.
b. Second story illuminated signs that can be viewed from neighborhoods outside the
PUD site, are prohibited.
c. Tenant signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the
tenant's proper name and major product or service offered. Corporate logos,
emblems and similar identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined
within the signage band and do not occupy more than 15% of the sign area unless the
logo is the sign.
d. Wall signs are limited to two elevations per building.
j.4. Festive Flags/Banners
a. Flags and banners shall be permitted on approved standards attached to the building
facade and on standards attached to pedestrian area lighting.
b. Flags and banners shall be constructed of fabric or vinyl.
c. Banners shall not contain advertising for individual users, businesses, services, or
d. Flags and banners shall project from buildings a maximum of two feet.
e. Flags and banners shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet.
f. Flags and banners which are torn or excessively worn shall be removed at the request
of the city.
j.5. Building Directory
a. In multi -tenant buildings, one building directory sign may be permitted. The
directory sign shall not exceed eight square feet.
j.6 Directional Signs
a. On- premises signs shall not be larger than four (4) square feet. The maximum height
of the sign shall not exceed five (5) feet from the ground. The placement of
directional signs on the property shall be so located such that the sign does not
adversely affect adjacent properties (including site lines or confusion of adjoining
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ingress or egress) or the general appearance of the site from public rights -of -way. No
more than four (4) signs shall be allowed per lot. The city council may allow
additional signs in situations where access is confusing or traffic safety could be
b. Off - premises signs shall be allowed only in situations where access is confusing and
traffic safety could be jeopardized or traffic could be inappropriately routed through
residential streets. The size of the sign shall be no larger than what is needed to
effectively view the sign from the roadway and shall be approved by the city council.
c. Bench signs are prohibited except at transit stops as authorized by the local transit
d. Signs and Graphics. Wherever possible, traffic control, directional and other public
signs should be consolidated and grouped with other street fixtures and furnishings to
reduce visual clutter and to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian movement. A system of
directional signs should also be established to direct traffic within the commercial
area and away from residential areas.
j.7. Prohibited Signs
• Pylon signs are prohibited.
• Back lit awnings are prohibited.
• Window Signs are prohibited except for company logo /symbol and not the name.
Such logo shall not exceed 10% of a window area.
• Menu Signs are prohibited.
j.8. Sign Design and Permit Requirements
a. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect the quality
of the development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material and
height throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the
development's entrance monument and will be used throughout.
b. All signs require a separate sign permit.
c. Wall business signs shall comply with the city's sign ordinance for the Neighborhood
business district for determination of maximum sign area. Wall signs may be
permitted on the "street" front and primary parking lot front of each building.
k. Lighting
1. Lighting for the interior of the development shall be consistent throughout the
development. High pressure sodium vapor lamps or LED with decorative natural colored
pole shall be used throughout the development parking lot area for lighting. Decorative,
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pedestrian scale lighting shall be used in plaza and sidewalk areas and may be used in
parking lot areas. Parking lot light poles may not exceed 25 feet in height.
2. Light fixtures in areas other than parking lots should be kept to a pedestrian scale (12
to 18 feet). Street light fixtures should accommodate vertical banners for use in
identifying the commercial area.
3. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than
'/2 foot candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street
4. Lighting for parking areas shall minimize the use of lights on pole standards in the
parking area. Rather, emphasis should be placed on building lights and poles located in
close proximity to buildings.
1. Non - Residential Parking
1. Parking shall be provided based on the shared use of parking areas whenever
possible. Cross access easements and the joint use of parking facilities shall be
protected by a recorded instrument acceptable to the city.
2. The development shall be treated as an integrated shopping center and provide a
minimum of one space per 200 square feet of commercial /retail area. The
office /personal service component shall be treated as an integrated office building and
provide 4.5 space per 1,000 square feet for the first 49,999 square feet, four per
thousand square feet for the second 50,000 square feet, and 3.5 per thousand square
feet thereafter.
m. Residential Parking shall comply with city code requirements."
"The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the site plan consisting of a
13,871 square -foot multi -tenant building with a drive -thru to allow a fast food restaurant
(Building 4B), Planning Case 2013 -06 as shown in plans dated received January 23, 2013, and
including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions:
Environmental Resource Conditions
1. All existing boulevard trees along the west property line must be protected during
construction or replaced after construction if damaged or dead.
2. The selections of Norway maple and Colorado spruce must be removed from the plant
schedule. Hackberry may be selected to replace the Norway maple, other selections as
suggested by the applicant and approved by city staff.
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3. Staff recommends that recycling containers be place alongside trash containers in public
4. Staff recommends that evergreens be located near the drive -thru area to block headlight glare
into the neighboring use and Highway 101 traffic.
5. The required number of overstory trees in the south and east bufferyards is 8. The applicant
shall convert understory selections to overstory species in all locations where they are not in
conflict with signage.
Fire Marshal Conditions
6. A three -foot clear space shall be maintained around fire hydrants. MSFC sec. 508.5.4.
7. Watermains shall be made serviceable prior to combustible construction. SFC Sec. 503.1.1.
8. Fences, posts, landscaping, storage and other materials shall not be placed near fire hydrants,
Fire Department sprinkler connections that would prevent such equipment from being
immediately discernable. MSFC. Sec 508.5.4.
9. "No Parking Fire Lane" signage and yellow painted curbing will be required. Have
developer contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact locations and sign requirements.
MSFC Sec. 503.3.
10. An addition fire hydrant fire will be required. Contact Fire Marshal for location.
Engineering Conditions
11. Upon completion, the applicant shall submit a set of "as- built" plans signed by a professional
12. All of the maintenance for landscaping, and irrigation within the right -of -way must be
maintained by the developer.
13. The applicant shall work with staff on minor plan modifications.
14. The phase line must be shown on all plans.
15. The applicant must work with the City to provide assurances that the edge of pavement and
drainage patterns can be adequately maintained given the proposed phase line.
16. A stop sign must be installed at the end of the drive -thru.
17. Site detail "21" in front of the retail building must be included in the site notes.
18. The traffic study must be updated to include an analysis of traffic volumes to the year 2023.
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19. The developer shall comply with any additional conditions of approval resulting from the
2023 traffic volumes.
20. The applicant must obtain a MnDOT drainage permit.
21. Spot elevations must be shown on the grading plan to confirm that the site meets the
following minimum grade requirements: 0.5% along curb lines, 1% on pavement, and 2% on
22. Emergency overflow locations and elevations must be shown on the plans.
23. The finished floor elevation of each building must be minimum one foot above the
emergency overflow.
24. The proposed sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer shall be privately owned and
25. All utilities must be installed and tested in accordance with City standards.
26. The rim and invert elevations of manholes must be shown on the utility plan.
27. Provide a detail of each utility crossing to ensure that there are no conflicts.
28. The storm sewer design must be modified to provide sufficient inlet capacity for drainage
area 20.
29. Add the storm sewer schedule to the utility plan.
30. The power to the Crossroads Boulevard irrigation system must be removed from the City
supply and connected to the development's system.
31. Identify the utility line between the entry monument at Lyman Boulevard and the southern
retail building. This utility shall be relocated within the right of way and/or drainage and
utility easements.
32. The plan set must include a detail sheet.
33. City of Chanhassen Detail Plate 5215, Pedestrian Ramps, must be included on the detail
Planning Conditions
34. Encroachment agreements are needed for any structure located in the drainage and utility
35. All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views.
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36. Approval of the site plan applications is contingent upon approval of the PUD amendment —
Planning Case 2013 -06.
37. Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance.
38. The exterior material for the trash enclosure must be of the same exterior material as the
building. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within
the same enclosure."
1. Findings of Fact.
2. Ordinance Amendment.
3. Application and Narrative.
4. Reduced Copy of Plans dated "Received January 23, 2013"
5. Letter from CenterPoint Energy dated January 25, 2013.
6. Letter from MnDOT dated February 8, 2013.
7. Letter from MnDOT dated February 12, 2013.
8. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing.
9. Emails from neighbors.
gAplan\2013 planning cases\2013 -06 crossroads pud amendment & spr \staffreport.doc
Application of Kraus- Anderson, Inc. for the following:
1. Planned Unit Development Amendment to the existing standards — Chanhassen Gateway.
2. Site Plan Review for the construction of a multi- tenant building with a drive -thru serving a fast food
restaurant (Building 4B).
On March 5, 2013, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting
to consider the application of Kraus- Anderson, Inc. for a Planned Unit Development Amendment
and Site Plan Review (Planning Case 2013 -06). The Planning Commission conducted a public
hearing on the proposed Site Plan and Planned Unit Development Amendment preceded by
published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested
persons wishing to speak and now makes the following:
1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use, PUD -Mixed Use.
2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Mixed Use.
3. The legal description of the property is Lot 2, Block 1, Crossroads of Chanhassen.
4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse
effects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) effects and our findings regarding them are:
a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and
provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive
Finding: The site is guided mixed use (residential and neighborhood commercial). A drive -
thru window for a restaurant will add a convenient purchasing method. It will be screened
from views.
b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the
Finding: The proposed use is and will be compatible with the present and future land uses
of the area through the implementation of the design standards, landscaping, architecture, etc.
c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning
Finding: The proposed use will conform with all performance standards contained in the
Zoning Ordinance such as design standards, signage, durable materials, uses, etc.
d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed.
Finding: The proposed use is intended to meet the daily needs of the area. It could
potentially add convenience to the homeowners in the area.
e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not
overburden the city's service capacity.
Findin The site is located within the Municipal Urban Service Area. The proposed use
can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service
f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the
Finding Based upon traffic studies conducted by the applicant's traffic engineer, traffic
generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property.
5. In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's
compliance with the following:
a) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including
the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted.
b) Consistency with this division.
c) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and
soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of
the neighboring developed or developing areas.
d) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site
features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the
e) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special
attention to the following:
1. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a
desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community.
2. The amount and location of open space and landscaping.
Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design
concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures
and uses.
4. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking
in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior
drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking.
f) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for
surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and
those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have
substantial effects on neighboring land uses.
Finding The proposed development is consistent with the City's design requirements, the
comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review
requirements with the exception of the area of the building which will require a PUD
amendment. Staff is recommending approval of the request with conditions. The site design
is compatible with the surrounding developments. It is functional and harmonious with the
approved development for this area.
The Planning Commission regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall
design is sensitive to the City's image.
7. The planning report #2013 -06, dated March 5, 2013, prepared by Sharmeen Al -Jaff, et al, is
incorporated herein.
The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Planned Unit
Development Amendment to the Chanhassen Gateway PUD and Site Plan for a multi- tenant
building with a drive -thru serving a fast food restaurant (Building 4B).
ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 5 th day of March, 2013.
Its Chairman
Section 1 . Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby
amended by amending the Chanhassen Gateway Planned Unit Development Design Standards in its
entirety as follows:
a. Intent
The purpose of this zone is to create a MIXED USE PUD including a Neighborhood
Commercial, office and Residential. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible
design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive development. Each structure
proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development
standards outlined below. The Neighborhood Business District regulations shall apply to Lots 1-
3, Block 1 and Outlot A, Crossroads of Chanhassen, except as modified by this ordinance. The
R -16 District regulations shall apply to Outlot C, except as modified by this ordinance. Exhibit
A, as revised herein to reflect the changes to the commercial portion, reflects the site layout
and buildings as referenced herein.
b. Permitted Uses
• The permitted uses in this zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses
consistent with meeting the daily needs of the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to
those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition,
the Community Development Director shall make that interpretation. The type of uses to be
provided on these lots shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service
establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Commercial and office uses shall be limited
to the area located south of Highway 212. Residential uses shall be located north of Highway
212 and along the western portion of the southern half.
• Small to medium -sized restaurant -not to exceed 8,000 square feet per building. Fast food
restaurants with a drive -thru is limited along the north end of Building 4B. It must be
part of and attached to the multi -use building.
YY 11111
a V ws e allowed f .,,i.
+e nants ,. e is the sa4e of ee f o ). The drive -thru
lane shall be screened and the exterior wall of the drive -thru shall contain the same level of
architectural detail as any other elevation visible by the public.
• Banks with a drive -in service window
• Office
• Day care
• Neighborhood scale commercial up to 8,000 square feet per tenant with the exception of
building 4C. A tenant may occupy up to 10,000 square feet of said building and building 4G
for a daycare to occupy 12,000 square feet. No individual service component of a retail
building shall occupy more than 8,000 square feet of a building.
• Convenience store with or without gas pumps and car wash.
• Specialty retail (Book Store, Jewelry, Sporting Goods Sale /Rental, Retail Sales, Retail Shops,
Apparel Sales, etc.)
• Personal Services (an establishment or place of business primarily engaged in providing
individual services generally related to personal needs, such as a Tailor Shop, Shoe Repair,
Self- Service Laundry, Laundry Pick -up Station, Dry Cleaning, Dance Studios, etc).
• Residential High Density (8 -16 units per net acre). The total number of units for the entire
site may not exceed 150 units.
C. Building Area
• Commercial /Office — Not to exceed 75,000 square feet for the entire development
• Maximum Commercial /Office lot usage is a Floor Area Ratio of 0.3
• Maximum office /commercial building area per tenant may not exceed 8,000 square feet
• Maximum residential units may not exceed 150 units.
d. Prohibited Ancillary Uses
Drive -thru Windows except banks, coffee shops, fast food restaurants or pharmacies.
Outdoor storage and display of merchandise such as propane, salt, window washer fluid, etc.
except on the sidewalk surrounding the convenience store 4A. The outdoor display of
merchandise shall not impede nor interfere with pedestrian traffic.
e. Setbacks
The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following
table displays those setbacks.
Building/ Parking
Setbacks feet
Lyman Boulevard
Highway 101 North of Highwa 342- 212
Highway 101 South of Highway 342- 212
Highway 342-212
Northerly Project Property Line
Westerly Project Property Line
Internal Project property lines
Internal Right-of-Way (Crossroads Boulevard)
Hard Surface Coverage-Residential
Commercial and Office Hard Surface Coverage
Maximum Commercial (Retail) Building/Structure Height
1 sto
Maximum Office Building/Structure Height
2 stories
Maximum Residential Building/Structure Height
35 or 3 stories,
whichever is less
f. Non - Residential Building Materials and Design
There shall not be underdeveloped backsides of buildings. All elevations shall receive nearly
equal treatment and visual qualities. Buildings and site design shall comply with design
standards outlined in Article XXIII. General Supplemental Regulations, Division 7 of the Zoning
g. Residential Standards
Buildings and site design shall comply with design standards outlined in Article XXIII. General
Supplemental Regulations, Division 9 of the Zoning Ordinance.
1. All units shall have access onto an interior private street.
2. A design palette shall be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include colors for
siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick, stone, etc.
3. All foundation walls shall be screened by landscaping or retaining walls.
h. Site Landscaping and Screening
The intent of this section is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas and property
abutting public rights -of -way; to require buffering between different land uses; and to protect,
preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the surrounding
neighborhoods; to promote public health and safety through the reduction of noise pollution, air
pollution, visual pollution and glare.
1. The landscaping standards shall provide for screening for visual impacts associated with a
given use, including but not limited to, truck loading areas, trash storage, parking lots, Large
unadorned building massing, etc.
2. Each lot for development shall submit a separate landscaping plan as a part of the site plan
review process.
3. All open spaces and non - parking lot surfaces, except for plaza areas, shall be landscaped,
rockscaped, or covered with plantings and/or lawn material. Tree wells shall be included in
pedestrian areas and plazas.
4. Undulating berms, north of Lyman Boulevard, north and south of Highway 312 and west of
Highway 101 shall be sodded or seeded at the conclusion of grading and utility construction.
The required buffer landscaping may be installed where it is deemed necessary to screen any
proposed development. All required boulevard landscaping shall be sodded.
5. Loading areas shall be screened from public right -of -ways. Wing walls may be required where
deemed appropriate.
6. Native species shall be incorporated into site landscaping, whenever possible.
i. Street Furnishings
Benches, kiosks, trash receptacles, planters and other street furnishings should be of design and
materials consistent with the character of the area. Wherever possible, street furnishings should
be consolidated to avoid visual clutter and facilitate pedestrian movement.
j. Signage
The intent of this section is to establish an effective means of communication in the
development, maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the business's ability to
attract sources of economic development and growth, to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, to
minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property, and to
enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations. It is the intent of this
section, to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community
by regulating signs that are intended to communicate to the public, and to use signs which meet
the city's goals:
a. Establish standards which permit businesses a reasonable and equitable opportunity to
advertise their name and service;
b. Preserve and promote civic beauty, and prohibit signs which detract from this objective
because of size, shape, height, location, condition, cluttering or illumination;
c. Ensure that signs do not create safety hazards;
d. Ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does
not adversely impact public safety or unduly distract motorists;
e. Preserve and protect property values;
f. Ensure signs that are in proportion to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible with,
the principal structures;
g. Limit temporary commercial signs and advertising displays which provide an opportunity for
grand opening and occasional sales events while restricting signs which create continuous
visual clutter and hazards at public right -of -way intersections.
j.1. Project Identification Sign
One project identification sign for the commercial portion of the development located at the
entrance off of Highway 101. Project identification signs shall not exceed 80 square feet in sign
display area nor be greater than eight feet in height. The sign shall be setback a minimum of 10
feet from the property line.
As an alternative, the project identification sign may be located at the southeast corner of Lot 2,
Block 1. If the sign is located in the right -of -way, an encroachment agreement must be obtained.
Otherwise, the sign must maintain a 10 foot setback from property lines and may not exceed 24
square feet nor be higher than 5 feet.
j.2. Monument Sign
One monument sign shall be permitted at the entrance to the development off of Lake Susan
Drive. One monument sign per lot shall be permitted for the commercial portion of the site. One
multi -tenant sign shall be permitted at the entrance into the development off of Highway 101 and
two signs off of Lyman Boulevard. These signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign display
area nor be greater than 5 feet in height except Kwik Trip, located on Lot 1, Block 1, shall be
permitted a 48 square -foot, 8 -foot high monument sign. These signs must comply with all
ordinances pertaining to size and percent of sign area dedicated to gas prices as well as any other
applicable regulations. These signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property
j.3. Wall Signs
a. The location of letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign bands, the
tops of which shall not extend above parapet height. The letters and logos shall be restricted to
a maximum of 30 inches in height. All individual letters and logos comprising each sign shall
be constructed of wood, metal, or translucent facing.
b. Second story illuminated signs that can be viewed from neighborhoods outside the PUD site,
are prohibited.
c. Tenant signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the tenant's
proper name and major product or service offered. Corporate logos, emblems and similar
identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined within the signage band and do
not occupy more than 15% of the sign area unless the logo is the sign.
d. Wall signs are limited to two elevations per building.
j.4. Festive Flags/Banners
a. Flags and banners shall be permitted on approved standards attached to the building facade
and on standards attached to pedestrian area lighting.
b. Flags and banners shall be constructed of fabric or vinyl.
c. Banners shall not contain advertising for individual users, businesses, services, or products.
d. Flags and banners shall project from buildings a maximum of two feet.
e. Flags and banners shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet.
f. Flags and banners which are torn or excessively worn shall be removed at the request of the
j.5. Building Directory
a. In multi -tenant buildings, one building directory sign may be permitted. The directory sign
shall not exceed eight square feet.
j.6 Directional Signs
a. On- premises signs shall not be larger than four (4) square feet. The maximum height of the
sign shall not exceed five (5) feet from the ground. The placement of directional signs on the
property shall be so located such that the sign does not adversely affect adjacent properties
(including site lines or confusion of adjoining ingress or egress) or the general appearance of
the site from public rights -of -way. No more than four (4) signs shall be allowed per lot. The
city council may allow additional signs in situations where access is confusing or traffic
safety could be jeopardized.
b. Off - premises signs shall be allowed only in situations where access is confusing and traffic
safety could be jeopardized or traffic could be inappropriately routed through residential
streets. The size of the sign shall be no larger than what is needed to effectively view the sign
from the roadway and shall be approved by the city council.
c. Bench signs are prohibited except at transit stops as authorized by the local transit authority.
d. Signs and Graphics. Wherever possible, traffic control, directional and other public signs
should be consolidated and grouped with other street fixtures and furnishings to reduce visual
clutter and to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian movement. A system of directional signs
should also be established to direct traffic within the commercial area and away from
residential areas.
j.7. Prohibited Signs
• Pylon signs are prohibited.
• Back lit awnings are prohibited.
• Window Signs are prohibited except for company logo /symbol and not the name. Such logo
shall not exceed 10% of a window area.
• Menu Signs are prohibited.
j.8. Sign Design and Permit Requirements
a. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect the quality of the
development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material and height
throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's
entrance monument and will be used throughout.
b. All signs require a separate sign permit.
c. Wall business signs shall comply with the city's sign ordinance for the Neighborhood
business district for determination of maximum sign area. Wall signs may be permitted on
the "street" front and primary parking lot front of each building.
k. Lighting
Lighting for the interior of the development shall be consistent throughout the development. High
pressure sodium vapor lamps or LED with decorative natural colored pole shall be used throughout
the development parking lot area for lighting. Decorative, pedestrian scale lighting shall be used in
plaza and sidewalk areas and may be used in parking lot areas. Parking lot light poles may not
exceed 25 feet in height.
2. Light fixtures in areas other than parking lots should be kept to a pedestrian scale (12 to 18
feet). Street light fixtures should accommodate vertical banners for use in identifying the
commercial area.
3. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than %2 foot
candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting.
4. Lighting for parking areas shall minimize the use of lights on pole standards in the parking area.
Rather, emphasis should be placed on building lights and poles located in close proximity to
1. Non - Residential Parking
1. Parking shall be provided based on the shared use of parking areas whenever possible. Cross
access easements and the joint use of parking facilities shall be protected by a recorded
instrument acceptable to the city.
2. The development shall be treated as an integrated shopping center and provide a minimum of
one space per 200 square feet of commercial /retail area. The office /personal service
component shall be treated as an integrated office building and provide 4.5 space per 1,000
square feet for the first 49,999 square feet, four per thousand square feet for the second
50,000 square feet, and 3.5 per thousand square feet thereafter.
m. Residential Parking shall comply with city code requirements."
Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25 day of March, 2013, by the City Council of the City of
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor
(Published in the Chanhassen Villager on )
Planning Case No. X013 -y(o
J41 2 ;i 2U i.i
Applicant Name and Address:
�CRAvlS - ANDi✓RS a N ¢S��^{ Ujnn7gN`Q
1 4 Z tO W, a%-D c-. 0?ce iz.aAD
$ 140
Contact: Ac '?P Rr
Phone: Cis z. 4416.17 to* Fax: a5'7,• 611
Property Owner Name and Address:
SA +-
Phone: Fax:
NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Interim Use Permit (IUP)
Non - conforming Use Permit
X Planned Unit Development G
Sign Permits
Sign Plan Review
_X Site Plan Review (SPR)* 5pp,�(�p k13,`Ei�t
Temporary Sales Permit
Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC)
(Additional recording fees may apply)
Variance (VAR)
Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP)
Zoning Appeal
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
x Notification Sign $200
(City to install and re e
X Escrow for Fil' Fees /Attorney Cost **
- $50 CUPAC/VAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds
- $450 Minor SUB
An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant
prior to the public hearing.
*Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 % X 11" reduced
copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format.
* *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract.
Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews.
NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for
each application.
7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227 -1100
PROJECT NAME: GR OF C- ��>•'�v�s5�
LOCATION: t4 ya o t' Trz'O\L� l,�slrtn•aA'Q `� 1
GRQ5SFL S O cKA+�t'��SSciJ _ �q� I C'rc�, S \C
TOTALACREAGE: '3.2 roc -uzu5 56-6
FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees:
This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information
and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the
Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application.
A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written
notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application.
This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with
all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom
the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership
(either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person
to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application.
I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further
understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any
authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
— � �"A I 19 2013
Sign ure of Applicant I V bate
Signature of Fee Owner
gAplan \forms \development review application.doe
Crossroads of Chanhassen Narrative CHANHASSEN PLANNING 0FPT
January 23, 2013
Kraus - Anderson Company is proud to offer this development proposal, as part of the previously
approved Crossroads of Chanhassen Planned Unit Development, to the City of Chanhassen,
MN. This proposal is generally consistent with the 2008 approved PUD — in terms of
commercial use, building square footage, parking requirements, etc. — however, we are
requesting that the City amend the PUD to allow for a quick service food drive -thru.
The originally approved Crossroads of Chanhassen did not progress in the last 5 years, due
mainly to market forces and the poor economy. Present day, with the economy on an upswing,
we have the opportunity to proceed with the development.
Crossroads of Chanhassen currently consists of a Kwik Trip Convenience Store and Primrose
Daycare, both of which have experienced success beyond what was expected. With the
approval of the City, we plan to begin the next phase of development —which includes a retail
strip building with signed leases from Vintage Liquor, Subway, Chic Salon, & McDonald's. All of
these tenants are extremely excited to serve the City of Chanhassen, and expect to experience
the same levels of success as Kwik Trip and Primrose.
The architecture features the same level of details as the original proposal — with a varying
skyline, tower elements at corners with upper windows and cornices, and a warm mix of
natural brick tones that complement the established material pallet of the existing buildings.
The proposed site plan features pedestrian friendly amenities such as outdoor seating areas,
sidewalk connections to the public trail system, and bike racks. In addition, this project includes
a high - quality planting plan with a variety of overstory trees, ornamental trees, and foundation
plantings that will complement the site and buildings very well.
The proposed project will be constructed in at least two phases. The next phase will be
comprised of a 13,000 + /- SF retail strip building, parking required to accommodate the building,
and the infrastructure for all of Lot 2, Block 1. Construction of this phase is slated to begin May
1, 2013, with store openings scheduled for October 1, 2013. Future phases will include a 2-
story retail /office building as well as a smaller retail strip building, both on Lot 2, Block 1, and
another smaller commercial building on Lot 3.
With this submittal, we request to be in front of the Planning Commission on February 19,
2013. We will be having a neighborhood meeting to ensure the citizens of this area are
informed within the next few weeks. In order to stay on this tight schedule, it is very important
that this proposal be approved without delay. Thank you very much for your consideration of
this proposal and we look forward to hearing any questions or comments you may have.
oil em181team
Preliminary Site Plans
PUD Amendment
Crossroads of Chanhassen
Chanhassen, Minnesota
P —d tor:
Kraus- Anderson Realty Company
4210 West Old Shakopee Rd
Bloomington, Minnesota 55437 -2951
Contact: Jack Appert
Phone. 952 - 948 -9367
Fax 952 - 881 -8114
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January 25, 2013
Sharmeen AI-Jaff
Planning Department
Senior Planner
RE: Crossroads Building 4B
Planning Case: 2013-06
Dear Mr. Sharmeen AI-Jaff:
700 West Linden Avenue
PO Box 1165
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1165
With reference to your request, CenterPoint Energy has no natural gas mains within the
area to be developed and CNP has no objection to this proposal.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 612-321-5381.
Chuck Mayers
Right-of-Way Specialist
Engineering Services
° Minnesota Department of Transportation
Metropolitan District
Waters Edge Building
f '" * 1500 County Road B2 West
Roseville, MN 55113
February 8, 2013
Sharmeen Al -Jaff, Senior Planner
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
SUBJECT: Crossroads of Chanhassen (Revised)
FEB 13 2013
MnDOT Review # S13 -006
Northwest quadrant of Trunk Highway (TH) 101 and CR 18
City of Chanhassen/Carver County
Control Section 1009
Dear Ms. Al -Jaff:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Crossroads of Chanhassen Planned Unit
Development Site Plan Revision. The Minnesota Department of Transportation
(MnDOT) has reviewed the site plans and has the following comments:
Water Resources:
A drainage permit is required with final drainage plans that include construction
modifications associated with latest MnDOT comments and current on -site construction.
Please include existing and proposed drainage area maps with computations where
drainage areas are clearly delineated and labeled corresponding to the model results.
Design storms of 10 and 100 year duration with pond freeboard of 1 foot for ponds along
MnDOT right of way. Drainage rates must not increase to MnDOT right of way and
drainage patterns must be perpetuated. Please direct questions regarding these issues to
Martin Kors (651- 234 -7537 or martin.korsnastate.mn.us)
The report did not look at any future forecast for the area; it only looked at the 2018 full
build. MnDOT typically uses a 20 year forecast. The added traffic from the 2018 full
build option has a negative effect on the TH 212 South Ramp intersection operation. The
development is adding an additional 30 vehicles for the westbound through movement,
and roughly 100 vehicles to the eastbound left movement. Looking at the SimTraffic
output in the appendix, it shows the 95% queue for the westbound through/right has
increased from 434' in the existing AM option to 650' in the 2018 full build optimized
AM option. The development is attracting more westbound through traffic which is
blocking the heavy westbound right (475 vph), not allowing them to move in a
permissive manner. This could create an unsafe condition on the eastbound exit loop,
especially as traffic volumes continue to grow into the future.
The ramp would operate better with the exclusive westbound right turn lane, thereby
allowing right turning vehicles to move permissively without creating a large queue.
Without the exclusive right turn lane, the exit loop could experience a 600' queue and
create a safety concern for the high speed exit.
An access across from a ramp terminal is atypical and should connect to a minor arterial
or supporting road network; the Crossroads Blvd access does not meet these criteria.
Signalized intersections are required to have three lanes of approach (left, thru, and right
turn lanes). In order to prevent vehicles queuing down the ramp and turning traffic from
interfering with other traffic, the signal and east leg of the south ramp terminal need to be
modified to provide three lanes of approach.
Please direct any questions regarding these comments to David Sheen, South Area
Traffic and Tort Claims (651- 234 -7824 or david.sheengstate.mn.us
The project identification sign and associated landscaping are not allowed on MnDOT
right -of -way.
The proposed project will require a MnDOT Layout due to the required changes to the
US 212 ramp. MnDOT recommends that the design work be completed by a consultant
that is experienced working with MnDOT standards and has performed Trunk Highway
The following web sites provide layout design guidance and identify layout requirements:
• http: / /www. dot. state. mn.us /desiwVjzeometric /index.html
• On the right side of the above page under "Quick Links ", the third bullet (HPDP
Geometric Design Resources) directs you to the following page:
http: / /dotUp7. dot. state.mn.us /edms /download ?docId = 636152
For questions concerning the layout process and timing, please contact Nancy Jacobson,
MnDOT Metro Design Section at nanc�.l.jacobsongstate.mn.us or 651- 234 -7647.
A permit is required for the new pedestrian connections. The maintenance responsibility
for these new connections will need to be defined. A drainage permit will be required.
The drainage permit application form can be found at
http: / /www. dot. state .mn.us /utility /forms /index.html Any work at the intersections of TH
101 and Crossroads Blvd will require a permit. Please direct any questions regarding
permit requirements to Buck Craig, MnDOT's Metro Permits Section, at 651- 234 -7911
or buck.craig(cr�,state.mn.us
Review Submittal Options:
MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days. Submittals sent in
electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options.
Please submit either:
1. One (1) electronic pdf. version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via
e -mail at metrodevreviews .dotnstate.mn.us provided that each separate e-
mail is under 20 megabytes.
2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size
plans will expedite the review process. Plans can be sent to:
MnDOT — Metro District Planning Section
Development Reviews Coordinator
1500 West County Road B -2
Roseville, MN 55113
3. One (1) compact disc.
4. Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site. Please send files
to: Ltp:Hftp2. dot. state. mn. us /, pub / incoming /MetroWatersEdge/Planning
Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your
Windows Explorer (My Computer). Also, please send a note to
metrodevreviews.dot&state.mn.us indicating that the plans have been
submitted on the FTP site.
If you have any questions concerning this review, please feel free to contact me at
(651) 234 -7793.
Michael J. Corbett, PE
Senior Planner
Copy sent via E -Mail:
Hailu Shekur, Water Resources
Martin Kors, Water Resources
Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer
Sheila Kauppi, Area Manager
Nancy Jacobson, Design
Buck Craig, Permits
Dale Matti, Right -of -Way
David Sheen, Clare Lackey, Traffic Engineering
Ann Braden, Metropolitan Council
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Metropolitan District
Waters Edge Building
1500 County Road B2 West
Roseville, MN 55113
February 12, 2013
Sharmeen Al -Jaff, Senior Planner
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
SUBJECT: Crossroads of Chanhassen (Follow -Up Letter)
MnDOT Review # S13 -006
Northwest quadrant of Trunk Highway (TH)101 and CR 18
City of Chanhassen/Carver County
Control Section 1009
Dear Ms. Al -Jaff:
On February 8 th MnDOT completed a response letter for the Crossroads of Chanhassen.
In this letter we stated that "In order to prevent vehicles queuing down the ramp and
turning traffic from interfering with other traffic, the signal and east leg of the south ramp
terminal (will) need to be modified to provide three lanes of approach." While MnDOT
finds these needs important for the successful operation of the intersection, the proposed
ramp improvements are suggestions and not requirements. Also, to ensure the safety and
operations of the intersection, the traffic impact study should include an operations
analysis for forecast volumes projected out 20 years.
All other elements of the February 8 th review letter remain valid.
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Crossroads of Chanhassen Planned Unit
Development Site Plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (65 1)
234 -7794.
Tod Sherman,
Planning Supervisor
Copy sent via E -Mail:
Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer
Sheila Kauppi, Area Manager
Nancy Jacobson, Design
Buck Craig, Permits
David Sheen, Clare Lackey, Traffic Engineering
Ann Braden, Metropolitan Council
) ss.
I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on
February 7, 2013, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen,
Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public
Hearing for Crossroads of Chanhassen Building 4B PUD and Site Plan Amendments —
Planning Case 2013 -06 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of
said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all
such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and
addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer,
Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records.
Kai: J. E elha dt, De ty Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of , 2013.
Notary Publ
Notary Public- Minnesota
'• ission Expires Jan 31, 2015
�r�. ��` °' my Comm
Notice of Public Hearing
Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting
Date & Time:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not
start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda.
City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd.
Request for an Amendment to the Chanhassen Gateway PUD -
Planned Unit Development to allow a fast food drive -thru; and
Amendment to the Crossroads of Chanhassen Site Plan for a
13,871 square -foot retail building (Building 4B) on property
zoned PUD- Planned Unit Development
Kraus - Anderson Realty Compan
8971 Crossroads Boulevard
A location map is on the reverse side of this notice.
The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the
applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood
about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the
What Happens
public hearing through the following steps:
at the Meeting:
1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project.
2. The applicant will present plans on the project.
3. Comments are received from the public.
4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses
the project.
If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit
the City's projects web page at:
www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -06 If you wish to talk to
someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff
Questions &
by email at saliaff(a)-ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 -
227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is
helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the
meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The
staff report for this item will be available online on the
project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the
Planning Commission meeting.
City Review Procedure:
• Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations,
Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the
Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the
application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting.
• Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation.
These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of
the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of
the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a
recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning
Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the
City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial.
• Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant
waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any
person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its
status and scheduling for the City Council meeting.
• A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers
are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the
project with any interested person(s).
• Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and
any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have
something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification.
Notice of Public Hearing
Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting
Date & Time:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not
start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda.
City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd.
Request for an Amendment to the Chanhassen Gateway PUD -
Planned Unit Development to allow a fast food drive -thru; and
Amendment to the Crossroads of Chanhassen Site Plan for a
13,871 square -foot retail building (Building 4B) on property
zoned PUD - Planned Unit Development
Kraus - Anderson Realty Compan
8971 Crossroads Boulevard
A location map is on the reverse side of this notice.
The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the
applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood
about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the
What Happens
public hearing through the following steps:
at the Meeting:
1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project.
2. The applicant will present plans on the project.
3. Comments are received from the public.
4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses
the project.
If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit
the City's projects web page at:
www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -06 If you wish to talk to
someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff
Questions &
by email at saliaff(a)-ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 -
227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is
helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the
meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The
staff report for this item will be available online on the
project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the
Planning Commission meeting.
City Review Procedure:
• Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations,
Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the
Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the
application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting.
• Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation.
These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of
the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of
the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a
recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning
Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the
City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial.
• Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant
waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any
person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its
status and scheduling for the City Council meeting.
• A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers
are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the
project with any interested person(s).
• Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and
any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have
something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification.
PO BOX 2107 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161
LACROSSE WI 54602 -2107
ST PAUL MN 55128 -7100
BLOOMINGTON MN 55437 -2951
ACWORTH GA 30101 -8765
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644
ST PAUL MN 55155 -4030
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7645
EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 -2283
ST PAUL MN 55155 -1801
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644
GOLDEN VALLEY MN 55427 -3602
) ss.
I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on
February 11, 2013, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen,
Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of
Postponement of Public Hearing for Crossroads of Chanhassen Building 4B PUD and Site
Plan Amendments — Planning Case 2013 -06 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by
enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the
envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid
thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the
records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records.
K en J. ge ardt, uty Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of Pbr%,Lard , 2013.
Notary Pub
a Notary Public- Minnesota
M '��; ••'` My Commission Expires Jan 31,
Dear Property Owner:
On February 7, 2013, the City of Chanhassen mailed a public hearing notice to you regarding the
following proposal:
• Request for an Amendment to the Chanhassen Gateway PUD- Planned Unit Development to allow
a fast food drive -thru; and Amendment to the Crossroads of Chanhassen Site Plan for a 13,871
square -foot retail building (Building 4B) on property zoned PUD - Planned Unit Development
The public hearing has been RESCHEDULED for March 5, 2013 in the City Hall Council
Chambers. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening,
depending on the order of the agenda.
If you have questions regarding this proposal, contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff at 952 - 227 -1134 or by email:
saljaff(aD_ci.chanhassen.mn.us or visit the project website at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -06
Dear Property Owner:
On February 7, 2013, the City of Chanhassen mailed a public hearing notice to you regarding the
following proposal:
• Request for an Amendment to the Chanhassen Gateway PUD - Planned Unit Development to allow
a fast food drive -thru; and Amendment to the Crossroads of Chanhassen Site Plan for a 13,871
square -foot retail building (Building 4B) on property zoned PUD - Planned Unit Development
The public hearing has been RESCHEDULED for March 5, 2013 in the City Hall Council
Chambers. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening,
depending on the order of the agenda.
If you have questions regarding this proposal, contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff at 952 - 227 -1134 or by email:
saliaff(a)-ci.chanhassen.mn.us or visit the project website at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -06
PO BOX 2107 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161
LACROSSE WI 54602 -2107
ST PAUL MN 55128 -7100
BLOOMINGTON MN 55437 -2951
ACWORTH GA 30101 -8765
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9161
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644
ST PAUL MN 55155 -4030
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7645
EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 -2283
ST PAUL MN 55155 -1801
CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644
GOLDEN VALLEY MN 55427 -3602
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: Tim Vicchiollo [tvicchiollo @gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:30 PM
To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Subject: Landscape plans for 101 x Lyman intersection
Thanks again for taking the time to talk with me on Tuesday about the Crossroads of Chanhassen development.
A couple of us from the association board will be meeting with Jack Appert in the next day or two. It would be
great to have a copy of the landscape plans that were done a few years ago as one of the agenda items for our
meeting is adding landscape screening.
We plan to talk about the intersection as a whole and how to help it evolve into the "gateway" concept. I'm sure
it is beyond what KA wants to take on, but maybe if their corner and our corner start it off, other development
projects will follow suit. A long shot, but we'll give it a try. If nothing else, we need to work on getting some
additional screening for the homes that back -up to the intersection/development.
If you have a minute and can email the design plan, it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks again,
Tim Vicchiollo
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: Tim Vicchiollo [tvicchiollo @gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 8:27 AM
To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Subject: Crossroads / Lyman Blvd / Hwy 101 development plans
My name is Tim Vicchiollo and I am resident of the Springfield neighborhood at Hwy 101 x Lyman Blvd, near
the Crossroads development. I also serve on the Springfield HOA board of directors.
I attended the informational meeting Wednesday evening hosted by Kraus- Anderson pertaining to the
Crossroads development project and I am very please to see some development activity on these vacant lots.
There were several residents in attendance and I think the overall reaction was mostly positive - particularly
with the design elements that clearly take into consideration the fact that a residential neighborhood would be
directly across from the new commercial development. We really appreciate that consideration. With the
development of highway 212, 101, and the new commercial businesses within the Crossroad lots and the Park
& Ride, our immediate neighborhood environment has changed significantly over the last few years. The
association is eager to be at the table and partner with the City and other entities to create a great neighborhood
environment for all parties.
There seemed to be two primary concerns of the residents from the Springfield neighborhood that were in
attendance: the fast food restaurant and the lack of landscape screening around the homes that directly boarder
101 and Lyman Blvd. The residents seem to acknowledge that some type of restaurant was expected to be
included in the development, but they were a bit surprised that a fast food option with a drive through was being
considered. However, I think with some planning and partnering around the issue of landscape screening and
more information about how the design of the fast food restaurant is different and more suitable to the
environment, we will be able to relieve some of the concerns of the residents.
If possible, I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to talk through plans and concerns so that we can
assure our residents that both the developer and the City personnel are aware of the concerns and that we are at
the table to help make this a win -win development for all parties. Please let me know if a meeting is possible
and, if so, what dates /times work best for you. I would really appreciate the opportunity.
Thanks very much,
Tim Vicchiollo
(612) 708 -2104
583 Summerfield Dr.
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Sent from my Wad
Begin forwarded message:
Aanenson, Kate
Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:12 AM
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Fwd: McDonalds
From: Scott Paulson < gcfworld @gmail.com
Date: February 14, 2013, 9:12:40 AM MST
To: < kanenson @ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Subject: McDonalds
I attended last night's meeting and was surprised a McDonalds was locating on 101 and Lyman. My
main concerns are the drive -thru since there are so many children in the area and the smell. I really
don't want to step out of my house and smell French fries every day! If it is build will you be requiring
scrubbing equipment? I am also concerned about the amount of trash blowing around the
I thought the plan was for community centered business and not freeway commuters?
Thank you,
Scott Paulson
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: Jen Oaargraves @aol.com]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 1:48 PM
To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Subject: 101 cross roads
Thank you for going through the effort of having the open public meetings for the 101 /cross roads development. My
Association updated me on the project. I am excited that the builder is finally progressing with it. Currently I have my
Chiropractic practice in Kline Bank and I have been waiting to see how this development progresses in hopes of opening
a Health Spa.
I have concerns with a drive through in that location. It is half that the traffic flow is not encouraging for people to stop at
other businesses in that location. The supplement shope in chan. by the Wendy's has not seen any increase in business.
The other half of me doesn't like the fact that it is a Mc Donald's, for two reasons. One just because of the type of food but
the other is that we have been having "teen" problems in our neighborhood. Personally we have had one drug related
incident and a theft. I feel that having that type of drive through this far from the city would only encourage more of those
I will email my concerns to the builder also since they are the ones potentially renting to "Drive through" businesses.
leave it up to your skills regarding traffic patterns, safety with the school there and the increased foot traffic that will no
doubt increase.
Again, I appreciate the effort that goes into these projects. Keep up the great work!
Jennifer Williams
500 Summerfield Dr.
952 - 233 -2573
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: N R SMITH [nsmith3587 @msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 4:37 PM
To: Furlong, Tom
Subject: Crossroads McDonalds
We live on Lake Riley Blvd. and very much oppose the construction of fast food restaurants in
this area. It is too residential of a location.
There is all the fast food locations in downtown Chanhassen, this is close enough. Crossroads
development should take into consideration the existing businesses in downtown Chan.if not
we will soon have no reason to come to downtown Chan. which will inevitably hurt the existing
Please consider this.
Thank You,
Nancy Smith
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: Patty Mullen [pmullen90 @me.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:22 AM
To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Subject: 8971 Crossroads Blvd
Good Morning Sharmeen,
Below is an e-mail I sent to Kate Aanenson about our concerns on the proposed amendment changes to the PUD at
Lyman Blvd and Hwy 101. 1 wanted to make sure you are also,aware of our concerns.
We attended the meeting, the development looks well planned and is visually appealing. Our biggest concerns are the
noise, smell, trash and increased traffic. If you are to approve the plan I would like to see it include screening, trees etc,
that would reduce the glare of the lights and the noise to our home. I am also wondering if the area that is currently
proposed with outside seating is a smoking area and will music be played over an outdoor speaker?
I am confident that you will work hard to address the concerns of all the parties while maintaining the integrity of the
established areas and developing another quality project for the city.
We would be happy to meet with you to discuss the project.
Kind Regards,
Patty and Craig Mullen
611 Summerfield Drive
612 - 867 -0452
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Patty Mullen < patty @storage- solutions.com
Date: February 11, 2013 1:36:14 PM CST
To: " pmullen90 @me.com < Pmullen90 @me.com
I plan on attending the informational meeting being held on the Kraus Anderson site at Hwy 101 and
Lyman Blvd. Looking at the website it is my understanding a proposal is requested to change the current
usage plan to include a fast food restaurant with a drive thru. As I recall we were assured that this type
of business would not be allowed as it didn't fit the plan. Typically this type of establishment would be
open late into the evening. The traffic level and noise associated with the long hours would negatively
impact our neighborhood. The smell of the fast food would overpower our neighborhood. I have yet to
see an area with a fast food establishment that didn't have increased amount of trash in the
surrounding areas.
Kate as I recall, fast food would NOT be included in the original development plan for the parcel and I
would like to see the request for a change be denied. I remember a conversation we had that we would
not be hearing "did you want to super size your order ?"
I appreciate your efforts in finding the best solutions for the parcel while maintaining the integrity of the
surrounding established areas. I would be happy to meet at your convenience to further discuss the
development in the area.
AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
From: Aanenson, Kate
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 1:41 PM
To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen
Subject: Fwd: Krause Anderson site
Attachments: image002.gif; image003.gif; image001.gif; image004.gif
Sent from my Whone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Patty Mullen < pmullen90 @me.com
Date: February 11, 2013, 12:41:58 PM MST
To: " kaanenson @ci.chanhassen.mn.us < kanenson @ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Subject: Krause Anderson site
Good Afternoon Kate,
I plan on attending the informational meeting being held on the Kraus Anderson site at
Hwy 101 and Lyman Blvd. Looking at the website it is my understanding a proposal is
requested to change the current usage plan to include a fast food restaurant with a
drive thru. As I recall we were assured that this type of business would not be allowed
as it didn't fit the plan. Typically this type of establishment would be open late into the
evening. The traffic level and noise associated with the long hours would negatively
impact our neighborhood. The smell of the fast food would overpower our
neighborhood. I have yet to see an area with a fast food establishment that didn't have
increased amount of trash in the surrounding areas.
Kate as I recall, fast food would NOT be included in the original development plan for
the parcel and I would like to see the request for a change be denied. I remember a
conversation we had that we would not be hearing "did you want to super size your
order ?"
I appreciate your efforts in finding the best solutions for the parcel while maintaining
the integrity of the surrounding established areas. I would be happy to meet at your
convenience to further discuss the development in the area.
Patty Mullen
611 Summerfield Drive
952- 403 -0611 home
612 - 867 -0452 cell