1h. 5 year CIP for Street Recon III f-k I 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,......■•••■■■.... I 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 r ,, . , , : t city si - ; I MEMORANDUM: II TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager - FROM: Charles Folch, City Engineer ole 1, .,_ ii DATE: February 19, 1992 ��.a-a4-9? -- ,._ SUBJ: Receive Five -Year Capital Improvement Project for I Reconstruction File No. PW -167 II At their regular meeting on October 28, 1991, the City Council formally received the Pavement Management Report for the City of Chanhassen as prepared by Orr - Schelen - Mayeron & Associates, Inc. I (OSM). The Pavement Management Report was the culmination of a year -long study to determine the existing condition of our City streets, identify problem areas and recommend associated repair I strategies. The repair strategies range from basic tasks such as crack filling and sealcoating to complete reconstruction for those streets in very poor condition. II The streets were then ranked and prioritized based on their condition and corresponding needed repairs. General per mile costs were established for each repair strategy in order to determine the I overall dollars needed to repair the City street infrastructure. The study concluded that approximately $2.2 million would be needed for street reconstruction projects over the next five years. In I addition, an annual allocation of approximately $150,000 would be needed over the next five years to fill cracks, sealcoat and perform minor patching as a part of routine maintenance operations. II This annual amount would afford the City the ability to sealcoat each street within the City approximately every five years. In reviewing the list of streets designated as needing major repair I such as reconstruction, it is apparent that the majority of these streets are concentrated into groups or neighborhoods. This clustering of reconstruction work has had a significant impact on II establishing the five -year program for reconstruction of City streets. The area possessing the largest number of high- ranking (poor II quality) streets is the Chanhassen Estates Addition. In fact, the PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1 Don Ashworth February 19, 1992 Page 2 Pavement Management Report basically called for reconstruction of all the streets within this subdivision. Due to the size of this potential project, I have proposed to split the reconstruction work into two project years whereby half of the streets could 11 potentially be accomplished in 1992 and the remaining half in 1993. Due to the configuration of the existing streets in the Chanhassen Estates area, a division of the project is very plausible. Thus, the 1992 and 1993 programs have been dedicated to reconstructing the Chanhassen Estates area. The area also has inadequate storm drainage which would be improved as a part of the project. Total estimated project cost for the Chanhassen Estates area is $1,150,000. For the 1994 capital improvement year, Chan View between Laredo and 1 Great Plains Boulevard, Kiowa between Chan View and West 76th Street, and Great Plains Boulevard between Santa Fe and Chan View are proposed for reconstruction. The portion of Great Plains Boulevard between West 76th Street and Chan View is proposed to have concrete curb and gutter installed and a bituminous overlay. With the addition of storm drainage improvements, this project is ' estimated to cost approximately $457,000. Streets within the Western Hills 1st and 2nd Addition are proposed for major repair during the 1995 capital improvement year. It is ' anticipated that a structural analysis of the road sections will be required and that work will involve base repair, patching, installation of concrete curb and gutter and a bituminous overlay. Some storm sewer already exists in the area; however, it is anticipated that more storm drainage improvements will be likely. The total project cost is estimated to be $494,000. 1 Finally, for 1996 Lyman Boulevard between Trunk Highway 101 and the east border is proposed for reconstruction. This segment is approximately one mile in length. At the present time, it is not 1 certain as to what the future road section will be (rural versus urban, two -lane versus four - lane). The recently completed Eastern Carver County Transportation Study classifies Lyman Boulevard as a minor arterial Class II which could result in a two -lane or four - lane roadway section. Assuming a two -lane urban section improvement, the street reconstruction work is estimated to cost $640,000. No costs have been determined for storm drainage as this will greatly vary depending what type of road section (urban or rural) is implemented. ' This CIP has been established as a guide or road map for accomplishing the needed street repairs over the next five years. As I mentioned previously, the yearly projects have been established to accomplish all reconstruction work needed in a local area and maintain relatively uniform annual project costs. The 1 Don Ashworth 1 February 19, 1992 Page 3 year designations for the improvements themselves can be adjusted as necessary depending on such factors as neighborhood support for improvements, reconstruction work interfacing with the improvements of other local roadway systems, etc. The total street reconstruction work is estimated to cost $2,160,000 with an additional $571,000 for storm sewer drainage improvements. It is estimated that the total five -year CIP cost as outlined is approximately $2,700,000. It should be noted that the segment of Pleasant View Road between r Peaceful Lane and Ridge Road ranks at the low end of the reconstruction repair strategy category. However, due to the many complicated factors which would affect any potential improvements ' to Pleasant View Road between Powers Boulevard and Trunk Highway 101, this roadway segment has not been incorporated into the proposed five -year CIP. The road segment as a whole rates in the "fair" condition category at this time; however, it is likely that improvements to this roadway will need to be undertaken at some time in the future. The proposed CIP is presented at this time as a basis for discussion; therefore, no formal Council action other than to receive the proposed CIP is needed. The City is currently developing a surface water management program and in the next few months will also prepare 5 to 10 -year capital improvement programs for the City's trunk utility system. These programs will need to be evaluated concurrently to determine the overall financial impact to the City. Until this evaluation is made, a defined City share /assessment policy for street reconstruction projects cannot realistically be established. I would anticipate that the pertinent information will be known in April for further determinations. ktm 1 Attachments 1. 5 -Year Street Reconstruction CIP. 2. Location maps. c: Dave Mitchell, OSM Tom Chaffee, Data Processing Coordinator Dave Hempel, Sr. Engineering Technician 1 1 11 II 2/18/92 II PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM II 5 -YEAR CIP FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION YEAR STREET MILES 1 1992 Dakota Avenue (Lake Drive to Cheyenne N.) 0.063 Dakota Circle 0.040 II Cheyenne (Dakota Avenue to Dakota Lane) 0.340 Cheyenne Spur 0.029 II Dakota Ave. (Cheyenne N. to Cheyenne S.) 0.197 II TOTAL MILES 0.669 STREET COST ($640k /Mile) 428 $ ,000 II STORM SEWER COST ($250k /Mile) $167,000 TOTAL 1992 RECONSTRUCTION COST 000 595 +� r II YEAR STREET MILES 1993 Erie Avenue (Dakota Avenue to Dakota Lane 0.340 Erie Spur 0.034 Erie Circle 0.053 II Dakota Lane (Erie to cul -de -sac) 0.045 Dakota Lane (Erie to plat line) 0.142 II TOTAL MILES 0.614 STREET COST ($640k /Mile) $393,000_ II STORM SEWER COST ($250k /Mile) $154,000 II TOTAL 1993 RECONSTRUCTION COST $547,000 II 1 Page 1 of 3 II 11 YEAR STREET MILES 1994 Chan View (Laredo to Great Plains 0.262 ' Boulevard) Kiowa (Chan View to West 76th Street) 0.134 II Great Plains Boulevard (Santa Fe to West 0.057 76th Street) Great Plains Boulevard (West 76th Street *0.148 , to Chan View) TOTAL MILES 0.601 II STREET COST (0.453 miles @ $640k /Mile) $290,000 STREET COST (0.148 miles @ $115k /Mile) * $17,000 II STORM SEWER COST ($250k /Mile) $150,000 TOTAL 1994 RECONSTRUCTION COST $457,000 II 1 YEAR STREET MILES 1995 Santa Fe Trail (Great Plains Boulevard to 0.169 II Del Rio Drive) - Santa Fe Circle 0.036 II Laramie Circle 0.037 Del Drive (Laredo to end) 0.313 II Cimarron Circle 0.106 Iroquois (Laredo to Del Rio Drive) 0.066 II Kiowa Circle 0.060 TOTAL MILES 0.787 1 STREET COST ($500k /Mile) $394,000 STORM SEWER COST ($125k /Mile) $100,000 1 TOTAL 1995 RECONSTRUCTION COST $494,000 1. Curb and gutter and bituminous overlay. 1 2. Base repair, patching, concrete curb & gutter, bituminous overlay. 3. Some storm sewer already exists. II Page 2 of 3 1 1 1 11 YEAR STREET MILES 1996 _Lyman Boulevard (TH 101 to east border) 1.01 I TOTAL MILES 1.01 STREET COST ($640k /Mile) $640,000 STORM SEWER ? TOTAL 1996 RECONSTRUCTION COST $640,000 1. Assuming two - lane undivided road section. TOTAL STREET WORK $2,162,000 STORM SEWER 571,000 TOTAL 5 -YEAR CIP $2,733,000 1 1 11 1 1 Page 3 of 3 �0 GREAT ap = i _ DN 11 0 * N = • Pte, •� = • , _ ,,,,..,...,. ...A. - • per i `` _ r r,. ■ ' LV D. All / 0 c,) 2 �� 1 RANiV 2" (� co 3, 3 m m I rriz Ito: w Z =4 24 i r WI Row . ii 0 46 1 0 8 ! atV �g•►i Xi h. iak ∎ i►�taa. aaccil 0 0 w ili w ir l it <A co (,) i • 4 * 4■ 'co i ' 0 11114 le PO , IP*,■. v N, 33 O �wII I ,- .9, it / [ tail c •1 it -1 , - / _o''' 1r: %, ►''! 7:iiinill. - r -. - v A. o '. a 13 t a 4 hil a a # � ; ; r . j ..„ Z P r . rn ..� t r , ''1 . > \ I d.. 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