Traffic Impact Study 03-07-2013 UPDATE MEMORANDUM Date: March 7, 2013 (Update of original memorandum dated January 18, 2013) Re: Crossroads of Chanhassen: Traffic Impact Study Chanhassen, Minnesota File 20061214.10 To: Jack Appert, Real Estate Development Associate, Kraus-Anderson Real Estate Company From: John M. Hagen, P.E., PTOE, Senior Transportation Engineer Cindie Flaig, Traffic Specialist Executive Summary The proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development was originally approved by the City of Chanhassen in 2008. Subsequent to the approval, only a portion of the originally approved PUD (the existing Kwik Trip gas station/convenience store) was built. The owner has subsequently revised the PUD to include a daycare and a fast food restaurant with a drive thru. The daycare has since been constructed and is currently open for business, and the owner is seeking approval of a revised PUD. A preliminary trip generation analysis revealed that the proposed PUD amendment will generate more traffic than the originally approved 2008 PUD on a daily, a.m. and p.m. peak hour basis. As a result, the City of Chanhassen requested that a traffic study be completed to determine the traffic-related impacts of the proposed build-out of the remaining portions of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development. Subsequent to the completion of the traffic study in January 2013, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) staff requested that study be expanded to include 20-year traffic forecasts in order to determine how the study intersections will operate under year 2032 traffic conditions. The study results are summarized in the following paragraphs, with detailed information provided in the body of the memorandum. Existing Conditions: Results of the traffic operations analysis indicate that all of the key intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. March 7, 2013 Page 2 Proposed Development: The remaining portions of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen site will be developed in two phases. Phase I will consist of the proposed 13,536 square foot building located on the easterly edge of the site along TH 101. It is anticipated that phase I will be constructed in 2013. The full build-out of the remainder of the site (the 24,600 square foot Retail/Office building along Lyman Boulevard, the 6,600 retail building along Crossroads Boulevard, and the 5,000 square foot bank) is anticipated to be completed by 2017. Access to the remaining portions of the development will be provided via three proposed driveways along Crossroads Boulevard, as well as two cross-access driveways between the existing. The proposed phase I of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development will generate an estimated 1,456 trips on an average weekday, 83 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 43 inbound and 40 outbound trips), and 112 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 56 inbound and 56 outbound trips). At full build-out, the remaining portions of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development will generate an estimated 3,804 trips on an average weekday, 179 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 109 inbound and 70 outbound trips), and 426 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 190 inbound and 236 outbound trips. A trip generation comparison the proposed fast-food restaurant with a drive thru will generate approximately the same traffic as an average-sized coffee shop with a drive thru on a daily basis, approximately 30 percent less traffic during the morning peak, and approximately 15 percent more traffic during the afternoon peak. Future Year 2014 Phase I Build Conditions: An operations analysis was completed to assess the traffic-related impacts from the proposed phase I build conditions. The analysis results for year 2014 phase I build conditions indicate that all of the key intersections will operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. Future Year 2018 No-Build Conditions: The year 2018 no-build analysis revealed that all intersections are expected to continue to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2018 no-build conditions with existing geometrics and signal timing. However, a review of the vehicular queues revealed that vehicles on the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend past the westbound left-turn lane approximately 4 percent of the a.m. peak hour. Optimizing the traffic signal timing may help to minimize the vehicular queues under the year 2018 no-build conditions; however, these queues may ultimately result in an unsafe condition as background traffic volumes continue to increase in the future and the vehicular queues back further down the US Highway 212 loop ramp towards the eastbound mainline of US Highway 212 without the addition of an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on the US Highway 212 ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. March 7, 2013 Page 3 Future Year 2018 Full Build-out Conditions: The analysis results for year 2018 full build-out conditions indicate that all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. However, a review of the intersection approaches revealed that the eastbound approach of the TH 101 / Crossroads Boulevard / US Highway 212 Ramp intersection will operate at an unacceptable LOS F under the year 2018 full build-out p.m. peak hour conditions. Optimizing the traffic signal timings will improve the traffic operations and will allow all intersection approaches at the key study intersections to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under year 2018 full build-out conditions. Future Year 2032 No-Build Conditions: Under year 2032 no-build conditions, all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. However, the vehicular queues from the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend further back from the intersection than the queues reported under the year 2018 no-build conditions and will result in an unsafe condition as they extend closer to the eastbound US Highway 212 mainline. In order to eliminate these long queues and improve the traffic operations of the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard under the year 2032 no-build conditions, an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard Future Year 2032 Full Build-out Build Conditions: Under the year 2032 full build-out conditions, all of the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS C or better, and all approaches will operate at an acceptable LOS D or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, assuming the recommended improvements from the year 2032 no-build conditions are completed and the traffic signal timing is optimized. Conclusions/Recommendations: The existing roadway system and traffic control will be able to accommodate the first phase of the remaining portion of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development. In order for the existing roadway system and traffic control to be able to accommodate the full build-out of the remaining portions of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development, the signal timing needs to be optimized. As background traffic volumes increase on the adjacent roadway system, there will be a need for an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. This right-turn lane is needed in the future with or without the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development. March 7, 2013 Page 4 Existing Conditions The proposed development is located in the northwest quadrant of the TH 101/Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) intersection (see Figure 1: Project Location). TH 101 is a divided four-lane roadway that transitions to a two-lane undivided roadway south of Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18). There are currently trails provided on both sides of TH 101 within the study area, and the existing speed limit is 40 mph. Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) and Crossroads Boulevard are both two-lane undivided roadways with sidewalks/trails provided on one or both sides of the roadways depending on the segment within the study area. The existing speed limit along Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) is 50 mph west of TH 101 and 40 mph to the east. The existing speed limit along Crossroads Boulevard is 30 mph. An operations analysis was conducted for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours at the following key intersections in order to determine how traffic conditions currently operates in the study area: x TH 101 at Crossroads Boulevard/US Highway 212 Ramps x TH 101 at Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) x Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Boulevard The intersections of TH 101 at Crossroads Boulevard/US Highway 212 Ramps and Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) are signalized. The intersection of Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) / Crossroads Boulevard is side-street stop-controlled. All key intersections were analyzed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. The existing signal timing (provided by the MnDOT) was used in the analysis. Intersection turning movement counts for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours were collected in early December 2012. Current geometrics and peak hour traffic volumes at the key intersections are shown in Figure 2. Copies of the raw turning movement count data at each of the key intersections are provided in Appendix A. Using the roadway geometric and traffic volume data described above as input, traffic operational analysis was performed per the standards set out in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual, published by the Transportation Research Board. Synchro/SimTraffic 7 was used to complete the analysis. Two fundamental outputs from the operations analysis are typically used to characterize traffic flow. The first is Level of Service (LOS), a letter grade ranging from “A” (free flow) to “F” (demand exceeds capacity). Generally, LOS D represents the threshold for acceptable overall intersection operating conditions during a peak hour in the Twin Cities metro area. On an individual movement basis, LOS E is typically considered the lowest acceptable LOS. An average of five SimTraffic simulation runs is reported in the tables in the following sections within the body of this report. Detailed LOS results from Synchro/SimTraffic are reported in the Appendix. Project Location Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 1 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location Existing Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 2 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 14 140 3 8 6 31 149 (39)(227) (9)(139) (4 9 ) (8 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 96 46 12 4 3 2 3 9 1 5 8 6 5 2 4 2 2 4 103 37 15 (137)(37)(61) (89)(59)(24) (3 1 ) (1 7 7 ) (1 6 ) (5 8 ) (2 5 7 ) (1 1 0 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 453 55 225 6 0 1 9 3 6 4 1 3 3 0 5 1 0 1 46 49 22 (62)(35)(24) (101)(5)(18) (1 9 ) (3 3 9 ) (1 3 0 ) (1 0 3 ) (3 8 3 ) (1 6 4 ) Crossroads Blvd LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection T H 1 0 1 March 7, 2013 Page 7 The second important output to consider from the operations analysis is queuing. A queue is a line of vehicles waiting to pass through an intersection. While an intersection may be reported as operating at an acceptable level of service, queues from the intersection extending to upstream intersections or driveways could create a potential safety issue. The 95th percentile queue is typically considered the standard for design purposes. The micro simulation component of the model, SimTraffic, is best suited for reviewing vehicular queues between closely-spaced intersections. Any 95th percentile queues that extend to an upstream intersection/driveway are reported in the text below as well as in the detailed results tables presented in the Appendix B. Results of the Synchro/SimTraffic analysis shown in Table 1 indicate that all of the key intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. A review of the intersection approaches revealed that every approach currently operates at a LOS C or better, with no reported vehicular queuing issues. Table 1 Existing Peak Hour Capacity Analysis Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C B / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal B / C B / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / B A / B (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. Proposed Development and Site Access The proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development is located in the northwest quadrant of the TH 101/Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) intersection. The parcel is partially developed with the Kwik Trip gas station/convenience store currently located in the southwest quadrant of the TH 101/Crossroads Boulevard intersection and the Primrose Daycare located in the northwest quadrant of the Lyman Boulevard/Crossroads Boulevard intersection. The remainder of the site is currently vacant. For the purposes of this traffic study, the remaining portions of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen site will be developed in two phases. Based on a site plan dated December 14, 2012 (shown in Figure 3), Phase I will consist of the proposed 13,536 square foot building located on the easterly edge of the site along TH 101. It is anticipated that phase I will be constructed in 2013. The full build-out of the remainder of the site (the 24,600 square foot Retail/Office building along Lyman Boulevard, the 6,600 retail building along Crossroads Boulevard, and the 5,000 square foot bank) is anticipated to be completed by 2017. Proposed Site Plan Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 3 February 22, 2013 #20061214 March 7, 2013 Page 9 As shown in Figure 3, the site plan indicates that access to the remaining portions of the development will be provided via three proposed driveways along Crossroads Boulevard, as well as two cross-access driveways between the existing gas station/convenience store. The first driveway along Crossroads Boulevard is located approximately 195 north of the Lyman Boulevard intersection. The second driveway along Crossroads Boulevard is located approximately 200 feet north of the first driveway, and is located opposite of the existing daycare driveway on the west side Crossroads Boulevard. The third driveway along Crossroads Boulevard is located midway between the second driveway and the existing gas station driveway. The two cross-access driveways are located in the southwestern corner of the gas station lot. Traffic Forecasts Since the proposed development will be completed in stages, traffic forecasts were developed for the following two scenarios: Year 2014 phase I build and Year 2018 full build-out. The forecast years 2014 and 2018 were selected since they represent a one-year post-construction forecast of the Crossroads of Chanhassen phase I and full build-out scenarios. It should be noted that each of these two forecast year scenarios include the Primrose daycare that was not open for business in early December when the traffic counts were taken, but has now since opened. Based on comments received MnDOT, a 20-year forecast was also prepared in order to determine how the study intersections will operate under year 2032 traffic conditions. Year 2014 – Phase I Build Traffic Volumes Under year 2014 phase I build conditions, only the easterly retail building will be completed. This first phase of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development will consist of 10,500 square feet of retail and a 3,036 square foot fast-food with drive thru. Future year 2014 phase I build volumes were developed by adding a 1.0 percent per year growth factor to the existing traffic volumes to account for background traffic growth in the area. Since the Primrose daycare was not open for business when the existing traffic counts were taken, the estimated trips associated with the 12,000 square foot daycare were also added to the existing traffic volumes. Finally, the development-related traffic was then added to the adjacent roadway system. Year 2018 – No-Build Traffic Volumes The year 2018 no-build scenario assumes that the Crossroads of Chanhassen site does not develop beyond its current uses. Existing traffic volumes are increased at a rate of 1.0 percent per year in order to account for background traffic growth in the area. March 7, 2013 Page 10 Year 2018 – Full Build-Out Traffic Volumes The year 2018 full build-out scenario assumes that the entire Crossroads of Chanhassen development is constructed and open for business. In addition to the easterly retail building completed in phase I, the full build-out scenario includes the 5,000 square foot bank, the westerly 6,600 square foot retail building, and the southern mixed-use building that consists of 15,000 square feet of retail on the first floor and 9,600 square feet of office on the second floor. Future year 2018 full build-out volumes were developed by adding the development-related traffic from the phase I and full build-out of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development to the Year 2018 no-build traffic volumes. Year 2032 – No-Build Traffic Volumes Based on input received from MnDOT’s Planning/Forecasting staff, it was agreed that the 1.0 percent per year growth rate was appropriate to use in the development of the requested 20-year forecasts. Therefore, the year 2032 no-build traffic volumes were developed in the similar manner to the year 2018 no-build traffic volumes. The year 2032 no-build scenario assumes that the Crossroads of Chanhassen site does not develop beyond its current uses. Existing traffic volumes were increased at a rate of 1.0 percent per year in order to develop the forecast year 2032 no-build traffic volumes. Year 2032 – Full Build-Out Traffic Volumes The year 2032 full build-out scenario assumes that the entire Crossroads of Chanhassen development is constructed and open for business. Future year 2032 full build-out volumes were developed by adding the development-related traffic from the phase I and full build-out of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development to the Year 2032 no-build traffic volumes. Trip Generation Trip generation estimates for the a.m. and p.m. peak periods and on a daily basis were calculated for each of the phases of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development. In order to be consistent with the earlier traffic study of the original Crossroads of Chanhassen PUD (completed in December 2007), the trip generation estimates were developed based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual , 7th Edition. The trip generation estimates for the phase I and full build-out development scenarios are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Consistent with the 2007 traffic study, the traffic generated by the proposed development was reduced using a multi-use trip reduction of 5 percent (to account for trips that are made between the various on-site uses), and were further reduced using pass-by trip reductions (to account for traffic in/out of the site that is captured from vehicles already on the adjacent roadways). The March 7, 2013 Page 11 pass-by trip reductions used for this comparison are consistent with the 2007 traffic study as well as the ITE Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition. Table 2 Trip Generation Estimate: Crossroads of Chanhassen – Phase I (1) Land Use Size Average Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Shopping Center 10.5 KSF 1,060 16 10 26 44 48 92 Fast-food with Drive Thru 3.0 KSF 1,510 70 68 138 51 48 99 Subtotal 2,570 86 78 164 95 96 191 Multi-purpose Trip Reduction (2) (76) (4) (3) (7) (2) (3) (5) Subtotal 2,494 82 75 157 93 93 186 Pass-by Trip Reduction (3) (1,038) (39) (35) (74) (37) (37) (74) Net New Trips (4) 1,456 43 40 83 56 56 112 (1)Since the original traffic study was completed in early 2007, the trip generation estimates were based on the 2003 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 7th Edition. While a more current trip generation manual is now available, this trip generation analysis continues to use the rates from the 2003 manual in order to make an accurate comparison between the two PUD scenarios. (2)Multipurpose trip reduction of 5 percent was applied to non-shopping center components of the site; based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition. (3)The following pass-by trip reductions was applied to retail components of the proposed development and based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition: Retail = 30 percent and Fast-Food Restaurant with drive-thru = 50 percent pass-by trips (4)Represents the total new trips added to the adjacent roadway system by the proposed redevelopment. As shown in Table 2, the phase I of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development would generate approximately 1,456 trips on an average weekday, 83 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 43 inbound and 40 outbound trips), and 112 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 56 inbound and 56 outbound trips). March 7, 2013 Page 12 Table 3 Trip Generation Estimate: Crossroads of Chanhassen – Full Build-out (1) Land Use Size Average Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total General Office Building 9.6 KSF 220 25 3 28 11 55 66 Shopping Center 32.1 KSF 3,240 48 30 78 134 146 280 Drive-In Bank 5.0 KSF 1,170 35 27 62 115 114 229 Fast-food with Drive Thru 3.0 KSF 1,510 70 68 138 51 48 99 Subtotal 6,140 178 128 306 311 363 674 Multi-purpose Trip Reduction (2) (144) (6) (5) (11) (8) (11) (19) Subtotal 5,996 172 123 295 303 352 655 Pass-by Trip Reduction (3) (2,192) (63) (53) (116) (113) (116) (229) Net New Trips (4) 3,804 109 70 179 190 236 426 (1)Since the original traffic study was completed in early 2007, the trip generation estimates were based on the 2003 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 7th Edition. While a more current trip generation manual is now available, this trip generation analysis continues to use the rates from the 2003 manual in order to make an accurate comparison between the two PUD scenarios. (2)Multipurpose trip reduction of 5 percent was applied to non-shopping center components of the site; based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition. (3)The following pass-by trip reductions was applied to retail components of the proposed development and based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition: Retail = 30 percent, Drive-in Bank = 45 percent, and Fast-Food Restaurant with drive-thru = 50 percent. (4)Represents the total new trips added to the adjacent roadway system by the proposed redevelopment. As shown in Table 3, the full build-out of the remaining portion of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development would generate approximately 3,804 trips on an average weekday, 179 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 109 inbound and 70 outbound trips), and 426 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 190 inbound and 236 outbound trips). The trips generated by the two phases of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development were assigned to the adjacent roadway system using the directional distribution shown in Figure 4. The directional distribution shown in Figure 4 was based on existing population, traffic patterns, and adjacent roadways system, and is consistent with the directional distribution of the previous traffic studies in the area. The resultant year 2014 phase I build traffic volumes are shown in Figure 5. The year 2018 no-build and full build-out traffic volumes are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. The year 2032 no-build and full build-out traffic volumes are shown in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. Directional Distribution Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 4 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location Crossroads Blvd 15%5% 2 5 % 3 5 % Year 2014 Phase I Build Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 5 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 49 135 5 9 3 7 54 144 (53)(223) (44)(136) (7 2 ) (4 7 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 97 52 12 4 3 2 4 5 1 6 0 8 9 2 5 0 2 4 104 41 36 (138)(44)(88) (90)(66)(24) (5 6 ) (1 8 5 ) (1 6 ) (5 8 ) (2 6 7 ) (1 1 1 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 458 74 227 1 2 0 1 8 7 6 2 3 5 2 9 6 9 8 109 61 34 (137)(49)(42) (102)(23)(18) (3 3 ) (3 3 3 ) (1 2 8 ) (1 6 8 ) (3 7 6 ) (1 6 2 ) Crossroads Blvd T H 1 0 1 LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection Year 2018 No-Build Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 6 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 15 150 4 0 1 0 35 155 (40)(240) (10)(145) (5 0 ) (1 0 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 100 50 15 4 5 2 5 0 1 6 5 7 0 2 5 5 2 5 110 40 15 (145)(40)(65) (95)(60)(25) (3 5 ) (1 8 5 ) (2 0 ) (6 0 ) (2 7 0 ) (1 1 5 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 475 55 235 6 0 2 0 0 7 0 1 5 3 2 0 1 0 5 50 50 25 (65)(35)(25) (105)(5)(20) (2 0 ) (3 5 5 ) (1 3 5 ) (1 0 5 ) (4 0 0 ) (1 7 0 ) Crossroads Blvd T H 1 0 1 LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection Year 2018 Full Build-Out Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 7 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 65 145 6 5 4 5 65 155 (95)(220) (85)(135) (1 1 0 ) (1 0 5 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 100 60 15 4 5 2 5 5 1 6 5 1 0 5 2 6 5 2 5 110 45 45 (145)(55)(125) (95)(75)(25) (8 5 ) (2 0 0 ) (2 0 ) (6 0 ) (2 8 5 ) (1 1 5 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 475 85 235 1 5 0 1 9 5 6 5 4 0 3 0 5 1 0 0 130 65 35 (245)(80)(75) (105)(45)(20) (7 0 ) (3 3 0 ) (1 2 5 ) (2 5 0 ) (3 6 5 ) (1 6 0 ) Crossroads Blvd T H 1 0 1 LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection Year 2032 No-Build Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 8 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 15 175 4 0 1 0 35 185 (40)(280) (10)(170) (5 0 ) (1 0 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 115 55 15 5 5 2 9 0 1 9 0 8 0 2 8 5 3 0 125 45 20 (170)(45)(75) (110)(70)(30) (4 0 ) (2 3 0 ) (2 0 ) (7 0 ) (3 1 0 ) (1 3 0 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 555 55 275 6 0 2 3 5 8 0 1 5 3 7 0 1 2 5 50 50 25 (65)(35)(25) (125)(5)(20) (2 0 ) (4 1 5 ) (1 6 0 ) (1 0 5 ) (4 6 5 ) (2 0 0 ) Crossroads Blvd T H 1 0 1 LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection Year 2032 Full Build-Out Conditions Crossroads of Chanhassen Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 9 Base map source: Bing Maps, Microsoft Corporation, 2013 February 22, 2013 #20061214 Project Location 65 165 6 5 4 5 65 175 (95)(260) (85)(160) (1 1 0 ) (1 0 5 ) Lyman Blvd C r o s s r o a d s B l v d 120 65 15 5 0 2 9 5 1 9 0 1 1 5 2 9 5 3 0 125 50 45 (170)(60)(135) (110)(85)(30) (9 0 ) (2 4 5 ) (2 0 ) (7 0 ) (3 3 0 ) (1 3 0 ) Lyman Blvd T H 1 0 1 555 85 275 1 5 0 2 2 5 7 5 4 0 3 6 0 1 2 0 130 65 35 (245)(80)(75) (125)(45)(20) (7 0 ) (3 8 5 ) (1 5 0 ) (2 5 0 ) (4 3 5 ) (1 8 5 ) Crossroads Blvd T H 1 0 1 LEGEND XX -A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (XX)-P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -Signalized Intersection -Side-Street Stop Control Intersection March 7, 2013 Page 19 Trip Generation Comparison of the Proposed PUD to the Previously Approved PUD A trip generation comparison was completed in order to provide a comparison of the traffic generated by the previously approved 2008 PUD versus the proposed 2013 PUD amendment. The trip generation estimates for the original 2008 PUD and the proposed 2013 PUD amendment are shown in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, the proposed 2013 PUD amendment will generate approximately 838 additional trips on an average weekday, 179 trips more trips during the a.m. peak hour, and 89 more trips during the p.m. peak hour than the original PUD. Trip Generation Comparison between Fast-food and Coffee Shop Drive Thrus In order to address some recent concerns regarding potential differences in traffic generated by the proposed fast-food restaurant with a drive thru and a potential coffee shop with a drive thru that was part of the previously approved PUD in 2008, a trip generation comparison was completed. The trip generation estimates for the proposed 3,036 square foot fast-food with drive thru and an average-sized coffee shop with drive thru are shown in Table 5. It should be noted that the trip generates rates from the current 2012 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 9th Edition, were used for this comparison since the Coffee Shop with Drive-Thru Window (ITE Land Use Category 937) was not available in the earlier 7th Edition. As shown in Table 5, the proposed fast-food with a drive thru will generate approximately 130 (or 8 percent) fewer trips than an average-sized coffee shop on a daily basis, 63 (or 31 percent) fewer trips during the a.m. peak hour, and 13 (or 15 percent) more trips during the p.m. peak hour. Therefore, the proposed fast-food restaurant with a drive thru will generate approximately the same traffic as an average-sized coffee shop with a drive thru on a daily basis, approximately 30 percent less traffic during the morning peak, and approximately 15 percent more traffic during the afternoon peak. March 7, 2013 Page 20 Table 4 Trip Generation Comparison: Crossroads of Chanhassen – Approved versus the Proposed PUDs (1) Land Use Size Average Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Approved 2008 PUD General Office Building 13.8 KSF 292 33 5 38 16 78 94 Shopping Center 47.4 KSF 4,180 61 39 100 184 199 383 Drive-In Bank 5.0 KSF 1,170 35 27 62 115 114 229 Gas Station with Convenience Market and Car Wash 20 Fueling Positions 3,060 108 104 212 133 133 266 Subtotal 8,702 237 175 412 448 524 972 Multi-purpose Trip Reduction (2 ) (226) (10) (6) (16) (13) (16) (29) Subtotal 8,476 227 169 396 435 508 943 Pass-by Trip Reduction (3) (3,354) (90) (78) (168) (173) (179) (352) Net New Trips (4) 5,122 137 91 228 262 329 591 Proposed 2013 PUD General Office Building 9.6 KSF 220 25 3 28 11 55 66 Shopping Center 32.1 KSF 3,240 48 30 78 134 146 280 Drive-In Bank 5.0 KSF 1,170 35 27 62 115 114 229 Gas Station with Convenience Market and Car Wash 20 Fueling Positions 3,060 108 104 212 133 133 266 Daycare 12.0 KSF 890 77 69 146 70 78 148 Fast-food with Drive Thru 3.0 KSF 1,510 70 68 138 51 48 99 Subtotal 10,090 363 301 664 514 574 1,088 Multi-purpose Trip Reduction (2 ) (340) (16) (14) (30) (19) (21) (40) Subtotal 9,750 347 287 634 495 553 1,048 Pass-by Trip Reduction (3) (3,790) (120) (107) (227) (182) (186) (368) Net New Trips (4) 5,960 227 180 407 313 367 680 Difference between 2008 and 2013 PUDs +838 trips (+16.4%) +179 trips (+78.5%) +89 trips (+15.1%) (1)Since the original traffic study was completed in early 2007, the trip generation estimates were based on the 2003 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 7th Edition. While a more current trip generation manual is now available, this trip generation analysis continues to use the rates from the 2003 manual in order to make an accurate comparison between the two PUD scenarios. (2)Multipurpose trip reduction of 5 percent was applied to non-shopping center components of the site; based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition. (3)The following pass-by trip reductions was applied to retail components of the proposed development and based on data presented in the 2004 Trip Generation Handbook , 2nd Edition: Retail = 30 percent, Drive-in Bank = 45 percent, Fast-Food Restaurant with drive-thru = 50 percent, and Gas Station with Convenience Market = 55 percent pass-by trips (4)Represents the total new trips added to the adjacent roadway system by the proposed redevelopment March 7, 2013 Page 21 Table 5 Trip Generation Comparison: Fast-food and Coffee Shop with Drive-Thrus (1) Land Use Size Average Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Proposed 2103 PUD Fast-food with Drive Thru 3.0 KSF 1,510 70 68 138 51 48 99 Approved 2008 PUD Coffee Shop with Drive Thru 2.0 KSF (2 ) 1,640 103 98 201 43 43 86 Difference between: Proposed Fast-food with Drive Thru & Average-sized Coffee Shop with Drive Thru -130 trips (-7.9%) -63 trips (-31.3%) +13 trips (+15.1%) (1)Trip generation estimates were taken from the 2012 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 9th Edition, and do not include multi-purpose or pass-by trip reductions. (2)The average-sized coffee shop with a drive-thru window in the 2012 ITE Trip Generation Manual , 9th Edition nation-wide database was 2,000 square feet. Future Conditions To determine how well the existing roadway system would accommodate the future traffic volumes, an a.m. and p.m. peak hour operations analysis was conducted for the year 2014 phase I build, year 2018 no-build and full build-out conditions, and year 2032 no-build and build conditions. Year 2014 Phase I Build Conditions As shown in Table 6, all intersections are expected to continue to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2014 phase I build conditions with existing geometrics and signal timing. A review of the intersection approaches revealed that every traffic movement continues to operate at a LOS C or better, with no reported vehicular queuing issues, under the year 2014 phase I build traffic conditions. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2013 no build conditions are provided in the Appendix C. March 7, 2013 Page 22 Table 6 Year 2014 Phase I Build Peak Hour Capacity Analysis Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C B / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal B / C B / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / B A / B (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. Therefore, the existing roadway system and traffic control can accommodate the first phase of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development. Year 2018 No-Build Conditions As shown in Table 7, all intersections are expected to continue to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2018 no-build conditions with existing geometrics and signal timing. However, a review of the vehicular queues revealed that vehicles on the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend approximately 520 feet back from the intersection; beyond the westbound left-turn lane approximately 4 percent of the a.m. peak hour. This is primarily due to the high number of existing (453) and future year 2018 (475) westbound right-turning vehicles from US Highway 212 to northbound TH 101 during the a.m. peak hour. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2018 full build-out conditions are provided in the Appendix D. Table 7 Year 2018 No-Build Peak Hour Capacity Analysis Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C B / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C B / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / A A / A (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. March 7, 2013 Page 23 Optimizing the traffic signal timing may help to minimize the vehicular queues; however, these queues may ultimately result in an unsafe condition as background traffic volumes continue to increase in the future and the vehicular queues back further down the US Highway 212 loop ramp towards the eastbound mainline of US Highway 212 without the addition of an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on the US Highway 212 ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. Year 2018 Full Build-Out Conditions As shown in Table 8, all intersections are expected to continue to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2018 full build-out conditions with existing geometrics and signal timing. However, a review of the intersection approaches revealed that the eastbound approach of the TH 101 / Crossroads Boulevard / US Highway 212 Ramp intersection will operate at an unacceptable LOS F under the year 2018 full build-out p.m. peak hour conditions. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2018 full build-out conditions are provided in the Appendix E. Table 8 Year 2018 Full Build-Out Peak Hour Capacity Analysis Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C C / F TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C C / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / B A / C (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating. If the traffic signal timing is optimized for the year 2018 full build-out conditions, the traffic operations improve for the eastbound approach of the TH 101/Crossroads Boulevard/US Highway 212 Ramp intersection, and all of the remaining traffic movements at the key study intersections will operate at a LOS C or better, with no reported vehicular queuing issues. Table 9 shows the year 2018 full build-out level of service results with the recommended improvements. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2018 full build-out conditions are provided in the Appendix F. March 7, 2013 Page 24 Table 9 Year 2018 Full Build-Out Peak Hour Capacity Analysis – With Recommended Improvements Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C C / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C C / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / B A / C (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating. Therefore, in order for adjacent roadway system to accommodate the year 2018 full build-out traffic volumes, the traffic signal timing needs to be optimized. Year 2032 No-Build Conditions As shown in Table 10, all intersections are expected to continue to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2032 no-build conditions with existing geometrics and signal timing. However, the vehicular queues from the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend approximately 215 feet further back from the intersection than the queues reported under the year 2018 no-build conditions. These long queues are unacceptable and will result in an unsafe condition as they extend closer to the eastbound US Highway 212 mainline. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2032 no-build conditions (with existing geometrics and signal timing) are provided in the Appendix G. Table 10 Year 2032 No-Build Peak Hour Capacity Analysis Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C B / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C C / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / C A / A (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. March 7, 2013 Page 25 In order to eliminate these long queues and improve the traffic operations of the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard under the year 2032 no-build conditions, an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach. Table 11 shows the year 2032 no-build level of service results with the recommended improvements. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2018 full build-out conditions are provided in the Appendix H. Table 11 Year 2032 No-Build Peak Hour Capacity Analysis – With Recommended Improvements Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C B / C TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C B / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / C A / A (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. As shown in Table 11, all intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the peak hours under the year 2032 no-build conditions with the addition an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. The vehicular queues on the ramp will be reduced to approximately 250 during the a.m. peak hour and will not extend beyond the turn lanes. Therefore, in order for adjacent roadway system to accommodate the year 2032 no-build traffic volumes, an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. Year 2032 Full Build-Out Conditions As shown in Table 12, all of the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS C or better, and all approaches will operate at an acceptable LOS D or better during the peak hours under the year 2032 full build-out conditions, assuming the recommended improvements from the year 2032 no-build conditions are completed and the traffic signal timing is optimized. Detailed tables of the LOS results for the year 2018 full build-out conditions are provided in the Appendix I. March 7, 2013 Page 26 Table 12 Year 2032 Full Build-Out Peak Hour Capacity Analysis – With Recommended Improvements Level of Service Results Intersection Intersection Control Level of Service (1) A.M. Peak P.M. Peak TH 101 at Crossroads Blvd/US Hwy 212 Ramps Traffic Signal C / C C / D TH 101 at Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) Traffic Signal C / C C / C Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) at Crossroads Blvd Lyman Blvd. – Free Flow Crossroads Blvd. – Stop A / B A / C (1)The first letter is the LOS of the entire intersection. The second letter (in italics) is the LOS of the worst operating approach. Therefore, an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard, and the traffic signal timing needs to be optimized in order for adjacent roadway system to accommodate the year 2032 traffic volumes with or without the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on our review of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development, we offer the following conclusions and recommendations for your consideration: x All of the key intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. x The proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development will be completed in two phases: o The first phase will be completed in 2013 and will consist of 10,500 square feet of retail and a 3,036 square foot fast-food restaurant with drive thru. o The second phase will be completed by 2017 and will consist of the phase I development plus a 5,000 square foot bank, 21,600 square feet of additional retail, and 9,600 square feet of office space. x The remaining phases of the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development will be served by three proposed driveways along Crossroads Boulevard, as well as two cross- access driveways between the existing gas station/convenience store. x The proposed phase I of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development will generate an 1,456 trips on an average weekday, 83 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 43 inbound and 40 outbound trips), and 112 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 56 inbound and 56 outbound trips). March 7, 2013 Page 27 x At full build-out, the remaining portions of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development will generate an estimated 3,804 trips on an average weekday, 179 trips during the a.m. peak hour (with 109 inbound and 70 outbound trips), and 426 trips during the p.m. peak hour (with 190 inbound and 236 outbound trips. x A trip generation comparison revealed that the proposed 2013 PUD amendment will generate more traffic at full build-out than the originally approved 2008 PUD. x A trip generation comparison revealed that the proposed fast-food restaurant with a drive thru will generate approximately the same traffic as an average-sized coffee shop with a drive thru on a daily basis, approximately 30 percent less traffic during the morning peak, and approximately 15 percent more traffic during the afternoon peak. x Under year 2014 phase I build conditions, all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. x Under year 2018 no-build conditions, all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. However, a review of the vehicular queues revealed that vehicles on the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend past the westbound left-turn lane approximately 4 percent of the a.m. peak hour. x Optimizing the traffic signal timing may help to minimize the vehicular queues under the year 2018 no-build conditions; however, these queues may ultimately result in an unsafe condition as background traffic volumes continue to increase in the future and the vehicular queues back further down the US Highway 212 loop ramp towards the eastbound mainline of US Highway 212 without the addition of an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on the US Highway 212 ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. x Under year 2018 full build-out conditions, all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. However, a review of the intersection approaches revealed that the eastbound approach of the TH 101 / Crossroads Boulevard / US Highway 212 Ramp intersection will operate at an unacceptable LOS F under the year 2018 full build-out p.m. peak hour conditions. x Optimizing the traffic signal timings will improve the traffic operations and will allow all intersection approaches at the key study intersections to operate at acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under year 2018 full build-out conditions. x Under year 2032 no-build conditions, all of the key intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the existing traffic control and geometric layouts. However, the vehicular queues from the westbound shared through/right-turn lane of the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard will extend further back from the intersection March 7, 2013 Page 28 than the queues reported under the year 2018 no-build conditions and will result in an unsafe condition as they extend closer to the eastbound US Highway 212 mainline. x In order to eliminate these long queues and improve the traffic operations of the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard under the year 2032 no-build conditions, an exclusive right-turn lane needs to be added to the westbound US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. x Under the year 2032 full build-out conditions, all of the study intersections are expected to operate at acceptable LOS C or better, and all approaches will operate at an acceptable LOS D or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, assuming the recommended improvements from the year 2032 no-build conditions are completed and the traffic signal timing is optimized. Therefore, the existing roadway system and traffic control will be able to accommodate the first phase of the remaining portion of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development. In order for the existing roadway system and traffic control to be able to accommodate the full build-out of the remaining portions of the Crossroads of Chanhassen development, the traffic signal timing needs to be optimized. As background traffic volumes increase on the adjacent roadway system, there will be a need for an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on the US Highway 212 Ramp approach to the TH 101 intersection with Crossroads Boulevard. This right-turn lane is needed in the future with or without the proposed Crossroads of Chanhassen development. Attachments: Appendices A – I (Traffic Counts and Detailed Operations Analysis) cc: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, City of Chanhassen Senior Planner Kate Miner, Project Manager, Carver County Traffic Engineer Tod Sherman, Planning Supervisor, MnDOT P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Report\Crossroads of Chanhassen TIS Update_3-07-2013.docx Appendix A Peak Hour Turning Movement Volumes File Name: 1 Site Code: 00000777 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Crossroads Southbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Westbound Crossroads Northbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total 07:00 10405 0266032 00000 14310045 82 07:15 00808 0323035 00000 4460050 93 07:30 20709 0244028 00000 9340043 80 07:45 1016017 0522054 00000 9340043 114 Total 4 0 35 0 39 0 134 15 0 149 0 0 0 0 0 36 145 0 0 181 369 08:00 307010 0315036 00000 9390048 94 08:15 20406 0215026 00000 3330036 68 08:30 20406 0144018 00000 11200031 55 08:45 00404 0261027 00000 8240032 63 Total 7 0 19 0 26 0 92 15 0 107 0 0 0 0 0 31 116 0 0 147 280 *** BREAK *** 16:00 2013015 0352037 00000 11830094 146 16:15 2013015 0212023 00000 12790091 129 16:30 2013015 0363039 00000 9460055 109 16:45 3010013 0371038 00000 7500057 108 Total 9 0 49 0 58 0 129 8 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 39 258 0 0 297 492 17:00 2012014 0192021 00000 6450051 86 17:15 0012012 0285033 00000 3760079 124 17:30 0016016 0592061 00000 6420048 125 17:45 0013013 0262028 00000 7350042 83 Total 2 0 53 0 55 0 132 11 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 22 198 0 0 220 418 Grand Total 2201560178 0487490536 00000 12871700845 1559 Apprch %12.4087.60 090.99.10 0000 15.184.900 Total %1.4010011.4 031.23.1034.4 00000 8.2460054.2 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 1 Site Code: 00000777 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 2 Crossroads Southbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Westbound Crossroads Northbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Eastbound Start Time Left Thr u Right Peds App. Total Left Thr u Right Peds App. Total Left Thr u Right Peds App. Total Left Thr u Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 to 11:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15 07:15 00808 0323035 00000 4 00 93 07:30 20709 0244028 00000 340043 80 07:45 10 0 0 20 00000 9340043  08:00 07010 031 036 00000 9390048 94 Total Volume 6 0 38 0 44 0 139 14 0 153 0 0 0 0 0 31 153 0 0 184 381 % App. Total 13.6 0 86.4 0 0 90.8 9.2 0 0 0 0 0 16.8 83.2 0 0 PHF .500 .000 .594 .000 .647 .000 .668 .700 .000 .708 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .861 .832 .000 .000 .920 .836 Crossroads Crossroads Right 38 Thru 0 Left 6 Peds 0 In Out Total 45 44 89 Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 Peds 0 Out Total In 0 0 0 Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 Unshifted Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 1 Site Code: 00000777 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 3 Crossroads Southbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Westbound Crossroads Northbound CSAH 18 (Lyman) Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 12:00 to 17:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 16:00 16:00 20 0 0352037 00000 11 00  16:15 2013015 0212023 00000 790091 129 16:30 2013015 036 0 00000 9460055 109 16:45 010013 0 1038 00000 7500057 108 Total Volume 9 0 49 0 58 0 129 8 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 39 258 0 0 297 492 % App. Total 15.5 0 84.5 0 0 94.2 5.8 0 0 0 0 0 13.1 86.9 0 0 PHF .750 .000 .942 .000 .967 .000 .872 .667 .000 .878 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .813 .777 .000 .000 .790 .842 Crossroads Crossroads Right 49 Thru 0 Left 9 Peds 0 In Out Total 47 58 105 Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 Peds 0 Out Total In 0 0 0 Peak Hour Begins at 16:00 Unshifted Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 2 Site Code: 13571357 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted - Bank 1 TH 101 Southbound Lyman Westbound TH 101 Northbound Lyman Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total 07:00 57264188 01329042 12425059 1692027 216 07:15 4552120109 41022036 17412060 33104047 252 07:30 5067110128 2723032 95510074 2286036 270 07:45 3575130123 22125250 2168110100 1993132 305 Total 187 220 40 1 448 8 51 99 2 160 59 206 28 0 293 90 36 15 1 142 1043 08:00 28457080 4826038 18781097 29102041 256 08:15 152514054 0730037 9623074 2453032 197 08:30 21225048 4827039 7392048 1462022 157 08:45 17228047 1321025 16401057 1873028 157 Total 81 114 34 0 229 9 26 104 0 139 50 219 7 0 276 85 28 10 0 123 767 *** BREAK *** 16:00 2563140102 1813022 8331042 62129083 249 16:15 29588095 51212029 3233029 57613076 229 16:30 3664140114 91615040 8392049 23415042 245 16:45 3070140114 91115136 6490055 35813056 261 Total 120 255 50 0 425 24 47 55 1 127 25 144 6 0 175 177 30 50 0 257 984 17:00 265514095 61027043 7364047 23718048 233 17:15 2467170108 31020033 7395152 481319080 273 17:30 3065130108 62827061 11537071 31911051 291 17:45 385651100 2919030 15201036 20109039 205 Total 118 243 49 1 411 17 57 93 0 167 40 148 17 1 206 122 39 57 0 218 1002 Grand Total 50683217321513 581813513593 174717581950 4741331321740 3796 Apprch %33.45511.40.1 9.830.559.20.5 18.375.56.10.1 64.11817.80.1 Total %13.321. 4.618.91.5025 Unshifted 506 832 173 2 1513 58 181 351 3 593 174 717 58 1 950 474 133 132 1 740 3796 % Unshifted Bank 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % Bank 1 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 2 Site Code: 13571357 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 2 TH 101 Southbound Lyman Westbound TH 101 Northbound Lyman Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 to 11:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15 07:15 4552120109 1022036 17412060 40 252 07:30 67110 2723032 95510074 228 036 270 07:45 35 0123 2 25 68 0 1993 32  08:00 28457080 48 038 18 1097 29102041 256 Total Volume 158 239 43 0 440 12 46 96 2 156 65 242 24 0 331 103 37 15 1 156 1083 % App. Total 35.9 54.3 9.8 0 7.7 29.5 61.5 1.3 19.6 73.1 7.3 0 66 23.7 9.6 0.6 PHF .790 .797 .827 .000 .859 .750 .548 .923 .250 .780 .774 .776 .545 .000 .828 .780 .925 .625 .250 .830 .888 TH 101 TH 101 Right 43 Thru 239 Left 158 Peds 0 In Out Total 441 440 881 Left 65 Thru 242 Right 24 Peds 0 Out Total In 266 331 597 Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 Unshifted Bank 1 Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 2 Site Code: 13571357 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 3 TH 101 Southbound Lyman Westbound TH 101 Northbound Lyman Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 12:00 to 17:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 16:45 16:45 140 1115 36 6490055 35813056 261 17:00 265514095 610 043 7364047 23718048 233 17:15 2467 0108 31020033 7395 52 0 273 17:30 3065130108 6 270 0 31911051  Total Volume 110 257 58 0 425 24 59 89 1 173 31 177 16 1 225 137 37 61 0 235 1058 % App. Total 25.9 60.5 13.6 0 13.9 34.1 51.4 0.6 13.8 78.7 7.1 0.4 58.3 15.7 26 0 PHF .917 .918 .853 .000 .932 .667 .527 .824 .250 .709 .705 .835 .571 .250 .792 .714 .712 .803 .000 .734 .909 TH 101 TH 101 Right 58 Thru 257 Left 110 Peds 0 In Out Total 403 425 828 Left 31 Thru 177 Right 16 Peds 1 Out Total In 342 225 567 Peak Hour Begins at 16:45 Unshifted Bank 1 Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 3 Site Code: 00000426 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted - Bank 1 TH 101 Southbound TH 212 SE Ramp Westbound TH 101 Northbound Crossroads Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total 07:00 24487079 30743080 35238093 16264046 298 07:15 104816074 6015970172 45526085 5134022 353 07:30 144217073 77151300222 26920091 171010037 423 07:45 185416189 67131520232 390210114 18125035 470 Total 66 192 56 1 315 234 50 422 0 706 12 266 105 0 383 56 61 23 0 140 1544 08:00 225111084 2112740107 491340129 6143023 343 08:15 20363059 111239062 475310110 10170027 258 08:30 254010075 71528050 65025081 4216031 237 08:45 253114070 71238057 45219075 7232032 234 Total 92 158 38 0 288 46 51 179 0 276 18 268 109 0 395 27 75 11 0 113 1072 *** BREAK *** 16:00 32107300169 1125027 246650113 11313045 354 16:15 3389210143 3413020 44151096 15159039 298 16:30 34103250162 328013 778310116 11138032 323 16:45 4296270165 7025234 495331133 2299141 373 Total 141 395 103 0 639 14 7 71 2 94 17 260 180 1 458 59 68 29 1 157 1348 17:00 4183300154 2428034 36230095 17114032 315 17:15 32100230155 5130238 686350127 783018 338 17:30 49104230176 4018022 696320134 1678031 363 17:45 3884220144 6119026 25219073 1956030 273 Total 160 371 98 0 629 17 6 95 2 120 17 296 116 0 429 59 31 21 0 111 1289 Grand Total 459 1116 29511871 31111476741196 64 1090 51011665 201235841521 5253 Apprch %24.559.615.80.1 269.564.10.3 3.865.530.60.1 38.645.116.10.2 Total %8.721.25.6035.6 Unshifted 459 1116 295 1 1871 311 114 767 4 1196 64 1090 510 1 1665 201 235 84 1 521 5253 % Unshifted 100100100100100 100100100100100 100100100100100 100100100100100 100 Bank 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % Bank 1 00000 00000 00000 00000 0 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 3 Site Code: 00000426 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 2 TH 101 Southbound TH 212 SE Ramp Westbound TH 101 Northbound Crossroads Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 to 11:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15 07:15 104816074 60 970172 5526085 5134022 353 07:30 1442 073 151300222 26920091 1710 0 423 07:45 18 16 6713 0 390210114 125035  08:00 5111084 2112740107 4 0 6 3023 343 Total Volume 64 195 60 1 320 225 55 453 0 733 13 305 101 0 419 46 49 22 0 117 1589 % App. Total 20 60.9 18.8 0.3 30.7 7.5 61.8 0 3.1 72.8 24.1 0 39.3 41.9 18.8 0 PHF .727 .903 .882 .250 .899 .731 .917 .745 .000 .790 .813 .838 .743 .000 .812 .639 .875 .550 .000 .791 .845 TH 101 TH 101 Right 60 Thru 195 Left 64 Peds 1 In Out Total 804 320 1124 Left 13 Thru 305 Right 101 Peds 0 Out Total In 442 419 861 Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 Unshifted Bank 1 Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 File Name: 3 Site Code: 00000426 Start Date: 12/11/2012 Page No: 3 TH 101 Southbound TH 212 SE Ramp Westbound TH 101 Northbound Crossroads Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Left Thru Right Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 12:00 to 17:45 - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 16:45 16:45 4296270165 025 34 49533 133 9  17:00 4183 0154 2 28034 36230095 17 4032 315 17:15 32100230155 51 2 86 0127 783018 338 17:30 230 4018022 6 320 1678031 363 Total Volume 164 383 103 0 650 18 5 101 4 128 19 339 130 1 489 62 35 24 1 122 1389 % App. Total 25.2 58.9 15.8 0 14.1 3.9 78.9 3.1 3.9 69.3 26.6 0.2 50.8 28.7 19.7 0.8 PHF .837 .921 .858 .000 .923 .643 .313 .842 .500 .842 .792 .883 .929 .250 .912 .705 .795 .667 .250 .744 .931 TH 101 TH 101 Right 103 Thru 383 Left 164 Peds 0 In Out Total 502 650 1152 Left 19 Thru 339 Right 130 Peds 1 Out Total In 425 489 914 Peak Hour Begins at 16:45 Unshifted Bank 1 Peak Hour Data North Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7699 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Appendix B Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Existing Conditions SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Existing AM Peak 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_AMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.4 0.4 1.8 1.3 6.4 7.0 2.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)20.6 18.7 1.3 24.7 30.1 7.7 31.6 19.3 8.7 27.8 15.5 3.0 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)18.9 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)29.4 31.1 7.6 30.6 31.8 19.8 19.0 17.3 4.4 26.5 14.1 6.6 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)19.7 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)29.7 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Existing AM Peak 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_AMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)28 25 29 Average Queue (ft)4 4 15 95th Queue (ft)18 19 31 Link Distance (ft)702 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)128 52 25 34 79 46 91 82 127 24 190 93 Average Queue (ft)48 16 4 8 26 20 36 30 53 6 83 33 95th Queue (ft)97 42 17 29 62 36 74 64 97 21 152 72 Link Distance (ft)513 1233 10361036 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)113 48 Average Queue (ft)49 12 95th Queue (ft)93 33 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Existing AM Peak 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_AMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)60 86 34 291 646 39 154 146 60 109 118 94 Average Queue (ft)25 29 10 106 181 7 50 54 19 35 41 38 95th Queue (ft)53 67 28 202 434 28 105 111 45 83 87 79 Link Distance (ft)1106 1221 750 750 11331133 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 2 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 6 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)45 Average Queue (ft)18 95th Queue (ft)43 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 7 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Existing PM Peak 1/17/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_PMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.1 0.7 2.1 1.4 6.5 7.1 2.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.1 16.6 2.2 24.1 28.5 7.8 40.3 19.9 7.9 29.1 14.8 3.6 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)17.5 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)35.9 32.4 8.2 40.0 37.9 5.3 10.3 9.4 4.1 17.8 6.1 6.8 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)10.7 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)21.4 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Existing PM Peak 1/17/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_PMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)27 26 45 Average Queue (ft)3 5 17 95th Queue (ft)17 22 36 Link Distance (ft)714 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)165 62 43 56 117 46 68 68 113 22 163 100 Average Queue (ft)64 17 13 13 34 19 21 24 46 6 60 32 95th Queue (ft)125 46 29 38 78 39 53 57 86 20 118 79 Link Distance (ft)514 1182 10371037 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)107 51 Average Queue (ft)49 14 95th Queue (ft)92 38 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Existing PM Peak 1/17/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2012_PMExist.syn SimTraffic Report CF Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)100 62 29 55 90 39 129 138 54 130 107 115 Average Queue (ft)41 23 10 14 30 8 31 41 16 54 31 40 95th Queue (ft)86 52 27 41 60 29 88 101 39 104 77 86 Link Distance (ft)984 1157 751 751 10491049 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)36 Average Queue (ft)15 95th Queue (ft)38 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Appendix C Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2014 Phase I Build Conditions SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/9/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_AM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.5 0.8 1.8 1.4 7.4 7.5 3.0 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)22.7 21.5 2.1 28.3 30.4 7.6 30.5 19.9 8.5 28.1 16.4 3.7 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)19.5 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)33.5 32.2 8.0 35.4 39.3 29.7 25.9 20.2 4.5 29.7 18.5 7.4 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)25.1 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)33.3 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/9/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_AM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)31 9 60 49 Average Queue (ft)7 0 19 18 95th Queue (ft)25 5 46 37 Link Distance (ft)628 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)116 81 30 35 91 50 124 113 136 33 176 103 Average Queue (ft)50 23 9 9 28 21 49 36 59 7 79 37 95th Queue (ft)95 57 24 28 67 39 97 80 117 22 147 82 Link Distance (ft)514 1080 978 978 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)112 47 Average Queue (ft)50 11 95th Queue (ft)98 34 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/9/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_AM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)143 92 46 324 773 70 147 141 60 116 103 92 Average Queue (ft)59 37 12 124 259 19 57 59 20 36 39 40 95th Queue (ft)119 73 33 263 640 54 116 115 46 82 81 83 Link Distance (ft)870 1052 750 750 995 995 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 0 5 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 1 14 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)58 Average Queue (ft)26 95th Queue (ft)49 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 15 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_PM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.7 1.0 2.1 1.5 9.2 8.1 3.3 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)20.8 20.2 2.3 24.1 29.4 7.8 36.3 19.4 8.9 33.0 17.1 3.8 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)18.6 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)37.1 29.9 9.0 31.4 38.2 9.9 16.5 11.2 4.7 20.8 9.0 7.9 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)14.2 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)24.0 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_PM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)29 4 58 66 Average Queue (ft)6 0 21 24 95th Queue (ft)22 0 50 47 Link Distance (ft)634 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)156 69 45 45 97 53 85 72 102 19 155 108 Average Queue (ft)61 20 16 12 35 19 35 26 44 5 63 39 95th Queue (ft)122 51 33 36 77 36 68 58 84 17 124 82 Link Distance (ft)514 1177 10331033 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)133 38 Average Queue (ft)54 13 95th Queue (ft)104 30 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2014 Build - with Existing Signal Timing 1/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2014_PM Build.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)178 112 59 54 141 61 122 135 70 159 110 128 Average Queue (ft)75 29 16 12 49 18 34 47 20 60 44 48 95th Queue (ft)145 75 37 38 105 46 83 95 46 121 93 100 Link Distance (ft)1046 1170 751 751 894 894 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)1 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)56 Average Queue (ft)27 95th Queue (ft)49 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1 Appendix D Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2018 No-Build Conditions SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.8 0.6 1.1 1.1 6.0 7.2 2.0 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.3 19.4 2.0 27.7 28.1 7.3 36.6 21.2 8.4 30.4 16.7 3.3 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)31.6 35.8 7.2 31.0 36.0 22.7 19.7 16.9 3.6 28.4 12.9 7.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.6 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)30.9 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)30 26 34 Average Queue (ft)4 5 16 95th Queue (ft)20 21 33 Link Distance (ft)704 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)120 70 24 43 80 67 98 126 146 32 171 105 Average Queue (ft)52 20 6 9 27 26 47 42 60 7 78 35 95th Queue (ft)99 51 22 32 63 49 90 93 117 24 141 78 Link Distance (ft)514 1266 10531053 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)119 39 Average Queue (ft)51 14 95th Queue (ft)97 34 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)90 106 25 300 681 43 152 165 53 108 105 109 Average Queue (ft)29 31 10 109 219 7 56 62 20 36 34 35 95th Queue (ft)70 71 26 219 517 28 118 123 45 82 80 78 Link Distance (ft)1067 1206 751 751 10871087 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)4 Queuing Penalty (veh)10 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)49 Average Queue (ft)18 95th Queue (ft)43 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 10 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.7 0.9 1.3 1.4 6.8 7.6 2.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.9 16.4 3.0 24.6 28.0 7.4 36.9 21.7 8.5 31.1 16.2 3.7 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)18.4 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)34.4 31.3 7.7 34.1 41.7 6.0 13.5 7.9 4.0 18.6 6.7 7.1 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)10.4 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)21.7 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)27 25 44 Average Queue (ft)5 5 18 95th Queue (ft)22 20 35 Link Distance (ft)728 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)185 62 52 44 117 53 77 85 115 24 146 106 Average Queue (ft)67 23 17 12 36 23 23 26 49 6 66 34 95th Queue (ft)133 54 39 37 78 42 55 60 94 20 120 81 Link Distance (ft)514 1152 10591059 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)121 43 Average Queue (ft)51 14 95th Queue (ft)101 35 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 No-Build: with Existing Signal Timing 2/11/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PM NoBuild.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)100 72 26 51 86 43 113 121 64 153 106 132 Average Queue (ft)39 23 10 11 32 10 30 44 20 57 31 39 95th Queue (ft)80 55 27 36 64 34 79 93 49 111 77 93 Link Distance (ft)1021 1121 750 750 11051105 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)50 Average Queue (ft)18 95th Queue (ft)45 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Appendix E Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2018 Full Build-Out Conditions SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)6.8 0.9 1.2 1.2 8.5 7.8 3.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.7 18.8 2.4 26.5 27.8 8.1 34.6 22.0 9.0 31.2 21.0 4.3 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)21.4 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)36.8 36.7 9.2 32.2 38.9 26.1 27.4 18.9 3.9 33.6 19.3 7.9 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)23.8 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)32.8 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)36 13 56 54 Average Queue (ft)9 1 19 20 95th Queue (ft)31 7 46 38 Link Distance (ft)679 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)118 82 30 35 109 52 142 123 165 37 177 113 Average Queue (ft)51 24 11 10 31 23 56 45 63 7 87 43 95th Queue (ft)96 62 29 31 77 43 115 96 124 24 153 89 Link Distance (ft)514 1056 10301030 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)132 43 Average Queue (ft)62 13 95th Queue (ft)112 33 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)164 194 56 324 752 80 156 162 109 128 117 108 Average Queue (ft)69 44 14 124 248 28 58 62 21 39 42 45 95th Queue (ft)132 114 36 249 540 67 122 127 65 91 92 91 Link Distance (ft)928 1004 750 750 987 987 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)1 0 5 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 0 13 0 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)60 Average Queue (ft)31 95th Queue (ft)51 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 14 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)7.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 13.8 9.0 4.8 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.0 16.1 3.7 26.0 28.4 7.4 38.1 23.1 8.2 33.9 21.9 4.5 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.5 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)99.6 69.7 49.5 30.6 38.9 13.3 19.5 12.1 4.2 25.4 13.0 9.9 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)29.8 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)36.0 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)54 18 168 91 Average Queue (ft)16 1 42 28 95th Queue (ft)44 10 107 64 Link Distance (ft)696 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)2 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)3 0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)144 67 75 57 115 54 120 104 133 32 156 126 Average Queue (ft)66 26 27 16 40 23 55 35 48 6 71 50 95th Queue (ft)123 56 57 44 87 43 109 77 96 22 132 100 Link Distance (ft)514 1144 10901090 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)143 50 Average Queue (ft)65 16 95th Queue (ft)121 39 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)200 967 61 63 148 81 135 141 85 173 126 136 Average Queue (ft)145 278 22 15 63 33 43 54 22 66 49 56 95th Queue (ft)234 833 49 46 124 68 99 106 54 135 102 104 Link Distance (ft)1020 1079 751 751 10391039 Upstream Blk Time (%)2 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)25 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)44 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)69 Average Queue (ft)35 95th Queue (ft)57 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 48 Appendix F Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2018 Full Build-Out Conditions with Improvements SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)6.8 0.9 1.2 1.2 8.5 7.8 3.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.7 18.8 2.4 26.5 27.8 8.1 34.6 22.0 9.0 31.2 21.0 4.3 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)21.4 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)36.8 36.7 9.2 32.2 38.9 26.1 27.4 18.9 3.9 33.6 19.3 7.9 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)23.8 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)32.8 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)36 13 56 54 Average Queue (ft)9 1 19 20 95th Queue (ft)31 7 46 38 Link Distance (ft)679 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)118 82 30 35 109 52 142 123 165 37 177 113 Average Queue (ft)51 24 11 10 31 23 56 45 63 7 87 43 95th Queue (ft)96 62 29 31 77 43 115 96 124 24 153 89 Link Distance (ft)514 1056 10301030 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)132 43 Average Queue (ft)62 13 95th Queue (ft)112 33 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Existing Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_AMFull Buildout.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)164 194 56 324 752 80 156 162 109 128 117 108 Average Queue (ft)69 44 14 124 248 28 58 62 21 39 42 45 95th Queue (ft)132 114 36 249 540 67 122 127 65 91 92 91 Link Distance (ft)928 1004 750 750 987 987 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)1 0 5 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 0 13 0 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)60 Average Queue (ft)31 95th Queue (ft)51 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 14 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Optimized Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout_ImprA.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)7.3 1.4 1.4 1.3 15.7 9.6 5.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.4 14.7 3.5 26.3 24.7 6.9 35.7 18.2 8.1 35.0 19.7 5.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)19.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)39.0 29.9 12.9 30.6 43.1 18.7 29.5 16.9 4.6 32.1 15.3 10.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.7 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)28.6 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Optimized Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout_ImprA.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)51 18 144 76 Average Queue (ft)15 1 43 29 95th Queue (ft)42 9 113 68 Link Distance (ft)696 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)3 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)5 0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)164 71 68 52 106 55 124 80 107 31 151 147 Average Queue (ft)67 26 26 16 40 23 52 29 42 6 70 51 95th Queue (ft)128 60 51 44 84 43 103 62 80 20 130 110 Link Distance (ft)514 1144 10901090 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)162 62 Average Queue (ft)66 18 95th Queue (ft)126 46 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs 2018 Full Build-out - with Optimized Signal Timing 1/10/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2018_PMFull Buildout_ImprA.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)199 418 57 46 207 107 169 170 54 210 133 147 Average Queue (ft)128 89 20 13 72 41 50 65 23 78 54 61 95th Queue (ft)213 282 46 37 148 89 112 126 46 167 112 119 Link Distance (ft)1020 1079 751 751 10391039 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)7 0 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)14 0 0 0 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)74 Average Queue (ft)37 95th Queue (ft)59 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 19 Appendix G Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2032 No-Build SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak - 1% Growth Rate 2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.2 0.4 1.8 1.3 8.1 7.2 2.0 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)22.9 21.5 3.2 30.0 30.1 8.3 35.2 22.1 9.4 30.5 18.9 3.8 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)21.5 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)32.5 36.9 7.7 39.3 42.4 30.4 21.9 19.2 4.7 32.1 16.9 7.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)25.7 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)36.6 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak - 1% Growth Rate 2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)27 25 40 Average Queue (ft)3 3 16 95th Queue (ft)16 16 34 Link Distance (ft)702 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)138 88 33 48 105 56 117 100 136 42 199 114 Average Queue (ft)62 22 6 10 33 22 41 41 67 9 99 44 95th Queue (ft)117 61 21 33 78 42 83 80 113 29 169 93 Link Distance (ft)513 1233 10361036 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)143 33 Average Queue (ft)62 14 95th Queue (ft)116 32 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak - 1% Growth Rate 2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)87 87 21 3101045 39 157 177 64 147 131 129 Average Queue (ft)29 31 8 143 277 8 64 65 21 46 49 51 95th Queue (ft)65 67 24 278 735 30 128 135 45 99 106 101 Link Distance (ft)1106 1221 750 750 11331133 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 5 Queuing Penalty (veh)3 17 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)50 Average Queue (ft)18 95th Queue (ft)44 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 20 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (1% Growth Rate)2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.6 0.8 2.1 1.4 7.1 7.3 2.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)22.2 19.9 3.1 23.1 30.0 8.0 42.4 22.1 9.2 34.0 17.8 4.1 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)19.8 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)38.4 33.6 8.9 39.0 34.5 6.2 13.4 8.5 4.8 20.6 6.8 7.2 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)11.0 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)23.7 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (1% Growth Rate)2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)24 29 48 Average Queue (ft)3 5 19 95th Queue (ft)17 22 38 Link Distance (ft)714 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)148 78 49 60 95 58 81 106 138 23 175 142 Average Queue (ft)75 19 18 19 37 23 24 38 59 7 77 45 95th Queue (ft)132 53 37 46 80 41 59 82 111 22 146 105 Link Distance (ft)514 1182 10371037 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)159 42 Average Queue (ft)61 15 95th Queue (ft)118 35 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (1% Growth Rate)2/20/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild 1GF.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T R L TR L T T R L T T Maximum Queue (ft)111 79 28 58 94 52 125 118 72 162 112 105 Average Queue (ft)35 24 10 17 36 11 35 46 22 69 37 42 95th Queue (ft)76 61 27 44 72 37 89 97 51 129 86 89 Link Distance (ft)984 1157 751 751 10491049 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft)38 Average Queue (ft)16 95th Queue (ft)40 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Appendix H Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2032 No-Build Conditions with Improvements SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak (add WB LTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.0 0.4 1.7 1.2 7.6 7.2 1.9 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.7 22.3 3.0 26.6 29.8 8.1 33.4 21.6 9.4 29.9 17.7 3.8 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.7 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)34.9 37.1 7.6 32.7 28.6 20.1 25.2 16.1 4.3 31.6 15.4 6.6 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.4 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)31.7 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak (add WB LTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)26 25 44 Average Queue (ft)2 3 16 95th Queue (ft)13 16 34 Link Distance (ft)702 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)126 85 28 35 102 56 107 109 124 34 207 127 Average Queue (ft)59 24 5 9 31 22 44 42 65 8 99 43 95th Queue (ft)108 62 19 29 75 39 88 83 110 26 174 94 Link Distance (ft)513 1233 10361036 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)136 41 Average Queue (ft)59 14 95th Queue (ft)111 33 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: AM Peak (add WB LTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)82 83 29 268 402 306 39 148 150 47 124 102 Average Queue (ft)29 30 10 120 39 127 9 59 60 20 39 41 95th Queue (ft)65 64 27 216 200 249 31 120 119 42 84 84 Link Distance (ft)1106 2763 750 750 1121 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 1 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)117 31 Average Queue (ft)39 12 95th Queue (ft)85 28 Link Distance (ft)1121 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 3 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.7 0.8 2.1 1.2 8.1 7.1 2.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)20.4 18.4 3.0 23.4 30.3 8.2 40.7 21.8 8.9 32.6 16.9 4.3 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)19.1 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)35.3 36.4 8.3 33.7 41.6 6.3 14.3 10.0 4.9 21.4 7.5 7.0 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)11.6 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)24.5 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB SB SB Directions Served L LT R Maximum Queue (ft)32 30 53 Average Queue (ft)5 5 19 95th Queue (ft)21 22 38 Link Distance (ft)714 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 90 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)164 62 50 56 104 57 72 95 131 28 188 138 Average Queue (ft)71 19 18 19 37 22 24 37 59 7 74 45 95th Queue (ft)129 46 39 47 79 41 58 77 111 24 143 104 Link Distance (ft)514 1182 10371037 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)151 47 Average Queue (ft)59 15 95th Queue (ft)119 36 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 No-Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_NoBuild_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)109 88 34 60 28 85 52 147 154 120 200 110 Average Queue (ft)35 25 9 16 5 33 12 41 52 24 68 34 95th Queue (ft)78 66 27 43 20 61 37 100 112 70 142 82 Link Distance (ft)984 3648 751 751 1037 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)112 26 Average Queue (ft)39 10 95th Queue (ft)88 25 Link Distance (ft)1037 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 0 Appendix I Detailed Traffic Operations Analysis – Year 2032 Full Build-Out Conditions with Improvements SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: AM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_Build_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)5.8 0.9 1.8 1.5 8.7 7.9 3.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)21.9 17.7 2.6 26.2 31.4 8.1 35.9 23.1 10.2 32.6 20.7 4.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)22.1 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)36.8 35.0 7.6 34.1 30.6 19.1 25.2 17.9 4.4 33.8 15.4 7.8 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)21.3 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)31.8 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: AM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_Build_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)35 4 57 63 Average Queue (ft)8 0 19 22 95th Queue (ft)27 3 45 45 Link Distance (ft)702 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)146 66 41 39 93 52 164 125 156 33 205 128 Average Queue (ft)58 19 13 12 34 23 67 51 71 10 102 44 95th Queue (ft)113 51 31 33 76 41 125 100 131 27 176 96 Link Distance (ft)513 1233 10361036 750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)145 51 Average Queue (ft)63 13 95th Queue (ft)113 35 Link Distance (ft)750 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: AM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp)2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_AM_Build_ImprC.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)173 126 42 284 226 280 65 149 153 68 133 84 Average Queue (ft)65 36 11 126 49 119 23 59 66 20 45 36 95th Queue (ft)135 87 30 227 144 230 51 120 128 45 97 75 Link Distance (ft)1106 2760 750 750 1121 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)1 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 2 1 0 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)94 61 Average Queue (ft)37 22 95th Queue (ft)76 46 Link Distance (ft)1121 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 4 SimTraffic Performance Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp & Optimize Signal Timing))2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_Build_ImprB.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 1 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT WBTWBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s)6.5 1.5 2.3 1.6 15.2 9.5 5.2 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)23.4 17.8 3.6 23.6 25.2 8.1 35.6 18.4 9.5 43.3 19.6 4.6 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.2 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBLWBTWBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s)42.1 34.1 13.5 27.9 40.5 6.6 27.3 16.1 5.3 32.5 15.9 10.1 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s)20.1 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s)29.8 Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp & Optimize Signal Timing))2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_Build_ImprB.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 2 Intersection: 1: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & Crossroads Movement EB WB SB SB Directions Served L R LT R Maximum Queue (ft)47 8 166 112 Average Queue (ft)11 0 43 31 95th Queue (ft)32 4 106 71 Link Distance (ft)714 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)225 275 90 Storage Blk Time (%)3 0 Queuing Penalty (veh)5 0 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)168 70 70 48 105 56 106 96 110 31 201 138 Average Queue (ft)74 24 24 14 36 22 50 35 53 7 87 52 95th Queue (ft)135 57 50 37 81 39 90 71 92 22 166 113 Link Distance (ft)514 1182 10371037 751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 250 150 175 275 275 250 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 Intersection: 2: CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)150 52 Average Queue (ft)70 17 95th Queue (ft)126 39 Link Distance (ft)751 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)250 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report Average of 5 Runs Year 2032 Build: PM Peak (add WB RTL on Ramp & Optimize Signal Timing))2/21/2013 P:\20061214\docs\Traf\2012 PUD Amendment\Synchro\61214_Crossroads_2032_PM_Build_ImprB.syn SimTraffic Report JMH Page 3 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft)199 499 51 54 78 74 103 149 156 72 198 149 Average Queue (ft)122 89 19 15 31 32 38 55 67 26 82 61 95th Queue (ft)211 296 38 41 65 59 78 117 128 54 160 122 Link Distance (ft)984 2814 751 751 1037 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)175 175 300 300 250 250 275 Storage Blk Time (%)7 Queuing Penalty (veh)14 Intersection: 3: Crossroads & TH 101 Movement SB SB Directions Served T R Maximum Queue (ft)142 77 Average Queue (ft)64 26 95th Queue (ft)119 53 Link Distance (ft)1037 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)275 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 19