Project Narrative®PPIDAN Builder of towns. Creator of value. 5125 CouNTY ROAD 101 • #100 • MmEmNxA, MN 55345 • PHONE: 952/294 -0353 FAx: 952/294 -0151 WEB: www.oppidan.com CITY OF CHANHASSEN March 14, 2013 RECEIVED Kathryn Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director MAR 15 2013 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, PUD Site Plan Review Application New Apartment Development NWC Highway 5 & Galpin Blvd Chanhassen, MN Dear Kate: This letter is designed to serve -as a narrative for`proposed apartment development at Galpin Boulevard and Highway 5. The highlights of the plans are as follow: • Total site area is approximately 14 acres,'-with 6 acres lying north of West 78 Street and Acres lying south. • There is approximately 1.7 acres of wetland on the northern portion of the lot and approximately .25 acres on the south side, leaving approximately 12 acres developable. • Current zoning allows for medium density residential on the north side and office /light industrial on the south side • A new, market rate apartment building, containing 155 total units. This is a density of 13 units per acre (approximate) well below the 16 units per acre maximum allowed for under the High Density Residential districts. • The target'mix of unit is currently being finalized. The unit mix is 104 One Bedroom Units (ranging in size from 624 s.f. to 765 s.£) and 51 Two "Bedroom Units (ranging in size from 933 s.£ to 1;132 s.£): • Parking meets City requirements, including one underground stall for each unit. • The building will be 3 levels plus an underground level for parking: • Each unit will have a full appliance package, including washer /dryer and microwave, and some units will be designed to have the potential for a fireplace. • The buildingg exterior will be a materials, including brick/block, glass and cement board siding. • r the majority fo 'es will be provided Balcom J Y of the units. • There will be a Clubhouse with community room and exercise facilities. Also looking at the potential for a small business center for residents (may not need it with the proximity. of Kinko's to the site). • An exterior patio and outdoor gathering area is planned on the southeast corner of the site. This will be appropriately fences and landscaped. • Outside sitting/park areas are provided and trail/walks will be provided to connect to the existing walkway system.. SITE PLAN: The: sight plan has been.modified to address concerns heard at"the Concept Plan review stage for, the project. The most notable: comments were directed tow ard,the number of unit's and the proximity to the adiacent:housing; especially the homes in the VassermanRidge development. We have reduced the number of unit by 69 to a new proposed total of 155 units. This is a . reduction of 31 %; from the previous plan sented. Also, because of the reduction innumber, the building could be located differently on the plan. The building is now pulled further to,the northeast portion of the lot and is approximately 400 feet from the nearest home at Vasserman Ridge and 600 feet to the nearest home on the northeast side of the site. Last; access.to the site has, been modified to include only one access point. That - access point was moved further west in an attempt to allow for additional stacking at the,iintersection, if that were required in the future. The internal circulation still allows for garage entrances on both ends of the building: , ELEVATION The building;elevation has remained similar, to the, elevation presented, at the Concept Stage: Ifie main element of the, building is a cement board siding: ` The accents include gl ass, CMU, brick and stone. The upper level units are designed to incorporate balconies for the units, with atypical rail and maintenance free materials for the flooring. The building_ remains designed with a three story footprint and a gabled roof:. The midpoint of the gabled roof is at 37'_ 7" (approximately) with the peak areas at approximately 46, feet. We have made: a.request fora variance in height to allow the 46 foot dimension. LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING: The northern 6 acres of the sight will be covered with a Conservation Easement, in favor of the City of Chanhassen (or another type of document, as. determined by the City) with the intent of preserving that acreage as open space and a buffer between -the single family: and multi- family. developments. This is similar to -the buffer maintained north of the CVS/Kwik -Trip site on the north side of West 78`x. On the south side of the site, the existing boulevard trees will be maintain except for the trees) required to be removed for the new access point. In addition, there are numerous new trees and shrubs. being planted to provide additional screening/buffering to both the properties to the north and to , the highway Shrubs are planted in multiple locations at the building base to `enhance the look of the building to guest and residents coming in and to the public using the adjoining streets and,pathways: New lighting on the site is' minimal. We are proposing to add new parking lot lights within the development. Those lights will meet City of Chanhassen standards for lens scree_ ning and light levels within the site: GRADING & UTILITIES: Grading and utilities will be similar to what was discussed at the Concept Plan stage. There is an additional storm water pond feature added to the southern lot, allowing for'even more storm water control and quality. Utility services currently exist either within the property,boundary or in the 'Right -of Way' adjacent to. the property. There are ample services to :serve this development. TRAFFIC /PEDESTRIAN ACCESS: An initial traffic analysis was completed for the 224 unit'development that showed the traffic levels would be similar of sli htl less Bunn a 24 hour period when compared to a previously ; g. y g approved concept plan for this site. With the reductionto 155. units the new proposal will have far less traffic the previous approved plan. The developer has initiated a traffic study. for the - proposed development. Car counts and an analysis are complete. We have also worked with City of Chanhassen Engineering. Department to broaden the scope of that studyto include other movements on Galpin Boulevard and the intersection at Highway 5 This additional study is continuing at the time of this letter, but will be available prior, to the Planning Commission meeting for review. . As discussed, previously, West 78 Street.is an arterial collector road and Galpin is a county road, both designed to handle the traffic anticipated as development happens.. With the reduction in units, overall traffic from this project will be much,less than -that discussed.at the Concept Review stage of this process., Part of the additional study focus on the intersection at Galpin and West 78` Street and the iJ- Turns and other movements:' Although the initial review did not indicate a need for traffic- control,'the expanded traffic analysis will better identify current and - future needs here: We have added a small park and play area within the property -for children of the complex. Additionally, there areo new sidewalks/paths, that will be installed within the development, and on the adjacentROW'to connect to the existing trail system of the City. There currently is a tunnel 'within the City's. trail system allowing for pedestrians to cross under Highway 5 without using an intersection. and there is -'metered intersection at Galpin and,Highway 5 for pedestrians to use to' cross to the Community Center; parks and get to the school on the south side of Highway 5, Overall we fell that we have listened to the comments, from the neighbors, Planning Commission and City Council and have address issues brought forth while still allowing for a quality project to