Traffic Impact Analysis 04-09-2013April 9, 2013 Mr. Paul Oehme, P.E.Director of Public Works/City Engineer 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re:Chanhassen Apartments Traffic Impact Analysis 160511030 Dear Mr. Paul Oehme:Kimley-Horn and Associates was retained by the City of Chanhassen to perform a traffic analysis to assess the traffic impacts of a 155-unit apartment building. The site is located within the City of Chanhassen and would be located north of Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5), west of Galpin Boulevard (CR 117), and to the south of West 78th Street.Figure 1 illustrates the site location. It is anticipated that the proposed Chanhassen Apartments will open in 2013.This report has been prepared to evaluate Year 2013 traffic conditions and projected Year 2033 traffic conditions with the proposed Chanhassen Apartments.STUDY AREA The study area for this analysis includes the following roadways and intersections:Roadways:x Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)x West 78th Street x RIRO (right-in, right-out) Access Road (east-west road south of W 78th Street)x Galpin Boulevard (CR 117)x Apartment Access Road Intersections:x Galpin Boulevard / Arboretum Boulevard x Galpin Boulevard / RIRO Access Road x Galpin Boulevard / West 78th Street x Apartment Access Road / W 78th Street Suite 238N 2550 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 2 Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5), a MnDOT trunk highway, is a four-lane arterial that has an east-west orientation. This section of Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) has speed limit of 55 miles per hour.West 78th Street, a city of Chanhassen street, is a two-lane collector with an east-west orientation.West78th Street runs parallel to the north-side of Arboretum Boulevard and has a speed limit of 30 miles per hour.Galpin Boulevard (CR 117), a Carver county road, is two-lane collector with a north-south orientation. The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.RIRO (right-in, right-out) Access Road is a two lane access road to the pharmacy and gas station.Vehicle travel speeds were assumed to be 15 miles per hour.Apartment Access Road is a proposed two-lane road providing access to and from the proposed project. The road would be located west of Galpin Boulevard and connect north to W 78th Street.Vehicle travel speeds were assumed to be 15 miles per hour.Existing Conditions and Traffic Galpin Boulevard & Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)Galpin Boulevard & Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) is a signalized intersection with following lane geometry:Galpin Boulevard x Northbound – One exclusive left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through-right lane.x Southbound – One exclusive left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through-right lane.Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)x Eastbound – One exclusive left turn lane, two through lanes, and one channelized right turn lane.x Westbound – One exclusive left turn lane, two through lanes, and one channelized right turn lane.The existing left-turn phasing for northbound and southbound left-turning vehicles at TH 5 operate with protected/permissive left-turns. The current signal indications are 5-section signal heads that include a green-ball, green left-arrow, yellow ball, yellow left-arrow and red ball. There have been citizen concerns related to safety for northbound and southbound left-turning vehicles at this intersection. There has been research completed that shows that there can be driver confusion primarily when the green ball is displayed in the 5-section left-turn signal head. Not all drivers understand that they can proceed but need to yield to opposing thru traffic. Research documented in NCHRP 493 titled,Evaluation of Traffic Signal Displays for Protected/Permissive Left-Turn Control by the Transportation Research Board in 2003 studied a variety of alternative protected/permissive left-turn indication and operation methods. This study found that the flashing yellow indication was well-understood and provides operational benefits. The flashing yellow indication is incorporated into a 4-section head with a red-arrow, yellow-arrow, flashing yellow-arrow and green ball. During the Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 3 permissive phase of left-turn operations the left-turn signal indication displays a yellow-flashing arrow rather than a green ball indication. This study showed that there were some situations where the flashing yellow indication appeared to operate safer than other forms of protected/permissive left-turn control. MnDOT is in the process of converting the protected/permissive left-turn indications at the 700 hundred signals they operate in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area to flashing-yellow arrow indications. MnDOT will only fund these improvements on the intersection approaches that serve MnDOT facilities. Conversion of these signal indications are recommended at the intersection of TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard as a part of this project given the increase in southbound left-turning vehicles at this intersection.Galpin Boulevard & RIRO Access Road The Galpin Boulevard and RIRO Access Road form a side-street stop controlled T-intersection.Galpin Boulevard runs uncontrolled in the north-south direction while RIRO Access Road is stop controlled and forms the westbound leg of the intersection.Galpin Boulevard x Northbound – One through lane and one shared through-right lane.x Southbound – One through lane.RIRO Access Road x Westbound – One right turn lane.Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street The Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street intersection is two-way stop controlled intersection. Galpin Boulevard runs free north and south while W. 78th Street is stop controlled.Galpin Boulevard x Northbound – Exclusive left-turn lane, one through lane, and a shared through-right lane.x Southbound – Exclusive left-turn lane and one shared through-right lane.W 78th Street x Eastbound – Exclusive left-turn lane and one shared through-right lane.x Westbound – Exclusive left-turn lane and one shared through-right lane.Apartment Access Road & W 78th Street This intersection does not yet exist. The intersection is anticipated to operate as a side-street stop controlled T-intersection, where the Apartment Access Road is stop-controlled and provides the northbound leg. The current and proposed lane geometry is listed below.Apartment Access Road x Northbound –One shared left-through-right lane [proposed]. Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 4 W. 78th Street x Eastbound –One through lane [current].One shared through-right lane [proposed].x Westbound – One through lane [current]. One shared through-left lane [proposed].Existing site traffic was determined from traffic counts collected by Alliant Engineering, Inc. on Thursday, March 7, 2013. The existing roadway lane geometry is presented on Figure 2 and Year 2013 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes are shown on Figure 3 .TRIP GENERATION Trip generation for the proposed Chanhassen Apartment was based on the rates provided in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)Trip Generation Manual (9th Edition). Using the land use classification, “Apartment” (ITE land use code 220), peak AM and PM trip generation was calculated. Based on 155 dwelling units, the proposed project was expected to generate 79 AM peak-hour trips (16 in, 63 out), 96 PM peak-hour trips (62 in, 34 out), and 1,031 total daily trips.Table 1 summarizes the estimated traffic generation for the proposed project.TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT The directional distribution and assignment of trips generated by the proposed project was assumed based on a review of existing traffic volumes and access to the site. The following is the projected inbound and outbound distributions:x 25% to/from Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) west of Galpin Boulevard x 55% to/from Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) east of Galpin Boulevard x 10% to/from Galpin Boulevard south of Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)x 2.5% to/from Galpin Boulevard north of W 78th Street x 5% to/from W 78th Street west of the proposed Apartment Access Road x 2.5% to/from W 78th Street east of Galpin Boulevard Site traffic distribution is illustrated in Figure 4 . Based on the project trip distribution, morning and afternoon project trips were assigned to the local roadway network and through the study intersections.Figure 5 shows the project’s trip assignment at the study intersections.PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES Historic Traffic Growth According to the Carver County 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the study area is projected to experience minor increases in traffic by 2030. Using the 2013 count data and the 2030 AADT map of Carver County with base scenario improvements (which matches 2030 volumes in the City’s Comprehensive Plan), annual compounding growth rates were calculated for links east of Galpin Boulevard (-0.73%),west of Galpin Boulevard (-1.06%), and along Galpin Boulevard (2.19%). Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 5 Total Traffic To obtain Year 2033 traffic volumes, the calculated annual growth rates were applied to the 2013 traffic counts. The following growth factors, based on 20 year compounded growth, were applied to the 2013 traffic counts to obtain 2033 traffic volumes: 0.81 for links west of Galpin Boulevard, 0.86 for links east of Galpin Boulevard, and 1.54 for volumes on Galpin Boulevard.Figure 6 illustrates the resulting Year 2033 traffic volumes.TRAFFIC ANALYSIS The purpose of the traffic analysis is to identify potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed apartment. Capacity analyses for the intersections within the study area were performed for morning and afternoon peak periods for Year 2013 and Year 2033 conditions.Figure 7 and Figure 8 present the traffic volumes with project trips for Year 2013 and Year 2033, respectively.Level of Service (LOS)Level of Service (LOS) analyses were performed using Synchro 8 and SimTraffic software. Both programs utilize methodologies contained in the Highway Capacity Manual to determine the operating characteristics of a roadway network. Capacity is defined as the maximum number of vehicles that can pass over a particular road segment or through a particular intersection within a specified period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions. Level of Service is defined as a qualitative measure that describes operational conditions and motorist’s perception within a traffic stream. The Highway Capacity Manual defines six levels of service, LOS A through LOS F,with LOS A representing free-flow conditions and LOS F representing roadway failure. LOS D is typically recognized by Mn/DOT and other agencies as the minimum threshold value for satisfactory level of service.The Highway Capacity Manual defines delay as “the additional travel time experienced by a driver,passenger, or pedestrian”, whereas control delay is defined as “the component of delay that results when a control signal causes a lane group to reduce speed or stop; it is measured by comparison with the uncontrolled condition”. Control delay is the principal service measure for evaluating LOS at signalized intersections and unsignalized intersections. Note that LOS for both signalized and unsignalized intersections are measured in seconds of delay per vehicle traveling through the intersection.Table 2 and Table 3 list the level of service thresholds for signalized and unsignalized intersections, respectively.Based on an average of five SimTraffic simulation runs,Table 4 and Table 5 shows the overall average intersection delay and associated LOS for the base and with Project conditions in Year 2013 and Year 2033.For the Year 2013 scenario, the proposed land use was not projected to cause any significant traffic impacts to the four study intersections based on average intersection delay. The signalized intersection at Galpin Boulevard & Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) is projected to operate at LOS C for both baseline and with Project conditions. All non-signalized intersections were projected to operate at LOS A for both baseline and with Project conditions. Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 6 In the Year 2033 conditions, the proposed project was not projected to cause any significant traffic impacts at the study intersections. The Galpin Boulevard & Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) intersection was projected to operate at LOS D or better for both baseline and with Project conditions. The remaining intersections were projected to operate at LOS A for both baseline and with Project conditions.INTERSECTION CONTROL CONSIDERATIONS Alternative intersection control methods were reviewed due to anticipated traffic increases through the Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street intersection. Warrants, crash history and operations are the primary factors that are reviewed to determine the recommended type of intersection control. These items are discussed further below:Safety Crash data available from the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) was reviewed to determine if there were a significant number of crashes that are susceptible to correction by changing intersection control (i.e. right-angle crashes). Crashes for the last three years, where a full year of data was available, were reviewed; and there were four, zero, and two crashes in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively that were susceptible to correction through a change in intersection control. All these crashes did not result any injuries. Because there were no more than five crashes susceptible to correction in a single year, there is no justification to change intersection control based on crash history.Warrants The multi-way stop warrant was reviewed to determine if an all-way stop was justified based on the anticipated increase in traffic volumes with and without the proposed project. To satisfy the multi-way stop warrants as documented in the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control (MnMUTCD)the vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches must exceed 300 vehicles per hour and the combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches must exceed 200 units per hours for the same eight hours.Table 7 summarizes the results. The minor street volumes do not exceed 200 units per hour during any of the hours analyzed so a multi-way stop installation is not recommended.Operations An alternative form of intersection control is a roundabout. To allow for comparison Synchro was used to analyze two-way stop control and RODEL was used to model a roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of a roundabout is shown in Exhibit 1 and the traffic volumes used to complete the analysis are shown in Figure 9 . The roundabout was tested for geometric sensitivity by running the analysis at an 85% confidence interval. This was done to see if significant changes in delay occurred,which could indicate that predicted operations are approaching capacity of the roundabout. The comparative analysis showing intersection and approach delays are reported in Table 8. The results show that under both two-way stop control and roundabout control the individual approaches and overall intersection LOS are all at LOS B or better under either type of intersection control whether or not the proposed project is constructed. Chanhassen Apartments TIA Mr. Paul Oehme, April 9, 2013 7 CONCLUSIONS No significant traffic impacts were found as a result of the proposed apartment building. Study intersections near the project site are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS during Year 2013 and Year 2033 conditions. The addition of project traffic was not observed to impact intersection LOS;the intersections would continue to operate at an acceptable LOS.As an alternative form of intersection control the feasibility of a roundabout was reviewed at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard & W 78 th Street. This was reviewed in part because there are several vehicles that enter from the gas station and pharmacy at the southeast corner of the intersection that turn north onto Galpin Boulevard from RIRO Access Road and complete a U-turn at the intersection with West 78th Street. These vehicles are not anticipated to experience or cause significant delays and a review of the turning-template for a passenger vehicle design vehicle shows that these vehicles can make a u-turn at the existing intersection. Given the cost of the roundabout improvements and that the intersection is anticipate to operate adequately under two-way stop control, a roundabout is not recommended.The existing left-turn phasing for northbound and southbound left-turning vehicles at TH 5 operate with protected/permissive left-turns. There have been citizen concerns related to safety for northbound and southbound left-turning vehicles at this intersection. There has been research completed that shows that there can be driver confusion primarily when the green ball is displayed in the 5-section left-turn signal head. Research has found that the flashing yellow indication is well-understood and provides operational benefits. This research also indicated that there were some situations where the flashing yellow indication appears to operate safer than other forms of protected/permissive left-turn control. Conversion of these signal indications are recommended at the intersection of TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard as a part of this project given the increase in southbound left-turning vehicles at this intersection.Sincerely,KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.Brandon J. Bourdon, P.E.Project Engineer 1 2 3 4 Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)W 78th Street RIRO Access Road W 78th Street Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 15)Galpin Boulevard (CR 117)Project Site Proposed Apartment Access Road NOT TO SCALE Legend:Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection X X FIGURE 1 Project Site Plan Chanhassen Apartments 1 2 3 4 Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)W 78th Street RIRO Access Road W 78th Street Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 15)Galpin Boulevard (CR 117)Project Site Proposed Apartment Access Road FIGURE 2 Existing Lane Geometry Chanhassen Boulevard Legend: Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection X X NOT TO SCALE Galpin Boulevard/W 78th Street 3 Galpin Boulevard/Access Road 2 Galpin Boulevard/Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)1 Apartment Access Rd/W 78th Street 4 STOP STOP STOP [proposed]STOP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////FIGURE 3 X / Y = AM / PM PEAK HOUR TURNING VOLUMES Legend 0 0 0 0 K:\SND_TPTO\160______ - Chanhassen Apartments\Excel\[160---TA01.xlsm]Ex Figure 1-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chanhassen Apartments G a l p i n B l v d 1 37 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 2 68 30 1321 0 111 44 51 826 0 0 Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)2 45 G a l p i n B l v d 3 W 78th St 11 21 40 21 1357 68 520 0 5 0 0 82 76 6 0 0 P r o p o s e d A p a r t m e n t A c c e s s R o a d W 78th St 0 0 75 155 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 G a l p i n B l v d RIRO Access Rd 6 53 0 0 16 29 0 18 26 0 0 Year 2013 Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5)W 78th Street RIRO Access Road W 78th Street Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 15)Galpin Boulevard (CR 117)Project Site Proposed Apartment Access Road NOT TO SCALE Legend:Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection X X FIGURE 4 Project Trip Distribution Chanhassen Apartments 55%2.5%2.5%5%25%10% ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////0 0 Chanhassen Apartments 1 2 3 4 G a l p i n B l v d G a l p i n B l v d 9 34 0 G a l p i n B l v d P r o p o s e d A p a r t m e n t A c c e s s R o a d 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)RIRO Access Rd W 78th St 0 W 78th St 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 57 31 1 3 5 6 7 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project Trip Assignment - Study Intersections FIGURE 5 K:\SND_TPTO\160______ - Chanhassen Apartments\Excel\[160---TA01.xlsm]Proj Assign Figure 1-16 Legend X / Y = AM / PM PEAK HOUR TURNING VOLUMES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Chanhassen Apartments 1 2 3 4 G a l p i n B l v d P r o p o s e d A p a r t m e n t A c c e s s R o a d 2 18 G a l p i n B l v d 0 449 1173 0 0 14 46 105 203 0 5 0 39 74 G a l p i n B l v d 0 0 Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)RIRO Access Rd W 78th St W 78th St 59 59 0 0 25 35 24 41 0 0 1068 668 9 17 0 0 36 30 0 0 0 0 90 36 0 0 21 15 66 61 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X / Y = AM / PM PEAK HOUR TURNING VOLUMES FIGURE 6 K:\SND_TPTO\160______ - Chanhassen Apartments\Excel\[160---TA01.xlsm]HY2033 Base Figure 1-16 Year 2033 Baseline Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes Legend ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////0 68 Chanhassen Apartments 1 2 3 4 G a l p i n B l v d G a l p i n B l v d 11 55 0 G a l p i n B l v d P r o p o s e d A p a r t m e n t A c c e s s R o a d 6 68 0 0 29 40 15 59 45 86 0 520 1357 0 0 16 55 75 155 34 67 0 0 1321 826 111 44 0 0 Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)RIRO Access Rd W 78th St 76 W 78th St 0 47 13 22 0 82 0 0 83 49 1 3 5 6 7 8 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year 2013 Plus Project Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes FIGURE 7 K:\SND_TPTO\160______ - Chanhassen Apartments\Excel\[160---TA01.xlsm]EXWP Figure 1-16 Legend X / Y = AM / PM PEAK HOUR TURNING VOLUMES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Chanhassen Apartments 1 2 3 4 G a l p i n B l v d P r o p o s e d A p a r t m e n t A c c e s s R o a d 11 52 G a l p i n B l v d 0 449 1173 0 0 14 48 105 203 0 5 0 39 74 G a l p i n B l v d 15 59 Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)RIRO Access Rd W 78th St W 78th St 59 59 0 0 25 35 28 57 0 0 1068 668 11 18 0 0 38 31 1 3 0 0 90 36 0 0 78 46 66 61 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X / Y = AM / PM PEAK HOUR TURNING VOLUMES FIGURE 8 K:\SND_TPTO\160______ - Chanhassen Apartments\Excel\[160---TA01.xlsm]HYWP Base Figure 1-16 Year 2033 Baseline Plus Project Peak-Hour Traffic Volumes Legend NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 9 Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Traffic Volumes Chanhassen Boulevard Legend:Unsignalized Intersection ID AM/PM Volumes XX/XX X 0 / 6 16 / 55 29 / 40 0 / 0 15 / 12 219 / 137 38 / 31 0 / 0 0 / 0 13 / 22 47 / 38 83 / 49 2 / 14 92 / 223 30 / 112 28 / 36 0 / 5 14 / 48 25 / 35 0 / 0 23 / 17 338 / 211 59 / 48 0 / 0 0 / 0 11 / 18 38 / 31 78 / 46 3 / 22 142 / 344 39 / 142 43 / 56 3 W 78th Street 2013 Volumes with Chanhassen Apartment Trips 2033 Volumes with Chanhassen Apartment Trips Galpin Boulevard W 78th Street Galpin Boulevard 3 AM Peak-Hour PM Peak-Hour Land Use Land Use as listed in ITE Units 1 Trip Rate 2 Daily Trips % of ADT 2 In:Out Ratio 2 In OutTotal % of ADT 2 In:Out Ratio 2 In OutTotal Driveway Trips Proposed Chanhassen Apartments Apartment 155 du 6.65/du 1,031 8%0.20:0.80 16 63 79 9%0.65:0.35 62 34 96 NET TRIP GENERATION =1,031 16 63 79 62 34 96 Note:1. DU = Dwelling Unit 2. Trip rates references from ITE Trip Generation, 9th Edition.3. Driveway trips are the total number of trips generated by a site.TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY TABLE 1 3 Table 2 : Level of Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections LOS Criteria for Signalized Intersections LOS Control Delay per Vehicle (s/veh) A < 10 B > 10 -20 C > 20 -35 D > 35 -55 E > 55 -80 F > 80 Highway Capacity Manual 20 1 0 ; s/veh = seconds per vehicle Table 3 : Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections LOS Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections LOS Control Delay per Vehicle (s/veh) A < 10 B > 10 -15 C > 15 -25 D > 25 -35 E > 35 -50 F > 50 Highway Capacity Manual 20 1 0 ; s/veh = seconds per vehicle YEAR 2013 BASELINE YEAR 2013 BASELINE PLUS PROJECT INTERSECTION DELAY (a)LOS (b)DELAY (a)LOS (b)'(c)SIGNIFICANT?AM 27.5C28.2C 0.7 NO PM 23.1C23.8C 0.7 NO AM 1.0 A1.0 A0.0 NO PM 1.4 A1.7 A0.3 NO AM 2.1 A2.4 A0.3 NO PM 2.6 A3.1 A0.5 NO AM--1.1 A -NO PM--1.5 A -NO Notes:(b) LOS calculations are based on the methodology outlined in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual and performed using Synchro 8.(c) Change in delay due to addition of project traffic TABLE 4 YEAR 2013 CONDITIONS PEAK-HOUR INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY PEAK HOUR 1 Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)Performance by movement 2 Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement 3 Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement 4 Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement (a) Delay refers to the average control delay for the entire intersection, measured in seconds per vehicle. YEAR 2033 BASELINE PLUS PROJECT INTERSECTION DELAY (a)LOS (b)DELAY (a)LOS (b)'(c)SIGNIFICANT?AM 35.8D39.0D 3.2 NO PM 32.7C36.8D 4.1 NO AM 0.9 A2.6 A1.7 NO PM 1.3 A1.6 A0.3 NO AM 2.1 A3.2 A1.1 NO PM 2.7 A3.0 A0.3 NO AM--1.1 A -NO PM--1.5 A -NO Notes:(b) LOS calculations are based on the methodology outlined in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual and performed using Synchro 8.(c) Change in delay due to addition of project traffic (a) Delay refers to the average control delay for the entire intersection, measured in seconds per vehicle.4 Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement 1 Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5)Performance by movement 2 Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement 3 Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement TABLE 5 YEAR 2033 CONDITIONS PEAK-HOUR INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY PEAK HOUR YEAR 2033 BASELINE Year 2013 EBLEBTEBR WBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Existing AM 6.1A8.3A3.8A7.3A7.6A0A2.8A0.3A0.3A1.6A0.3A0A with Project AM 7.6A8.6A4.3A7.5A7.3A0A3A0.2A0.1A1.8A0.3A0.1A Existing PM 7.1A9A3.9A8.1A8.4A2.9A2.5A0.3A0.2A2.7A0.5A0.3A with Project PM 9.3A 10.5B 3.8A9.7A9A4.3A2.7A0.3A0.2A3A0.7A0.5A Year 2033 EBLEBTEBR WBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Existing AM 11.3B10.4B 4.7A 10.2B 9.7A0A3.1A0.4A0.3A2.2A0.4A0.1A with Project AM 11.7B12B 8.6A 11.5B10.4B0A 4.1A0.3A0.3A2.1A1.2A0.5A Existing PM 10.1B12.3B 4.8A 11.8B10.7B 3.4A2.9A0.4A0.4A3.7A0.7A0.5A with Project PM 11.7B13.6B 4.6A 13.8B13.1B 3.8A3.4A0.4A0.3A3.3A0.9A0.6A Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street TABLE 6 YEAR 2013 AND YEAR 2033 CONDITIONS PEAK-HOUR INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY WB 1 EB 1 TOTAL SB 2 NB 2 TOTAL MINOR 3 MAJOR 4 WB 1 EB 1 TOTAL SB 2 NB 2 TOTAL MINOR 3 MAJOR 4 06:00 21 48 69 94 46 140 NO NO 06:00 19 39 58 146 71 217 NO NO 07:00 33 75 108 274 105 379 NO YES 07:00 29 61 90 423 163 586 NO YES 08:00 56 59 115 171 99 270 NO NO 08:00 49 48 97 264 153 417 NO YES 09:00 38 54 92 133 124 257 NO NO 09:00 33 44 77 206 192 398 NO YES 10:00 37 46 83 74 100 174 NO NO 10:00 32 38 70 115 155 270 NO NO 11:00 36 62 98 87 142 229 NO NO 11:00 32 51 83 135 220 355 NO YES 12:00 53 82 135 94 173 267 NO NO 12:00 46 67 113 146 267 413 NO YES 13:00 46 62 108 89 147 236 NO NO 13:00 40 51 91 138 227 365 NO YES 14:00 48 57 105 90 143 233 NO NO 14:00 42 47 89 139 221 360 NO YES 15:00 41 67 108 139 257 396 NO YES 15:00 36 55 91 215 397 612 NO YES 16:00 66 72 138 191 285 476 NO YES 16:00 58 59 117 295 440 735 NO YES 17:00 90 68 158 163 314 477 NO YES 17:00 78 55 133 252 485 737 NO YES 18:00 26 81 107 136 240 376 NO YES 18:00 23 66 89 210 371 581 NO YES Notes:1 Volumes include vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian counts.2 Volumes include only vehicle counts.3 Minor street warrant is met if total vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian volumes exceed 200 for 8 hours and the highest delay per vehicle in peak hour exceeds 30 seconds.4 Major street warrant is met if total vehicle volumes exceed 300 for 8 hours.MEETS WARRANT?MEETS WARRANT?YEAR 2013 YEAR 2033 TABLE 7 YEAR 2013 AND YEAR 2033 MULTI-WAY STOP WARRANT EVALUATION SUMMARY Year 2013 DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Delay LOS Existing AM 6.5 A 7.4 A 1.0 A 0.5 A 2.1 A with Project AM 6.1 A 7.4 A 1.1 A 0.5 A 2.4 A Existing PM 7.3 A 8.0 A 0.9 A 0.9 A 2.6 A with Project PM 7.3 A 9.0 A 1.2 A 1.1 A 3.1 A Year 2013 DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Delay LOS Existing AM 3.2 A 2.9 A 3.0 A 3.4 A 3.2 A with Project AM 3.4 A 2.9 A 3.1 A 3.4 A 3.3 A Existing PM 3.1 A 3.3 A 3.6 A 3.3 A 3.4 A with Project PM 3.2 A 3.5 B 3.8 A 3.4 A 3.6 A Year 2033 DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Delay LOS Existing AM 9.0 A 10.0 B 1.2 A 0.6 A 2.1 A with Project AM 9.8 A 11.0 B 1.6 A 1.3 A 3.2 A Existing PM 10.1 A 10.7 B 1.1 A 0.8 A 2.7 A with Project PM 8.5 A 12.7 B 1.5 A 1.3 A 3.0 A Year 2033 DelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOSDelayLOS Delay LOS Existing AM 3.5 A 3.0 A 3.3 A 4.0 A 3.2 A with Project AM 3.7 A 3.0 A 3.3 A 4.1 A 3.8 A Existing PM 3.3 A 3.7 A 4.5 A 3.7 A 3.4 A with Project PM 3.4 A 3.8 A 4.8 A 3.9 A 4.3 A Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street - Two-Way Stop TABLE 8 YEAR 2013 AND YEAR 2033 CONDITIONS UNSIGNALIZED AND ROUNDABOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY EB WB NB SB Overall Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street - Two-Way Stop Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street - Roundabout EB WB NB SB Overall Intersection 3: Galpin Boulevard & W 78th Street - Roundabout EB WB NB SB Overall EB WB NB SB Overall GALPIN BLVD & 78TH ST ROUNDABOUT IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT 1 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)86.518.8 6.7 84.610.7 5.1 62.185.539.665.363.729.7 Vehicles Entered 31132810371512233738413614219 Vehicles Exited 30132310471509233738313614219 Hourly Exit Rate 30132310471509233738313614219 Input Volume 30132111168520234728613614220 % of Volume 1001009310498100971019610010096 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)27.5 Vehicles Entered 2534 Vehicles Exited 2525 Hourly Exit Rate 2525 Input Volume 2542 % of Volume 99 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 509051297488 Vehicles Exited 509051297488 Hourly Exit Rate 509051297488 Input Volume 459352298488 % of Volume 1109799100100 Denied Entry Before 00000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 1145282713399733621918536 Vehicles Exited 1046282613389733621918534 Hourly Exit Rate 1046282613389733621918534 Input Volume 1145262916449223821915538 % of Volume 891021099080861061509510011899 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 201 3 AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)28.7 Vehicles Entered 2743 Vehicles Exited 2740 Hourly Exit Rate 2740 Input Volume 7232 % of Volume 38 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 with Project AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)90.518.5 6.0 97.711.5 4.0 54.981.143.069.463.829.0 Vehicles Entered 28132297775421130658517413231 Vehicles Exited 29132198795431229658517413332 Hourly Exit Rate 29132198795431229658517413332 Input Volume 341321111685201134748617114836 % of Volume 85100881161041078588991029089 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)28.2 Vehicles Entered 2594 Vehicles Exited 2600 Hourly Exit Rate 2600 Input Volume 2615 % of Volume 99 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 449552338529 Vehicles Exited 449552338529 Hourly Exit Rate 449552338529 Input Volume 4510752355559 % of Volume 97891009595 Denied Entry Before 00000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 1643722518469113221817579 Vehicles Exited 1642722618479113221717579 Hourly Exit Rate 1642722618479113221717579 Input Volume 1347832916589223821915614 % of Volume 121898690111819850849911194 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 with Project AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 4: Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 7611172353216 Vehicles Exited 7611172353216 Hourly Exit Rate 7611172353216 Input Volume 8211575360236 % of Volume 9210072961008991 Denied Entry Before 0000000 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)29.5 Vehicles Entered 2810 Vehicles Exited 2810 Hourly Exit Rate 2810 Input Volume 7776 % of Volume 36 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)69.311.1 4.4 77.815.4 5.7 66.867.229.461.964.032.2 Vehicles Entered 5081146621358219810367539156 Vehicles Exited 5181147601358219510165538956 Hourly Exit Rate 5181147601358219510165538956 Input Volume 51826446813572110510565589857 % of Volume 10098106881001019096100929199 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)23.1 Vehicles Entered 2816 Vehicles Exited 2807 Hourly Exit Rate 2807 Input Volume 2855 % of Volume 98 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 8424072201597 Vehicles Exited 8323972201595 Hourly Exit Rate 8323972201595 Input Volume 8624371212612 % of Volume 96981019597 Denied Entry Before 00000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 2133163756689220142813410 Vehicles Exited 2133163755689218142913410 Hourly Exit Rate 2133163755689218142913410 Input Volume 2137184053692224143113710 % of Volume 10189909210496979798949898 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)2.6 Vehicles Entered 664 Vehicles Exited 662 Hourly Exit Rate 662 Input Volume 683 % of Volume 97 Denied Entry Before 0 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)23.4 Vehicles Entered 3195 Vehicles Exited 3207 Hourly Exit Rate 3207 Input Volume 7615 % of Volume 42 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 with Project PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)71.511.8 4.5 76.415.8 5.5 65.866.527.055.464.035.5 Vehicles Entered 608574968135751100107606910166 Vehicles Exited 628514967134552103108607110368 Hourly Exit Rate 628514967134552103108607110368 Input Volume 678264468135755105111657710066 % of Volume 9310311199999598979292103103 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)23.8 Vehicles Entered 2945 Vehicles Exited 2939 Hourly Exit Rate 2939 Input Volume 2942 % of Volume 100 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 8629774237694 Vehicles Exited 8629474237691 Hourly Exit Rate 8629474237691 Input Volume 8629971243699 % of Volume 100981049899 Denied Entry Before 00000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2013 with Project PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)9.3 10.5 Vehicles Entered 19384841557150220123313411 Vehicles Exited 19384740567149220123313311 Hourly Exit Rate 19384740567149220123313311 Input Volume 22384940556148224143113712 % of Volume 87999510010211210198841069790 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.4 Total Del/Veh (s)3.1 Vehicles Entered 768 Vehicles Exited 765 Hourly Exit Rate 765 Input Volume 777 % of Volume 98 Denied Entry Before 0 4: Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 77456160227326 Vehicles Exited 77456159227325 Hourly Exit Rate 77456159227325 Input Volume 76359156232328 % of Volume 101133951021008499 Denied Entry Before 0000000 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.6 Total Del/Veh (s)24.3 Vehicles Entered 3353 Vehicles Exited 3355 Hourly Exit Rate 3355 Input Volume 8316 % of Volume 40 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)94.720.0 5.8 86.712.4 3.9 Vehicles Entered 221082825944315310513321521928 Vehicles Exited 221085835844615310613521221828 Hourly Exit Rate 221085835844615310613521221828 Input Volume 241068905944925211113321022031 % of Volume 9310292999950102951021019990 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.4 Total Del/Veh (s)35.8 Vehicles Entered 2442 Vehicles Exited 2447 Hourly Exit Rate 2447 Input Volume 2448 % of Volume 100 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 4113780463721 Vehicles Exited 4113781462721 Hourly Exit Rate 4113781462721 Input Volume 3914380460722 % of Volume 10596101100100 Denied Entry Before 00000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)11.310.4 4.7 10.2 Vehicles Entered 10412027166014235634123739 Vehicles Exited 10412027156014235634122737 Hourly Exit Rate 10412027156014235634122737 Input Volume 9362125146814235933823737 % of Volume 10811496109105881001009510197100 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)35.1 Vehicles Entered 2742 Vehicles Exited 2747 Hourly Exit Rate 2747 Input Volume 7964 % of Volume 34 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth with Project AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)81.419.6 5.5 75.312.7 4.5 62.888.678.099.265.539.9 Vehicles Entered 2510569154442105312012923922153 Vehicles Exited 2610529153443105212013024022253 Hourly Exit Rate 2610529153443105212013024022253 Input Volume 2810689059449115211313324522547 % of Volume 9499101909989100106989899112 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.4 Total Del/Veh (s)39.0 Vehicles Entered 2493 Vehicles Exited 2492 Hourly Exit Rate 2492 Input Volume 2520 % of Volume 99 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 3715977513786 Vehicles Exited 3815977513787 Hourly Exit Rate 3815977513787 Input Volume 3915780517793 % of Volume 97101969999 Denied Entry Before 00000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)11.712.0 8.6 11.510.4 Vehicles Entered 10378021157914535534025810 Vehicles Exited 10368021157914445434025808 Hourly Exit Rate 10368021157914445434025808 Input Volume 11387825148214235933823813 % of Volume 899510285105961011339210111099 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth with Project AM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 4: Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 66216104459251 Vehicles Exited 66215104459250 Hourly Exit Rate 66215104459250 Input Volume 66115105360250 % of Volume 100200989913399100 Denied Entry Before 0000000 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)38.8 Vehicles Entered 2791 Vehicles Exited 2788 Hourly Exit Rate 2788 Input Volume 8520 % of Volume 33 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth PM PEAK KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)73.612.5 4.4 75.815.45.3112.674.249.659.766.544.1 Vehicles Entered 396593564120116171163998414990 Vehicles Exited 406553563119116169161988514990 Hourly Exit Rate 406553563119116169161988514990 Input Volume 4166836591173181621621008915288 % of Volume 97989710710290104100989698103 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)32.7 Vehicles Entered 2770 Vehicles Exited 2752 Hourly Exit Rate 2752 Input Volume 2747 % of Volume 100 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 67374106322869 Vehicles Exited 67370104321862 Hourly Exit Rate 67370104321862 Input Volume 74375110327886 % of Volume 9199949897 Denied Entry Before 00000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth PM PEAK KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)10.112.3 4.8 11.810.7 Vehicles Entered 13361536435140328214720814 Vehicles Exited 13351536435140327224720914 Hourly Exit Rate 13351536435140327224720914 Input Volume 17301535465142344224821115 % of Volume 7511798103931009995101979992 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.5 Total Del/Veh (s)2.7 Vehicles Entered 906 Vehicles Exited 906 Hourly Exit Rate 906 Input Volume 931 % of Volume 97 Denied Entry Before 0 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.6 Total Del/Veh (s)30.3 Vehicles Entered 3307 Vehicles Exited 3302 Hourly Exit Rate 3302 Input Volume 8135 % of Volume 41 Denied Entry Before 0 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth with Project PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 1 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)70.612.9 4.1 79.416.44.9150.988.565.957.465.940.9 Vehicles Entered 54680376011815416717010710215797 Vehicles Exited 55675376011715416317110610515897 Hourly Exit Rate 55675376011715416317110610515897 Input Volume 57668365911735216216810010815497 % of Volume 9710110310210010410110210697103100 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 1: Galpin Blvd & Arboretum Blvd (TH-5) Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.6 Total Del/Veh (s)36.8 Vehicles Entered 2866 Vehicles Exited 2852 Hourly Exit Rate 2852 Input Volume 2832 % of Volume 101 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Galpin Blvd & Access Road Performance by movement Movement WBR NBTNBR SBT All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) Vehicles Entered 69430115357971 Vehicles Exited 69427115357968 Hourly Exit Rate 69427115357968 Input Volume 74431110358974 % of Volume 939910410099 Denied Entry Before 00000 Chanhassen Apartments Year 2033 Base Growth with Project PM Peak KHA SimTraffic Report SimTraffic Performance Report Page 2 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBR NBLNBTNBR SBLSBTSBR Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s)11.713.6 4.6 13.813.1 Vehicles Entered 16285131446200337224521216 Vehicles Exited 16285031446200336224421216 Hourly Exit Rate 16285031446200336224421216 Input Volume 18314635485198344224821117 % of Volume 90901088991120101981019110093 Denied Entry Before 000000000000 3: Galpin Blvd & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement All Denied Del/Veh (s)0.4 Total Del/Veh (s)3.0 Vehicles Entered 1008 Vehicles Exited 1005 Hourly Exit Rate 1005 Input Volume 1023 % of Volume 98 Denied Entry Before 0 4: Apartment Access Road & W 78th St Performance by movement Movement EBTEBRWBLWBT NBLNBR All Denied Del/Veh (s) Total Del/Veh (s) 10.0 2.31.5 Vehicles Entered 56462198136357 Vehicles Exited 56462197136356 Hourly Exit Rate 56462197136356 Input Volume 61359204232361 % of Volume 92133106965011299 Denied Entry Before 0000000 Total Network Performance Denied Del/Veh (s)0.6 Total Del/Veh (s)34.1 Vehicles Entered 3426 Vehicles Exited 3412 Hourly Exit Rate 3412 Input Volume 8860 % of Volume 39 Denied Entry Before 0 EXISTING AM C.L. 50 EXISTING AM C.L. 85 EXISTING AM WITH PROJECT C.L. 50 EXISTING AM WITH PROJECT C.L. 85 EXISTING PM C.L. 50 EXISTING PM C.L. 85 EXISTING PM WITH PROJECT C.L. 50 EXISTING PM WITH PROJECT C.L. 85 2033 BASELINE AM C.L. 50 2033 BASELINE AM C.L. 85 2033 WITH PROJECT AM C.L. 50 2033 WITH PROJECT AM C.L. 85 2033 BASELINE PM C.L. 50 2033 BASELINE PM C.L. 85 2033 WITH PROJECT PM C.L. 50 2033 WITH PROJECT PM C.L. 85