B. Spring Meeting between the City council & Park & Rec Commission IOW MEMORANDUM CITY OF TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager F ROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 'Z CHL111JI SFN 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: April 3, 2013 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: Spring Meeting between the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission — 2013 Discussion Points Administration Phone: 952.2271100 The Park and Recreation Commission is looking forward to meeting with the Fax: 952.2271110 Mayor and City Council to discuss ongoing and future projects and events. Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Future Projects Fax: 952.2271190 1. Ball Field Lights at Lake Susan — Ball field space is in high demand. Engineering Adding lights at the Lake Susan ball field would double its utility during Phone: 952.2271160 prime time evening hours, allowing two games to be played each evening Fax: 952.2271170 instead of one. Finance 2. Bluff Creek Drive Trail Extension — Currently the Bluff Creek Drive trail Phone: 952.2271140 extension terminates south of the Hwy 212 /Bluff Creek Drive Bridge. A Fax: 952.2271110 4,100 foot extension to the trail is needed to reach the Minnesota River Bluff Regional Trail. Park & Recreation 3. Pedestrian Trail to the Arboretum — A pedestrian underpass of Hwy 41 at Phone: 952.2271120 Hwy 5 is needed to reach the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Upon Fax: 952.2271110 entering the Arboretum property, a 6,100 foot trail is needed to reach the Recreation Center main grounds. 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Projects being initiated in 2013 Fax: 952.2271404 1. Rice Marsh Lake Trail Extension — The City is currently working with Planning & MnDOT to acquire a Limited Use Permit (LUP) allowing portions of the Natural Resources q g p Phone: 952.2271130 trail to be constructed on excess MnDOT right -of -way. Upon securing the Fax: 952.2271110 LUP and all other necessary permits, construction will commence. Public Works Projects Initiated or Completed In 2012 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.2271300 1. AIS Program/Watercraft Inspections — The city's inaugural season of Fax: 952.2271310 watercraft inspections were conducted at three city -owned public water Senior Center accesses. A total of 2,834 inbound and outbound inspections were Phone: 952.2271125 completed for an overall inspection rate of 1.07 inspections per hour. The Fax: 952.2271110 2013 inspections are programmed over 102 days and will include 2,703 hours of inspections. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Mr. Todd Gerhardt April 3, 2013 Page 2 2. Bandimere Park Expansion — The City acquired two 2.5 -acre parcels in 2012. The westerly parcel is included in the Hwy 101 South improvement project; the easterly parcel is proposed for use as a future hockey rink, warming house and parking. The CIP includes $250,000 in 2017 as a starting point for construction. Phase I of the new park development will likely exceed $1,000,000. 3. Disc Golf Course Construction — The Bandimere Park Disc Golf course opened in May of 2012. The newly installed course is being widely utilized. 4. Herman Field Park Basketball Court — After receiving input from neighbors solicited through an on -site neighborhood meeting, a new half basketball court was installed in 2012. The plan is to attract a broader age range of neighborhood youth to the park. 5. Highway 41 Trail Projects and Pedestrian Underpass — The new trail and pedestrian underpass are substantially complete and opened to the public in the fall of 2012. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held this spring or summer. 6. Pioneer Pass Park — Staff is currently developing a bid package for storm water, parking lot, basketball court, asphalt trails and landscaping improvements. This work will be scheduled for completion by fall. Playground and picnic shelter improvements will be installed in 2014. 7. Riley Ridge Park — Riley Ridge Park was dormant seeded in late fall 2012. A parking lot, pedestrian trail and half basketball court have been installed. The playground is scheduled to be installed by neighborhood volunteers this summer. A small picnic pavilion will be installed by city crews. 8. Skate Park Refurbishment — The city's skate park refurbishment project was completed in September of 2012. A grand re- opening was held on September 22, 2012. 9. Tennis Court Refurbishment Project — Eight tennis courts at North Lotus Lake, South Lotus Lake, Meadow Green and Lake Susan Parks were re- surfaced last summer. Four to seven additional courts located at City Center Park, Lake Ann Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center are scheduled for work in the 2014 CIP. c: Park and Recreation Commission g: \park \th \commission \joint meeting memo 4- 3- 13.docx