PC SUM 2013 04 16 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES APRIL 16, 2013 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Kim Tennyson, Lisa Hokkanen, Maryam Yusuf, Stephen Withrow, and Steven Weick STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner, and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC PRESENT: Art Roberts 7762 Vasserman Place Lance Erickson 7735 Vasserman Trail Jim Boettcher 7476 Crocus Court Paul Tucci, Oppidan 5125 C.R. 101, Suite 100, Minnetonka Stan Valensky 7752 Vasserman Trail Craig Stacey 7699 Ridgeview Way Stephanie Klein 7710 Ridgeview Way Sarah Thomas 2555 Longacres Drive Cathy Meyer 7662 Ridgeview Way Melissa Crow 7663 Ridgeview Way Mike & Carolyn Shields 7759 Vasserman Trail Steve Sheldon 7711 Ridgeview Way Del Vanderploeg 7706 Vasserman Place OATHS OF OFFICE: Oaths of office were read by Andrew Aller, Kim Tennyson, Steve Weick, Maryam Yusuf, and Stephen Withrow. ADOPTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS.Tennyson moved, Hokkanen seconded to adopt the Planning Commission Bylaws as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR: Undestad moved, Tennyson seconded to nominate Andrew Aller as Chair. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Hokkanen moved, Undestad seconded to nominate Kim Tennyson as Vice-Chair. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. CHANHASSEN APARTMENTS: REQUEST FOR REZONING APPROXIMATELY 14 ACRES FROM AGRICULTURAL ESTATE (A-2) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT- RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R); SITE PLAN REVIEW WITH VARIANCES FOR A 155 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING; AND A LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL- LOW DENSITY AND OFFICE TO RESIDENTIAL-LOW AND HIGH DENSITTY AND OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL-HIGH DENSITY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 5 AND GALPIN Planning Commission Summary – April 16, 2013 BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: OPPIDAN, INC. OWNER: AMERICANA COMMUNITY BANK-CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 2013-07. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Brandon Bourden with Kimley-Horn and Associates reviewed highlights from the traffic study. Kate Aanenson continued with her staff report. Chairman Aller asked the traffic consultant to address stop sign warrants in 2033 and the single access point. Commissioner Hokkanen asked for clarification of the traffic study relating to warrants and the U turn condition. Commissioner Undestad asked about fencing along the roadways and the suggestion by staff for a trail from the back patio. The applicant, Paul Tucci with Oppidan, Inc. addressed issues related to the traffic study, orientation of the building on the site, access, density, parking, architecture, amenities included with the project and that they would not favor including a sidewalk connection to the back patio. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. Art Roberts, 7762 Vasserman Place handed out information regarding the dangers of pedestrians (children) crossing at Galpin and TH 5 and asked about the impacts of changing the zoning. Craig Stacey, 7699 Ridgeview Way asked for clarification of the traffic direction th percentages outlined on Figure 4, site distribution specifically related to the intersection of 78 Street and Galpin and stacking between points 3 and 4. Melissa Crow, 7663 Ridgeview Way explained that she and her husband use Galpin Boulevard to get to TH 7 east and expressed concern with pedestrians crossing at th 78 Street and Galpin. Sarah Thomas, 2555 Longacres Drive disclosed that she’s a land use planner and has worked with City Engineer Paul Oehme in the past. She raised concerns with changing the land use designation and her belief that residential high density does not belong on this site, issues with traffic, noise, the location of the tunnel under Highway 5, and not fitting with the future vision of Chanhassen. Cathy Meyer, 7662 Ridgeview Way asked for clarification on the need for density transfer from the north to the south parcel. Stan Valensky, 7752 Vasserman Place expressed concern with the current problems with the U turn and would like to see an elevation from his perspective. Del Vanderploeg, 7706 Vasserman Place expressed concerns with the time period that the traffic study was conducted. Mike Shields, 7759 Vasserman Trail talked about the U turn traffic on Galpin and the accuracy of the traffic report. Lance Erickson, 7735 Vasserman Trail asked if the traffic study took into account people from the apartment building going into Kwik Trip and CVS each day. Steve Sheldon, 7711 Ridgeview Way th suggested ways to improve the pedestrian crossing movements at Galpin Boulevard and West 78 Street th and asked that the conservation easement area on the north side of West 78 Street be improved. Chairman Aller closed the public hearing. After comments from commission members, the following motions were made. Undestad moved, Tennyson seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the approve a Land Use Map Amendment from Residential-Low Density and Office, City Council to Residential-Low and High Density and Office and Residential-High Density Planned Unit Development (PUD) subject to the following condition: 1.Approval of the Land Use Amendment subject to the Metropolitan Council determination of consistency with system plan.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. the Chanhassen Planning Commission “ Undestad moved, Tennyson seconded that recommends that City Council approve Rezoning of approximately 14 acres from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R) subject to the following condition and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 2 Planning Commission Summary – April 16, 2013 1.Adoption of the Chanhassen PUD Ordinance, which shall be created to govern the site and design standards.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends “ Undestad moved, Tennyson seconded that that City Council approve a Site Plan for a 155-unit Apartment Building with a Variance for parking subject to the following conditions, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1.Approval of the Land Use Amendment subject the Metropolitan Council determination of consistency with system plan. 2.Adoption of the Chanhassen PUD Ordinance, which shall be created to govern the site and design standards. 3.Execution of the Site Plan Permit. 4.Payment of $294,500 park and trail fee and $116,500 stormwater fee prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5.Parcel A is provided to the City for management consistent with the Bluff Creek nd Management Plan, the Bluff Creek TMDL and the 2 Generation Surface Water Management Plan. 6.The applicant and the City should work together to develop an appropriate mitigation scenario. 7.Any portion of the wetland presumed to be impacted under an alternate development scenario, which would require the use of Parcel A and is subsequently transferred to Parcel B for density calculations, be mitigated for at a 1:1 ratio. This mitigation should occur within the Bluff Creek Overlay District but does need to be in the form of wetland. The developer must calculate the net developable acres of the site and wetland acreage. 8.The wetland delineation report shall be finalized. 9.All existing trees proposed to be saved must be protected with fencing during construction or replaced after construction if damaged or dead. 10.The selections of Colorado spruce must be replaced by a different evergreen species in the plant schedule. 11.Before final approval for the project, the applicant will need to determine future management plans for the existing ash trees. If preserved, the applicant will be required to chemically protect or, if infested, remove and replace the trees. If the applicant decides to remove and replace the trees at this time, a revised landscape plan will be required. 3 Planning Commission Summary – April 16, 2013 12.Staff recommends that the curb radius at the driveway access be increased to facilitate the turning movements of larger vehicles. 13.Appropriate signage must be installed 10 days prior to and for the duration of the work within West 78th Street. 14.The developer must coordinate the closure of West 78th Street with the Engineering Department minimum 72 hours prior to the closure. 15.A $10,000 escrow must be provided to ensure that West 78th Street is properly restored. Once the street has been restored to satisfactory condition, 50% of the escrow will be released; the remaining 50% will be released if the patch is in satisfactory condition after one freeze-thaw cycle. 16.Minimum 18-inch vertical separation is required between the private watermain and the private storm sewer crossing. 17. The developer shall submit $5,000 with the site plan agreement to cover half of the cost of the signal modification at TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard to accommodate a flashing yellow passive-permissive signal. 18.The developer shall pay one-half the cost of the traffic study. 19.City trunk sanitary sewer hookup fees (City SAC), City trunk watermain hookup fees (City WAC) and the Met Council Sanitary Access Charge (Met SAC) are due with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time and shall be based on the SAC unit determination per the Met Council. 20.A “General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination” will be required for this project. Proof of permission from the PCA must be provided to the City before grading can commence. 21.A Surface Water Management Plan is required and shall be submitted to the City for review and comment. This plan shall incorporate the required elements of Parts III, IV and Appendix A of the NPDES permit. 22.Both the Bluff Creek Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan and the NPDES Permit require that a portion of the Water Quality Volume is infiltrated on-site. The Stormwater Management Study shall be modified to address this requirement and incorporated into the SWPPP. 23.Because the site discharges to an impaired water, the discharge rates for the one-year design event must also be equal to or less than the existing discharge rates. The Stormwater 4 Planning Commission Summary – April 16, 2013 Management Study shall be modified to address this requirement and shall be incorporated into the SWPPP. 24.In order to protect Bluff Creek, meet the goals of the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan and the Bluff Creek TMDL Implementation Plan, staff is recommending th that the portion of the property north of West 78 Street is dedicated to the City and that this th density should be transferred to that portion south of West 78 Street. 25.Sheet C-3 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN shall be amended to include the following: a.The swale draining into the proposed pond shall be stabilized for its entirety as it is less than 200 feet in length. b.An appropriate perimeter BMP shall be shown and installed around the proposed outlet modification for the southern wetland. c.Silt fence or another acceptable BMP shall be installed on the north end of the culvert th under West 78 Street. d.The EOF from the pond to the wetland shall be permanently stabilized. This is addressed in the Drainage Report but is not included in the Grading and Erosion Plan. A turf reinforcement mat is an acceptable practice as is called out in the drainage report. 26.Minnesota Department of Transportation will need to review and approve the drainage plan. 27.The applicant shall revise the plans to incorporate sidewalk connections to existing trails. 28.The building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. A “Code Record” is required (Code Record schematic plans may be same scale as architectural). For “Code Record” information go to MN Dept. of Labor and Industry: http://www.dli.mn.gov/CCLD/PlanConstruction.asp 29.The building(s) must be protected with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 30.An accessible route must be provided to buildings, parking facilities, public transportation stops and all common use facilities. 31.All parking areas, including parking garages, must be provided with accessible parking spaces dispersed among the various building entrances. 32.Accessible dwelling units must be provided in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. 33.The building owner and/or their representatives should meet with the Inspections Division to discuss plan review and permit procedures (in particular, type of construction and allowable 5 Planning Commission Summary – April 16, 2013 area issues must be addressed). 34. Due to the large size of this building, class III Fire Dept, standpipes will be required. Have developer contact Fire Marshal for exact locations. MSFC Sec. 905.3.9. 35.“ No Parking Fire Lane “ signs will be required. Have developer contact Fire Marshal for exact locations. MSFD Sec. 505.3| 36. An additional on site fire hydrant will be required. Contact Fire Marshal for location. 37.A PIV ( post indicator valve ) will be required. 38.A three-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. MSFC Sec 508.5.4.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated March 5, 2013 and the summary minutes of the Planning Commission work session meeting dated April 2, 2013 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. Kate Aanenson provided highlights from the work session with the Urban Land Institute, updates on action taken by the City Council on planning issues during February and March, and items on upcoming meetings. Undestad moved, Tennyson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 6