NOVEMBER 10, 2003
Chairman Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:54 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Furlong, Brian Lundquist, Steve Labatt, Jim Bohn, Bob
Ayotte, and Craig Peterson
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Roger Knutson, and Bruce DeJong
Furlong: We have five items on our agenda this evening. Most of them are
administrative in nature. ! guess it would be my suggestion for efficiency of the meeting
that if there's any of these five items that anyone would like to discuss, that we, if you
could identify that for me now. Otherwise the Chair would be interested in entertaining a
motion to adopt staff' s recommendations for all five items.
Lundquist: Just a question of clarification across all of them again. That these items will
not be recorded or go into effect until after the deal closes so to speak. Is that the case?
Miller: That's correct.
Lundquist: Okay. Then no objection.
Peterson: Motion to approve items 1 through 5 on the attached agenda.
Labatt: Second.
Furlong: It's been made and seconded. Is there any discussion?
Peterson moved, Labatt seconded that the Economic Development Authority
approve the following items per staff recommendations:
1. Resolution #2003-05: Release of Agreement with Bloomberg Companies: Lot 1,
Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition, High Timber Lounge.
2. Resolution #2003-06: Amendment to Purchase Agreement with Market Street
Station for Purchase of the Bowling Alley Property.
3. Resolution #2003-07: Termination of Easement and Mutual Release for
Southwest Metro Transit Commission Park and Ride Permanent Easement.
4. Resolution #2003-08: Approval of Site Plan for Market Street Station
Economic Development Authority Meeting - November 10, 2003
5. Approval of Minutes dated October 27, 2003.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Furlong: Is there any other business to come before the EDA this evening? If not, is
there a motion to adjourn?
Lundquist moved, Ayotte seconded to adjourn the EDA meeting. All voted in favor
and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
Executive Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim